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Unit 3A healthy life【导语】To live a healthy life,we should keep healthy both psychologically and physically.What should you do if you want to keep physically healthy?Please read the passage to try to find the answer.Nowadays, it is fashion to eat healthy food, such as organicallygrown food, and do exercises to keep healthy.In brief, people are trying to live a healthy life.But what should be done to live a healthy life? Different people have different ideas.Someone says to live a healthy life is to have a strong body.Some people think keeping psychologically healthy is very important.In my view, its essential to keep physically and psychologically healthy.To keep physically healthy, you should do sports like running, playing basketball,etc.Today more and more people go to the fitness centres.There are some popular ways of fitness like yoga which is a sensation in many big cities today.I think it is very useful for us to do some exercise every day.In this way, we can have a strong body.More importantly, to keep psychologically healthy, you should have a good attitude towards people around you.We often say: “Attitude is everything.” It means good attitude leads to a good mood.In this way we can keep psychologically healthy.It is more sensible to have a positive attitude.When you meet with some hardship, you should not be sad.You should have confidence in yourself and do something for relaxation.You should say to yourself: “I can make it.I am one in a million.I am special in this world.” In this way, you definitely have a good mood and work efficiently.In a word, to live a healthy life is a comprehensive project in a way.We should keep healthy both psychologically and physically.In our daily life we should do some exercises and have a positive attitude towards life.We can also turn to some specialists for advice.Only in this way can we live a healthy life.【词海拾贝】1in brief 简而言之2in ones view某人认为3essential adj.必要的4more importantly更重要的是5have a good attitude towards对有良好态度【问题思考】1Generally speaking,whats a healthy life?_答案:A healthy life is the one that is both in physical and psychological health.2How to keep psychological health?_答案:You should have a good attitude towards people and things around you.将单词与其正确释义连线1alcoholA青少年2adolescent B困难的;强硬的3tough C无意识的;自动的4withdrawal D酒;酒精5automatic E收回;撤退6abnormal F尴尬的7chemist G药剂师;化学家8survival H幸存9prejudice I畸形的;异常的10embarrassed J偏见;成见答案:1D2A3B4E5C6I7G8H9J10F.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ n香烟2_ n压力;重音;使紧张;加压于3_ adj.精神的;智力的4_ adj.气喘吁吁的5_ vt. & vi.加强;巩固;变强答案:1.cigarette2.stress3.mental4.breathless5.strengthen.根据英语释义写出单词1_:when a sum of money must be paid immediately or expected or arranged2_:a change that sb/sth causes in sb/sth else;a result3_:to make bad or wrong use of or unfair,cruel or violent treatment of sb4_:in the habit of or be adapted to5_:unable to stop taking harmful drugs, or using or doing sth as a habit6_:to forbid7_:feeling embarrassed and guilty because of sth you have done8_:to leave a job, school etc, especially without finishing it completely答案:1.due2.effect3.abuse4.accustomed5addicted6.ban7.ashamed8.quit.选用短语的正确形式完成句子due to;be addicted to;become accustomed to;decide on;have a bad effect on;feel like1His failure was largely _ inexperience.答案:due to2Has Mary _ a date for the wedding?答案:decided on3I _ the film C J7.答案:was addicted to4I dont _ doing my homework now.答案:feel like5She has _ living in the mountain village.答案:become accustomed to.领会句子所用句型并译成汉语1It_seems_amazing_that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon._答案:感到惊奇吧,像我这样的年纪,身体健康而且能在一个下午骑车跑20千米。2As_you_know,if you do the same thing over and over again,you begin to do it automatically._答案:正如你所知道的,如果你反复做同一件事,你就会不自觉地做它。3But I_did finally manage._答案:但是最后我的确是成功了。4Neither_did_I know that my cigarette smoke could affect the health of nonsmokers._答案:我也不知道我吸烟竟然会影响到那些不吸烟者的健康。5When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit,I knew it_was_time_to_quit smoking._答案:当因为我不再适合踢球而被学校足球队开除以后,我意识到自己是时候戒烟了。6Every_time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker._答案:每当你想要吸烟的时候,你就提醒你自己,你(已经)是不抽烟的人了。课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1James grandad knew much about the harmful effects of smoking when he was young.(F)2If you can break the habit, you can stop smoking.(T)3To stop smoking, you should choose a day that you know is going to be stressful.(F)4No matter how many times you have tried, just keep trying.(T)5Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker.(T).读课文回答问题1List the ways people become addicted to cigarettes according to the passage.(no more than 10 words)_答案:Physically addicted to nicotine.Addicted through habit.Mentally addicted.2In what ways is smoking harmful? (no more than 3 words)_答案:Mentally and physically.3What do we know from the first sentence of the letter? (no more than 7 words)_答案:James grandpa lives a healthy life.4In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking? (no more than 3 words)_答案:His own experience.5List the suggestions to quit smoking that James grandpa found on the Internet.(no more than 18 words)_答案:Prepare yourself.Be determined.Break the habit.Relax.Get help if you need it.Keep trying.阅读P18的Reading部分,完成下列表格Advice from grandadInformation from the reading passageDifferent ways people can become addicted to cigarettes 1._ addicted to nicotine Addicted through 2._3._ addictedHarmful physical effects for smokersDo terrible 4._ to heart and lungsHave difficulty in becoming 5._6._ quicklyEffects that a persons smoking can have on other peopleOther people dislike the 7._8._ the health of the nonsmokersEffects that smoking can have on sporting performanceBe unable to enjoy 9._ConclusionIts time to 10._ smoking.答案:1.Physically2.habit3.Mentally4.damage5pregnant6.Breathless7.smell8.Affect9.sport10.quit课文深层理解.读课文匹配段落大意1Para 1AHe wanted to make it believable to quit smoking by mentioning his own experience of smoking.2Para 2 BPrepare yourself, be determined, break the habit, relax, get help if you need it and keep trying.3Para 3 CA long and active life must be due to the healthy life a person lives.4Para 4 DBecause he knows his grandson started smoking and found it difficult to give it up.He wanted to give him some advice on how to quit smoking.答案:1.C2.D3.A4.B.单项选择1Why did the grandfather write this letter?ATo help his grandson to give up smoking.BTo give his grandson some advice on how to keep fit.CTo share his experience of smoking.DTo tell his grandson to focus on quitting smoking.答案:A2In what way did grandad try to persuade James?ABy using scientific theory.BBy sharing his own experience.CBy sharing his sports activity.DBy telling him his failure in love.答案:B3According to the letter,James grandfather _Adidnt give up smokingBused to be a member of the school football teamCis lonelyDwrote down the advice from his experience答案:B4. _ forced James grandfather to give up smoking.AThat he ran too slowlyBThat he was taken off the school football teamCHis girlfriendDHis parents答案:B5From the letter we can learn that _Ayou can only become addicted to cigarettes in two different waysBsmoking makes no difference in women becoming pregnantCif you have failed several times to stop smoking, you should feel ashamedDyoud better not choose a stressful day to quit smoking答案:D回复建议信回复建议信是针对对方提出的问题或困惑,有针对性地提出自己的建议的一种书信文体。一、基本结构首先,要分析问题,表明自己的观点。其次,针对问题提出建议,并说明原因。最后,提出期望,希望收信者积极行动,改进现状,并礼貌地结束全文。二、注意事项提出个人的建议时,应注意以下两点:1.态度谦恭理智:不管对方提出的问题对自己有无实际价值,态度是否中肯,都要认真对待,理智分析,并对对方提出的问题给出合理的解释以及实际有效的解决方法。2简明扼要,以理服人:针对问题提出解决方法时,一定要语气柔和,态度明确,逻辑分明,重点突出,让对方感到“纳而有因,拒而有理”。【常用句式】1首段:引出问题。I am sorry you have had so much trouble in.You have asked for my advice on.and I will try to make some suggestions.I feel greatly honoured to be trusted.2主体:提出提议。In my opinion,you would be wise to take the following action.First of all,.;Meanwhile,.;In addition.Its important for you to.3结尾:提出期望。Dont lose heart,whatever happens.I will be very glad if you find my suggestions useful.Please let me know if I can help further.假如你是李华,你的朋友Paul写信告诉你学习压力很大,请你给他写封信,给他提一些建议。要点如下:1将自己的问题告诉老师和同学,请求得到他们的帮助;2不要总想着考试成绩,要多想想自己在哪些方面进步了,这样就会给自己自信;3多做运动,运动可以帮助自己缓解压力,并且有助于睡眠;4你对他的祝福。注意:1.文章必须包括以上所有内容,并根据需要,适当发挥;2词数100左右;3信件开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Paul,_Yours sincerely,Li Hua【范文点评】范文点评Dear Paul, I_quite_sympathize_with_you_and_understand_the_great_trouble_you_are_suffering_from_just_because_the_problem_you_are_facing_is_very_common_among_us_students.Here are some suggestions for you. Firstly, I suggest you communicate your trouble with your teachers and classmates so_as_to get help from them.Secondly, you are not supposed to think about your exams all the time,which_only_makes_you_more_stressed_out.Instead,you should think about the progress you have made in your study, which will surely increase your own confidence.In_addition,it would be better for you to do more exercise in your spare time to relieve your stress because sports will also help you sleep better at night.I_hope_you_will_get_out_of_your_trouble_sooner_and_live_happily.Yours sincerely,Li Hua文章开头自然而流畅地引出主题,过渡自然,是一篇优秀的作文。此复杂的主从复合句使用恰当,充分体现了作者的语言功底。so as to此处使用准确。which引导的非限制性定语从句是本段的亮点表达。in addition过渡自然。尾句提出愿望,前后呼应。假设你是李华。你的英国笔友John写信告诉你近日他由于沉迷于电脑游戏,健康受到很大影响。他十分焦虑。请你根据以下要点提示,给他写一封回信,建议他养成良好的生活习惯。要点:1.限制玩游戏的时间,把精力逐渐转移到其他事情上;2规定起床和睡觉的时间,形成良好的作息习惯;3每天锻炼半小时,增强体质。注意:1.词数100左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear John,_Best wishes,Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案:Dear_John,Im sorry to hear that youre addicted to computer games which have had a bad influence on your health.I know you worry about it very much.As a friend, Im willing to give you some advice to help you get rid of it.Firstly, you should limit the time that you play computer games and pay more attention to other things such as attending all kinds of activities after school and making friends.Secondly, you should get up and go to bed at a specific time so that you can get into the habit of getting up and going to bed regularly.Last but not least, you should do some exercise for about half an hour to strengthen your health every day.I do hope that you can get rid of computer games to live a healthy life.Best_wishes,Yours_sincerely,Li_HuaA级基础过关.用括号内单词的正确形式填空1Punishing kids for bad marks is _ (mental) damaging.答案:mentally2The man in the river _ (desperate) tried to reach the side.答案:desperately3People volunteer to express personal values, to expand their range of experiences, and to _ (strength) social relationships.答案:strengthen4An automatic cooker can cook your rice _ (automatic)答案:automatically5This hot weather is _ (normal) for February.答案:abnormal6As a judge, he has good _(judge) and never _ (judge) a person by his appearance.答案:judgementjudges7After a _ (stress) week of work, all the employees were extremely _(stress) and tired.答案:stressfulstressed8You should learn to relax yourself and a knowledge of _ (relax) techniques will make you feel _ (relax)答案:relaxationrelaxed9Today, the weather was really _ (disappoint) because it was raining.Arriving at a park, we were _ (disappoint) to find it was not open today.To our _ (disappoint),the library was closed, too.答案:disappointingdisappointeddisappointment10Playing computer games is highly _ (addict)Once you get _ (addict) to it, you will find it hard to get rid of it.Now, Henry is fighting his _ (addict) to the games.答案:addictiveaddictedaddiction.选词填空at risk;due to;decide on;get into;feel like;addicted to;accustomed to;in spite of1He unfortunately passed away last year _ his cancer.答案:due to2“Have you _ a date for your wedding?” the girls mother asked.答案:decided on3Some students are _ playing computer games and some often cheat in the exams.答案:addicted to4He has _ the habit of making notes when he is reading.答案:got into5Were _ having one thing in our pocket to do all these things.答案:accustomed to6Do you _ taking a walk along the river after supper?答案:feel like7Lack of sleep could put the birds health _答案:at risk8_the largescale construction of roads and highways, there is still much room for improvement, because of the ever increasing number of cars these years.答案:In spite of.完成句子1She _ (因不及格而感到羞愧) in the examination.(ashamed)答案:was/is ashamed of having failed2He _ (极想要) a glass of water now.(desperate)答案:is desperate for3_ (对我来说是个极大的失望) if I cant find the suitcase.(disappointment)答案:It will be a great disappointment to me4The Chinese government _ (已经决定禁止吸烟) in public places across the country.(ban)答案:has decided on banning smoking/has decided to ban smoking5_ (每次我帮助别人), I will get happiness from that.答案:Every time I help othersB级能力提升.阅读理解阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Health experts are calling for action to expand cancer care and control in the developing world.A medical research paper says cancer was once thought of as a problem mostly in the developed world.But now cancer is a leading cause of death and disability in poor countries as well.Experts from Harvard University and other organizations ask the international community to fight cancer positively, saying it should be fought in the way AIDS has been fought in Africa.Cancer kills more than 7.5 million people a year worldwide.Almost twothirds are in lowincome and middleincome countries.They discover cancer kills more people in developing countries than AIDS, tuberculosis (肺结核) and malaria (疟疾) combined.But the world spends only 5% of its cancer resources (资源) in those countries.Felicia Knaul from Harvard Medical School was one of the authors of the paper.She was in Mexico when she was found to have breast (乳腺) cancer.She received treatment there and her experience showed her the sharp difference between the rich and the poor in treating breast cancer.Felicia Knaul says,“And we are seeing how this is attacking young women.Its the number two cause of death in Mexico for women thirty to fiftyfour.All over the developing world, its the number one cancerrelated death among young women.I think we have to again say that there is much more we could do about it than we are doing about it.”Professor Knaul met community health workers during her work in developing countries.They were an important part of efforts to reduce deaths from the cancer.They were able to persuade people to get tested to prevent the illness.The experts say cancer care does not have to be costly.For example, patients can be treated with lowercost drugs.【语篇解读】专家们号召大家努力帮助贫困国家的人们与癌症进行斗争。1What is the passage mainly about?ACancera leading cause of death in poor countries.BWhat should we do in preventing and treating cancer?CWhat makes the first killer in developing countries?DExperts ask more efforts to fight cancer in poor countries.解析:主旨大意题。本文在第一段提出主题:Health experts are calling for action to expand cancer care and control in the developing world,然后展开叙述。故选D项。答案:D2Felicia Knauls experience in Mexico shows that _Amany Mexican women suffer from breast cancerBthere is not enough medicine for cancer thereCmany Mexican women cant afford medical careDpatients with breast cancer are treated differently解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“She received treatment there and her experience showed her the sharp difference between the rich and the poor in treating breast cancer.”可知答案。答案:D3From what Felicia Knaul says, we can draw the conclusion that _ Abreast cancer is a great threat to young women Bpeople dont pay enough attention to breast cancer Cbreast cancer is the second killer among women in Mexico Dgood treatment for breast cancer has been gained in developing countries解析:推理判断题。根据第五段中的“All over the developing world, its the number one cancerrelated death among young women.”可知答案。答案:A4. Who plays an important part in preventing the cancer in developing countries?AThe cancer patients.BThe health experts.CCommunity health workers. DYoung women.解析:细节理解题。根据文中的“Professor Knaul met community health workers during her work in developing countries.They were an important part of efforts to reduce deaths from the cancer.”可知答案。答案:C .七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Children in kindergardens have a lot of chances to interact (互动) with other children at their age.If your child is not in it, it can be fun and helpful to create chances to play with others.Here are some things you can do to support your childs early partner relationship.Schedule regular playmates.Start when your child is around one year of age, set aside a few times a week for playtime with partners._1_ Even so,you still might want to give your baby a chance to observe and communicate with children who are at the same developmental level.Join a playgroup.Many communities have organized playgroups for young children._2_ ,and learn to feel comfortable in a new setting.


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