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第一部分必修5Unit 3.单句改错1She caught the sight of a dustbin and a typewriter in the room._2The reason why the boy failed was that he was lacked in optimism._3I told him the good news instant I met the steward and the stewardess._4He drove the car on the highway at speed of 150 kilometers per hour._5We are working in pleasant surroundings which we get along well with each other._【答案】1.去掉sight前的the2.lackedlacking3instantinstantly或在instant前加the4在speed前加the或a5whichwhere或在which前加in.语境填空mpress,tolerate,lack,press,switch,desert,recycle,constant,previous,instant1The trip was cancelled through_ of interest.2Few plants will_ sudden changes in temperature.3At office, the boss often_ the typist to save materials.4Mobile phone must_ off when you attend the meeting.5The representative smiled at me_ he saw me at the airport.6The first _ is the most lasting.After all, you never get a second chance to make it.7However, being forced _ often means we already have more material than we need.8Teachers have to _ update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional competence.9According to Jack and his colleagues, the discovery shows that human communication of emotion is more complex than _ believed.【答案】1.lack2.tolerate3.presses4.be switched5instantly6.impression7.to recycle8.constantly9.previously.短语活用take up, take in,lose sight of,sweep up,slide into,speed up,be back on ones feet 1Be careful not _ a bad habit. 2Only students skilful at swimming can _ this activity.3After the operation, the young man _soon.4They are broadening the bridge _ the flow of traffic.5We shouldnt_ our duty to protect the environment.6In the meantime, the lorry driver had to_ hundreds of broken bottles.【答案】1.to slide into2.take up3.was back on his feet4to speed up5.lose sight of6.sweep up.完成句子1在一些专家的眼中,火星上的生活条件难以忍受。(2013广东)In some experts opinion, living conditions on the Mars are _.【答案】very hard to tolerate2显而易见,一个好的学习习惯能帮助我们尽快达到我们的目标。 (2013四川)Obviously, a good learning habit can help us _ our goals.【答案】to speed up to accomplish3有时候,我们得不到的东西似乎看上去比得到的更好。Sometimes, _ seems better than _.【答案】what we cant get; what we have got4教师是这样的一个职业, 在那里你做的是既有趣又有挑战性的事情。Teaching is such a job _ something interesting and challenging.【答案】where you do 5我认为他缺乏接受挑战的动机。I think he_ the motivation _ the challenge.【答案】is lacking in/lacks; to take up3

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