高考英语一轮复习 专题17 词义猜测题教学案

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第二部分/专题17词义猜测题考纲展示命题探究1命题方式的特点词义猜测是英语阅读的重要技巧,词义猜测题也是高考中常考的题型。考生要学会“顺藤摸瓜”,通过构词、定义、对比、因果、联想、上下文等线索(各种已知信息)确定词义。要求猜测词义的词一般为实词(动词、名词、形容词等)。另外,这类题也包括对短语和句意的猜测。考试中经常考查的词汇有以下几种:(1)在特殊语言环境中具有特殊意义的常用词。(2)专业化程度较高的词。(3)生僻词。(4)常用代词。2常见设问形式(1)The underlined phrase “_” in the second paragraph could be replaced by _.(2)The underlined word “_” in the first paragraph probably means_.(3)What is the meaning of the underlined word in the second paragraph?(4)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “_”?(5)What does the underlined word “_” in Paragraph 2 refer to?(6)What do you think the expression “_” stands for?(7)Which of the following words can best take the place of the underlined word “_” in Paragraph 3?(8)According to the passage, the underlined word “_” is known as _.3选项特点(1)正确选项的特点相应词语的同义词语。对相应语句的解释、复述或概括。(2)干扰项的特点对原相应表达方式的不正确改写。故意丢三落四。包含该词或短语的基本意思,而非在文章中的含义。望文生义项,即从原文表面理解该项为正确答案,但深层含义未在其中。半对半错。曲解原意。这些干扰项有时会使用较多原句中的表达方式,给人似是而非的误导,考生要多加注意。4猜测词义题的解题方法(1)利用指代关系来猜测代词词义代词词义的猜测即找出人称代词、指示代词或关系代词所指代的内容。对于代词所指代的内容的判断,首先我们要连读前后段落,了解前后两段文章的内容,然后判断所画线代词的类型。接下来仔细阅读前句,一般来说代词的词义推测主要是看前面句子所出现的名词及相当于名词的表达。(2)利用定义语来猜测词义在许多情况下,作者预计到某个词一般读者不熟悉,则会在文章中给出该词的定义或解释。这种解释可能是一种重复说明或定义。通过阅读定义和解释部分,读者便可理解该词的基本含义。线索词有that,which,is等。(3)利用定语或同位语来猜测词义通常引出该词同位语的词语有or,that is,in other words等,还有的同位语以括号或破折号的形式出现。在这些标记词后考生可较易找到同画线词意义相同或相近的词。(4)利用文章中的举例来猜测词义在阅读理解中考生可以根据文章所举的例子,从具体到一般,猜出该生词的意思。(5)利用对比或比较的词语来猜测词义当作者强调的事物之间有区别或对立时往往会运用对比的手法,即会用到对比的词语,例如反义词,也可以暗示出生词的含义。注意这些词语和内容则能帮助判断所需内容。能体现对比关系的词汇很多,主要有but,yet,however, while, unlike, instead, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast with等。标点符号中的分号也可表示对比。(6)利用构词法知识来猜测词义分析复合词:如果一个生词是由两个或两个以上的单词构成的复合词,可以从该词各个部分的特定意思及联系上猜出该词的意思。学生同时要了解构词法知识,掌握大纲所要求的对前后缀的理解。(7)利用上下文语境来猜测词义通过对对应结构或平行结构中的同义词、反义词进行推断来猜测词义。(8)利用因果关系来猜测词义因果关系是一种常见的、行之有效的提供生词词义信息的逻辑关系。一定的原因会导致一定的结果,某一结果总是由某种或某些原因引起的。作者在叙述原因的过程中就必然会把词或句子置于因果关系中。常见的表示因果关系的词汇有:since,as, because, for, so, thus, consequently, therefore, hence, due to, result in, result from, as a result, for this reason, accordingly, so that, so.that, such.that等。考法综述此类题旨在考查考生在特定语境中理解词(短语、句子)的能力以及通过上下文或构词法猜测超纲词汇或表达方式的意义的能力。因此,考生所掌握的词汇量的大小直接影响到这类题的得分率。命题法1词汇意义猜测题典例1Situation Q:If I remember my friends birthday a day late, should I apologize or just wish her a happy birthday like nothing happened?A:This is the reason why the word belated was invented. “Happy belated birthday!” is short for:“Well, I know I forgot, but then I remembered. Forgive me and happy birthday.”The underlined word “belated” in Situation probably means _.Apredicted BreturnedCcancelled Ddelayed答案D词义猜测题。由“Happy belated birthday!”is short for:“Well, I know I forgot, but then I remembered. Forgive me and happy birthday.”可以推断出。【解题法】词汇意义猜测题的解题思路(1)结合上下文,读懂语境。(2)根据逻辑关系、构词法、定语从句、同位语等来猜测画线词的意义。(3)把答案代入原文,验证上下文语句是否合乎逻辑。命题法2代词指代猜测题典例2There are many places to go on safari (观赏野生动物) in Africa, but riding a horse through the flooded waters of Botswanas Okavango Delta must rank as one of the worlds most exciting wildlife journeys.Several safari camps operate as the base for this adventure, providing unique rides twice a day to explore deep into the delta. The camps have excellent horses, professional guides and lots of support workers. They have a reputation for providing a great riding experience.What does the underlined word “They”refer to?AFlooded waters. BWildlife journeys.CSafari camps. DUnique rides.答案C推理判断题。根据本段的several safari camps.和第二句的the camps.可知,这里的they指的就是the camps。【解题法】代词指代猜测题的解题思路(1)要知道代词one, it, that, they, them等用来指代上文中提到的事物,所以要从上文找。(2)有时代词与指代对象相隔较远,要认真查找。(3)有时需要对前面提到的内容进行总结,才能得出代词所指代的事物。命题法3短语或语句意义典例3In the mid1950s, I was a somewhat bored earlyadolescent male student who believed that doing_any_more_than_ necessary_was_ wasted_effort. One day, this approach threw me into embarrassment. In Mrs Tottens eighthgrade math class at Central Avenue School in Anderson, Indiana, we were learning to add and subtract decimals (小数)Our teacher typically assigned daily homework, which would be recited in class the following day. On most days, our grades were based on our oral answers to homework questions. Mrs Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order the questions had appeared on our homework sheets.She would start either at the front or the back of the classroom and work toward the other end.Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students, it was easy to figure out which questions I might have to answer. This particular time, I had completed my usual two or three problems according to my calculations.What I failed to expect was that several students were absent, which threw off my estimate. As Mrs Totten made her way from the beginning of the class, I desperately tried to determine which math problem I would get. I tried to work it out before she got to me, but I had brain freeze and couldnt function.When Mrs Totten reached my desk, she asked what answer Id got for problem No.14. “I.I didnt get anything,” I answered, and my face felt warm. “Correct,” she said.It turned out that the correct answer was zero.What did I learn that day? First, always do all your homework. Second, in real life it isnt always what you say but how you say it that matters. Third, I would never make it as a mathematician.If I could choose one school day that taught me the most, it would be that one.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 indicate?AIt is wise to value ones time.BIt is important to make an effort.CIt is right to stick to ones belief.DIt is enough to do the necessary.答案D推理判断题。作者在做数学作业时投机取巧,只记住了自认为老师会让他回答的问题,由此推断此处是指:他认为做好必要的事情就足够了。【解题法】短语或语句意义猜测题的解题思路(1)该类题主要通过上下文语境的定义、同位语、总结性话语来做出猜测。(2)有时也需要借助转折词或因果关系的词来对比猜测。(3)有时也需要借助举例来猜测。Passage 1 限时:7分钟体裁:记叙文题材:生活类难度:中词数:257My color television has given me nothing but a headache. I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldnt fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model. I realized this a day later, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventyfive dollars less than I had paid. The set worked so beautifully when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed_off for the night. Fortunately, I didnt get any channels showing allnight movies or I would never have gotten to bed.Then I started developing a problem with the set that involved static (静电) noise. For some reason, when certain shows switched into a commercial, a loud noise would sound for a few seconds. Gradually, this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it, I had to change to another channel and then change it back. Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. I actually began to build up my arm muscles (肌肉) shaking my set.When neither of these methods removed the static noise, I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away. At last I ended up hitting the set with my fist, and it stopped working altogether. My trip to the repair shop cost me $62, and the set is working well now, but I keep expecting more trouble.本文作者以幽默的口吻介绍了自己购买彩电后遇到的种种麻烦。1Why did the author say he was fooled into buying the TV set?AHe got an older model than he had expected.BHe couldnt return it when it was broken.CHe could have bought it at a lower price.DHe failed to find any movie shows on it.答案C推理判断题。根据第一段中“I realized this a day later.at seventyfive dollars less than I had paid.”可知,作者之所以认为被愚弄买了电视机,是因为一天后他在看报纸的广告时得知自己多花了75美元。故选C。2.Which of the following can best replace the phrase “signed off” in Paragraph 1?Aended all their programsBprovided fewer channelsCchanged to commercialsDshowed allnight movies答案A词义猜测题。根据第一段最后一句“Fortunately, I didnt get any channels showing allnight movies or I would never have gotten to bed.”可知,画线短语的意思为“结束所有的电视节目”。故选A。3How did the author finally get his TV set working again?ABy shaking and hitting it. BBy turning it on and off.CBy switching channels. DBy having it repaired.答案D事实细节题。根据文章最后一句话可知,最后作者不得不到维修店去修理电视机,让其重新工作。故选D。4How does the author sound when telling the story?ACurious. BAnxious.CCautious. DHumorous.答案D推理判断题。根据文章中多处细节及最后一句中“but I keep expecting more trouble”可判断作者以幽默的口吻叙述了自己购买彩电后遇到的种种麻烦。故选D。1relative n/adj. 亲戚;相对的,相关的2commercial adj. 商业的3remove v. 去除,移走1switch into 转变成2build up 增强(体质)原文:Gradually, this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it, I had to change to another channel and then change it back.(不定式作目的状语)译文:渐渐地,这个噪音在播放节目的时候开始出现。为了摆脱它,我不得不换到另一个频道,然后再换回来。仿写:To_avoid_any_delay,_please phone your order direct.为免延误,请直接打电话预订。Passage 2 限时:7分钟体裁:说明文题材:科普知识类难度:中词数:264There are an extremely large number of ants worldwide. Each individual (个体的) ant hardly weighs anything, but put together they weigh roughly the same as all of mankind. They also live nearly everywhere, except on frozen mountain tops and around the poles. For animals their size, ants have been astonishingly successful, largely due to their wonderful social behavior. In colonies (群体) that range in size from a few hundred to tens of millions, they organize their lives with a clear division of labor. Even more amazing is how they achieve this level of organization. Where we use sound and sight to communicate, ants depend primarily on pheromones (外激素), chemicals sent out by individuals and smelled or tasted by fellow members of their colony. When an ant finds food, it produces a pheromone that will lead others straight to where the food is. When an individual ant comes under attack or is dying, it sends out an alarm pheromone to warn the colony to prepare for a conflict as a defense unit.In fact, when it comes to the art of war, ants have no equal. They are completely fearless and will readily take_on a creature much larger than themselves, attacking in large groups and overcoming their target. Such is their devotion to the common good of the colony that not only soldier ants but also worker ants will sacrifice their lives to help defeat an enemy.Behaving in this selfless and devoted manner, these little creatures have survived on Earth for more than 140 million years, far longer than dinosaurs. Because they think as one, they have a collective (集体的) intelligence greater than you would expect from its individual parts.文章对个体渺小,实则有着庞大团队和巨大力量的蚂蚁进行了分析。作者从蚂蚁有着明确的分工合作、对集体任务无私奉献中找到了它们在地球上存活时间比恐龙还长的原因。1We can learn from the passage that ants are_.Anot willing to share foodBnot found around the polesCmore successful than all other animalsDtoo many to achieve any level of organization答案B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“They also live nearly everywhere, except on frozen mountain tops and around the poles”可知,答案为B项。2Ants can use pheromones for_.Aescape BcommunicationCwarning enemies Darranging labor答案B细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Where we use sound and sight to communicate, ants depend primarily on pheromones(外激素)”可知,答案为B项。3.What does the underlined expression “take on” in Paragraph 3 mean?AAccept. BEmploy.CPlay with. DFight against.答案D短语猜测题。根据第三段中的“They are completely fearless and will readily take on a creature much larger than themselves, attacking in large groups and overcoming their target”可知,答案应为attack之类的动词。因而,答案为D项fight against“对抗”。4Which of the following contributes most to the survival of ants?ATheir behavior. BTheir size.CTheir number. DTheir weight.答案A推理判断题。根据文中最后一段中的“Behaving in this selfless and devoted manner, these little creatures have survived on Earth.”可知答案。1worldwide adj. 世界范围的2roughly adv. 粗略地,大体上地3division n. 分开4conflict n. 冲突5devoted adj. 献身的,忠诚的put together 聚集原文:Such is their devotion to the common good of the colony that not only soldier ants but also worker ants will sacrifice their lives to help defeat an enemy.(倒装句)译文:它们就是这样献身于群体的共同利益,以至于兵蚁和工蚁都会牺牲生命来帮助打败敌人。仿写:Such_a_good_boy_is_he that he is always ready to help others.他是如此好的一个男孩子,总是乐于助人。Passage 3 限时:7分钟体裁:记叙文题材:日常生活类难度:中词数:385What Theresa Loe is doing proves that a large farm isnt a prerequisite for a modern growyourown lifestyle. On a mere 1/10 of an acre in Los Angeles, Loe and her family grow, can (装罐) and preserve much of the food they consume.Loe is a master food preserver, gardener and canning expert. She also operates a website, where she shares her tips and recipes, with the goal of demonstrating that everyone has the ability to control whats on their plate.Loe initially went to school to become an engineer, but she quickly learned that her enthusiasm was mainly about growing and preparing her own food. “I got into cooking my own food and started growing my own herbs (香草) and foods for that fresh flavor,” she said. Engineer by day, Loe learned cooking at night school. She ultimately purchased a small piece of land with her husband and began growing their own foods.“I teach people how to live farmfresh without a farm,” Loe said. Through her website Loe emphasizes that “anybody can do this anywhere”. Got an apartment with a balcony (阳台)? Plant some herbs. A window? Perfect spot for growing. Start with herbs, she recommends, because “theyre very forgiving”. Just a little of the herbs “can take your regular cooking to a whole new level,” she added. “I think its a great place to start.” Then? Try growing something from a seed, she said, like a tomato or some tea.Canning is a natural extension of the planting she does. With every planted food, Loe noted, theres a moment when its bursting with its absolute peak flavor. “I try and keep it in a time capsule in a canning jar,” Loe said. “Canning for me is about knowing whats in your food, knowing where it comes from.”In addition to being more in touch with the food shes eating, another joy comes from passing this knowledge and this desire for good food to her children:“Influencing them and telling them your opinion on not only being careful what we eat but understanding the_bigger_ picture,” she said, “that if we dont take care of the earth, no one will.”本文讲述的是Loe一家如何仅用一小片土地就过上了田园般的生活,并向我们讲述了如何利用有限的条件自己栽种和保存果实。1.The underlined word “prerequisite” (Para. 1) is closest in meaning to “_”Arecipe BsubstituteCrequirement Dchallenge答案C词义猜测题。从语境上看,下文讲述的是Loe和她的家人在仅仅只有十分之一英亩的土地上栽种和保存他们所需的大部分食物,由此可推断,画线词的含义应是“必备条件,先决条件”,同C项的含义相近,故选C。2Why does Loe suggest starting with herbs?AThey are used daily.BThey are easy to grow.CThey can grow very tall.DThey can be eaten uncooked.答案B细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Start with herbs. because theyre very forgiving”可知,Loe推荐从栽种香草开始是因为香草很容易栽种,即使被人们忽视了,它们依旧能够存活,因此选B。3According to Loe, what is the benefit of canning her planted foods?AIt can preserve their best flavor.BIt can promote her online sales.CIt can better her cooking skills.DIt can improve their nutrition.答案A细节理解题。根据第五段中的“theres a moment when its bursting with its absolute peak flavor”可知,Loe把她种的食物装罐是为了保持食物的最佳口味。4What is the “the bigger picture” (Para. 6) that Loe wishes her children to understand?AThe knowledge about good food.BThe way to live a growourown life.CThe joy of getting in touch with foods.DThe responsibility to protect our earth.答案D推理判断题。根据画线部分后面的“that if we dont take care of the earth, no one will”可推断,Loe希望自己的孩子能够理解保护地球的重要性,因此选D。1consume v. 消耗,消费2initially adv. 原来地,初始地3emphasize v. 强调4absolute adj. 绝对的,完全的1start with. 以开始2in addition to 除之外3pass.to. 把传给原文:In addition to being more in touch with the food shes eating, another joy comes from passing this knowledge and this desire for good food to her children.(定语从句)译文:除了能更近距离地接近她吃的食物,另一个惊喜来自能把这种知识和对健康食物的需求传递给孩子们。仿写:The film (that/which)_they_went_to_see_last_night was not interesting at all.他们昨晚看的那部电影一点儿意思也没有。Passage 4 限时:8分钟体裁:议论文题材:社会生活类难度:中词数:291A study involving 8,500 teenagers from all social backgrounds found that most of them are ignorant when it comes to money. The findings, the first in a series of reports from Nat West that has started a fiveyear research project into teenagers and money, are particularly worrying as this generation of young people is likely to be burdened with greater debts than any before.University tuition fees (学费) are currently capped at 3,000 annually, but this will be reviewed next year and the Government is under enormous pressure to_raise_the_ceiling.In the research, the teenagers were presented with the terms of four different loans but 76 percent failed to identify the cheapest. The young people also predicted that they would be earning on average 31,000 by the age of 25, although the average salary for those aged 22 to 29 is just 17,815. The teenagers expected to be in debt when they finished university or training, although half said that they assumed the debts would be less than 10,000. Average debts for graduates are 12,363.Stephen Moir, head of community investment at the Royal Bank of Scotland Group which owns Nat West, said. “The more exposed young people are to financial issues, and the younger they become aware of them, the more likely they are to become responsible, forwardplanning adults who manage their finances confidently and effectively.”Ministers are deeply concerned about the financial pressures on teenagers and young people because of students loans and rising housing costs. They have just introduced new lessons in how to manage debts. Nikki Fairweather, aged 15, from St Helens, said that she had benefited from lessons on personal finance, but admitted that she still had a lot to learn about money.本文是英国的研究机构的一份调查,表明大部分青少年对钱的问题认识不深,他们大多数过高估计了未来赚钱的前景,对他们以后可能要负担的债务也没有认识。1Which of the following can be found from the fiveyear research project? AStudents understand personal finances differently. BUniversity tuition fees in England have been rising. CTeenagers tend to overestimate their future earnings. DThe students payback ability has become a major issue.答案C 推理判断题。从第一段第一句话“most of them are ignorant when it comes to money”可以得出答案,“青少年倾向于过高估计了他们未来赚钱的前景”而没有意识到他们会在未来面临的各种债务,故选C项。2.The underlined phrase “to raise the ceiling” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”Ato raise the student loansBto improve the school facilitiesCto increase the upper limit of the tuitionDto lift the school building roofs答案C 词义猜测题。根据上下文的意思,推测“raise the ceiling”的意思,很显然,不是A项“增加学生的贷款”,不是B项“改善学校的设施”,也不是D项“增高学校建筑的屋顶”,他们都不是第二段里提到的意思,那么就只能选择C项“提供学费的上限”。3.According to Stephen Moir, students_.Aare too young to be exposed to financial issuesBshould learn to manage their finances wellCshould maintain a positive attitude when facing loansDbenefit a lot from lessons on personal finance答案B 推理判断题。根据第四段Stephen Moir说的话来归纳出他的观点,就是“学生们应该学会更好地理财”。4What can we learn from the passage?AMany British teenagers do not know money matters well.BTeenagers in Britain are heavily burdened with debts.CFinancial planning is a required course at college.DYoung people should become responsible adults.答案A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知A项为正确答案,即“很多英国的青少年没有很好地认识钱的问题”。B项是“英国的青少年有很沉重的债务负担”,C项是“财政计划是大学里的必修课”,D项“年轻人应该对成年人负责”都偏离了文章大意,所以不选。1background n. 背景 2.burden vt./n. 负担;责任3predict vt. 预测;预告 4.finance n. 财政;金融5persona

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