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第七讲八年级(上)Units 78,中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇攻关1.pollute(名词)_pollution_2peace(形容词)_peaceful_3inside(反义词)_outside_4celebrate(名词)_celebration_5possible(反义词)_impossible_6hole(同音词)_whole_7travel(名词)旅行者_traveller_8.fill(形容词)_full_9paper(形近词)甜椒_pepper_10salt(形容词)_salty_11traditional(名词)_tradition_12believe(形容词)_believable_(形容词的反义词)_unbelievable_短语归纳1.参与(某事)_play_a_part_in(sth.)_2未来,将来_in_the_future_3太空站_space_station_4多次,反复地_over_and_over_again_5醒来,唤醒_wake_up_6不同意_disagree_with_7突然倒下,跌倒,倒塌_fall_down_8.寻找,寻求_look_for_9奶昔_milk_shake_10接通,打开_turn_on_11把倒入_pourinto_12取出,拿出_take_out_13一片(块,张)_a_piece_of_14用装满_fill_with_句型再现1.“100年后人们还会使用钱吗?”“不会。一切都是免费的。”_Will_ people _use_ money _in_100_years_?No,_they_wont_Everything will _be_free_2“人们会活到200岁吗?”“会。”Will people _live_to_be_ 200 years old?Yes,_they_will_3每一个人都应当尽一份力来拯救地球。Everyone should _play_a_part_in_saving_ the earth.4“世界会和平吗?”“会的,我希望如此。”_Will_there_be_world peace?Yes,_I_hope_so_5现在已经有机器人在工厂工作了。Today _there_are_already_robots_working_ in factories.6例如,科学家詹姆斯怀特认为机器人将决不会醒来和知道它们在哪里。For example,scientist James White thinks that robots will never _be_able_to_wake_up_ and know where they are.7一些看上去像人,其他的一些可能看上去像动物。_Some_ will look like humans,and _others_ might look like animals.8你是如何做香蕉奶昔的?_How_do_you_make_ a banana milk shake?9我们需要多少苹果?_How_many_apples_ do we need?10然后加入卷心菜、西红柿和洋葱,再煮上10分钟。Then,add the cabbage,tomatoes and onion and _cook_for_another_10_minutes_11你知道如何种树吗?Do you know _how_to_plant_a_tree_?12现在,到了享受米线的时候了!Now,_its_time_to_enjoy_ the rice noodles!语法结构1.一般将来时。2可数名词和不可数名词。话题1.Entertainment(娱乐)2Life Goals(生活目标)3Life in the Future(未来的生活),怀化五年中考真题演练可数和不可数名词( C )1.(2016怀化中考)Mom,Im hungry.May I have some_?Sure.But dont eat too much.AhamburgersBmilksCbread重点句子2(2013怀化中考)I really miss old days.(英汉互译)_我真的想念过去的日子。_,怀化中考重难点突破sure adv.当然;肯定;一定【满分点拨】sure的有关搭配be sure of/about“确信”“对有把握”,在接名词时,be sure of侧重指主语对某抽象事物的确信无疑;而be sure about则侧重指主语对某具体事物确信无疑。be sure to do“一定;肯定”,表示说话人对句子主语作出的判断;若用在祈使句中,不是表示判断,而是表示对对方的要求,意为“务必要”“一定要”。be sure从句“肯定;有把握”,主语是人,表示主句主语对宾语从句中涉及的事物所作出的判断。make sure“确保;查明”,其后可跟that(可省略)引导的宾语从句、动词不定式或者of短语。【考点抢测】1我父母想让我当一名医生,但是我不确定。My parents want me to be a doctor,but Im not _sure_ _about_ that.2他一定会来参加我们的聚会的。He _is_ _sure_ _to_ come to our party.3当你离开时务必关上灯。_Make_ _sure_ turn off the lights when you leave.( C )4.(2016岳阳中考模拟)There arent many tickets left for the concert,youd better _ that you get one today.Amake sure ofBmake a decisionCmake surebe able to能够做【满分点拨】be able to与can的异同异时态can只有两种时态,即一般现在时和一般过去时,而be able to可以用于各种时态。数be able to有人称和数的变化,而can没有人称和数的变化,后跟动词原形。用法can除表示“能力”外,还可以表示请求、许可或猜测,而be able to则不可以。同表示“能力”时,两者同义,可以互换。【考点抢测】canbe able to5Somebody is knocking at the door.Who _can_ it be?6Ill _be_able_to_ drive the car in a few months.( C )7.(2016长沙中考模拟)Finish your homework first,then youll _ surf the Internet for half an hour.Acan Bneed Cbe able topromise n承诺;诺言v许诺;承诺【满分点拨】promisemake a promise答应;许诺keep/break a promise遵守/违背诺言promise(not) to do sth.答应/允诺(不)做某事promise sth.to sb.(promise sb.sth.)许诺给某人某物【考点抢测】8它是一种许诺。Its a kind of _promise_9他承诺按时完成这项工作。He _promises_ _to_ _finish_ the work on time.( B )10.(2016上海中考改编)I cant tell you what she said.Ive promised_it a secret.AkeepBto keepCkeepingtake up(尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做【满分点拨】(1)take up意为“开始做;学着做”。When did you take up music?你什么时候开始学音乐?(2)take up还可以意为“占用”。This chair takes up too much room.这张椅子占地方太多。【归纳拓展】take的常见短语【考点抢测】11我想在假期学习绘画。I want to _take_ _up_ painting during holiday.12这项工作将占去我很多时间。This work will _take_ _up_a lot of my time.( A )13.(2016潍坊中考)The sofa is so large that it_half of the room area.Atakes up Bpicks upCturns up辨析expect,wish,hope与look forward to【满分点拨】1expect的用法:(1)表示“期待;期望”,通常为及物动词,后接动词时要用不定式。如:We should not expect success overnight.我们不能期望一夜之间就取得成功。I didnt expect to find you here.我没料到在这里碰到你。He expected her to go with him.他期望她同他一起去。(2)expect还可表示“预计;预料”等。如:I expect a storm.我预计会有场暴风雨。I expect that I will be back on Sunday.我预计星期日回来。2wish意为“希望,想要,但愿”,常常表达一种虚拟语气,指“想要不可能的事情”或“也许可能,但是跟实际有差异”。后常跟代词、名词或不定式作宾语。wish跟从句时,常用虚拟语气。也可用于祝贺语中。如:I wish to see the manager.我想见到那个经理。I wish him to look at this.我希望他能够看看这个。I wish I had more money.我希望我有更多的钱。I wish you a pleasant journey!祝你旅途愉快!3hope意为“希望”,指相信有可能达到或实现的愿望,后常接动词不定式或that从句。如:I hope to go to America next month.我希望下个月去美国。I hope that they get here soon.我希望他们能尽快到这里。4look forward to(to是介词)意为“盼望,期待”,其后常接名词、代词或动名词,不能接动词不定式。如:Im looking forward to the holidays.我期望着假期。I look forward to hearing from you.我期望收到你的来信。【考点抢测】expectwishhopelook forward to14When I was young,I _wished_I were a bird in the sky or a fish in the river.15Tony _wishes/hopes/expects_to arrive at 7 oclock this evening.16Jenny _looks_forward_to_hearing from her pen pal in Germany.17Teenagers _expect/hope_their parents can understand them as well as their friends.18Bob,we are moving this weekend.Congratulations!I _wish_you happiness in your new flat.( A )19.(2016邵阳中考)She said she hoped_her daughter.Ato seeByou to seeCseeing( A )20.(2016广东中考)Leonardo DiCaprio,a famous American actor,was always expecting_an Oscar and finally he made it.Ato winBwinningCnot to win( C )21.(2016米泉中考)_a sports fan,my brother is look forward_the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil.AOf;in BWith;for CAs;tohundreds of许多;大量【满分点拨】确数与约数的表达(1)hundred,thousand,million,billion等数词,前面有具体的数字修饰,表示确数,其后不加s,不和of连用。(2)若表示一个约数,前面没有具体数字时,其后要加s,而且与of连用。【考点抢测】( C )22.(2016怀化中考)During the May Day holiday,_visitors came to Zhijiang to visit the Memorial Hall of Flying Tigers.Athousand ofBthousandsCthousands of23The volunteers sent _hundreds_ (hundred) of books to a mountain village school on Childrens Day.24Two _hundred_(hundred) volunteers will give out leaflets to ask people to protect the wetlands.agree的用法【满分点拨】词组用法例句agreewith表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等(即持同一观点)。I quite agree with you.我完全同意你的意见。表示“(食物、天气、工作等)对适宜”。The food does not agree with me.这食物对我不适合。表示“与一致”。His story agrees with the facts.他的陈述与事实相符。agree toagree to某些名词,表示同意某事。He agreed to the plan.他同意了这个计划。agree to动词原形,表示同意做某事。We agreed to leave early.我们同意早点出发。agree on主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议。Both sides agreed on these terms.双方就这些条件达成共识。agree on动名词agree to动词原形He agreed on helping us.He agreed to help us.他同意帮助我们。【考点抢测】towithon25My mother agreed _to_buy a new pen for me yesterday.26Im afraid I couldnt agree _with_you on this point.27The two sides didnt agree _on_the date of the meeting.28My parents have no ideas about our vacation,so they have to agree _to_my plan.29你同意还是反对他们的安排?Do you _agree_or _disagree_ _to_their arrangement?Do you think there will be robots in peoples homes?你认为人们家里将会有机器人吗?【满分点拨】(1)本句是一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句,Do you think是主句,there will be是宾语从句。(2)there will be意为“将有;会有”,是there be句型的一般将来时,其否定形式是there wont be,一般疑问句形式是will there be?有时可以与There is/are going to be互相转换。【温馨提示】(1)如果do you think放在句中,则为插入语,常放在疑问词之后,结构为:疑问词do you think主语谓语其他成分?如:What time do you think the train will arrive here?你认为火车什么时间到达这里?(2)there be句型的一个重要用法是“就近原则”,即谓语动词be和最靠近的名词在数上保持一致。如:There is a book and two rulers on the desk.桌子上有一本书和两把尺子。There are two rulers and a book on the desk.桌子上有两把尺子和一本书。【考点抢测】( C )30.(2016来宾中考)There_a basketball match in our school tomorrow.Awill haveBareCis going to be( A )31.(2016玉林中考)Do you know_a wonderful football match and two basketball matches on July 15th?Yeah.I am going to watch them on that day.Athere will beBthere will haveCthere are( A )32.(2016绥化中考)There_a pencil and some pens in the box.AisBareCarent,高频话题写作指导未来的生活写作导图从全国近五年未来的生活相关话题书面表达的命题来看,通常有以下几个角度的内容:1谈谈短期一年内未来的生活变化和打算。2规划人生,成就未来,作为中学生首先要有梦想,对未来要有期待,并为了这个梦想努力坚守,才能梦想成真。3时代在变化,生活也在变化,未来的生活是什么样子呢?结合怀化考情,可以预测第一种考查角度几率更大。life in the futureshort planthe change of life;the expectation for study and life;the effort you will do forlonger plan:dreamyour dream;why;how to achieve the dream;the expectationthe changes in the future lifethe life style;the reason why this changes happen;the expectation亮点句型速成常用句型:I have a dream.I want to be a teacher.推荐句型:I have a dream that I can be a teacher.To be a teacher is my dream.I hope that I can be a teacher.(一)开头句1What do you think the world will be like in 100 years?2What will the happy life be like?(二)中间句3Im sure that I can be a teacher.4I should study hard from now on.5Everyone has a dream.6We can do shopping and see doctors without leaving home.7Time goes by.8Perhaps I will be a singer someday.9How time flies!10Im going to be a pilot in ten years.11It will be exciting that intelligent robots can do what is required for us at home.12Good beginning is half done.13We never know what will happen in the future.(三)结尾句14As long as we work hard,we will写作模板Its exciting to imagine 未来生活的样子At this time next year,I will be a senior high school student,and I will 交很多好朋友I hope to be 对自己的期望 so that perhaps I will be 如何学习提高英语成绩It will be 非常令人兴奋的 to do so.Whats more,I will 生活上的变化和成长 and know how to take care of myself when I am alone.典例剖析Write at least 60 words about the topic“This Time Next Year”(以“明年此时”为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文。)你是否想象过,明年此时,你的生活会发生怎样的变化?你对自己或他人有怎样的期待?你能为此做些什么?(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)The following sentence patterns are for reference only.(以下句型仅供参考)I hope to/I hope thatPerhaps I willIt will be exciting/necessary/terrible to【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,可以看出文章需要从以下三个方面来写:1明年生活的变化,包括生活上和学习上;2对自己或他人学习和生活的期望;3为此美好的生活所做的努力。全文是对明年生活的描述所以应用一般将来时态,词数应不少于60词,不得出现真实姓名、校名及其他相关信息。【范文点评】This Time Next YearLife is changeable,and thats_why_everyone_longs_for_the_future,which_is_full_of_challenges_as_well_as_hopes.Perhaps I will have achieved my goal this time next year,studying_in_a_senior_high_school.Despite_that,diligence_will_be_still_needed_to_make_myself_go_further_in_English.Basically,it is important to concentrate in class and take notes carefully.Then,I will benefit from reading English books.What is more,going abroad is of great use in improving my oral English.Only_in_this_way_can_I_make_progress_in_English_endlessly.Make_plans_and_go_for_what_I_want.And I believe when the challenge is coming,the hope is also around the corner.文章一开头就使用了一个长难句点明主题,引出下文。why引导的表语从句和which引导的非限制性定语从句开篇点题,抓住了阅卷老师的眼球,增分不少。此句为v.ing形式作伴随状语。非谓语动词的使用显示了作者扎实的语法知识和语言运用能力,为短文增色亮点之一。Despite that替代常见的although,彰显出作者丰富的词汇量。Only置于句首句子要用倒装结构,显示出作者扎实的语法知识和语言运用能力。以祈使句再次点题,对应开头,首尾呼应。且再次使用what引导的宾语从句使文章更加完美,提升了作文档次。10

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