高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Back to the past课时跟踪检测A卷(必修3)

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Back to the past课时跟踪检测A卷.单项填空1(2015绵阳高三一诊)The house prices have risen by 12.4% over the 12 months to the end of July, completely _ his plan to buy a more comfortable apartment.AruinedBruiningCto ruin Druins2(2015南通高三模拟)The students suggested that our school _ in amazing colors on Teachers Day.Awas decorated Bis decoratedCbe decorated Dwould be decorated3(2015南京高三联考) There is no doubt _ spending too much time surfing the Internet or watching TV contributes to nearsightedness, a serious problem of young people in many countries.Awhether BwhatCif Dthat 4(2015苏州高三调研)_ from the number of cars, he thought there were not many people at the club yet.AJudging BJudgedCHaving judged DBeing judged5(2015安庆高三一模)From the symptoms shown in the dead body, he _ to death by a certain poisonous chemical, but I cant tell exactly which.Acould have been poisonedBshould have been poisoned Cmust have been poisonedDmight have been poisoned6(2015湖南长沙高三月考)Its reported that many a house _ by the heavy snow so far in New York.Ahave been destroyed Bhas been destroyedCwas destroyed Dwere destroyed7(2015蚌埠三中高三月考)Countries in Southeast Asia have _ become familiar with Chinese brands, but there is still a long way to go.Ainstantly BactuallyCgradually Dfrequently8(2015泰州调研)Its certain that their only child will _ the big business when the couple get old.Ahand over Btake overCgo over Dget over9(2015江苏金陵中学高三二模) With several problems _ to be solved, we still needed to hold another meeting as soon as possible.Aremained BremainingCremain Dto remain 10(2015雅安高三二模)Most Chinese people think it quite necessary to have some money _ for old age.Aput away Bto put awayCputting away Dbe put away11(2015苏北高三检测)Ted never dreamt of _ a chance for him to be sent abroad soon.Athere being Bthere to beCthere is Dthere having12(2015安徽名校高三联考)It is very important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the _ in language learning.Asituation BexpressionCcomprehension Dtranslation13(2015湖南十二校二次联考)Every time someone comes to me _, I can point out the positive side of life.Acomplaining Bto be complainingCcomplained Dcomplains14(2015巢湖四中月考)In the 17th Asian Games, the moment the news that the Chinese womens football had been defeated _, the Chinese fans all felt disappointed at it.Adeclared Bhas been declaredChas declared Dwas declared15(2015铜陵一中高三模拟) I wonder if I could use your cellphone. _. It is on the desk next to you.ANo way BThats rightCIts a pleasure DBe my guest.阅读理解A(2015苏州高三调研)Silk production has a long and colourful history unknown to most people.Scientific discoveries have shown that silk production existed in China from around 2500 BC.,although it could be much older. For hundreds of years, China kept the secret of silk to itself as one for the most closely protected secrets in history. Anyone revealing the secret of silkworms or trying to take silkworm eggs out of ancient China was punished by death.At one time silk was reserved only for the Chinese emperor. Gradually, others began wearing silk. In addition to being used for clothing, silk came to have industrial uses in ancient China, something that happened in the West only in modern times. Silk was used to make musical instruments, fishing lines, weapons, ropes and even paper. During the Han Dynasty silk became a form of money. Farmers paid taxes in both rice and silk. The prices of goods were calculated in lengths of silk just as they had once been calculated in gold. The importance of silk is even reflected in the Chinese language. For example, of the 5,000 most common Chinese characters, around 500 have silk as their “key”In spite of their secrecy, the Chinese eventually lost their monopoly on silk production. It reached Korea in around 200 B. C. when immigrants from China arrived there. Silk production came to India in 300 A. D. It was not until 500 A. D. that silk production came to Europe when travellers smuggled_out silkworms in hollow tubes of bamboo. These were used to establish silk industry in Rome (modernday Italy), although Chinese silk was still considered to be the best.Silk was brought to Rome from China by means of the Silk Road. There were actually two Silk Roads, one over land and one on the sea. The land route in particular had a huge effect in history. All sorts of trade goods silver, gold, jade, porcelain passed along this road. Ideas travelled the Silk Road too. For example, the religion of Buddhism was carried to China from India by traders on the Silk Road. The Silk Road created the first international culture, exposing many people to the ideas and treasures of both Western and Chinese cultures.1How was China able to keep the secret of silk production?AIt refused to sell its silk to other countries.BForeigners were not permitted to enter China.CThe silkworms needed were not able to survive outside China.DChinese passing on the secret to foreigners were seriously punished.2Which of the following uses of silk is NOT mentioned in the passage?AA way of purchasing goods people sold.BA material used for making different products.CA method of paying money to the government.DA valuable gift given to foreigners travelling in China.3In what order did silk production spread throughout the world according to the passage?AEuropeIndiaKoreaChina.BChinaKoreaIndiaEurope.CChinaIndiaKoreaEurope.DChinaEuropeIndiaKorea.4The underlined phrase “smuggled out” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “_”Aquietly tradedBopenly removedCillegally transported Dviolently stole5Which of the following is TRUE about the Silk Road?AIt allowed for economic and cultural exchanges between countries.BIt made China the most powerful country in the ancient world.CIt could only be completed by travellers with access to a boat.DIt was first developed for transferring religious ideas.B(2015南通第三次调研)Trying to recover from a devastating economic crisis, Spain is considering moving the countrys clock back by one hour.Many people regard long afternoon naps and late dinners as perfect aspects of the Spanish way of life. Until the 1940s, Spain was on the same time as Britain and Portugal. In World War , Spain and Portugal moved the clocks forward to align them with Nazi Germany. The same happened in Portugal. After the defeat of Hitler, Portugal returned to Greenwich Mean Time, but Spain did not.“The fact that for more than 71 years Spain has not been in its proper time zone means we sleep almost an hour less than the World Health Organization recommends,” lawmakers in the Spanish Parliament wrote in a proposal. “This has a negative effect on productivity, absenteeism,stress, accidents and school dropout rates.”Last September, a parliamentary commission recommended that the government turn back the clocks by one hour and introduce a regular eighthour workday. For the time being, the Spanish government is treating the campaign seriously but it hasnt taken any action yet.Spains time zone issue explains why everything in Spain happens later, from meal times to broadcast entertainment (primetime doesnt start until 10 pm)Many urban Spaniards complain of a neverending workday that begins in the morning but is interrupted by a traditional latemorning break and then again by the midday siesta a twohour long lunch and nap that usually start at 2 pm. If workers return to their desks at 4 pm, they end up working late into the evening.Under the proposed new schedule, the lunchtime break would be cut to an hour or less. The interruptionfilled Spanish workday would be replaced by something closer to a 9to5 schedule.Ignacio Buqueras, president of the Association for the Rationalization of Spanish Working Hours,told The New York Times that changing the Spanish schedule would be good news for working mothers. It would also allow families more free time together and boost Spains economic recovery.Maria Angles Duran, a sociologist with the Spanish National Research Council, is skeptical that changing the time zone will reverse low productivity, which she attributes more to the structure of the serviceoriented economy. But she agreed that a more normal work schedule would help women, who often complain that their husbands deliberately schedule meetings in the early evening.“For men, this is perfect,” Duran said,“They arrive home and the children have already had their baths! Timetables can be used as a sort of weapon. ”6Spain is thinking about changing the current time system because _.ASpain is eager to improve its economic competitivenessBit is urgent to increase sleeping hours for SpaniardsCSpanish schools suffer from high dropout ratesD71 years has passed since Spain was ruled by Nazi7We can learn from the passage that _.Aan eighthour workday is soon to be put into practice in SpainBpeople are used to working late into the evening in SpainCheavy workloads require a twohour nap for working peopleDthe current workday pattern does not win much favor among city workers8According to the passage, Duran may agree with the following except that _.Athe new schedule will allow families more free timeBwomen will probably benefit from the new scheduleCeconomic structure influences economic performanceDmen can escape housework in the existing schedule9Which of the following is the best title for the passage?ALifestyle changes in SpainBTime for Spain to turn backCSpains time zone issuesDSpains work hour regulation答 案.1.选B句意:到七月底,在过去的一年里,房价上涨了12.4%,彻底毁了他想买一个更舒服一点的房子的计划。根据句意和句子结构可知,此处用现在分词作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果。2选C句意:学生们建议在教师节的时候把我们学校装饰得五彩缤纷。suggest后接宾语从句时,从句要用“(should) do”形式的虚拟语气,此处宾语从句的主语是“学校”,应该用被动语态。3选D句意:毫无疑问,花太多的时间上网或者看电视是近视的原因之一,这在许多国家的年轻人中是个严重的问题。空处引导同位语从句,解释抽象名词doubt,且在从句中不作成分,故用that。4选A句意:根据车子的数量来判断,他认为俱乐部里还没有多少人。judging from 是固定短语,表示“根据来判断”。5选C句意:从死者尸体所显示的症状来看,他一定是被某种化学物质毒死的,但是我说不准是哪一种化学物质。根据语境可知,说话人的语气是非常有把握的,故用must have done结构,表示对过去事情的肯定的推测。6选B句意:据报道,到目前为止,纽约的许多房屋都已被暴雪毁坏掉了。根据句中so far这一时间状语,可知句子用现在完成时,many a 修饰可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数,再结合句意可知用被动语态。7选C句意:东南亚的国家已逐渐熟悉了中国的一些品牌,但是还有很长的路要走。gradually“逐渐地”,符合句意。instantly“立刻”;actually“实际上”;frequently“频繁地”。8选B句意:当这对夫妻年老的时候,他们唯一的孩子肯定会接管他们的大企业。hand over“移交”;take over“接管”;go over“仔细检查”;get over“克服”。9选B句意:有一些问题尚待解决,因此我们还需尽快再召开一次会议。句中several problems 与remain之间存在逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词形式,此处remaining在with复合结构中作宾语补足语。10选A句意:大多数中国人认为很有必要存钱养老。此处考查have sth. done结构,put away是过去分词短语作宾补。11选A介词of后用动名词作宾语,there be的动名词复合结构是there being。注意there be的动名词复合结构与独立主格结构在形式上相同,但用法不同。12选A句意:在语言学习过程中,根据语境使用单词或短语对我们来说很重要。situation“情况,形势”;expression“表达”;comprehension“理解”;translation“翻译”。13选A句意:每当有人向我抱怨时,我都会指出生活中积极的一面。someone与complain之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故应用现在分词短语作状语。14选D句意:第17界亚运会上,当中国女足战败的消息被宣布的那一刻,所有的中国球迷们都失望了。根据句意可知句子用一般过去时的被动语态。15选D句意:“不知我可不可以用一下你的手机?”“请用吧。它就在你身边的桌子上。”根据答语可知答话人同意问话人用手机。be my guest“请便”;no way“没门,不可以”;thats right“是那样,对”;its a pleasure“很荣幸”,多用于答应别人的邀请。.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了丝绸生产在世界的传播过程以及丝绸之路所发挥的重要作用。1选D细节理解题。由第一段的最后一句可知D项正确。2选D细节理解题。A项与第二段中的“During the Han Dynasty silk became a form of money.”对应;B项与第二段中的“Silk was used to make musical instruments, fishing lines, weapons, ropes and even paper.”对应;C项与第二段中的“Farmers paid taxes in both rice and silk.”对应。D项文中没有提及。3选B逻辑排序题。从第一段的第二句可知,丝绸大约在公元前2500年甚至更早的时间出现在中国;从第三段的二、三、四句可知,在公元前200年左右丝绸从中国传到了朝鲜,公元300年传到了印度,公元500年传到了欧洲。故选B。4选C词义猜测题。从第一段的中国人对丝绸生产保密和第三段画线短语后的“in hollow tubes of bamboo”可知,当时有人把蚕放在竹子的空心中偷运到了欧洲,因此选C。5选A正误判断题。由最后一段中的“All sorts of trade goods . both Western and Chinese cultures”可知,A项正确。语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道,主要报道了西班牙要把时间调回至二战前的格林尼治标准时间一事。6选A细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,西班牙改变现在的时间系统是为了振奋疲软的国家经济。故选A项。7选D细节理解题。根据文章第五段第二句可知,很多人都抱怨现在的工作日模式。故选D项。8选A细节理解题。根据文章第六段最后一句可知,这是 Ignacio Buqueras 的观点,而不是 Duran 的观点。故选A项。9选B标题概括题。文章第一段开篇点题,由此结合对全文的整体理解可知,本文是一篇新闻报道,主要报道了西班牙要把时间调回至二战前的格林尼治标准时间一事。故选B项。


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