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.Unit OneSection A Never, Never give upTeaching Procedures: Pre-reading Activities Step 1. Greetings Greet the whole class warmly. Step 2. Lead-in and preparation for reading Quotes:Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration. Accordingly, a “genius” is often merely atalented person who has done all of his or her homework. Thomas Edison (American inventor)Do the best you can in every task, no matter how unimportant it may seem at the time.Sandra Day OConnor (American jurist)Let them talk to each other about the following questions:1. What is success?2. What do you think are the secrets of success?Cultural backgroundPublic schools in the UK & US1. What do you know about public schools in the UK?Eton, Harrow, Winchester, etc.;Independent of the state system;Educate secondary-level students for a fee;Evolved from an institution of the late European Middle Ages or Renaissance; Curriculum placed heavy emphasis on the Greek and Roman classics.2. What do you know about public schools in the US?Elementary or secondary schools mandated for all children by the government;Paid, in part or in whole, by public funding from taxation;Institutions of post-secondary education overseen by government.Step 3. Fast reading Ask the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen. Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure. Text structure: ( structured writing ) The passage can be divided into 3 parts. Part I Paras. 1 2By using Winston Churchills story and his speech at Harrow as an introduction to the topic, the text makes clear its statement: the secret of success is “Never give up”. Part II Paras. 3 7Through the examples of world famous scientists, statesman, and jurist, the text brings forward the statement that only those with a strong will, those who “keep their eyes on the prize”, and those who expend the substantial effort to keep going, will finally succeed.Part III Para. 8By reinforcing the statement given in part II, the text draws the conclusion that with hard work, determination, dedication and preparation, you can transcend any handicap, accomplish any feat, and achieve success.IntroductionStructure of the text“Never give up” is the speech given by Churchill toyoung boys in his old school. (Para. 2)Churchill managed to be a successful man althoughhe was not a good student when he was young. (Para. 1)IllustrationThe example of Sandra Day OConnor shows that only those who “keep their eyes on the prize” will find their endeavors successful.(Paras. 5-6)The examples of Einstein, Edison, and Lincoln can wellillustrate thatnothing can inhibit astrong spirit committed to success. (Paras. 3-4)Without substantialeffort, only saying that they want something will not bring success to people. (Para. 7)Conclusion With hard work, determination, dedication and preparation, you can transcend any handicap, accomplish any feat, and achieve success. (Para. 8)IntroductionIllustrationConclusionPurpose: Improve the students reading and writing ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph. Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method. Step 4: While-reading ActivitiesStudents are required to look at the Words and Phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class.Words and Phrases: Purpose: Train the Students ability of understanding and using foreign language.Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and total physical response method.Practical phrases1. deviate from 偏离,背离有人生目标的人是永远不会偏离正确航向的。Those who have a life compass in their mind will never deviate from the correct course.2. preclude sb. from doing 阻止某人做有志者事竟成。Nothing can preclude a willing heart from achieving success.3. triumph over 战胜中国人民只要万众一心,必将战胜任何困难,从而立足于世界之巅。As long as the Chinese people work with one heart and one mind, they will triumph over any difficulties and stand on top of the world.4. in (the) pursuit of 追求一个国家在追求经济发展的同时,应当对环境保护给予足够重视。While in pursuit of economic growth, a nation should give due emphasis to the protection of the environment.5. work ones way to/through/into通过奋斗逐步达到通过激烈的竞争进入大学的同学们应当将大学教育作为人生奋斗的新起点而非终点。Students who have fiercely worked their way into universities should take college education as a new starting point rather than the finishing line of their life endeavor.6. give up on 放弃在地震过后的搜救工作中,解放军战士不放弃任何生命迹象。In the search and rescue work after the earthquake, the PLA soldiers didnt give up on any life signs.7. focus on 专注于大学生应将主要精力专注于学习而不是各种令其分心的事物。College students should focus most of their energy on studies rather than on various distractions.Step 5: Typical patterns:Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some difficult sentences and details of the text.Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response method.Functional patterns句型提炼1. Personal history, educational opportunity, individual dilemmas none of these can inhibit a strong spirit committed to success.个人经历、教育机会、个人困境,这些都不能阻挡一个全力以赴追求成功的、有着坚强意志的人。A, B, C none of these be/do用于表达“对已知条件的否定”。金钱、名誉、社会地位,这些都不应作为判断一个人是否成功的唯一标准。Money, fame, social status none of these should be regarded as the only standard for the judgment of ones success.句型提炼2. They attained success, not because it was easy, but because they had the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals. 他们取得了成功,并不是因为成功很容易,而是因为他们拥有克服重重障碍的意志,为了追求目标而勤奋努力。Sb. do sth., not because , but because 用于表达“某人做某事的原因”。 我选择厚道,不是因为我笨拙,而是因为我深信,厚德能载物。 I choose to be honest and kind, not because I am stupid, but because I firmly believe that great virtue holds the world.3. Its not how many times you fall down that matters. Its how many times you get back up that makes success!”你摔倒了多少次并不要紧;你能多少次重新站起来对成功才至关重要!句型提炼Its not that matters. Its that be/do用于表达“对某事物最为重要的因素是”。要获得成功,你现在的位置不重要,重要的是你前进的方向。Its not where your current position is that matters. Its where you are heading for that leads you to success.Language appreciationa. Young men, never give up. Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never, never! (Para.2, L6)年轻人,要永不放弃。永不放弃!永不放弃!永不,永不,永不,永不!b. No task is too hard. No amount of preparation is too long or too difficult. (Para.3, L2)任务再苦,准备再长,难度再大,都不能放弃自己的追求。c. Yet his strong will was the spur that pushed him forward, strengthening his optimism, dedication and determination. (Para.4, L6)然而,坚强的意志鞭策着他,推动他前进,使他更加乐观、投入、坚毅。d. Only those who “keep their eyes on the prize”, those who uphold a committed and focused will and spirit, will find their endeavors successful. (Para.5, L1)只有那些“执着地追求成功”的人,那些保持始终如一的精神意志的人,才会通过自身的努力,获得成功。e. Its not how many times you fall down that matters. Its how many times you get back up that makes success! (Para.7, L5)你摔倒了多少次并不要紧;你能多少次重新站起来对成功才至关重要!f.With hard work, determination, dedication and preparation, you can transcend any handicap, accomplish any feat, and achieve success! (Para.8, L4)只要刻苦努力,意志坚决,专心投入,准备充分,你就能跨越一切障碍,达成所有壮举,取得成功!Step 6. ConsolidationRetell the passage according to the topic sentences.Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, To show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily.Method: Read the text structure together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.Summary of the textNever, ever give up!When invited to address the patriotic young boys at his old school, Harrow, Britains great Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill gave this short, clear-cut speech: “Young men, never give up. Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never, never!” Personal history, educational opportunity, individual dilemmas none of these can inhibit a strong spirit committed to success. Take Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln as an example. Despite the immense obstacles and extreme criticism, their strong will, optimism, dedication and determination enabled them to triumph over the overwhelming failures and profound difficulties in their lives.Many artists, statesmen, writers and inventors achieved prosperity because they possessed a committed and focused will to keep preparing and working and a passion to succeed. Many people simply say that they want something, but they do not expend the substantial effort required to achieve it. Many people let the threat of failure stop them from trying with all of their heart. The secret of success is based upon a burning inward desire that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing, to keep going even when we are tired and fail. Focus on becoming more knowledgeable. Focus on gradual, consistent progress. Maintain the strong will to keep going. With hard work, determination, dedication and preparation, you can transcend any handicap, accomplish any feat, and achieve success!Step 7. DiscussionCritical thinkingTheme exploration1. How do you understand the remark “Its not how many times you fall down that matters. Its how many times you get back up that makes success!”?2. Do you agree that there are times when its simply better to give up?3. How can we avoid wasting time and energy in achieving success?Step 8 Translation Practice (student-centered; interaction between teacher and students)1. Exercise: Page 162. Goup Work:ask students to do the work by groups 3. Presentation: Invite several group representatives to do a presentation of translationStep 9 Reading Skills Study (teacher-centered; interaction between teacher and students)1. Denotation Denotation is the literal meaning of a word, the one we find in a dictionary.2. ConnotationConnotation, on the other hand, is the implied meaning of a word, the one a word suggests to us, or what it makes us feel or think. Connotation contains the emotional implications and associations that a word may carry. Step 10. AssignmentsReview the key points of Section A;Finish the exercises after class;Finish online homework;Preview Section B.Writing Topic: Biological clocksYou can follow the outline given below.Introduction:Thesis statement: Even though it is not easy to explain why, scientists believe living things must have built-in biological clocks that can be reset.Body:1 Topic sentence: To start with, various 24-hour rhythms observed in peoples biological clocks can be adjusted. Example: A traveler flying from New York to London can adjust his normal rhythms to London time.2 Topic sentence: The same kind of resetting also takes place in the biological clocks of animals and plants.Example 1: The clock of an animal or plant can be set to the laboratory-produced hours of light and dark.Example 2: Mussels can adjust to the tides of the new beach after being moved from the old one.Conclusion:Biological clocks, in a way, serve as automatic internal “watches” for all living things.Unit 2Section A Swimming Through FearTeaching Procedures: Pre-reading Activities Step 1. Greetings Greet the whole class warmly. Step 2. Lead-in and preparation for reading Quotes:You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, “I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” Eleanor RooseveltDont fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have. Louis E. BooneLet them talk to each other about the following questions:1. Look at the following pictures, what are these people afraid of?2. Did you have a fear of something before? If so, how did you overcome it? Listen to a story about Jacks fear and decide whether the following statements are T (true) or F (false). 1. When Jack gets into bed, he thinks theres somebody hiding under the bed.2. As Jack lies under the bed, there must be somebody sleeping on top of it.3. The doctor asks Jack to see him three times a week for two years to cure his fears.4. The doctor charges Jack $200 a visit.5. Jack is willing to pay the amount the doctor charges.Cultural backgroundQuestions Previewing1. Have you ever heard about Mediterranean Sea? What do you know about it? an intercontinental sea; stretches from the Atlantic Ocean; surrounded by the Mediterranean region; enclosed by land: on the north by Europe, on the south by Africa, and on the east by Asia; pleasant climate, beautiful coastline, rich history and diverse culture.2. Do you know what is “rip current”? How to escape from rip current?Rip Current: a narrow, powerful current of water running perpendicular to the beach, out into the oceanHow to escape from rip current: swim sideways, parallel to the beach; get you out of the narrow outward current; wait until the current carries you past the sandbar.Step 3. Fast reading Ask the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen. Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure. Text structure: ( structured writing ) The passage can be divided into 3 parts. Part I (Paras. 1- 3)On a tour of France, I saw the Mediterranean Sea, but the rip currents scared me. And it reminded me that I developed a fear of water due to the experience of last summer and since then, the fear wouldnt recede.Part II Paras. 4-17When I saw a boy drowning amid the waves, I was in a mental and emotional struggle whether I should save him because I was extremely terrified of water. After my fierce struggle, I made the single big decision: to threw myself into the water. I finally reached the boy and had him under control; but when I swam back toward shore, the rip current was forcibly dragging us out to sea. I tried to remember how to escape from a rip current, and with that, I slowly made my way to safety, thus conquering my inner fear of water as well.Part III (Paras. 18-19)I was relaxed and happy in a moment of triumph and salvation.Introduction: Exposition of the plotStructure of the textFlashback: I developed a fear of water due to the experience of last summer and since then, the fear was deeplyrooted in me. (Para. 3)On a tour of France, I saw the Mediterranean Sea, but the rip currents scared me. (Paras. 1-2)DevelopmentRising action of the plot.(Paras. 4-10)Climax or turning point of the plot.(Paras. 11-12)Resolution of the plot.(Paras. 15-17)Falling action of the plot. (Paras. 13-14)Conclusion I was relaxed and happy in a moment of triumph and salvation.Exposition DevelopmentConclusionPurpose: Improve the students reading and writing ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph. Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method. Step 4: While-reading ActivitiesStudents are required to look at the Words and Phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class. Words and Phrases: Purpose: Train the Students ability of understanding and using foreign language.Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and total physical response method.Practical phrases1. deem sth. important 认为重要别人认为重要的,并不能作为你确定目标的根据。只有你自己才知道,什么东西对你最重要。Dont set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is important to you.2. pop up 突然出现;冒出来这几年中国的亿万富豪频繁出现在福布斯杂志排行榜上。For years, Chinese billionaires began to pop up most frequently in Forbes magazine.3. be paralyzed with 使丧失思考能力,使呆若木鸡大多数人都害怕公共演说。一想到要独自站在一大群听众面前讲话就会吓得不知所措。Most people fear public speaking. They are always paralyzed with the thought of standing alone in front of and speaking to a large audience.4. plow through sth. 艰难费力的通过为了收集论文资料,我只好啃了几十本经济学的旧书。In order to gather material for my thesis, I had to plow through dozens of old books on economics.5. throw oneself into / at / on / down 突然猛力地冲进/扑向/跳到/扑倒等小男孩一见到自己的母亲,马上扑进了她的怀抱。Seeing his mother, the boy threw himself into her arms.6. make ones way 行进(尤指艰难地,或需要很长时间时)他没有努力上进的决心。He doesnt have the determination to make his way in the world.Step 5: Typical patterns:Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability) to find out some difficult sentences and details of the text.Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response method.Functional patterns句型提炼2. Nothing scared me as much as water. (Para. 1, L1) 没有什么比水让我更害怕了。1. Nothing as much as 否定比较级,用于表达“最”。世界上最让人困扰的就是自己的心境。Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind.2. And, as we made our way to safety I realized something incredible: I was no longer afraid. (Para. 16, L1)句型提炼后来我们到达安全水域时,我觉得有些不可思议:我不再怕水了。As sb. did sth., sb. realize something incredible / provoking / important: sb. no longer 用于表达“某人对某些事的反思”。 当我们对智能技术上瘾后,令人深思的是:面对面交流已不复存在,朋友之间已成陌路。As we get addicted to the smart technologies, we realized something thought-provoking: we no longer have the face-to-face communication and become strangers to our friends.3. I looked out to the sea. Weary as I was, the water had never looked so beautiful. (Para. 19, L4)虽已疲惫不堪,但放眼大海,我感觉海水比任何时候看起来都更美。句型提炼Adj. as sb. was, sb. / sth. had never looked adj.用于表达“某人对某事或某人新的看法”。虽然她长相平平,但现在她比以往任何时候看起来都要更优雅、更美丽。Plain-looking as she was, she had never looked so graceful and beautiful.Language appreciationa. I glimpsed something moving up and down amid the waves, past the end of the jetty. I gasped, realizing the catastrophe with horror. Thats a little boy out there! (Para. 7, L1)我瞥见防波堤尽头的海浪中有个东西在上下浮动。我惊恐地意识到大事不妙,倒吸了一口凉气,那居然是个小男孩!b. As soon as I jumped in, I felt like I was back in that pool, breathless, struggling, terrified. (Para. 12, L4)一跳进水里,我感觉仿佛又回到了当年的那个游泳池,我喘不过气,拼命挣扎,惊恐万分。c. On the brink of collapse, I stopped fighting, just letting myself go. My hand hit the jetty. It was like an electric shock that brought me back to my senses. (Para. 18, L1)我全身都快虚脱了,我不再划水,就这样放松自己顺水而漂。我的手碰上了防波堤,仿佛触电一般,我重新恢复了神志。d. I felt strong arms lift me. I ascended not only from the sea onto the secure rocks of the jetty but also to my salvation, leaving behind the terrible fear that had gripped me for so long. (Para. 19, L1)我感觉到强壮有力的手臂将我托起。我不仅从海里爬上防波堤的磐石,而且完成了自我拯救,摆脱了困扰已久的恐惧。Step 6. ConsolidationRetell the passage according to the topic sentences.Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, To show the text structure on the screen, so that they

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