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九年级英语周测(10)Class:_ Name:_ Score:_一、完形填空。(20分)Do you want to go to another country? If yes, it will be of great help to know the language and some of the1 of the country. When people meet each other for the first 2 in Britain, they say “How do you do?”and 3 hands. Usually they do not shake hands when just meet and then say 4 But they shake hands after they havent 5 for a long time or when they will be away from each other for a long time.Last year a group of German students went to England for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the English people 6 shake hands. 7 when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The English students had 8that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put out their hands and got 9 to shake hands with them. It made all of them 10 .( )1Apeople Bfood Cplaces Dcustoms( )2Atime Bchance Corder Ddate( )3Acatch Bshake Ctake Dgive( )4Ahello Bsorry Cwelcome Dgoodbye( )5A. played Bexercised Cworked Dtalked( )6Aalways Bsometimes Chardly Doften( )7A But BBecause CSo DTough( )8A thought Bwarned Clearned Dtaught( )9A excited Bready Csorry Dupset( )10 .A wonder Bworry Cexpect Dlaugh二、单项填空(40分)( )1Dad expects me to make effort to improve my spoken English.A a Ban Cthe D/( )2Tom cant carry box._ ,hes only five years old. AAfter all BIn all CAt all DAbove all( )3 my surprise, she didnt pass the exam.A In BOn CTo DAt( )4Youre supposed each other.A Bto help Chelping Dto helping( )5Ill tell him the news as soon as he back.A comes B will come Ccame Dwas coming( )6Soon they who broke the window.A Put out B. came out C. found out Dwent out( )7Its warm here. Please your coat.A Turn on B. turn off C put on Dtake off( )8They didnt go out the terrible weather. Abecause B because of C instead Dinstead of( )9As you can see, this picture is different that one.A from B with C. of Dfor( )10Its impolite loudly in a library.A talk B. talking C. to talk D. to talking( )11I find difficult to follow my English teacher in class. A. it Bthis Cthat Dhow( )12We need to learn _ at the dinner table. Awhat behave Bwhat to behave Chow behave Dhow to behave( )13She the apple and ate it with a fork. A cut down Bcut up Cturned down Dturned up( )14Im looking forward the museum again. Avisit Bto visit Cvisiting Dto visiting( )15I never visit a friends house without first.Acall Bto call Ccalling Dcall to( )16You shouldnt point anyone with your chopsticks. A at B out Con D. for( )17He said that she would come to the party late. Aa few Ba little C moreDless( )18After her husband died ,the old woman had to alone.Aget used to living Bget used to live C be used to live Dused to live( )19You are supposed to at 6:00 for the dinner. Aget Breach Cget toDarrive( )20You are supposed to be for the meeting. Aright time B all time Cat time Don time 三、短文填空(20分)Tim is Zoes new neighbor. One day, Tim met Zoe, who was going home with her grandpa after school.They 1 each other and started talking about their school life.“What have you learnt today?” Tim asked.“Some 2 of different countries,” Zoe answered. “For example, in Korea, people are supposed to bow when they meet each other for 3 first time .In Japan, its polite to _4_ noise while eating noodles. Its really interesting to know these customs. And what about 5 , Tim? ”“The napkin(头巾)on his head is so cool!”Tim looked up at Zoes grandpas head and thought.Seeing that Tim didnt answer, Zoe looked at him and found 6 he was looking at her grandpa carefully. And then the boy quickly ran 7_ . “You must have scared him, grandpa, ”Zoe said. “ 8 didnt you say hi to him? Miss Lopez said were_9_ to be polite to others. After 10 , he is our neighbor!”The next day, Tim went to school with a napkin on his head ,just like Zoes grandpa.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5._6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10._四、翻译以下短语。(20分)1. 切开 6. 令人惊讶 _2.值得做 _ 7. 大动肝火 _3. 使某人宾至如归 _ 8. 毕竟 _4. 与不一样 9. 被期望做某事_ 5. 脱下;(飞机起飞) 10. 顺便拜访 _

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