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.JY032012952小学英语教案三年级上学期英语教案2012学年度第一学期钟惠宜Unit 1 Hello!一、Teaching objectives: 1. Ss are able to comprehend and use the greetings and farewells; 2. Key words: hello, hi, goodbye, byeAlphabet words: apple, banana, catOther words: at, home, I, am, what, is, your, name, nice, meet, you3. Language structures: Whats your name? Im Tony/Jenny/Gogo. Nice to meet you! 4. Can read and write letters “Aa, Bb, Cc”. 5. Be able to know the pronunciation of letters “Aa, Bb, Cc”.二、Teaching key points: 1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words.2. Be able to read and use the new language structures.3. Can read and write letters “Aa, Bb, Cc”.三、Teaching difficult points: 1. Can spell the new words fluently and correctly.2. Be able to understand some classroom English.四、Teaching aids: VCD, masks, picture cards五、Teaching periods: Three periodsPeriod One一、Teaching contents: 1. Vocabulary. 2. Target. 3. Song. 4. Activity 1.二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Greetings.2. 激活学生已有知识。l T: Im Miss _. Whats your name? S1/ S2/ S3/: Im l 板书Whats your name? Im _.Step Two: Presentation.1. Song (To know our new friends).(1) Sing the song.l T: In our book, we have some new friends. Who are they? Lets listen to a song first. l 播放P9歌曲给学生听。l Sing after the teacher/ tape.l Sing the song together/ in groups/ (2) Learn from the song. l T: Can you tell me “who are they” now? Ss: Yes!T: OK! Lets ask them.l 分别出示new friends的形象,引导学生用 “Whats your name?” to ask. 点击ppt播放new friends的回答(也可以老师戴着头饰扮演他们去答)。用以上方法学习并板书:Whats your name? Im Tony, Jenny, Gogo, Bonnie, Boomer.Step Three: Practice.1. Game to consolidate: Show some pictures of our new friends names. Ss try to say out their names quickly. 2. Activity 1.(1)师生角色扮演练习:A: Whats your name? B: Im Tony/ Jenny/ Boomer/ Gogo/ Bonnie. (2) Finish Activity 1.3. Target.(1) Lead in: Today, Gogo, Tony and Jenny meet each other for the first time. What happened? Lets see.(2) Watch the video for twice.(3) Try to fill in some blanks of the sentences.(4) Read in three big groups to read Target.(5) Read in groups of three.(6) Act out Target.Step Four: Extension.1. Model dialogue: (走到一学生面前)T: Hello! S1: Hi!或Hello! T: Im Miss Ren. Whats your name? S1: Im T: Nice to meet you. 引导学生回答 “Nice to meet you, too.” T: Goodbye. S1: Bye.2. (Show the dialogue on the ppt.) Pair work.3. Ask some groups to act out.4. To recognize words(hello, hi, goodbye, bye) and spell the words.Step Five: Summary and Homework.1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If theres time, read it.2. Give the homework.三、Layout: Unit 1 Hello! A: Hello! B: Hi! A: Whats your name? B: Im Tony/ Jenny/ Gogo/ Boomer/ Bonnie. A: Goodbye. B: Bye.Period Two一、Teaching contents: 1. Story. 2. Practice 1.二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Greetings.2. Sing the song on P9.3. Daily talk. (TS1/S2/Ss) Hello! Hi. Whats your name? Im Goodbye! Bye!4. Review the names: Tony, Jenny, Gogo, Boomer, Bonnie.Step Two: New lesson1. Lead in.T: Look! Tony is at home. What happened?2. Watch the story once and answer: Gogo comes.3. Watch the second time with this question: What do they say?4. Show pictures one by one. Ss try to guess/ remember their words. Then read out. If they dont know the words, listen to the computer. Then repeat. (学习Nice to meet you.)5. Read the story.6. Act the story.Step Three: Practice1. Practice 1.(1) Listen and number.(2) Check the answer. (Ss should say out the sentences.)2. Activity 2.(1) 情景设计:On Tonys way to school, he meets Gogo. What do they say? 截取Tony and Gogo的图片让学生猜测他们的对话。 Tony: Whats your name? Gogo: Im Gogo.(2) 把境头移至Ben and Lisa. T: “Look! Ben and Lisa are on their way to school too. What are they talking?” Ben: Goodbye, Lisa. Lisa: Goodbye, Ben.(3) 把镜头移至Ms. Black and Xiaofang. T: “Are they saying goodbye? What are they talking?” Ms. Black: Nice to meet you, Xiaofang. Xiaofang: Nice to meet you, too.Step Four: Summary and Homework.1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If theres time, read it.2. Give the homework.三、Layout: Unit 1 Hello! A: Whats your name? B: Im B: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.Period Three一、Teaching contents: 1. Alphabet. 2. Exercises.二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Daily talk: Hello. Hi. Whats your name? Im Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Goodbye. Bye.2. Sing the “ABC” song.Step Two: Alphabet1. Learn to read and write letters “Aa, Bb, Cc”.(1) Lead in: Can you read this letter? (出示字母Aa)(2) 唱唱读读学习字母的读音。(3) Show the writing.(4) Students read and write letter Aa.(5) Use the same way to teach letters “Bb, Cc”.2. Consolidate Letters “Aa, Bb, Cc”.(1) Read the letters after the teacher.(2) Game: Big, big eyesShow the letters cards quickly and let Ss reads the letters correctly and quickly.(3) Pair work: Point and read the letters.2. Learn the sounds of “a, b, c” and new words “apple, banana, cat”.(1) 教applel T: “Look! This is an ” 学习apple.l 结合歌谣带读apple. Apple -/A/ /A/ apple.l 用几个其它词如ant, an, any让学生感受a的发音。(2) Use the same way to teach “banana & cat”.(3) Read the words twice.(4) Big, big eyes: Look and say the words quickly.3. Chant.(1) Listen to the chant.(2) Say the chant.Step Three: Exercises1. 选取学辅等学习辅助材料中重点练习快速完成并评讲。Step Four: Summary and homework.1. Brief summarizes and read the new letters and new words.2. Give the homework:(1) Sing the ABC song.(2) Read Unit One.(3) Copy letters “Aa, Bb, Cc”.三、Layout: Unit 1 Hello! Aa apple (ant, an, any) Bb banana (bag, bed, Ben) Cc cat (candle, cook)Record after teaching: 通过这一单元的教学,总体来说,学生掌握较好,学生对英语发音、动画、歌曲、人物等都充满了兴趣,再加上以前所学的一些知识和日常生活有关,学生掌握较好。在课堂上表现出强烈的求知欲。Unit 2 My classroom一、Teaching objectives: 1. Ss are able to comprehend and use the greetings and farewells; 2. Key words: a table, a desk, a chair, a book, a pencil, a ruler Alphabet words: dog, elephant, fish Other words: in, the, classroom, this, it, an, a, apple, banana, pen, cat, and3. Language structures: Target: whats this? Its a desk. And this? Its a ruler. 4. Can read and write letters “Dd, Ee, Ff”. 5. Be able to know the pronunciation of letters “Dd, Ee, Ff”.二、Teaching key points: 1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words.2. Be able to read and use the new language structures.3. Can read and write letters “Dd, Ee, Ff”.三、Teaching difficult points: 1. Can spell the new words fluently and correctly.2. Be able to understand some classroom English.四、Teaching aids: VCD, masks, picture cards五、Teaching periods: Four periodsPeriod One一、Teaching contents: 1. Vocabulary. 2. Target. 3. Song. 4. Activity 1.二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Greetings.2. 激活学生已有知识。l T: Whats this? S1: Its a book.l 板书Whats this? Its a _ .Step Two: Presentation.1. Song (1) Sing the song.l T: Do you know whats this? Lets listen a song first.l 播放P15歌曲给学生听。l Sing after the teacher/ tape.l Sing the song together/ in groups/ (2) Learn from the song. l T: Can you tell me whats this now? Ss: Yes!T: OK! Let me ask you.l 分别出示book, pen, desk, chair, ruler, table, pencil的 实物,引导学生用 “whats this? Its a _.用以上方法学习并板书:Whats this? Its a _Step Three: Practice.1. Game to consolidate: Show some pictures of the words. Ss try to say out their names quickly. 2. Activity 1.(1)师生角色扮演练习:A: Whats this? B:Its a book (2) Finish Activity 1.3. Target.(1) Lead in: Today, Gogo, Tony and Jenny meet in the classroom. What happened? Lets see.(2) Watch the video for twice.(3) Try to fill in some blanks of the sentences.(4) Read in three big groups to read Target.(5) Read in groups of three.(6) Act out Target.Step Four: Extension.1. Model dialogue: (走到一学生面前)T: Hello! S1: Hi!或Hello! T: Whats this? S1: Its a _ T: And this? S1: Its a _ T: Goodbye. S1: Bye.2. (Show the dialogue on the ppt.) Pair work.3. Ask some groups to act out.4. To recognize words(a table, a desk, a chair, a book, a pencil, a ruler) and spell the words.Step Five: Summary and Homework.1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If theres time, read it.2. Give the homework.三、Layout: Unit 2 My classroom!(1) A: Hello! B: Hi! A: Whats this? B:Its a _. A: And this? B: Its a _. A: Goodbye. B: Bye.Period Two一、Teaching contents: 1. Story 2. Practice 1二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Greetings.2. 激活学生已有知识。l T: Whats this? S1: Its a book.l T: Yes. And who can think the song? Oh ,so many students can sing. Lets sing it together. Ss sing the song.l 板书Whats this? Its a_Step Two: Presentation.1. Story (1) read the story.l T: Do you know who are they?l Ss: Gogo, Jennyl T: Yes. What happen? Lets see.l Play the video twice.(2)Answer the questionsT:Whats this in the picture 1? S1: Its a book.T:Whats this in the picture2? S2:Its a pencil.T:Whats this in the picture 3? S3: Its an apple. (3) Retell the story according to the picture?l 分别出示picture 1, 2, 3, 的图片,引导学生复述故事。l 用以上方法学习并板书:Whats this? Its a book.Whats this? Its a pencil.Whats this? Its an apple.(4) Ss read after the Teacher. Step Three: Practice11. Do practice 12. Pair work: Ss play the role . Step Four: Extension.1. Model dialogue: T: Hello! S1: Hi!或Hello! T: Whats this? (出示苹果的图片) Ss: Its an apple T: Whats this? (出示橙子的图片) Ss: Its an orange T: what this? (出示大象的图片) Ss: Its an elephant T: what this? (出示昆虫的图片) Ss: Its an insect. T: what this? (出示雨伞的图片) Ss: Its an umbrella.总结元音字母 a, e, I, o ,u ,强调 an用在元音字母前表示一个2.Do practice P9 八Step Five: Summary and Homework.1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If theres time, read it.2. Give the homework.三、Layout: Unit 2 My classroom (2) A: Whats this? B:Its a book. A: Whats this? B: Its a pencil.A: Whats this? B: Its an apple. Period Three一、Teaching contents: 1. Practice 2 2.Activity 2,3二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Greetings.2. 激活学生已有知识。(1) Play the role of the story(2) Guess the wordsStep Two: Presentation.1. Practice 2(1) Pair workl T: Whats this?l Ss: Its a pencil.l T: Yes. Lets ask each other.(2)Show time.2.Activity 2l 分别出示Picture 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 的图片,让学生猜。S1:Whats this? Ss: Its a _. S2: Whats this? Ss: Its a _.l 用以上方法学习并板书:Whats this? Its a_.3. Activity 3 (1)Guessing words in the class.( 2 ) Guessing words in the group.Step Three: Practice11. Do practice P6 一 Listen and number.2P7 三 Step Four: Extension.Model dialogue: P10 十A: Hello.B: _A: Im Lucy. Whats your name?B: Nice to meet you. A: Whats this?B: _A: And this?B: _A: Goodbye.B: _(Let the Ss do pair work)Step Five: Summary and Homework.1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If theres time, read it.2. Give the homework.三、Layout: Unit 2 My classroom (3) A: Whats this? B:Its a _. Period Four一、Teaching contents: 1. Alphabet二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Greetings.2. 激活学生已有知识。(1) Sing the song Alphabet -Chant of unit 1(2) read and write Aa,Bb,CcStep Two: Presentation.1. Learn the sound of the words(1) Sing the song.l T: Do you know whats this? Lets listen to a song first.l 播放P17歌曲给学生听。l Sing after the teacher/ tape.l Sing the song together/ in groups/ (2) Learn from the song. l T: Can you tell me whats this now? Ss: Yes!T: OK! Tell me. Whats this?(出示图片)Ss: /d/, /d/, dog.T: Good job.2. write the letters“Dd, Ee, Ff”(1)Watch the video how to write “Dd, Ee, Ff”( 2 ) Try to write the Dd, Ee, Ff( 3 ) Play a game. 同桌互相在背部写上字母,让同桌猜写了哪一个字母。Step Three: Practice 11.Sing a song2 .Play a game Guess which letter is lost?Step Four: Summary and Homework.1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If theres time, read it.2. Give the homework.三、Layout: Unit 2 My classroom (4) D d dog E e elephantF f fishRecord after teaching: 本单元我运用多种手段进行情境的创设,如:多媒体、各式各样的卡片等辅助教学工具。有效的模拟出情景,使学生注意力集中,兴致高昂。整堂课充满了活力,笑声不断。但不足的地方也有好几处(1)给予孩子展示的空间不够;(2)课堂有时太活跃有静不下来的现象,一动一静相结合才能算是比较完美的一堂课。Unit 3 Animals!一、Teaching objectives: 1. Ss are able to identify animals.2. Key words: panda, monkey, lion, tiger, rabbit Alphabet words: girl, hat, ice cream Other words: bird, cat, dog, zoo, yes, no, not, his, very, good3. Language structures: Is this a panda? No, it isnt. Is this a panda? Yes, it is.4. Can read and write letters “Gg, Hh, Ii”. 5. Be able to know the pronunciation of letters “Gg, Hh, Ii”.二、Teaching key points: 1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words.2. Be able to read and use the new language structures.3. Can read and write letters “Gg, Hh, Ii”.三、Teaching difficult points: 1. Can spell the new words fluently and correctly.2. Be able to ask and answer about the animals.四、Teaching aids: VCD, masks, picture cards五、Teaching periods: Four periodsPeriod One一、Teaching contents: Conversation, song二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Greeting2. Chant “whats this”3. ReviewT shows the pictures of dog, cat, duck etc. ask Ss: Whats this? Step Two: Presentation.1. Teach the new sentence: Is this a ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.(1) T has Ss listen to the sound (Media) and guess the animals.T: Is this a duck? (Repeat)S1: Yes, it is. Then T asks the other Ss the same question. Let Ss pay attention to “ Is this a ?”, teach the sentences.Repeat this section with “Is this a ? No, it isnt.” T uses the structures to help Ss understand “Yes, it is. No, it isnt.”(2) Practice the sentences Game: Guess the flash picture (ppt)2. Teach the song: Is this a dog?Divide roles to sing.3. Conversation(1) T draws Gogo on the board, have Ss guess. T tells Ss that Gogo is going to draw something too.(2) Watch the video of the conversation(3) Have Ss read the conversation silently(4) T shows the pictures(bird, dog, Boomer and cat) and asks SsQ: Is this a ?(5) Ss read the conversation after T, and then T reads after Ss.(6) Act out the conversation in two a group, check out one group.(7) Groups share the conversation, one group act, and the other group has to listen carefully and give comment.Step Three: Practice.1. Practice the sentenceT draws a very small portion of an animalT: Is this a dog?Let Ss guess, have Ss use the sentence to ask T.Use this activity to teach the new words: bird, very good.2. Exercise: Listen, ask, answer and tick.Divide Ss into A and B, give them sheet A and B. Ss have to listen to partners questions to answer and tick the answers.Step Four: Extension.Share a short story about Gogo, sheep and wolf (media).Step Five: Summary and Homework.1. Brief summarize what we learned this lesson. If theres time, read it.2. Give the homework.三、Layout: Unit 3 AnimalsIs this a bird?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.His names Boomer.Very good.Period two一、Teaching contents: Vocabulary, Target, Practice二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Sing a song: Is this a dog?2. Ask and answer: Is this ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Step Two: Presentation.1. Watch a film about Gogo, Tony and Jenny: at the zoo2. Ask the Ss what animals they can see.3. Teach the words one by one: elephant, tiger, rabbit, monkey, lion, panda.4. Use the song to practice the words.5. Teach Target.l Listen and watchl Read after the tapel All together to read l Pair workl Act outStep Three: Practice.1. Look at Ts picture, ask and answer. Is this ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.2. Missing game3. Pair work4. Do practice 1: listen and numberStep Four: Extension.Design My forestSs four a group, each group has the forest paper, they cooperate to stick the cards on the paper. Then have two groups show their work.Step Five: Summary and Homework.1. Read the words and sentences on the board.2. Give the homework.三、Layout: Unit 3 AnimalsIs this a panda? tiger lion rabbit monkeyYes, it is. Is this an elephant?No, it isnt.Period three一、Teaching contents:Practice2, Activity 1, Activity 2, Activity 3二、Teaching procedure: Step One: Warming-up.1. Sing a song: Is this a dog?2. Ask and answer: Is this? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.3. Do the actions or make the animal sounds , guess A: Is this a *? B: Yes,/ No,Step Two: Activity 11. Getting readyl Pointing to each picture, pose questions to Ss.l T: Is this a dog? Is this a hippo? Is this a panda? Ss : Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.l Continue in this way, but allow volunteers to make the questions.2. Using the bookl Ss look at pictures and read the words.l Have Ss make questions , e.g. Is this ( a monkey)/l If it is a correct match, Ss put a check mark in the box. If it is an incorrect match , Ss put an “ X” in the box.Step Three: Practice 21. Getting readyl Using the picture cards of the key vocabulary, cover up a portion of the picture, revealing only a small body part: eyes, mouth ,ears, etc.l T: Is this a ( lion) ? Ss: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.2. Using the bookl Have Ss look at the pictures.l T: This time, listen to the tape and answer.l Play the tape for picture A and have Ss answer in unison.Continue with B and CStep Four: Activity 21. Getting readyl Draw a very small portion of an animal.l T; Is this a ( dog)?l Let Ss guess.l Draw a little more . ask question again.l Keep drawing a little more. Only reveal a little at a time so that it is challenging to the Ss.l Have Ss come to the front of the class doing this same activity.l Play this game in small groups or pairs.2. Using the bookl Have different Ss come to the front of the class and point at a picture in the book. S1: Is this a ( rabbit)? S2: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.Step Five: Activity 31. Getting readyl Ss cut animal pictures on WB p. 72.l Put on a headband . band down and ask student to inset the bird card in your headband.l T; Please put it here. ( point to the headband.)l T: Is this a cat? ( point to the card) Ss: No, it isnt . Is this a dog? Ss: No, it isnt. Is this a bird? Ss; Yes, it is.2. Using the bookl Point to the picture in the book and have Ss read the dialogue together.l Give each student a piece of paper, scissors and some glue to make a headband.l Ss work in pairs . each partner should put a card in his / her partners headband.l Ss take turns guessing what their cards are by posing questions in the target pattern, Is this a ( whale?) partners answer Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.Step six: Summary and Homework.1. Sum up the words and the sentences2. Give the homework.三、Layout: Unit 3 AnimalsIs this a panda? tiger lion rabbit monkeyYes, it is. Is this

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