九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Books单元练习 (新版)北师大版

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Unit2 Books单元练习一、听力(听力)(共25小题;共25分) I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 1.A. weekB. weakC. wake 2.A. make upB. look upC. take on 3.A. June 9B. June 19C. July 19 4.A. Reading aloud is helpful in learning English.B. We have to read to learn English well.C. You must read English every morning. 5.A. Its 8:25 now.B. Its 8:30 now.C. Its 8:35 now. II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 6.A. For about two years.B. Two years ago.C. Last year. 7.A. I do, too.B. By bike.C. Thats a great idea. 8.A. I forgot to bring my pen.B. I forgot to answer the question.C. I had no money to buy a pencil case. 9.A. In the cinema.B. Next Thursday evening.C. No, we have a meeting.10.A. No, thanks. I can do it myself.B. Yes, I am.C. Sure, Ill be glad to. III. 听对话和问题,选择正确的选项。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)11.A. B. C. 12.A. B. C. 13.A. She is six years old.B. She is eight years old.C. She is fourteen years old.14.A. Her mother.B. Her teacher.C. Her classmate.15.A. An MP4 player.B. An iPad.C. A cellphone.16.A. Because theyre having a class now.B. Because she wants his help.C. Because its time for class.17.A. Because he didnt like reading.B. Because he didnt sleep well last night.C. Because he didnt understand the meaning of the book.18.A. Find the main idea first.B. Read the book aloud.C. Read from the end. IV. 听语段和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题,每小题1分,计7分)19. What was Tom like?A. Quiet.B. Hard-working.C. Lazy.20. What did Toms parents want him to be when he grew up?A. A lawyer.B. A bank clerk.C. A doctor.21. Why did Tom want to be a cleaner?A. Because the job is of great importance.B. Because both of his parents are cleaners.C. Because he thought he could work only one day a week.22. When did Steve write the letter?A. After the test.B. Before Teachers Day.C. Before graduation.23. What did Steve spend a lot of time doing when he was in Grade Two?A. Playing basketball.B. Making trouble.C. Playing computer games.24. Which subject did Mr. Chen probably teach?A. Science.B. Math.C. English.25. What does Steve think of Mr. Chen?A. Strict.B. Kind.C. Creative.二、单项选择(共15小题;共15分)26.- How is Tom now?- I hear the company him a good job, but he refused it.A. providedB. offeredC. passedD. introduced27.Mo Yan is famous now, but he a true son of soil(土地).A. keepsB. staysC. remainsD. maybe28.Im sure that stricter rules to control cigarette smoking very soon.A. madeB. will makeC. were madeD. will be made29.- Where is Miss Zhao?- She with our geography teacher in the office.A. talksB. is talkingC. talkD. talked30.- He was cleaning his room when I entered the house.- His room by him when I entered the room.A. was being cleanedB. was cleanedC. was being cleaningD. has been cleaned31.In the past few years thousands of films all over the world.A. have producedB. have been producedC. are producingD. are being produced32.A lot of tall buildings in his hometown in the last three years.A. have set upB. have been set upC. were set upD. set up33.The boy his dictionary when he came into the classroom.A. forgotB. droppedC. leftD. fell34.May I your new MP4?A. have a look inB. have a look atC. lookingD. have look at35. you tell the truth, Ill try to help you.A. AlthoughB. ThoughC. As long asD. Why36.A letter by Tom at seven yesterday.A. is being writtenB. was writtenC. was being writtenD. written37.Many houses by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless.A. damagedB. were damagedC. were damagingD. are damaged38.Were sure that the environment in our city greatly through our work in the near future.A. improvedB. was improvedC. has improvedD. will be improved39.All living things the sun for their growth.A. depend ofB. fill withC. full ofD. depend on40.Lots of food and water to Yaan, Sichuan Province immediately, after the earthquake happened.A. were sentB. are sentC. sendD. sent三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共12小题;共12分)41. Youd better r silent, because you dont know anything about this.42. We are c how to do it.43. We should keep s in the reading room at the school library.44. Dont t the animals in the zoo. They are dangerous.45. The restaurant tries everything to o its guests good services.46. We have been friends for many years. I hope our f will last forever.47. The young man is standing in the rain and his clothes are wet. Maybe he is a little bit s .48. A thief s some money and things from the shop last night.49. The elephant is the biggest animal on l .50. Living in the city has many a such as good schools, big shopping centers and so on.51. She d the glass on the floor just now. And the glass is broken.52. Which language you speak d on where you live.四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共8小题;共8分)53. Hey! Relax! No one will (强迫) you to do that if youre not willing to.54. The policeman arrested him because he (偷;窃取) a lot of money from the bank.55. Maybe you (落下, 掉下) them on your way here; lets go and look for them.56. When it comes to climate, warm conditions and a normal amount of rainfall are (有利条件) that attract people.57. Good (友谊) can make you happy. So we all need friends.58. Have you spent the whole day (考虑) it?59. Mary says that he is a (傻里傻气的) boy.60. - Im sorry I cant (提供) any help to you.- Thank you all the same.五、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)(共10小题;共10分)61. Which language is the most widely (speak) in the world?62. No permission (give) for anybody to enter the building.63. Some of the swamps have been (pollute).64. The sick man (operate) on now.65. We hope that more charity shows (hold) to raise money for Project Hope.66. Every day, some trees (cut) down somewhere in the world.67. The boy (take) good care of by his mother when he was a baby.68. The photo for the subject Nature (take) by him yesterday.69. For a moment he was completely (knock) over by the news of his friends death.70. These animals are only (give) food once a day.六、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;共20分)71. 只要你开车小心,你可以用我的车。You can use my car you drive carefully.72. 我的英语书被落在家里了,因此我不得不借一本。My English book at home, so I have to borrow one.73. 熊猫在我国受到很好的照顾。(词数不限)Pandas in our country.74. She (被授予) the first prize last week.75. Please (看一看) at that red dress. Its beautiful.76. 我认为年轻人该把更多注意力集中在工作上。I think young people should more their work.77. 人们将永远记住那小女孩身处危险时的甜美微笑。(词数不限)The little girl forever by people for her sweet smile when she was in danger.78. 在中国到处都有人打羽毛球。In China, badminton everywhere.79. 你的成功取决于你学习努力的程度。Your success how hard you work at your lessons.80. 它们会在互联网上被其他班级看到。They on the Internet other classes.七、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) I have a very useful dictionary. There are a lot of words in it. It gives many meanings for 81 word. But I always read the first meaning of a word in the dictionary. I never read the other meanings, because I wanted to read my book 82 . This morning, 83 I was reading a book, I met a strange sentence. It looked 84 first. The sentence had six words: Draw a picture of your house. I knew five words in this sentence, but I didnt understand one word. I didnt 85 draw. I opened my dictionary and 86 the first meaning of draw. It was pull. I said to myself, Now I know all the words, and I think I can understand the sentence. So I wrote the meaning of the sentence, Pull a picture of your house. I read it, and what was the meaning of it? I didnt understand it. My friend Dick read my new sentence. He laughed. He picked 87 my dictionary, and said to me, Look, Jack. The second 88 of draw is make a picture with a pen, a pencil and a brush. 89 the sentence means: Make a picture of your house. I 90 ! I thought Dick was great. And at last I knew how to use my dictionary.81.A. someB. anotherC. eachD. other82.A. quicklyB. quietlyC. carefullyD. slowly83.A. howB. whoC. whatD. when84.A. difficultB. funnyC. easyD. nice85.A. haveB. knowC. useD. like86.A. explainedB. discoveredC. foundD. invented87.A. byB. outC. upD. with88.A. wayB. meaningC. planD. idea89.A. OrB. IfC. SoD. But90.A. understoodB. gotC. wantedD. gave八、阅读理解(共17小题;共34分)A When you carry your heavy schoolbag on the way to school or home, do you know the fact that the heavy schoolbag influences your interest in learning knowledge? Dont worry. You may be able to say goodbye to your heavy schoolbag in the near future. Instead of burying(埋葬) your face in an ocean of textbooks, newspapers, magazines and novels, you will soon find that an E-book reader can take the place of them all. An E-book reader is a new kind of mini machine designed to hold thousands of text files and display them on the screen as real text printed(印刷) on a paper page. In t he same way in which the iPod(a kind of MP3) has changed the way people enjoy music, E-book readers could change the way that books are read. Some scientists have predicted that E-books will be used widely in our daily life, especially in schools. The size of an E-book reader is the same as that of real books. Its screen is different from that of a computer. It is as thin as a piece of paper. The words on an E-book readers screen look exactly the same as those on real pages. However, you can do more with an E-book reader than you can with a real book. The reader can change the size of the words and connect to the Internet to download new books.91. Which of the following is TRUE about an E-book reader?A. It makes us lose interest in learning knowledgeB. An E-book reader can display text files as clearly as real text printed on a paper pageC. An E-book reader is not large enough to hold thousands of text filesD. An E-book reader is as large as a computer92. What are the differences between an E-book and a real book?A. An E-book is much thicker than a real bookB. The real book can change the size of the words, but the E-book reader can notC. The E-book reader can not download new books from the Internet, but the real book canD. A real book is not so useful as an E-book reader93. The screen of an E-book reader looks like .A. an MP3 playerB. a blackboardC. a piece of paperD. a tape94. We can infer(推断) from the passage that .A. the heavy schoolbag is bad for students healthB. the size of an E-book reader is the same as the iPodC. the screen of an E-book reader is as thin as a piece of paperD. E-books will take the place of textbooks, not newspapers, magazines or novelsB The Internet has become part of teenagers(十几岁的) life. A new report on 3,375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities found that 38 percent of them believe they use the Internet often. While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in their studies, some are not using it in a good way. Many are playing online games too much. A few even visit websites(网址) they should not look at. Hong Ying, a teacher from Beijing Yinghua Middle School warns(警告) that bad things can happen if young people spend too much time on the Internet. She had a student who used to be good at school. But then he started visiting unhealthy websites. He went mad, cheated(欺骗) a girl and was taken away by the police. In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior(行为) has started to be used in some Shanghai middle schools this term. The book uses real examples to teach students about good ways of using the Internet. The book gives useful advice such as to read news or to find helpful information to study. Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good idea. Hong said the book will be a guide for teens to use the Internet. She believes it will keep students away from bad sites. “Many students are using the Internet without guidance(指导) from their parents,” she said, “The book will teach students how to be a good person in the online world.”95. How many among the 3,375 students believe they use the Internet very often?A. 10B. 18C. 38D. About 128296. children are using the computer in a good way.A. AllB. Not allC. Each of theD. Every97. A textbook on good Internet behavior has begun to be used in .A. BeijingB. WuhanC. ShenyangD. Shanghai98. The aim of the book is to .A. teach students how to go online in a good wayB. tell children how to make online friendsC. tell a lot of stories about the harm of the InternetD. teach students how to play computer games99. The student who was caught by the police was .A. crazyB. too interested in the bad thingsC. lateD. too excitedC We can easily and cheaply get all the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted(使快乐) mankind for centuries, but we must know how to use this treasure and how to get the most from it. The most unfortunate people all over the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books. I am very interested in people, in meeting them and finding about them. Ive found in books new friends, new societies, and new words. Reading is a pleasure of mind. It is a little like a sport: Your eagerness for knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his. Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Wherever you start reading you connect yourself with one of the families of ideas, and finally you not only find out about the world and the people in it, you find out about yourself, too. Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you you ought to read, you probably wont have fun. But if you put down a book you dont like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time, and if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you wont have suffered during the process.100. Which is WRONG according to the passage?A. Reading can find new friends.B. Reading is fun.C. Reading is a little like a sport.D. While reading youll have no imagination.101. Whats the result of reading?A. Wiser.B. Kinder.C. More gentle.D. All of the above.102. What does the underlined word process mean in Chinese?A. 过程B. 作用C. 手续D. 工序103. Why does the author say books are connected with each other?A. They have the same idea.B. They have the same writer.C. Peoples problems are the same.D. Human problems repeat themselves in literature.D Im not a fast reader and I dont read as much as many other people, but reading is something I enjoy. It opens new worlds to me. Recently I found Kobo, an online book store that allows me to buy e-books and read them on a device(设备) of my choice. Im a girl living in Indonesia, where e-books are not available and I had to buy physical books (有形图书) from Amazon in the past. There are two problems with it: Shipping cost. Since I live far away from the United States, it costs a lot to Ship a book. Shipping costs almost as much as the book itself. Shipping time. It takes about three weeks for the books to arrive through postal mail. Now with Kobo, I can eliminate those two problems. Not only does it cost less time and money to get the books, but also I prefer to read e-books this way than reading physical books. Here are three reasons why: I can easily bring the books everywhere. Since all the books are in my iPod touch, I can simply put the device into my pocket and bring it everywhere I go. The size is smaller. The size of the iPod Touch is smaller than a physical book. This makes reading more convenient(方便) for me, I can read in any position I want. The iPod has a light source, so I can read when I am in darkness. This means that I can read in practically any position and condition. One more advantage I havent mentioned is space. Physical books take space, but e-books dont.104. According to the article, Amazon is .A. the name of a physical bookB. an online book store for physical booksC. the name of an e-bookD. an online book store in Indonesia105. The word eliminate most probably means .A. causeB. noticeC. meetD. solve106. What are the problems with buying books from Amazon?A. The books are very heavy.B. The writer has to go there by ship.C. It costs more money and time.D. The books are very expensive.107. Which of the following is one of the reasons why the writer likes e-books?A. E-books can be read almost anywhere.B. E-books are very fashionable.C. E-books open new worlds to her.D. E-books help her read faster.九、短文7选5(5选5等)(共4小题;共8分) Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work or when your best friend does not wait for you after school? 108. Getting angry with others can cause you to lose friends. Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, has written My Feelings Are Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells how to stay cool when bad things happen. The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. 109. Getting angry is not a natural way to act, the book says, Its just a bad habit, like smoking. The book says you can control your anger easilyall you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry. The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry easily. 110. Keep a record. When you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily. Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry. 111. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh.A. Here are the top three.B. Do something different.C. It can never make them better.D. You may ask how to use the tips.E. If you do, you need to control

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