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Unit 4 Wildlife Protection.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AAn incredible dog has mastered more than just the doggy paddle (狗刨式游泳)the golden brown pet helps disabled children learn how to surf. Ricochets owner Judy Fridono said, “I was working with her at balance and coordination. Her balance is so good that she can help to stabilize the board for the kids. And it makes them feel good to know that Ricochet is there with them, keeping them company. ”Since becoming an expert, twoyearold Ricochet helps the disabled children build up the confidence to get on the board themselves. Dressed in a yellow jacket, Ricochet helps to counterbalance the board and acts as a reassuring presence.Ms. Fridono knows what an impact her beloved dog can have. She herself was severely disabled since her teens. Having Ricochet around lifts her spirits, and inspires her to conquer her pain to get on the board. “Ricochet has taught me to focus on what I can do, rather than what I cant,” she said.One of those who have benefited from Ricochets skills is sixyearold Ian McFarland. In 2008 a car crash left him with brain damage. Although he had loved surfing before the accident, he was too nervous to go back into the water. His fear turned to excitement, when he was told he could try a tandem (双人) surf session with Ricochet. Their session was a success and by the end of it, Ian was smiling from ear to ear. As well as providing treatments, Ricochet also raised 5,000 to help continue Ians recovery.Over the last 10 months, Ricochets excellent performances on the sea have raised more than 30,000 for a number of charity causes (慈善事业)【语篇解读】本文介绍了一只会帮助残障孩子冲浪的小狗。1. According to the passage, Ricochet is _Aa doctor Ba dogCa dog owner Da disabled boy【解析】细节理解题。综合分析全文可知Ricochet是一只会冲浪的狗。【答案】B2. What role does Ricochet play according to the passage?AShe acts as a pet to please its owner.BShe encourages children to love animals.CShe helps the disabled children learn to surf.DShe works as a guide dog for the blind.【解析】细节理解题。从第一段可知,Ricochet会帮助残障的孩子们学习冲浪。【答案】C3. Ian McFarland considers Ricochets work to be _AchallengingBdoubtfulCattractiveDsatisfying【解析】推理判断题。从第四段可知,Ricochet成功地使Ian McFarland敢于再次下海冲浪,对此他很满意。【答案】D4Whats the message conveyed in the passage?ADogs are good friends of human beings.BPeople should try to protect animals.CThere are many ways to improve our health.DThe disabled shouldnt be looked down upon.【解析】推理判断题。综合分析文章可知答案。【答案】ABResearchers recently made a survey about how people know trees in the UK.They showed them pictures of ten of Britains most popular types of trees.They asked them to name each. Many British people cannot give the right answers.One in twenty people questioned could not name any of the Britains common trees. Horse chestnut and oak are very common in Britain. Britons can see them everywhere from parks and gardens to the countryside and forests. But 5% of Britons could not name the two types of trees.While older people are more likely than younger adults to name Britains local trees, the knowledge is not being passed down.Over 70% parents say they have never taught their children the names of trees or asked them about what they may have learnt at school or elsewhere.“It is very disappointing to learn that people know very little about British trees,” said one of the researchers.【语篇解读】这是一份调查报告。研究者们经过调查发现很多英国人不认识自己国家常见的树木,尽管年长的人认识的树木比年轻人多,但是这些知识却很少传承下去。5What does this passage mainly talk about?AMany Britons cannot name trees.BA scientific survey.CParents should teach their children.DPeople know very little about Britain.【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章的第一段和最后一段可知,全文主要讲述了很多英国人不认识自己国家的常见树木的事情。【答案】A 6. How many people could not name any of the common trees if 200 people were surveyed?A140. B20.C100. D10.【解析】数字计算题。根据第二段第一句话One in twenty people questioned could not name any of the Britains common trees.可知,1/20的被调查的人说不出任意一种英国常见树木的名字,由此可知,如果被调查的人数是200,那么2001/2010。【答案】D7. We can know from the passage that _Athe ten types of Britains most popular trees can only be seen in the countrysideBhorse chestnut and oak are two kinds of animals seen everywhere in BritainColder people in Britain may know more about the local trees than the younger onesD70% of the people questioned cannot name the ten types of Britains most popular trees【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段可知,尽管年长的人比年轻一些的更有可能认识英国本地的树木,但是这方面的知识并没有传承下去,故C项表述正确。根据第二段可知A、B两项表述错误,而D项中的数字并不是不认识十种最常见树木的人所占的比例。【答案】C8. This passage may be taken from_Aa newspaper Ba dictionaryCa scientific report Da textbook【解析】推理判断题。这篇文章是有关社会调查 的,可能会出现在报纸上。【答案】ACComputers fight EbolaEbola,a big global health threat, has killed thousands of people in 2014. Do you want to help fight it?Dont worry if you know nothing about medicine. IBM has engineered a way for everyone to join the fightby donating processing time on their personal computers,phones or tablets to researchers.IBM and scientists at the Scripps Research Institute in the US plan to use the power of thousands of small computers to attack tiny pieces of a larger medical puzzle that might otherwise require a supercomputer to solve.“This could let us do in months what it would otherwise take years and years to do” said Erica Ollmann Saphire,a biomedical researcher at Scripps.The idea isnt new. Several universities and institutes have used socalled “distributed computing (分布式计算)” to do research into malaria(疟疾), AIDS, cancer, and environmental issues. In the past 10 years,about 680,000 individuals in 80 countries and regions have taken part in IBMs World Community Grid project, said IBM vice president Stan Litow.Volunteers download a piece of software from the website onto their own computers or mobile devices. While they are checking emails,reading news or taking a break, the software runs to do the assignment.For the Ebola research, volunteers computers have the task of looking at millions of drug molecules (分子) to find out which ones can disable the Ebola virus. Later, volunteers devices send the answers back to the Grid.The free software works on Windows or Mac computers and Android mobile devices. Litow said its designed to only use idle (闲置的)capacity(内存容量) when a device is connected to the Internet. Otherwise it isnt in use,so it wont slow down a computers other functions. On mobile devices, the program only works when the device is charging and connected to WiFi.And when you shut down for the day,your device simply saves its work, then picks up where it left off next time.IBM also promises to respect volunteers privacy and says the software cant access or change any other files on a device.Grid computing helps a lot, especially when there isnt much research funding (经费)“Crowd funding and crowd science give people the opportunity to invest their idle computer hours or a little money, and make a difference,” said Saphire. 【导学号:31530059】【语篇解读】埃博拉病毒在非洲爆发,全球计算机联合攻克难题。9. According to the article, when volunteers download the software onto their computers or mobile devices,_Ait will use up some of the devices capacity,which will slow down their other functionsBit can perform its task even if the devices are turned off or not connected to WiFiCit can access all files on the devices and might thus put the volunteers privacy in dangerD. it will do the assignment automatically and then send the answers back to the World Community Grid【解析】细节理解题。由文中第七段可知D项正确。【答案】D10. Which of the following words best describes Erica Ollmann Saphires attitude toward grid computing?A. Supportive.B. Unfavorable.C. Cautious.DDoubtful.【解析】观点态度题。由文中最后一段可知。【答案】A11. The authors purpose in writing this article is to _A. inform readers where Ebola research is goingBurge people to donate some money to IBMs new projectC. introduce readers to a creative way to help with Ebola researchD. explain the advantages and disadvantages of distributed computing【解析】写作意图题。作者介绍了帮助抗击埃博拉病毒的新方法。【答案】C12. This text can be most likely found in _Aa law documentBa fashion magazineCan international newspaperDa book on interesting sports【解析】文章出处题。本文介绍了全球计算机联合攻克埃博拉病毒的新闻报道。故选C。【答案】CDShopping online in search of a bargain(便宜货)can often leave you feeling disappointed or out of pocket rather than satisfied. You can avoid this by following our simple advice:PRODUCTBefore you look for the cheapest price you need to decide what product you actually want. You can do this by researching online, the easiest way is to Google for different products so that you can decide on what would be best for you.SEARCH & COMPAREYou are now ready to use a comparison website to try and find out the best prices.You should never just use one comparison website, using two or more will give you a balanced view of the market.Comparison websites are necessary.You need to first check out what kind of technology a site uses. Although the idea behind Froogle(now called Google Products) is attractive, the technology it uses is not as advanced as sites such as Kelkoo and Pricerunner.Froogle uses a regular search engine.And dont expect price comparison sites to be a surefire way of getting a bargain. The sites will only show products from companies who pay them. This is not necessarily a bad thingsuppliers value their reputation (名声) and their business relationships.AND SEARCH AGAIN Before you buy you should search the product using a price comparison service, then try again just using a standard search engineit might find the product with a cheaper price.If you use Firefox to surf the web then theres an addon (附加的) tool that you can download which finds the cheapest price for a product for you.It is called the Invisible Hand and it is free to download. For example, if youre shopping online at Amazon, the Invisible Hand will pop up and tell you that it is 56 cheaper at Dixons.The tool will only work when you are looking at products, so it shouldnt disturb your day to day Internet surfing. The addon is supported by wellknown brands (品牌) such as BT, Comet and HMV but obviously it wont search every single site out there, so it is still best to use a comparison site in addition to the tool.【语篇解读】本文作者就怎样能更好地在网上淘到廉价货向我们提出了几条建议。13According to the passage,how to decide what product to buy?ABy shopping online.BBy searching online.CBy looking for the cheapest price.DBy deciding which is best.【解析】细节理解题。由第二段可知“想要决定自己真正想买的东西最容易的方式就是通过Google等搜索引擎在线搜索不同的物品,以便做出最佳的选择”。【答案】B14. We can learn from the passage that _Awe dont need to use two or more comparison websitesBcomparison websites often give us wrong views and choicesCall the search engines are the same advancedDdifferent comparison websites use different technologies【解析】细节理解题。由第三、四段可知A项错在dont need,B项错在wrong,C项错在the same,尤其第四段通过例证说明不同的“比较网站”使用的是不同的搜索引擎技术。【答案】D15. Whats the BEST title of the passage?AHow to Find Perfect Bargains OnlineBHow to Use Search EnginesCDifferent Websites in the WorldDOnline Shoppings Advantage【解析】主旨大意题。由第一段开篇点题和总览全文内容及其结构后可知,本文主要提供了几种建议,以便让读者学会更好地在网上淘到廉价货。故A项最全面最准确。 【答案】A.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(2016长春十一中高一检测)Does this situation seem familiar(熟悉)to you?Your English is progressing well, the grammar is now familiar,the reading comprehension is no problem, and you are speaking quite fluently._16_First of all, remember that you are not alone. Listening is probably the most difficult job for almost all learners of English as a foreign language.The most important thing is to listen as often as possible._17_The Internet is really a useful tool for English students. You can download The RealPlayer from RealMedia.com.The RealPlayer allows you to use the Internet like a radio station.Once you have begun to listen on a regular basis, you might still be upset by limited understanding._18_Here is some of the advice I give my students: Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything.Stay relaxed when you do not understand, and try listening to the material for more times. Do not translate everything into your native language._19_Dont concentrate on details(细节) before you have understood the main ideas.Listen to something you enjoy.I remember the problems I had in understanding spoken German when I first went to Germany. In the beginning, when I didnt understand a word, I kept on translating it in my mind.This method usually resulted in confusion (困惑)_20_Firstly,translating creates a barrier (障碍) between the listener and the speaker.Secondly,most people repeat themselves continuously. By remaining calm, I noticed that even if I didnt pay much attention I could usually understand what the speaker had said.AWhat should you do?BListen for the general idea of the conversation.CBut listening is a problem for most of the beginners!DSo, what you need to do is to find listening resources.EBut you cant follow a native English speaker at all!FThen, after the first six months, I discovered two extremely important facts.GHowever, after several weeks, I got used to the new environment in Germany. 【导学号:31530060】【答案】1620EDABF.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Few other nations are so much interested in horse racing as the English. The famous races Ascot are held every year and followed by sports fans all over England. The king or the queen also attends _21_and presents the winner with a gold cup. To_22_this gold cup is the dream of every owner of a race horse. All newspapers,great and small,are full of detailed description of the _23_,and the name of the _24_ winner of the Ascot cup is pronounced by everyone _25_of a great hero.It happened once, however, some seventy years ago, that the gold cup was stolen a few days before the race! The police _26_ for it all over the country but could not find it.Just at the time, Mark Twain,the witty American writer, _27_England. He was _28_by an England Literary Society to be _29_ at a dinner given in his honor. After dinner the president of the society rose to _30_a toast to Mark Twains health and praise _31_ the talent of the famous American.Mark Twain _32_ started his speech with the following words:“Gentlemen,I thank you for the great honor you _33_me, _34_ I very much doubt whether all your countrymen join you in your warm welcome. When I arrived at Dover yesterday, and _35_my foot in Merry Old England,the first thing I saw was a newspaper poster and on it, _36_my great surprise,I read two _37_ printed in big red letters:MARK TWAIN ARRIVES!ASCOT CUP STOLEN!These two announcements stood so closely together that it _38_seemed, gentlemen, as if some people in this country _39_sure that my arrival had something to do with the disappearance of the gold cup!”This witty speech of the famous American author _40_a shout of laughter.【语篇解读】本文是一则幽默故事。英国的赛马奖杯被偷了,恰逢马克吐温登上英国土地的时候。于是这两则新闻放在一起就引发了幽默大师马克吐温的调侃21A.themBitCthatDthis【解析】them代指前面提到的the famous races Ascot。【答案】A22A.holdBwinCcatchDkeep【解析】赢得金杯是每一个赛马选手的梦想。【答案】B23A.problem BwinnerCrace Dnations【解析】大小报纸都写满了对比赛的详细描述。【答案】C24A.brave BgoodCgreatDlucky【解析】获得金杯当然是幸运的。【答案】D 25A.as this Blike thatClike those Das it【解析】这个金杯获得者像大英雄一样被人们所谈论。【答案】B 26A.searched BaskedCwaited Dcared【解析】警察在全国搜寻这个被盗的金杯。【答案】A 27A.reached in Bwent intoCarrived in Dgot in【解析】恰巧在这个时候马克吐温到了英国。【答案】C 28A.asked BvisitedCseen Dinvited【解析】他受英国文学协会之邀,出席了一个为他举办的宴会。【答案】D 29A.present BjoinedCattended Dgiven【解析】present在此意为“出席的”。【答案】A 30A.raise BliftCpropose Dhold【解析】propose a toast意为“提出为某人的 而干杯”【答案】C 31A.in this way Bin every wayCin many methods Din bad manner【解析】这个文学协会主席对马克吐温大加赞扬。【答案】B 32A.in reply Bin his questionCin his suggestion Din his heart【解析】马克吐温用下面的话作为答复。in reply“作为答复”。【答案】A 33A.had done BdidCdo Dhave done【解析】 此处用完成时,强调动作的完成。【答案】D 34A.as if Bas thoughCthough Deven if【解析】even if “即使,纵然,尽管”。马克吐温用幽默调侃的语调说,尽管他对是否所有的英国国民都欢迎他持怀疑态度,但他还是非常感谢文学协会的盛情款待。【答案】D 35A.set BgotCwent Dstarted【解析】他讲出了说这一番话的原委。他一踏上英国的国土,第一眼看到的就是报纸上的两行标题。【答案】A 36A.for BtoCwith Dby【解析】to ones surprise为固定搭配,意为:让某人吃惊的是。【答案】B 37A.articles BpassagesCparagraphs Dheadings【解析】从后面看他指的是两行标题:马克吐温到了!ASCOT杯被盗了!【答案】D 38A.really BhardlyCmainly Dfoolishly【解析】好像真的是这么一回事。【答案】A 39A.may be Bmust beCare Dwere【解析】好像确信马克吐温偷了这个金杯似的。may be表示对现在事情的推测。【答案】A 40A.was meeting Bmeeting withCwas met Dwas met with【解析】马克吐温机智诙谐的致辞赢得了满堂喝彩。be met with 是“遇到了”之意。【答案】D.语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)Based on recent researches,distance learning is slowly proving as 41._(value) as the traditional campus based form.It is a fixed truth that this form of learning is 42._the increase.Moreover,both students and teachers have expressed their 43._(happy)with these courses.The best part of distance learning courses is their flexible format. Students can continue 44._(work)and study at the same time without any kind of difficulty.You will 45._(provide)with the facilities of a virtual(虚拟的)classroom and a virtual campus. Anyone 46._upgrades their professional knowledge to a new level can apply for these courses. With an online study format,the tests and notes can be 47._ (access)with just a mouse click from your home computer. However, a student 48._(attend)an online course must take the time management 49._(serious). Every online student must keep 50._in mind that proper management of time and study schedule is the key towards success in this format.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了远程学习的一些优势和益处。41valuableas.as.结构中用形容词原级。42onon the increase“在增长”。43happiness根据前面的their可知用名词形式。44to workcontinue to do sth.“继续做某事”。45be provided根据语境可知是被提供。46who/that定语从句修饰anyone。47accessiblebe之后用形容词形式。48attendingstudent和attend之间是主谓关系,因此用现在分词形式。49seriouslytake.seriously“认真对待”。50itit作形式宾语,真正的宾语是that引导的从句。.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)I went to Tibet with my parents last summer vacation.We started out from Beijing in the early morning of August 15th.In the afternoon,we arrive in Lhasa.The next day we visited many famous spot,and of which the Potala Palace attracted me strongly.On the third day,we went to the worldfamous hot springs,Yangbajing,which we took a bath and we both felt relaxed after a tiring day.We had very good time there.Be away from the noisy city life made us feel great.I was so much impressed by the nature beauty of Tibet and hoped that I could visit them again.【答案】I went to Tibet with my parents last summer vacation.We started out from Beijing the early morning of August 15th.In the afternoon,we in Lhasa.The next day we visited many famous , and of which the Potala Palace attracted me strongly.On the third day,we went to the worldfamous hot springs,Yangbajing,/ we took a bath and we felt relaxed after a tiring day.We had very good time there. away from the noisy city life mad

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