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成都市石室中学高2018届20152016学年度下期半期考试答案听力1-5 BACBC 6-10 ACACA 11-15 CABCA 16-20 AABBA阅读21-23 DAB 24-27 BDDB 28-31CBAD32-35 ADBCA篇21D 文章首先点出电影的主题,介绍演员、导演、内容,最后要你去观看这部影片。22A 第三段前两句谈到总统要用一些和他长得相像的人代替他出席一些公众场合,Dave正是其中之一。这里用one来指代同类中的一个。23B 第四段第一句作者使用了popular and successful,接着又用attractive,说明作者赞赏这部电影。B. 篇24. B. 通过出现在the outer world中的狼引出出现在人的梦中the inner world的狼。25. D. 全文可知。狼出现在人的梦中take on many forms and have many meanings.下文并对形式和含义进行解释。26. D. 由第三段可知。Wolves may howl as a form of making friends, or as a warning, or to indicate that they are lonely or need help.27. B. 全文对人们做有关狼的梦进行分析解释。C. 篇28. C. 由第二段第一句可知。Now a Swedish project is aiming to change that by turning peoples under-used homes into temporary co-working spaces, available to freelancers for free.29. B. 具体描述了这些人在a Hoffice day里做些什么。30. A. 根据第四段引用的话里 gift, productive, calm, happy, inspired, creative等可知。31. D. 根据people can gather around again, and re-state their intentions and goals for the rest of the work day, as a way to encourage each other可知。D篇人们的行为是由什么来决定的?通常认为人的行为决定于人的内在“性情”。但是许多时候,我们却需要通过人的行为来认识人的内心,因为行为并非总能代表人的真实内心。小题32. A. 细节题。从第一段Its generally believed that people act the way they do because of their personalities and attitudes.一句可知,人们通常认为“品格和态度”决定人们的行为。故选择A项。33. D. 推断题。从第二段but in many instances we also draw inferences about who we are, as suggested by the social psychologist Daryl Bern, by observing our own behavior.一句可知,与通常认为的“内在”(性情)决定“外在”(行为)不同,许多时候,我们需要通过我们的行为来认识我们的内心。这是Daryl Bern提议的。A,B, C三项都是“内在”决定“外在”的例子。D项中是“外在”显示“内在”,故该项正确。34. B. 推断题。文章第三段说到:Our behavior is often shaped by little pressures around us,下文“回收垃圾”和“买咖啡”都是说明该论点的论据。我们回收垃圾不是因为我们保护环境的内心,而是因为存在外界可能的负面评价的压力所致。故选择 B项。35. C. 主旨大意题。本文主要讨论如何认识人们的行为(外在)与品性(内在)之间的内在联系及因果关系。故选择C项。七选五36. C 37. E 38. G 39. D 40. A完形填空4145 CABCA 4650 DBDBD 5155 CAACD 5660 BADBC41. C. 文章第四段以及该空之前的even提示了“就算”,所以选C。A、D选项意思类似,所以都要排除。42. A. 从倒数第二段可以看出,作者在养老院当志愿者。43. B. 根据上下文意为病人和家庭成员在一起,共同 接受患病的事实。44. C. 根据上下文,宣传资料上的温情脉脉的一幕,所以病人也是“微笑着的”。另外,47空后面“hardly smile”也可以作为提示。45. A. 只有“of course”能够反映出宣传资料上病患齐心协力,其乐融融的场景。46. D. 根据下文可知养老院和宣传资料上完全不同,所以选D。47. B. 作者的身份是志愿者,所以他帮助的应该是“患者”。48. D. 因为作者是在养老院帮助患有老年痴呆症的老人,所以这些老人的记忆常常出问题,所以选D。 49. B. 因为患者是老年痴呆症的老人,所以他们甚至连他们自己的名字都记不住。50. D. 老年人虽然不喜欢这些这些“衰老的味道”,可是他们也生活其中。51. C. 后文提到下周作者就要离开养老院了,所以这应该是他最后一周。52. A. 后文提到这位老人连嘴也合不上,所以可以看出,作者应该是负责给她喂食物。53. A. 根据文意,可知老人之所以会哭是因为他的手一直不停地抖,间隔如此之短以至于他都没有足够长的时间系上鞋带。54. C. run for a nurse,表示跑去请护士来帮他把老人扶回轮椅。55. D. far from= not at all, 所以选light-hearted表示轻松愉悦。56. B. 根据上下文可知,养老院里弥漫着“无助”的气氛。57. A. 根据上下文,可知这里是排比句,所以选A。 58. D. 根据文意,为转折,所以选but,“仅仅只有一些”。59. B. 之前提到了人出生的时候,周围家人的爱意满满,所以,当人离世的时候,也应该在家人的爱意中离开。60. C. 根据文意,无论生死,都应该在家人爱意的包围中,而非现实中这样孤单无助。语法填空61. an 62. it63. who 64. for65. the66.other67. however/though68. differently69. their70. followed短文改错Dear Diary,Here I am in the middle of a city, 350 miles far away from our farmhouse. Do you want to know why we move last week? Dad lost his job,and as Mom movedexplained, “He was lucky to find other one.” His new job meant I had to say anothergoodbye to my classmate,my school or just everything else Ilovein the world. classmates andTo make matters bad,now I have to share a room with my younger sister, worseMaggie. Tomorrow is first day of school. I am awfully tiring,but I know Ill the tirednever fall sleep. asleepGood night andremember, you, my dear diary,ismy onlysouvenir from my arepast life and my only friend. Yours, Rosemary单词拼写71. occurred72. disasters73. poverty74. argument 75. philosopher76. damage77. atmosphere78. struck79. polluted 80. strengthen作文范文Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.For example, cars and factories are always giving off gases, which makes the air harmful for people to breathe in. Waste water is being poured continuously into rivers without being treated, damaging the source of our drinking water. Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish everywhere, polluting air, water and the earth. I firmly believe it is time for us to take effective measures to protect the environment. On one hand, the government can pass laws to make sure polluted air and waste water are carefully cleaned. On the other hand, we should stop wasting water and throwing garbage everywhere. Maybe, the most important is to develop an environmentally friendly lifestyle to reduce the growing waste pollution. Only by our joint efforts can we make a difference to the environmental protection and leave a green earth to our future generations.听力原文Text 1W: Some sugar farmers in Australia have been using a computer program to learn how to deal with climate change.M: Sounds good. Hope they will make use of such a good chance.Text 2W: Tens of thousands of Africans are studying in China.M: Oh, yes?W: The country provides students with financial assistance for education to develop skills that Africa needs most.M: Wish them to use their knowledge to serve their countries in the future.Text 3W: Diana Nyad became the first person to swim from Havana to Key West without a shark tank.M: How lucky she was!W: So she was honored in Cuba with the countrys Order of Sporting Merit award. M: Diana Nyad called this the most famous award shed received.Text 4W: Have you heard that a strong earthquake struck the north of San Francisco?M: Sorry, I havnt. How about the losses?W: It has caused significant damage.About 90 people were injured in the overnight quake.M: Hoping no people were killed.Text 5W: The news says that a British actor and film director Richard Attenborough passed away.M: What? I know he began his career in the theater but soon moved to the films.Text 6W: I heard youre moving to New York. Oh, thats great! But Im going to miss you.M: Yes. Ive got an offer in upstate New York. Ill miss you too. Lets keep in touch.W: Yeah. Dont forget to drop me a line when you settle down. You have my address?M: Trust me. I wont. I have your e-mail address. Ill keep you posted.W: All right! I look forward to hearing from you soon. Good luck!Text 7M: Dont you have air-conditioning in your apartment? Its too hot here!W: Well, theres air-conditioning. Did you see that window air-conditioner there? The problem is that the window unit is not powerful enough.M: I guess not. W: Well, Im going to move out anyway. The new apartment has central air-conditioning.M: You should have moved out long, long ago.W: Well, I have to wait until my husband comes back. So. M: So how can you stand the heat?W: Well, I open the windows and.and Ive got an electric fan here. It helps a little.Text 8M: Can you tell me how to get to the Music Building from here? I have a lecture to attend there.W: Oh, are you new here?M: Yes, I just got here last night.W: Well, to go to the Music Building, you have two choices. If you want to go right now, you can walk straight down this street until you pass a post office, and then turn right. The Music Building will be straight ahead.M: How long will it take to get there?W: About twenty minutes.M: Whats my other choice?W: If you dont mind waiting around for a while, you can take the shuttle bus. The bus only takes about five minutes to get there.M: But I have to wait for the bus?W: Thats right.M: Well, I guess I might as well walk.Text 9W: Munich Oktoberfest returned to Beijing from Aug. 15 to 30 for a celebration of beer and Bavarian culture at the Olympic Forest Park after its successful appearance in 2013.M: Oh, great. In addition to German beer and food, how festival-goers were treated? And how about bands or singers?W: To be honest, they were treated to Bavarian music and dance performances. Chinese rock band Black Panther, rock singer-songwriter Zheng Jun and pop star Jike Junyi performed at the opening ceremony on Aug. M: Sounds interesting. How many songs did Black Panther perform?W: Mmm, they sang four songs, mostly new works from their album Who We Are, which was released last year. In addition, the album introduced a new singer, Zhang Qi, the bands 10th leading vocalist in 25 years.M: If I have the chance, I will listen to the songs in it. By the way, who is the guitarist for Black Panther?W: Oh, its Li Tong, who first appeared at a beer festival in Qingdao, Shandong province, around 1993, which was very impressive.M: I know, he was very famous at that time.Text 10I was 23 years old on a plane, returning home to Dallas, Texas. Like tens of thousands of others, I was just trying to get home without incident.I sat, in uniform, in a window seat and avoided eye contact with my fellow passengers. No one was sitting in the seat next to me, which made me lonely. A young girl, not more than 10 years old, suddenly appeared. She smiled and handed me a magazine. I accepted her offering, her quiet “welcome home”. Her small gesture of pity was the first I had experienced in a long time.I believe in the connection between strangers when they reach out to one another. That young girl undoubtedly has no memory of what happened years ago. I like to think of her as having grown up, continuing to touch others and teaching her children to do the same. I know she might have been told to give me the “gift” by her mother. It doesnt matter why she gave me the magazine. The important thing is she did.Since then, I have followed her example and tried, in different ways for different people, to do the same for them. Like me on that long ago plane ride, they will never know why a stranger took the time to extend a hand. But I know that my attempts since then are all because of that little girl. Her offer of a magazine to a tired, scared and lonely soldier has echoed throughout my life. I have to believe that my small gestures have the same effect on others. And to that little girl, now a woman, I would like to take this opportunity to say again, thank you.

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