九年级英语上册 Unit 8 Discoveries同步练习 (新版)北师大版

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Unit8 Discoveries一、单项选择 1.- Do you have any problems if you this job?- Well, Im thinking about the working day.A. offerB. will offerC. are offeredD. will be offered 2.I will work out this question.A. able toB. be able toC. canD. could 3.- We cant be successful we keep working hard.- I agree with you.A. ifB. unlessC. becauseD. when 4.For most people in America, home should be, , comfortable.A. at allB. in factC. above allD. at first 5.Lindas father hates waiting in long lines. I think hes just not very .A. patientB. talentedC. popularD. powerful 6.- Mrs. Li, will you be angry your students dont obey the rules in class?- A little. But I will stop them in a friendly way.A. ifB. unlessC. though 7.The soldier was probably feeling excited when he down the stairs.A. cameB. comesC. has comeD. will come 8.The kids may not go to school in the future. They at home on computers.A. have studiedB. will studyC. studied 9.Each year quite a lot of food around the world. Its really time for us to do something.A. was wastedB. is wastedC. wastedD. will be wasted10.My teachers words had a big effect me. From then on, I began to work hard on all the subjects.A. inB. onC. forD. with11.We will go for a picnic if it tomorrow.A. doesnt rainB. wasnt rainyC. wont rainD. wasnt raining12.The little girl was unable her name.A. to writeB. to writingC. writeD. writing13.The old theatre will close soon some extra donations are made.A. soB. ifC. becauseD. unless14.Id like to buy a big and modern house. , I hope its in a quiet neighborhood.A. After allB. Above allC. As a resultD. At that moment15.You have to be and wait until I finish my work.A. patientB. strictC. honestD. active二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 16. The d of Columbus was quite an event in the world.17. When you smoke, you should think about its e on you and your health.18. Because of the cold weather, there are more p in hospitals.19. The story happened last c .20. Who p the prize at the meeting last night?21. Many new d were made with the help of a compass.22. The e parents have on their children are great.23. As a teacher, you should be p with your students. If they cant understand, you should explain again.24. Albert Einstein had one of the great minds of last c .25. He said he was pleased to p the prizes that day.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 26. It is a new (发现) in science.27. Are there any (实验室) in your school?28. Its said that the world will change a lot during the next two (世纪).29. He answered the teachers question (正确地).30. The doctor treated his headache with a new drug but didnt (治愈) him.31. These days, therere many p in the hospital because of the bad weather.32. Each group should (提交) a report to the teacher after the survey.33. Playing computer games too much has a bad (影响) on us.34. Its a great (荣誉) to be invited to your house.35. Many new (发现)were made with the help of compass.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 36. 他只不过是个小孩子,你应该对他耐心点。He is just a small child, so you must him.37. 假如你没有钱了,你会怎么做?What do if you any money?38. (如果老虎住在野外), they will hunt for their own food.39. 除非有医生的证明,否则你必须参加体育测试。Youre required to take in the P.E. test you have a doctors note.40. 也许你会为他们不能找到解决空气污染问题的方法而担心。Maybe you fear that they wont find the solutions to the problem of air pollution.41. 地震中受灾的孩子需要很多帮助,但最重要的是爱。(词数不限)The children who have suffered from the earthquake need plenty of help, but they need love.42. 王老师对她的学生总是很有耐心。Ms. Wang is always her students.43. 如果你不快点儿,就赶不上火车。If you up, you the train.44. (如果你饿了), you can buy some food.(词数不限)45. 别横跨街道除非交通灯变成绿色。(词数不限)Dont go across the street .五、完形填空 On 46 1st, Mike decided to play a joke on his friend. At lunchtime he said to Tom, “I think were going to have a science test(测验) this afternoon.” “A test?” said Tom. “Really?” “Yes, its quite 47 .” said Mike. “When I was passing by Mr. Hills room, he was talking with 48 teacher about test. I think there will 49 a science test this afternoon. Tell Bob and Kate about it.” Later, Tom told Bob and Kate about the test. 50 almost all the students in Mr. Hills science class knew about it. They quickly went into the classroom and began to 51 . But not Mike. He was laughing to himself 52 his classmates. “That fools!” he thought. “April fools.” When class began, Mr. Hill said to the students. “Class, were going to have a test today.” Mike was surprised. He could not 53 what to do. When Mr. Hill handed out the 54 , the students began to write. But not Mike. He 55 think and think and think. It really was April Fools Day for Mike.46.A. MarchB. AprilC. MayD. June47.A. trueB. wrongC. reallyD. right48.A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. all the 0thers49.A. beB. haveC. holdD. take50.A. After a long timeB. After schoolC. After the science classD. Soon51.A. playB. do maths exercisesC. studyD. read52.A. aboutB. atC. forD. by53.A. knowB. wantC. likeD. do54.A. testB. booksC. paperD. papers55.A. couldB. mightC. shouldD. had to六、阅读理解A Laboratory work is your chance to learn science firsthand. It can be fun but you must be careful to prevent injury. Listen closely when your teacher reads and explains the rules before your first lab lesson.LABORATORY RULES Throughout the Lesson Do not enter the science lab without the teachers permission. No food or drinks are to be allowed in the science lab. Before the Experiment Read all instructions carefully before every experiment. Prepare the apparatus(仪器) and arrange it so that you will not knock it over while doing the experiment. During the Experiment If you are unsure of how to use any apparatus or how to operate, ask your teacher for help. Never smell or taste chemicals unless your teacher gives permission. After the Experiment Wash the apparatus after use and return it to the places where it was. Throw waste materials in proper waste baskets. First Aid Report all accidents to your teacher immediately. If you spill(溅出) any chemicals onto your body or clothing, wash with plenty of water and report to your teacher.56. Your teacher will probably tell you the rules above the first lab lesson.A. beforeB. sinceC. duringD. after57. Before every experiment, you should .A. taste the chemicals firstB. clean the apparatusC. read all instructions carefullyD. report all the accidents to the teacher58. When you are not sure how to use the apparatus, .A. try them on your ownB. read the rules carefullyC. ask your teacher for helpD. put it back59. It is clear that you can .A. bring food into the labB. enter the lab anytimeC. smell chemicals as you likeD. learn science directly in the lab60. If you get chemicals on the clothing, you can find ways to solve it in the part .A. Before the ExperimentB. First AidC. During the ExperimentD. After the ExperimentB My first day of school was very interesting and couldnt be easily forgotten. I went to my science class in the morning and found a seat in the back. I waited there for 15 minutes before the bell rang. The science teacher told us about some class rules. No one talked to me and I didnt talk to anyone else. I was one of those very shy girls. After the science class, I had an English class. I thought it would be boring but later I found it very funny. When the classes of the morning ended I went to lunch. I sat outside the dining room with no one to talk to and no food because I was too nervous to join the lunch line. I kept looking around hoping to see someone I knew but I never saw anyone. Lunch ended and I went to have my art class. I was the first one there and not even my teacher was there yet. So I sat at my desk and started drawing some pictures. I didnt notice the rest of the class walking in or the girl that was standing behind me till I was surprised by the voice, So what are you drawing? It was a girl who had really long hair. She ended up being my best friend and one of the kindest and liveliest girls I know. In the next class meeting, the teacher asked us to talk about the past holiday. I was glad to make some new friends in the class. The first day of high school was hard for me but I got through it.61. What do we know about the writers science class?A. She was 15 minutes late for it.B. She learned some class rules.C. She made some new friends.D. She sat in the front row.62. According to the writer, the English class was .A. boringB. interestingC. hardD. useful63. The writer had no lunch because she .A. wasnt hungryB. forgot the lunch timeC. was afraid to stand in lineD. didnt like the dining room64. In the art class, the writer .A. got to know a lively girlB. talked about her past holidayC. met someone she knew beforeD. drew some pictures about her class65. What was the writers first class in the afternoon?A. The class meeting.B. The English class.C. The science class.D. The art class.C If youre ever apart from your children, a new study says just talking on the phone will help just as much as a hug(拥抱). If youre a parent who spends long hours on the job, you probably feel sorry for spending so much time away from your kids. But the results of a new study show that a mothers voice alone can be just as comforting to an anxious child as physical contact(接触). In an experiment, researchers from the University of Wisconsin Madison asked a group of girls between the ages of 7 and 12 to solve math problems in front of judgesa stressful situation for anyone. Before the girls were set to give their answers, the researchers measured their levels of two hormones(荷尔蒙): cortisol, which goes up during stressful periods, and oxytocin, the love hormone, which goes down at the same time. After the girls finished the problems, some of them got to meet up with their mothers right away. The moms came in and hugged the girls. Another group of the girls didnt see their mothers, but received phone calls from them, in which their mothers told them how well theyd done. The final group had no contact with their mothers, but instead watched an animal movie, March of the Penguins. Finally, the girls hormone levels were measured again. Although the movie was interesting, it did nothing to reduce the childrens anxietybut, surprisingly, both the physical contact and phone calls from their mothers had the same effect on reducing the girls stress levels. So, no matter how old you are, if youre feeling stressed about something in your life, a phone call to Mom might be just the key to help you feel better.66. If a girl is under stress, .A. she cant solve math problemsB. she will have high levels of hormoneC. oxytocin will remain at a high levelD. cortisol will go up with oxytocin down67. Which of the following is the right order in which the study was carried out?a. The girls levels of hormones were measured again.b. The girls solved math problems.c. The girls levels of hormones were measured.d. The girls were divided into three groups.A. b-c-d-aB. d-b-c-aC. c-b-d-aD. d-c-b-a68. From the passage, we can infer that .A. it is easy for girls to solve math problemsB. the girls who had watched the movie remained anxiousC. mothers should hug their kids as often as possibleD. older girls have higher cortisol than younger ones69. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. A mothers voice can comfort her anxious kids.B. Mothers should often hug their kids.C. Mothers should spend enough time caring about their kids.D. Scientists discovered why kids become stressed when having tests.D A fish that lives in America can live out of water for months at a time, similar to how animals got used to land millions of years ago, a new study shows. The Mangrove Rivulets, a kind of little fish, lives in small pools of water. When their living place dries up, they live on the land, said Scott Taylor, a researcher in Florida. The fish can grow as large as three inches. They group together and breathe air through their skin before they can find water again. The new scientific discovery came during a trip. “We were travelling for fun. And one day I kicked over a log (圆木) and the fish came out.” Taylor told reporters by telephone. He said he would make his study on the fish known to the public in an American magazine early next year. In lab tests, Taylor said he found the fish can live up to 66 days out of water without eating. Some other fish can live out of water for a short period of time. The walking catfish found in Southeast Asia can stay on land for hours at a time, while lungfish(肺鱼) found in Australia, Africa and South America can live out of water, but only in a not active(活跃的) way. But no other known fish can be out of water as long as the Mangrove Rivulets and keep active, according to Patricia Wright, a biologist at a Canadian University. More studies of the fish may tell how animals changed over time. “These animals live in conditions similar to those millions of years ago, when animals began to move from water onto land.” Wright said.70. The Mangrove Rivulets is a type of fish that .A. lives on land in AfricaB. can stay alive for months out of waterC. prefers living in dry placesD. is the longest living fish on earth71. Who will write a report on Mangrove Rivulets?A. Scott Taylor.B. Some reporters.C. Patricia Wright.D. Scientists from Europe.72. According to the passage, lungfish can .A. breathe through its skinB. be found in AsiaC. keep alive out of waterD. keep alive and walk on land73. Which one of the sentences below is not true?A. The Mangrove Rivulets fish can live out of water as long as other animals if it has something to eat.B. Millions of years ago, animals began to live onto land from water.C. Lungfish found in Australia, Africa and South America can live out of water in a not active way.D. The walking catfish found in Southeast Asia can stay on land for hours at a time.74. What can we say about the discovery of Mangrove Rivulets?A. It was made by Scott Taylor, a researcher in New York.B. It was helped by an American magazine.C. It was helped by Patricia Wright.D. It was made by a researcher while travelling.七、短文7选5(5选5等) Imagine a boy from a small village in East Africa. He has been looking after cows from a very early age. At twelve, he knows more about cows than most of us. 75. Has this boy ever had any education? Education is discovering about ourselves and about the people and things around us. All the people who care about usour parents, brothers, sisters, friendsare our teachers. 76. We start learning on the day we are born, not on the first day we go to school. Every day we have new experiences, like finding a birds nest(巢), discovering a new street in our neighborhood and making friends with someone we didnt like before. 77. Encouragement from the people around us makes it possible for us to discover things as much as possible. As we grow up, we begin to find out what we are able to do. We may be good at cooking, or singing or playing football. 78. Just thinking about cooking doesnt tell us if we are good at it. We learn so much just in our daily life. 79. Of course we can learn some things better at home than at school, like how to do the shopping, and how to help old or disabled people who cant do everything for themselves. At school, teachers help us to read and write. With their help, we begin to see things in different ways.A. To share new experiences with other people is even more fun.B. In fact, we learn something from everyone we meet.C. We find this out by doing these things.D. However, he has never been to school.E. So why is school important?八、阅读与表达(问答式) Last month I got the chance to take part in an underwater research project in an area of the Gulf of Mexico called the Flower Gardens. A team of professional researchers were trying to learn more about the fish and other animals that live in this part of the sea. The Flower Gardens are a long way from the shore(海岸) and we spent three days on a boat. The team used a piece of underwater equipment to collect information. This underwater equipment is called a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). The ROV could measure water depth and temperature and it also had a camera that sent live film back to the boat. The ROV was great fun. It was controlled by a computer on the boat, and I was allowed to operate it a few times. However, the thing I enjoyed most was diving into the water. At first, I was quite frightenedmainly because I couldnt see land in any direction. But as soon as I jumped into the water, I wasnt afraid anymore. It was amazing to see the colourful fish swimming around and I could see all the way to the Flower Gardens, which are almost 30 metres down. I will never forget the Flower Gardens. The trip was like a holiday but I also learnt new things about science and research projects. The team were very friendly and everyone was happy to explain what they knew about the sea. It was a great opportunity and it has made me think about my goals in life. The experience will surely encourage me to work harder to become a scientist. 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。80. When did the writer take part in an underwater research project? 81. What were the researchers trying to learn about in the Flower Gardens? 82. Why did the team use the ROV? 83. What did the writer enjoy most in the project? 84. What is the passage mainly about? 答案一、单项选择 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B10. B11. A12. A13. D14. B15. A二

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