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中考英语总复习十一语法重点:简单句的五种基本句型的用法难点突破:及物与不及物动词的区分、双宾语用法、宾语与宾补成分的区别知识目标:学会用简单句的各种句式进行表达 复习步骤设计: (一)词汇复习 Revision of the words and phrases learnt in Unit 15。dictation of the main ones and important sentences. (此环节可根据中考词汇表顺序进行听写检查)(二)对话操练Dialogue Actingask Ss to say out some sentences using different sentence patterns like Lets keep the window open. OK?/ Would you please pass me the salt ?/What arethey doing over there ? etc.(此环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,学生可自由组合进行)(三)语法复习 简单句的第一种句式为主谓结构,如He laughs./They shouted. etc. 第二种句式为主谓宾结构,如We like Chinese tea. etc. 第三种句式为主语加系表结构,如I am very happy. You look tired. Etc. 第四种句式为主谓加双宾语结构,如He gave me some fish and chips. 第五种句式为主谓宾加宾补成分,如I think him a clever boy. The story made us laugh .etc.例解:1、John likes _ in the open air in the morning. A. walking B. to walks C. take a walk D. to taking 此题应选A项。从“likes.”中可以看出是 “喜欢散步”,而说明 “喜欢做某事情”可以用“like doing 或like to do ”表达,故其余三项均是错误的。2、 We bought her a Beijing Duck. Its a _ sentence. A. S+V B. S+V+O C. S+V+P D. S+V+InO+DO此题应选D项。从“her a Beijing Duck.”中可知是 “双宾语结构”,“a Beijing Duck为直接宾语,her为间接宾语 ”,故其余三项均是错误的。3、_ knows the sad news except you and me. A. Both of them B. All of us C. Neither of them D. Neither of they此题应选C项。从“knows”中可知主语是单数人称,故A项和B项均不可能,而项的“they”应该用宾格,故也是错误的。4、It _ that the players in blue were the winners.A. seems B. seemed C. is seeming D. was seemed 此题应选B项。从“.were”中可知是过去时态的句子,故后面的时态也应该和前面的一致,故必须使用“seemed”。对于连系动词而言,没有被动结构,故D项是错误的。5、We make our country stronger and more _. A. beautiful B. nicely C. better D. beautifully此题应选A项。从“stronger”中可知是形容词的比较级,故后面的词性也应该和前面的一致,故必须使用“beautiful ”。四、巩固拓展

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