高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 专题增分练 课时21 动词的时态与语态(一)

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课时21 动词的时态与语态(一) .阅读理解ANoise pollution in cities is causing our health to suffer: one in five Europeans is regularly exposed to sound levels at night that could significantly damage their health, leading to diseases, sleep difficulties and stress. Researchers in Belgium have developed an app called NoiseTube that allows everyone to transform their smartphone into a sound level meter(仪表).NoiseTube works by recording sound levels and GPS locations. Once launched the app shows decibel(分贝) levels of green or red depending on the level of noise. That information is then sent to the NoiseTube server via the Internet where a “noise map” is produced and then made available to the user.The project started in 2008 as a new form of data gathering, one that was close to people and of a social concern. “Sound was an obvious choice because everyone has a microphone on their mobile phone, and noise pollution, along with air pollution is an environmental concern. Often the two go hand in hand,” DHondt of the NoiseTube Project said.Since its launch, the app has been popular with community groups who want to monitor their own noise levels. They dont think that city produced noise maps give an enough explanation of the level of noise theyre experiencing. City produced noise maps are based on statistical models involving very few actual measurements. NoiseTube on the other hand gives a detailed account of the level of noise experienced at a specific time and location. “Ten people walking the same area from 9 to 10 am every day for one week can make a valid(有效的) and detailed map for an area of a couple of blocks,” DHondt said.So far these sorts of noise maps have been produced for a number of European cities. The app has been downloaded by 10,000 people with 2,700 people registered on the NoiseTube website.语篇解读这是一篇说明文,介绍了一款方便人们检测噪音污染情况的手机应用程序。1.What is the main function of NoiseTube?A.Measure noise levels.B.Reduce noise pollution.C.Make people aware of noise pollution.D.Help treat diseases caused by noise pollution.解析:细节理解题。依据第一段中的“an app called NoiseTube that allows everyone to transform their smartphone into a sound level meter(仪表)”和第四段第一句话“Since its launch, the app has been popular with community groups who want to monitor their own noise levels”可知,该手机应用程序的主要功能是检测噪音水平。答案:A2.What can be learned about NoiseTube from the passage?A.NoiseTube is mainly accepted and used by young people.B.NoiseTube helps record the location of the noise in detail.C.NoiseTube can show the process of drawing noise maps.D.NoiseTube is a builtin app in a new kind of smartphone.解析:细节理解题。依据第二段第一句话“NoiseTube works by recording sound levels and GPS locations”可知,该程序依靠GPS定位系统来确定噪音位置。答案:B3.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A.How NoiseTube works.B.How NoiseTube gathers data.C.How NoiseTube was invented.D.How noise levels are classified.解析:段落大意题。本段主要讲述的是NoiseTube这款手机应用程序的工作原理,故选A。答案:A4.Why do people think little of city produced noise maps?A.They arent drawn very clearly.B.They are difficult to understand.C.They cant be used without a smartphone.D.They cant show the real noise level of a place.解析:推理判断题。依据第四段第二、三句话可知,人们对于城市官方提供的噪声地图不信任,认为其不能反映真实情况。答案:DBBefore Christmas Eve in 1870 Richard Wagner and his wife, Cosima, had agreed not to buy each other Christmas presents. They were simply too poor. But Wagner was planning a surprise gift.For more than two months he had been crafting a piece of music to be performed outside Cosimas bedroom door on Christmas morning. He had based it on themes later to be used in his opera Siegfried, plus a little nursery song he had written for their children two years earlier. He completed the Siegfried Idyll three weeks before Christmas and arranged for conductor Hans Richter to choose the members of the small orchestra. Richter conducted secret rehearsals, first in Zurich then at a hotel in Lucerne.Wagner invited philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche to the final rehearsal on Christmas Eve at Hotel du Lac and they arrived together at the Wagners home in the village of Trihschen. There they found Cosima decorating the Christmas tree and preparing presents for the children.At seven oclock on Christmas morning the musicians arrived and quietly arranged themselves on the stairs outside Cosimas room. They began to play.“As I awoke to the light of dawn,” Cosima said later, “my mind passed from one dream into another. Familiar sounds from Siegfried came to my ears. It was as if the houseor more accuratelyour entire being, was rising up in music and going up to heaven. Sacred memories, birdsong and sunrise, interwoven with music from Siegfried, calmed my heart and I came to realize that I was not dreaming, and yet was experiencing the most wonderful one of all dreams. Now at last I understood all of Richards writing in secret.”And yet Wagner had kept his promise not to buy his wife a Christmas present. December 25th was Cosimas birthday.语篇解读这是一篇记叙文。虽然Wagner夫妇说好了圣诞节不互送礼物,因为他们实在是太穷了,但是Wagner秘密为妻子创作了一首曲子,并请演奏家在圣诞节早上为妻子演奏美妙的乐曲,妻子非常感动。这是一份让人意想不到的礼物。5.Why did the Wagners agree not to buy Christmas presents for each other?A.They both didnt like to buy presents.B.They were only too poor.C.They didnt know what to buy.D.They didnt have the habit.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Richard Wagner and his wife, Cosima,had agreed not to buy each other Christmas presents.They were simply too poor”可知他们不互送礼物是因为他们实在是太穷了。答案:B6.How did Wagner create the Siegfried Idyll?A.He based it on themes in his later opera Siegfried and a little nursery song.B.He created it by himself.C.His friend helped him to create it.D.His family helped him to create it.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“He had based it on themes later to be used in his opera Siegfried,plus a little nursery song he had written for their children two years earlier”可知,他的曲子取材于他后来的歌剧Siegfried中的旋律,另外加入一首两年前他写给孩子们的小童谣。答案:A7.What does the underlined word “themselves” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A.ChristmasB.the musiciansC.the stairs D.the children解析:代词指代题。根据句中的“the musicians arrived and quietly arranged”可知themselves指的是“音乐家们”。答案:B8.What is the main idea of the passage?A.A common Christmas.B.A great love.C.A pleasant birthday party.D.A surprise gift.解析:主旨大意题。本文主要讲了Wagner秘密为妻子创作曲子,并请演奏家在圣诞节早上为妻子演奏美妙的乐曲的故事。这是一份让人意想不到的礼物。故选D项。答案:D.阅读填句China is a huge country by the number of inhabitants, its limitless territory, the variety of climates and ethnic groups, the profusion of rivers and streams. With its surface, it covers the third world rankbehind Russia and Canada. _1_This vast territory indeed undergoes the influence of almost all climates (except the Siberian one), from the hottest to the iciest._2_ Some areas are far from the sea and some areas are close to the sea. Both the topography and the climate are diverse and complex. Chinas climate is dominated by dry and wet wind, which causes obvious temperature differences between winter and summer._3_In summer, influenced by the warm and moist winds from the seas, most parts of the country are hot and rainy. _4_In terms of temperature, China can be divided from south to north into six zones: tropical, subtropical, warmtemperate, temperate, coldtemperate, and QinghaiTibet Plateau Temperate Zone. _5_A.China covers up a wide range of latitude and longitude.B.In winter, the cold and dry winds blowing from the continental landmass towards the seas are prevailing, so most parts, especially the north part of the country, are cold and dry.C.It represents a quarter of the surface of Asia.D.Most of the country lies in the North Temperate Zone, characterized by a warm climate and welldefined seasons, with a climate well suited for habitation.E.In the Northeast, summers are brief and fresh, and the winters are long and rough.F.Wuhan, Chongqing, and Nanjing along the Yangtze River are Chinas three famous furnaces.G.The best seasons to travel to China are autumn and spring, during which time wearing light clothes with a small jacket or sweater is appropriate.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。描述了中国的疆域及气候状况。1.解析:空白处前面讲到:“中国的国土面积居世界第三位,仅次于俄罗斯和加拿大”故空白处也应该是进一步介绍国土面积情况的,C项符合题意。答案:C2.解析:空白处为本段的主题句。根据其后两个句子的句意“一些地区离海很远,一些地方靠海。地貌和气候复杂多样”可以推断出A项符合语境。答案:A3.解析:依据第三段中的关键词between winter and summer及第五段中的关键词In summer可知B项符合语境。答案:B4.解析:根据前一句的意思“在夏天受来自海洋暖湿季风的影响,中国大部分地区炎热多雨”可以推断出,下文可能会举例说明,故F项符合语境。误解分析:易误选E。尽管有关键词summers,但是本段只涉及夏天情况,E项也讲述了冬天的情况,故不合题意。答案:F5.解析:上文的关键词six zones和temperate与D项中North Temperate Zone照应,故选D项。答案:D.语法填空Many Chinese tourists in Paris have decided not to cancel their visits in the City of Light after Islamist gunmen and bombers killed at least 140 people there on Friday, according 1._ several Chinese travel agencies reached by the Global Times.Most of the tourist 2._(group) in Paris continued with their plans, and only a few groups 3._(return) to China. “It seems that only one tour group 4._(cancel),” Xu Long, a Parisbased tour guide 5._ over 10 years tourism experience, told the Global Times. Xu added that November is not 6._ peak period for tourism, and many of the present Chinese tourists are visiting relatives, or attending exhibitions for business.An official with the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Paris 7._ asked to remain anonymous(匿名的) told the Global Times that the majority of areas in Paris are 8._ (safety). The official hopes Chinese tourists will follow through with their scheduled visits.The China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) asked Chinese travel agencies 9._(enhance) safety precautions among tour groups in France and also warned Chinese tourists not to go to areas where the attacks occurred or to places of public gathering.Many nations, including the UK and Canada, have warned their nationals to be more cautious, but have not advised 10._(cancel) travel to France.语篇解读这是一篇新闻报道。法国巴黎遭受严重的枪击爆炸案,已有至少一百四十人遇难。许多中国游客并没有放弃旅游计划,为此中国国家旅游局要求各旅游机构让游客做到安全第一,不去袭击发生的区域及公众聚集的地方。1.解析:考查固定搭配。according to为固定的介词短语,意思是“依据,根据”。答案:to2.解析:考查名词复数。根据空前面的Most和空后面的with their plans可知要用复数形式。答案:groups3.解析:考查时态。根据and前面句子的时态是一般过去时态,故and后面的句子也要用一般过去时态。答案:returned4.解析:考查时态语态和主谓一致。设空处的主语为one tour group且此处表示现在的状况,cancel与主语之间为被动关系,故用is canceled。误解分析:易误填canceled。误认为cancel是不及物动词而导致误填。答案:is canceled5.解析:考查介词。句意:徐龙,一个在巴黎工作的导游,有着十多年的旅游经验。表示“拥有”通常用介词with。答案:with6.解析:考查冠词。此处表示泛指,空格后的period为可数名词单数,peak以辅音音素开头,故用a。答案:a7.解析:考查关系代词。此处引导定语从句,且在从句中作主语,其先行词为人。故用who/that。答案:who/that8.解析:考查词性转换。此处要用形容词作表语。答案:safe9.解析:考查不定式。固定结构ask sb.to do sth.“要求某人做某事”,其中的不定式作宾语补足语。答案:to enhance10.解析:考查动名词。advise doing sth.表示“建议做某事”。误解分析:易误填to cancel。通常用advise sb. to do sth.表示“建议某人做某事”,但此处用的是advise doing sth.这个结构。答案:cancelling

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