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实战演练(三)AAlexis,17,sat quietly in the passenger seat of her dads car.She let her eyes lazily scan the landscape for wildlife.Then a deer came into view about 200 yards in front of them.“Dad,theres a deer there!” Alexis said.It was a male deer with sharp antlers(角) on each side of its head.As the car moved closer,Alexis saw that the deers head was bent toward the ground.Then she heard a scream and saw an arm fly up near the deers head.Alexis realized the deer was attacking a woman.Sue,a 44yearold mother,had been out for her morning run.The deer followed her and edged closer.“I knew I was in trouble,” Sue says.She went to pick up a stick for selfdefense,and the deer charged.It lifted her with its antlers and threw her into the air.Sue could feel blood flew down her leg.Within seconds,the deer had pushed her off the road.When Alexis and her father pulled up,the deer was throwing Sue like a doll.Alexis looked into the womans terrified eyes,and before her father had even stopped the car,the teenager jumped quickly out of the car and ran toward the deer.“I was kicking it to get its attention,” she says.Then her father, who had followed his daughter,pushed the deer away from the woman.Alexis helped Sue into the car,and then applied a piece of cloth to Sues injured leg.“Were going to get you to a hospital,” Alexis said.Then she heard her father shout loudly.He had been knocked to the ground.Alexis took hold of a hammer from the car and ran to where her father lay on his back.She beat the deers head and neck,but the blows didnt scare it away.“I was losing faith,” she says.“A couple more strikes,Alexis,” said her father.“You can do it.”Turning the hammer around,Alexis closed her eyes and beat the deers neck with all her strength.When she opened her eyes,the deer was running away.Alexis got in the drivers seat and sped toward the nearest hospital.After Sue was treated,she tearfully thanked her rescuers.“You expect a teenage girl to get on the phone and call for help,” she says,“not to beat up a deer.”语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,17岁少女Alexis和父亲一起在野外开车时,遇到一个44岁的中年妇女Sue被公鹿攻击,危急时刻,勇敢的Alexis在父亲的帮助下一起救出了Sue,并把她送到医院。1What was Sue doing when she was attacked by the deer?AShe was driving home.BShe was resting on the road.CShe was taking exercise.DShe was feeding wild animals.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第二段第四句“Sue,a 44yearold mother,had been out for her morning run.”可知答案,选C项。2What did Alexis do to save Sue?AShe pushed the deer away.BShe hit the deer with her feet.CShe drove the car to hit the deer.DShe beat the deer with a hammer.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“I was kicking it to get its attention, she says.”可知答案,选B项。3Which of the following words can best describe Alexis?AStrong. BCruel.CEnergetic. DBrave.答案D解析推理判断题。Alexis跳出车去救Sue,用脚去踢凶猛的公鹿,并且在父亲被公鹿攻击时,用锤子和公鹿搏斗,可以看出Alexis非常勇敢,所以选择D。4What is the best title for the passage?AA Woman Was Seriously InjuredBA Dangerous Deer Attacked a WomanCA Girl Rescued Her Father SuccessfullyDA Teenager Saved Others from a Deer Attack答案D解析标题归纳题。整个故事讲述了Alexis和父亲一起在野外开车时,遇到素不相识的Sue被公鹿攻击,危急时刻,父女二人合力救出了Sue,并把她送到医院,所以选择D。BI was saved from sin(罪过) when I was going on thirteen.But not really saved.It happened like this.There was a big revival(复活布道会) at my Auntie Reeds church.Then just before the revival ended,they held a special meeting for children,“to bring the young lambs to the fold(羊栏)”My aunt spoke of it for days ahead.That night I was accompanied to the front row and placed on the mourners bench with all the other young sinners,who had not yet been brought to Jesus.My aunt told me that when you were saved you saw a light,and something happened to you inside!And Jesus came into your life!And God was with you from then on!She said you could see and hear and feel Jesus in your soul.I believed her.So I sat there calmly in the hot,crowded church,waiting for Jesus to come to me.I wanted to see him,but nothing happened to me.Nothing!I wanted something to happen to me,but nothing happened.Now it was really getting late.So I decided that maybe to save further trouble,Id better lie and say that Jesus had come,and get up and be saved.So I get up.The whole room broke into a sea of shouting and my aunt threw her arms around me.The minister took me by the hand and led me to the platform.That night I cried.I cried,in bed alone,and couldnt stop.My aunt woke up and told my uncle I was crying because the Holy Ghost had come into my life,and because I had seen Jesus.But I was really crying because I couldnt bear to tell her that I had lied,that I had deceived everyone in the church,that I hadnt seen Jesus,and that now I didnt believe there was a Jesus any more,since he didnt come to help me.语篇解读本文属于记叙文阅读,讲述了作者小时候参加一次基督教的复活聚会活动,为了摆脱这一难受的情景,作者说了谎话。5What does “to bring the young lambs to the fold” in Paragraph 1 mean?ATo free them from sin.BTo feed the young lambs.CTo bring the young lambs home.DTo bring the young people home.答案A解析句意猜测题。第一段第一句“I was saved from sin(罪过) when I was going on thirteen.”说明我参加这个活动就是为了让我摆脱罪过,所以“to bring the young lambs to the fold(羊栏)”的意思是“让年轻人摆脱罪过”。故A正确。6What do we know about the writers aunt?AShe was a liar.BShe pretended to believe in God.CShe believed the existence of Jesus.DShe could see God with her own eyes.答案C解析推理判断题。根据第二段可知,我的阿姨是相信耶稣的存在的,她一直在向我宣扬基督教的教义。故C正确。7From the story,we know the writer wanted to see Jesus _.Awith his heartBwith his feelingCwith his own eyesDwith his imagination答案C解析推理判断题。根据第三段“So I sat there calmly in the hot,crowded church.to happen to me,but nothing happened.”可知,我想亲眼目睹耶稣,但是我没看见。故C项说法正确。8What does the passage mainly tell us?AThe child was finally saved from sin.BThe child did not think much of being saved from sin.CEveryone else was delighted at the childs being saved from sin.DThe child got through a painful process and was finally saved from sin but felt unhappy.答案D解析主旨大意题。本文属于记叙文,讲述了作者参加基督教的复活活动,经历了一次很难受的过程,作者很不开心,因为他说了谎话。故D项说法正确。CThe healthcare economy is filled with unusual and even unique economic relationships.One of the least understood involves the peculiar roles of producer or “provider” and purchaser or “consumer” in the typical doctorpatient relationship.In most sectors of the economy,it is the seller who attempts to attract a potential buyer with various appealing factors of price,quality,and use,and it is the buyer who makes the decision.Such condition,however,is not common in most of the healthcare industry.In the healthcare industry,the doctorpatient relationship is the mirror image of the ordinary relationship between producer and consumer.Once an individual has chosen to see a physicianand even then there may be no real choiceit is the physician who usually makes all significant purchasing decisions:whether the patient should return “next Wednesday”,whether Xrays are needed,whether drugs should be prescribed,etc.It is rare that a patient will challenge such professional decisions or raise in advance questions about price,especially when the disease is regarded as serious.This is particularly significant in relation to hospital care.The physician must certify the need for hospitalization,determine what procedures will be performed,and announce when the patient may be discharged.The patient may be consulted about some of the decisions,but in general it is the doctors judgments that are final.Little wonder then that in the eye of the hospital it is the physician who is the real “consumer”As a consequence,the medical staff represents the “power center” in hospital policy and decisionmaking,not the administration.Although usually there are in this situation four identifiable participantsthe physician,the hospital,the patient,and the payer(generally an insurance carrier or government)the physician makes the essential decisions for all of them.The hospital becomes an extension of the physician;the payer generally meets most of the bills generated by the physician/hospital,and for the most part the patient plays a passive role.We estimate that about 7580 percent of healthcare choices are determined by physicians,not patients.For this reason,the economy directed at patients or the general is relatively ineffective.语篇解读本文属于说明文,主要讲述了目前的医疗体系中主要是由医生做最终的决定,作者提出这种系统是低效的,要改变这一情况。9The authors primary purpose in writing this passage is to _.Aurge hospitals to reclaim their decisionmaking authorityBinform potential patients of their healthcare rightsCcriticize doctors for exercising too much control over patientsDanalyze some important economic factors in healthcare答案D解析写作意图题。根据最后一段前三句可知,文章主要分析了医疗保健领域的一些重要的影响相互之间经济关系的因素:医生、医院、病人以及支付者。故D项正确。10It can be inferred that doctors are able to determine hospital policies because _.Amost of patients bills are paid by his health insuranceBit is doctors who generate income for the hospitalCsome patients might refuse to take their physicians adviceDa doctor is ultimately responsible for a patients health答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“As a consequence,the medical staff represents the power center in hospital policy and decisionmaking,not the administration.”可知决定医学治疗的是医生,也就是说决定医院收入的也是医生。故B项正确。11According to the author,when a doctor tells a patient to “return next Wednesday”,the doctor is in fact _.Aadvising the patient to seek a second opinionBwarning the patient that a hospital stay might be necessaryCinstructing the patient to buy more medical servicesDadmitting that the first visit was ineffective答案C解析推理判断题。根据第二段第二句中“it is the physician who usually makes all significant purchasing decisions:whether the patient should return next Wednesday”可知当医生让病人下周三再来的时候,实际上是由医生指导病人购买更多的医疗服务。故C项正确。12The author is most probably leading up to _.Aa proposal to control medical costsBa study of lawsuits against doctors for malpracticeCan analysis of the cause of inflation(通货膨胀) in the USDa discussion of a new medical treatment答案A解析推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“For this reason,the economy directed at patients or the general is relatively ineffective.”可知,作者认为目前的医疗体系是无效的,作者以此建议对现行的医疗体系进行改革,改变目前由医生决定治疗过程的医疗程序,以此控制医疗费用。故A正确。DImagine being given the opportunity to wake up to lions,eat your meals with monkeys,and even share your bath with bears,all from the comfort of a unique new lodging experience.The Jamala Wildlife Lodge opened its doors in January 2015,which was set up in an effort to educate visitors about aiding the survival of many of the worlds endangered species.“Its great for the animals;theyre going to get more space.Its great for the viewing public;theyre going to get more things to see.It will be great for tourism and just for the local community,” said Richard Tindale,the owner and operator.Spreading across three locations in the National Zoo,the 18 rooms,which range from giraffe tree houses to jungle bungalows,offer a fantastic experience with wildlife animals.The Giraffe TreehouseThe Giraffe Treehouse is set among the giraffe enclosures(围场),and the Jungle Bungalows are luxurious individual suites which are next to either lion,cheetah(猎豹),brown bear,or Malaysian sun bear enclosures.The Ushaka HouseHousing up to 26 people,the Ushaka House is built around the monkey enclosure and has a builtin aquarium which offers private views of some of the zoos sharks.The Burley Griffin HouseOnly meters from the edge of Lake Burley Griffin,the indoor and outdoor entertaining areas have splendid views across the lake to Black Mountain.The Shark HouseThe Shark House has its own little jetty(码头) and it comes out over the shark tank here and so the people who stay in the room will be able to go to their bedroom and pat the shark.LocationLocated in the heart of Australias political capital,the Jamala Wildlife Lodge at the National Zoo and Aquarium is just ten minutes from Canberras central Business District.13Which of the following is TRUE about the Jamala Wildlife Lodge?AThe Jamala Wildlife Lodge lies in the heart of Canberra.BThe Jamala Wildlife Lodge has a very long history.CThe Jamala Wildlife Lodge is outside the National Zoo.DThe Jamala Wildlife Lodge has altogether 26 houses.答案A解析细节理解题。根据最后一段“Located in the heart of Australias political capital”可知其位于澳大利亚的首都堪培拉。故选A。14If a tourist wants to visit Lake Burley Griffin,hed better choose _.AThe Giraffe TreehouseBThe Ushaka HouseCThe Burley Griffin HouseDThe Shark House答案C解析细节理解题。根据The Burley Griffin House部分中的“Only meters from the edge of Lake Burley Griffin”可知,想要观赏Lake Burley Griffin,就要到The Burley Griffin House。故选C。15The purpose of writing the passage is to _.Aattract more tourists to visit the National ZooBintroduce the Jamala Wildlife Lodge in AustraliaCraise peoples awareness of protecting animalsDoffer visitors an opportunity to play with sharks答案B解析写作意图题。文章介绍了位于堪培拉的一个独特的新的住宿体验Jamala Wildlife Lodge。故选B。8


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