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实战演练(一)ASu Hua is studying at Cambridge,UK.She has bought a bicycle and is worried about security(安全)Her friend,Kate,found this article and sent it to her.IntroductionA lot of crime is against bicycles.About 150,000 bicycles are stolen every year and most are never found.You can prevent this happening by following a few careful steps.,Basic SecurityDo not leave your bicycle in outoftheway places.Always lock your bicycle when you leave.Secure it to lampposts or trees.Take off smaller parts and take them with you,for example lights and saddles(车座).LocksGet a good lock.There are many different types in the shops.Buy one that has been tested against attack.Ask for a recommendation from a bike shop.MarkingSecurely marking your bike can act a deterrent to a thief.It can also help the police find your bicycle.It should be clearly written and include your postcode and your house or flat number.This will provide a simple way to identify your bicycle.,Registration,There are a number of companies who will securely mark your bicycle for you.They will then put your registration number and personal details on their computer database.Then if your bicycle is found it will be easy to contact you.FinallyKeep a record of the bicycle yourself:its make,model and registration number.You can even take a photograph of it.This will prove the bicycle belongs to you.1Which part of the text gives you information on how to lock up your bicycle when you leave it?ALocks. BMarking.CRegistration. DBasic Security.答案D解析细节理解题。根据Basic Security中的“Always lock your bicycle when you leave.Secure it to lampposts or trees.Take off smaller parts and take them with you,for example lights and saddles(车座)”可知Basic Security介绍了锁车的细节,故选D。2The underlined phrase “act as a deterrent to a thief” means “_”Ahelp you recognize your bikeBhelp the police find your bicycleCstop someone stealing your bicycleDstop you worrying about your bike答案C解析词义猜测题。此处指自行车安全标志可以对小偷形成震慑。deterrent震慑,威慑;C项意为“阻止小偷偷自行车”,与之同义,故选C。3The main purpose of this article is _.Ato tell you what to do if your bicycle is stolenBto suggest ways of keeping your bicycle safeCto give you advice on where to buy a good lockDto say why you shouldnt keep your bicycle in a quiet place答案B解析写作意图题。作者通过写这篇文章是告诉我们防止自行车被偷的一些方法,故选B。BI was desperately nervous about becoming carfree.But eight months ago our car was hit by a passing vehicle and it was destroyed.No problem,I thought:well buy another.But the insurance payout didnt even begin to cover the costs of buying a new carI worked out that,with the loan(贷款) wed need plus petrol,insurance,parking permits and tax,we would make a payment as much as 600 a month.And thats when I had my fancy idea.Why not just give up having a car at all?I live in London.We have a railway station behind our house,a tube station 10 minutes walk away,and a bus stop at the end of the street.A new car club had just opened in our area,and one of its shiny little red Peugeots was parked nearby.If any family in Britain could live without a car,I reasoned,then surely we were that family.But my new carfree idea,sadly,wasnt shared by my family.My teenage daughters were horrified.What would their friends think about our family being “too poor to afford a car”?(I wasnt that bothered what they thought,and I suggested the girls should take the same approach.)My friends,too,were astonished at our plan.What would happen if someone got seriously ill overnight and needed to go to hospital?(an ambulance) How would the children get to and from their many events?(buses and trains) People smiled as though this was another of my mad ideas,before saying they were sure Id soon realize that a car was a necessity.Eight months on,I wonder whether well ever own a car again.The idea that you “have to” own a car,especially if you live in a city,is all in the mind.I liveand many other citizens do tooin a place that has never been better served by public transport,and yet car ownership has never been higher.We worry about rising car costs,but wed be better off asking something much more basic:do I really need a car?Certainly the answer is no,and Im a lot richer because I dared to ask the question.语篇解读文章讲述了使用一辆车的费用太高,作者决定利用城市里便捷的交通资源,这一想法遭到了子女和朋友的强烈反对,他们认为即使生活在城市里也需要拥有一辆车。4The author decided to live a carfree life partly because _.Amost families chose to go carfreeBhe was hurt in a terrible car accidentCthe cost of a new car was too muchDthe traffic jam was unbearable for him答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“But the insurance payout didnt even begin to cover the costs of buying a new carI worked out that,with the loan(贷款) wed need plus petrol,insurance,parking permits and tax,we would make a payment as much as 600 a month.”可知,买一辆新车的费用太高,所以答案是C。5What is the attitude of the authors family toward his plan?ASupportive. BDisapproving.COptimistic. DUnconcerned.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“But my new carfree idea,sadly,wasnt shared by my family.”可知作者的家人并不支持他的观点,所以答案是B。6What did the author suggest his daughters do about their friends opinion?AArgue against it. BTake their advice.CThink it over. DLeave it alone.答案D解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“I wasnt that bothered what they thought,and I suggested the girls should take the same approach.”可知她们的想法并没有影响到我,我反而认为她们应该采取跟我一样的想法,所以答案是D。7What conclusion did the author draw after the eightmonth carfree life?ALife cannot go without a car.BLife without a car is a little bit hard.CHis life gets improved without a car.DA carfree life does not suit everyone.答案C解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“.do I really need a car?Certainly the answer is no,and Im a lot richer because I dared to ask the question.”可知,答案是C。C “A Long Walk Home”Life As Eli Reed Saw ItAmerican photographer and photojournalist Eli Reed has been documenting “life as I saw it” for more than 40 years.His career retrospective(回顾),“Eli Reed:A Long Walk Home”,is an extraordinary search of beauty while recording hardship.With a heart of love,Reed uses a style that uncovers humanity at every turn.According to Reed,“A Long Walk Home” is about what it means to be a human being.It all began with a photo he took of his mother and his memory of her smile.Raised in New Jersey,Reed was originally a painter.Primarily selftaught in photography,he became a freelance photographer in 1970.After producing some impressive photos that drew much attention,he joined the famous company Magnum Photosthe first black photographer invited to do so.His photos are remarkable in their lack of judgment of the people or the situations he comes across.In Beirut,Lebanon,a man removes a tree branch from a car in a recently bombed parking lot.An old man wrapped in a sheet plays a drum in front of a sign reading “God Is the Way” while National Guardsmen lift their guns during a war in Miami.A young boy upside down with his legs in the air in a Kenyan refugee camp,his determined look faces the camera.In Harlem,New York,a group of laughing children take over an abandoned car,using it as a jungle gym.Where another photographer might have focused on the sobriety of these situations,Reeds camera smiles.His images show how humans cope,rise above,and carry on.This is what gives “A Long Walk Home” its power.Considering the places Reed has been to,there are very few photos of guns or obvious violence.Instead,Reed focuses on the varied human responses to hardship.We smile along with Reed in a gesture of compassion and solidarity.We recognize our fellow human beings.语篇解读本文属于说明文,介绍了著名的摄影师Eli Reed和他所拍摄的纪录片:“A Long Walk Home”。8Why did Eli Reed produce his work “A Long Walk Home”?ATo search for the meaning of life.BTo keep memories of his mother.CTo help people who are suffering.DTo pursue his love of photography.答案A解析推理判断题。根据第一段倒数第二句“According to Reed,A Long Walk Home is about what it means to be a human being.”可知对Reed来说,“A Long Walk Home”是关于人性的意义。故A正确。9According to the passage,Magnum Photos _.Aemployed Reed in 1970Bwas located in New JerseyCtaught Reed the art of photographyDonly had white employees originally答案D解析推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“.he joined the famous company Magnum Photosthe first black photographer invited to do so.”可知他是Magnum Photos公司邀请的第一个黑人摄影师,说明在这之前Magnum Photos公司只有白人摄影师。故D正确。10In his work “A Long Walk Home”,Reeds photos _.Aaim to draw others sympathyBwere taken only in AmericaCreflect the strength of humansDfocus on war and violence答案C解析推理判断题。根据第四段第一、二句“Reeds camera smiles.His images show how humans cope,rise above,and carry on.”及最后一句“Instead,Reed focuses on the varied human responses to hardship.”可知,他的作品聚焦于那些遭受困难的人对于困难的积极回应。故C正确。11What does the underlined word “sobriety” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?AWarmth. BCause.CValue. DSeriousness.答案D解析词义猜测题。本句Where引导的是地点状语从句,句子重在说明Reed和其他摄影家的关注点的差异。根据主句“Reeds camera smiles”,并结合上一段Reed所拍照片的内容可知,答案为D。DWhether its joining a school club,going to a friends birthday party,or travelling by train,we can meet new people anywhere and anytime in our lives.However,many of us feel awkward when meeting people for the first time,especially when we arent quite sure what to say.The situation feels cold,even icy.“Breaking the ice” is a term widely used in the Englishspeaking countries to describe a small talk technique that can help rescue a conversation from certain failure.So where do you even begin?Well,a good start is to accept that it is perfectly normal to feel a little nervous when talking to someone for the first time.They might look grumpy_or scary,but they could turn out to be the nicest person youve ever met.You might think that breaking the ice is difficult.But sometimes just a simple “hello”,followed by a threesecond smile,can make all the difference.Complimenting someone on their garment or accessories(饰品) is also a great,easy way to break the ice.You might say:“I love your jacket.Where did you buy it from?”Being in an uncomfortable or unpleasant situation with someone new might feel terrible,but it can actually be one of the best icebreakers.By focusing on the situation,you come together to fight the common enemy:the long bathroom queue,for example,or the overcrowded bus.You can make observations too.“What kind of drink is that?” “Thats a lovely name.What does it mean?” “Do you study here too?” There are opportunities all around you to ask questions that dont seem weird,as long as you have some followup questions in mind.If youre feeling extra bold,make a joke.Jokes can be difficult to master but if you get them right,they show the likeable,witty side of your character.“Whats your name?” “Well,people usually call me Mike,but you can call me tonight.”语篇解读本文属于说明文,介绍了当我们遇见陌生人的时候,如何主动和对方交流,如何“破冰”以形成美好的友谊。12Which is the best title for the passage?AHow to Develop Friendship with a StrangerBAdvice on Breaking the Ice When We Communicate with a StrangerCHow to Become a Successful Public Speaker DHow to Start a Conversation with a Person答案B解析标题归纳题。文章前三段告诉我们经常会遇见一些新朋友,如何成功地和对方交谈是很多人遇见的一个大问题。从第四段到第八段中分别给出了一个关于如何“break the ice”的建议。所以本文叙述的正是当我们和陌生人交流的时候,如何“破冰”。故B正确。13The underlined word “grumpy” can be replaced by _.Aeasily annoyed BgentleClowspirited Dcheerful答案A解析词义猜测题。根据后句“but they could turn out to be the nicest person youve ever met”中的but可知,前面一句中的形容词和nicest应该是相反的含义,同时和or后面的形容词scary一样表示贬义的词。选项中只有A项“easily annoyed(脾气坏的)”是贬义词,而且和语境相符。故A正确。14What can we learn from the passage?A“Breaking the ice” is a small talk technique widely used in our daily communication all over the world.BAs long as you can smile at others,you will make some friends.CRealizing that its normal to feel nervous in front of a stranger is a good start to break the ice.DBeing in an uncomfortable situation with some strangers can be the best icebreakers.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第三段前两句“So where do you even begin?Well,a good start is to accept that it is perfectly normal to feel a little nervous when talking to someone for the first time.”可知,C正确。15According to the passage,making a joke _.Acan be done with easeBleads to many new friendsCcan show your wisdom and lovely characterDmakes you enjoy your life happily答案C解析细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“Jokes can be difficult to master but if you get them right,they show the likeable,witty side of your character.”可知,虽然很难掌握说笑话,但是如果我们掌握了这个技巧,它是可以展示出我们的性格和聪明才智的。所以C正确。8

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