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第一部分必修2Unit 5.单句改错1Tom is a true friend on who you can rely when you are in trouble._2I have visited the village many times, which is very familiar with me._3At that time, a attractive bird drew my attention._4I dream of become a musician one day._5I attach great importance to stick to my own opinions._【答案】1.whowhom2.withto3.aan4becomebecoming5.sticksticking.语境填空1Painted red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very _.2They considered it the fastest and surest _ of transportation.3Sarah _ to be cheerful, saying nothing about the argument.4Parents _ much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.5You are old enough to _ your own living.6As this article was published in a professional journal, the findings can be considered _.7What delighted the fans was that the young player _ extremely well in the table tennis tournament.8You can say _ to indicate that you are about to say something in as few words as possible.【答案】1.attractive2.form3.pretended4.attach5earn6.reliable7.performed8.briefly.短语活用dream of, get familiar with, rely on, break up, break in, sort out, above all 1Each country must therefore _ the management of its own water to supply its farming requirements.2I _becoming a doctor in the future.3Once _ each others body language, cats and dogs can play together.4He is clever, kind and _honest.5_ things you want to keep and throw everything else away.6Their marriage_ already, which makes their parents very worried.【答案】1.rely on2.dream of3.getting familiar with4.above all5.Sort out6.has broken up.完成句子1我认为质疑非常重要,它可以帮助我们找到真理。(2015湖北)I _ questioning, which can help us to seek truth.【答案】attach great importance to2我的生活中不能没有你。I _ without you.【答案】cant live3我们开车时越小心越好。We _ when driving a car.【答案】cannot be too careful4我一到北京就给汤姆打了电话。I _ in Beijing when I called up Tom.【答案】had hardly arrived5没有你的帮助,我们不会取得这么大的成就。_, we wouldnt have achieved so much.【答案】Without your help2

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