高考英语 热点题型和提分秘籍 专题04 连词与介词(含解析)1

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高考英语 热点题型和提分秘籍 专题04 连词与介词(含解析)1_第2页
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高考英语 热点题型和提分秘籍 专题04 连词与介词(含解析)1_第3页
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专题04 连词与介词连词的介词也是高考必考点,每年都保持在一至两个题目,命题形式除了单项填空外还在完形填空、语法填空、短文改错中进行考查,其考点主要涉及常用介词的用法区别,介词与动词、名词、形容词等的常见搭配,介词在特定语境中的选用和介词短语的用法等。热点题型一 并列连词例1、Someone wants you on the phone._nobody knows I am here.A. AlthoughB. AndC. But D. So【答案】C【解析】根据语境判断第二个人不相信第一个人的话,所以选C项的转折连词,表示“但是没人知道我在这里”。【提分秘籍】分类连词意义例句注意表并列and和,又,而I make the payments and keep the accou- nts.我管付款和记账。表并列not only.but also.不但而且Not only is that problem very important,but(also) it is very difficult to be solved.那个问题不仅十分重要,而且还难以解决。Not only you but(also)I am to blame.不但你,我也要受到责备。The Great Wall is made not only of bricks and stones but of flesh and blood of the working people.长城不仅是用砖头和石头建成的,而且还是用劳动人民的血肉筑成的。(1)放在句首时,如果连接一个分句,表示强调,这时要用倒装句;若连接两个主语则不用倒装。(2)连接两个主语,谓语动词的形式采用就近原则。(3)连接一个句子的相同的句子成分,不能出现交叉现象。表并列as well as也,又A teacher should entert- ain as well as teach.教师不仅要教书,也要能引起学生的兴趣。Your brother as well as you is very kind to me.你弟弟和你对我都很好。We should know about why we should do it as well as how to do it in learning.在学习的过程中,我们不但要知其然,更应知其所以然。(1)连接两个并列成分作主语时,句子的谓语动词应与前面那个名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。(2)与汉语语序不尽相同。它所强调的是前者。表并列both.and.不但而且;既又Both my brother and my sister ran to help me.我的弟弟和妹妹都跑来帮助我。when就在那时We were about to leave when it began to rain.我们正要动身,就在这时天开始下雨了。I was wandering through the streets when I caught sight of a tailors shop.我正在街上徘徊,忽然看见了一家裁缝店。相当于and then,at that time,just then,一般置于第二个分句句首,第一分句多用过去时、过去进行时。表转折but但是He is old,but he looks young.他年纪大了,但看上去很年轻。but表示转折时,不能与从属连词although/though/as/in spite of/despite(尽管)出现在同一个句子中。yet然而He got up early,(and) yet he failed to catch the early bus.他起得早,可还是没赶上早班车。表转折however可是,尽管如此He knew what he want- ed,however, he didnt know how to get it.他知道他需要什么,但不知道怎样去得到它。However,well look into the matter.不过我们会调查此事的。可置于句首、句中、句末,常用逗号与分句隔开。它与but最大的区别在于其后有没有逗号,有逗号,用however;没有逗号,就用but。nevertheless但是She was very tired,nevertheless she kept on doing homework.她虽然很疲惫,但却坚持写作业。表因果so因此It was rather late,so we decided to go home.天很晚了,所以我们就决定回家了。She coughed badly,(and)so she went to see a doctor.她咳嗽得厉害,于是去看医生了。不能与because,since,as同时用在同一个句子中,so指由很清楚的原因导致的结果。for因为,由于It must have rained last night,for the road is still wet.昨晚一定是下雨了,因为路还是湿的。并列分句只能放在句末,用逗号隔开,表示推断的理由,是一种补充说明的原因。表因果therefore因此He broke the law,therefore,he was put into prison.他触犯了法律,因此被关进了监狱。为正式的书面用语。指通过严密的推理而得出的结果。thus因此,所以She worked hard,thus she passed the exam.她学习努力了,所以通过了考试。指更严密的推理,也指直接的结果。表对比while而Some people like hot food,while others like sweet food.有人喜欢辣的食物,有人喜好甜食。whereas然而They want to buy a new house,whereas we would rather live in the old house.他们想要买一所新房子,而我们宁愿住在老房子里。表选择or, orelse, otherwise或者Hurry up,or/or else/other- wise you will miss the train.快点,否则你就会错过火车。Do what youve been told,otherwise you will be punish- ed.按吩咐去做,否则你会受到惩罚的。I was as busy as a bee,otherwise/or I would have helped you.我当时很忙,否则的话我就会帮助你的。or常用于“祈使句or简单句”,这种句型同样适用于or else和other- wise。一般来说,这三个连词可以互换使用。either.or.要么要么Either you or he is right.不是你就是他是对的。连接并列主语时,谓语动词的数与最近的主语保持一致。【举一反三】 There are fewer teaching positions left in big cities, _at the same time there are shortages of teachers in small towns.A. or B. andC. so D. for【答案】B【解析】从语意可知,前后构成并列句,用and连接,在此处意为“而”。热点题型二 从属连词例2. _ more and more forests were destroyed, some animals are facing the danger of dying out.A. By B. With C. As D. For【答案】C【解析】考查连词和介词用法。空格后是一个完整的句子,故用as来引导状语从句。句意:随着越来越多的森林遭到破坏,一些动物正面临着灭绝的危险。【提分秘籍】 分类连词意义例句引导时间状语从句after在以后After we finished our homework,we played football.做完作业后,我们踢足球。before在以前We had arrived home before it began to rain.下雨前,我们已经到家了。when当时候The train had left when I got to the station.当我到车站时,火车已经离开了。引导时间状语从句while当时候,和同时While I was reading newspapers,she came to see me.我在看报时,她来看我。as当之时,随着As time went on,he realized the importa- nce of it.随着时间的推移,他认识到了它的重要性。引导时间状语从句as soon asimmediatelyinstantlydirectlythe momentthe minutethe instanthardly.whenscarcely.whenrarely.whenno sooner.than一就They started the work as soon as they got there.他们一到那儿就开始工作。Hardly had I got ho- me,the rain stopped.我刚一到家,雨就停了。引导时间状语从句since自以来Its nearly two years since we departed.我们分开近两年了。once一旦Once you are used to smoking,you can hardly stop it.你旦习惯了抽烟,就很难停止。till/until直到They waited till/until the manager came back.他们一直等到经理回来。引导时间状语从句in case万一;如果In case I forget,please remind me to write to her.万一我忘了,请提醒我给她写信。as/so long as只要I dont mind as long as it doesnt rain. 只要不下雨就行了。引导目的状语从句so that以便He pretended that he was ill so that he could stay at home.他假装病了以便能呆在家里。引导比较状语从句as.as.not so.as与一样与不一样He runs as fast as I他和我跑得一样快。than比He writes more carefu- lly than me.他写得比我细致。引导结果状语从句so.that.如此以致The film is so interes- ting that I want to see it again.这部电影非常有趣,我想再看一遍。such.that如此以致She had such a fright that she didnt dare see it again.她吓坏了,再也不敢看了。引导主语从句whether是否;不论Whether he will be elected as chairman is still disputed.他能否当选为主席,仍然有争议。that无词义,不可省略That she will come makes me happy.她会来让我很高兴。引导宾语从句whether是否;不论I dont know whether there is anything here by Morris.我不知道这里有没有莫里斯的东西。that无词义I dont think that he is right.我认为他不对。if是否Do you know if/whether shes coming?你知道她是否会来吗?【举一反三】 Jack wasnt saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him _he had done something very clever.A. as if B. in caseC. while D. though【答案】A热点题型三 易混的介词例3、He was a good student and scored_average in most subjects.A. below B. of C. on D. above【答案】D【提分秘籍】 1over,above,on,beyond表示“在上”(1)over一般表示“在的正上方”“在垂直上方”,其反义词是under;over还可表示在被覆盖在物体的上面。如:He held a large umbrella over the girl.他给女孩打着一把大伞。He put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming.他伸手捂住她的嘴,不让她叫喊。over还可表示“超过”,多用于年龄、时间、距离。如:She stayed in London over a month.她在伦敦呆了一个多月。还可表示“在期间”,相当于during,while doing。The English language has changed over hundreds of years.英语发生变化有几百年了。They were having a pleasant chat over a cup of coffee.他们边喝咖啡边愉快地聊天。 (2)above一般表示“在的上方”,只说明物体间的上下关系,可能垂直,也可能不垂直。如:A fly was flying above the table.一只苍蝇正在餐桌上飞。另外,above还可指在数量、重量、价格、费用等方面超过或高于规定的数量或一般标准。如:The shelf should be six feet above the level of the floor.书架应离地面六英尺。(3)on一般表示“在上面”,通常指与物体的表面有接触。There is a picture on the wall.墙上有张图。当表示“陷入其中”时,我们也要用介词in,尽管汉语表示“在上”。如:There is a window in the wall.墙上有扇窗户。There is a well in the ground.地上有口井。(4)beyond一般指超过界限、范围、限度等。如:Im curious to know what there is beyond the sea.我非常想知道大洋彼岸有什么。Why he did it is beyond my comprehension.我不能理解他为什么做这件事。The situation was getting beyond his control.他无法控制局势。2across,through,over,past都可表示“通过”(1)across指在某一空间内从一端到另一端的表面穿过。如:They sailed across the ocean.他们扬帆横渡大洋。A plane flew across the sky.一架飞机从空中飞过。(2)through指从人群或物体中间穿过,也可用于抽象意义上的通过:如:Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre.禁止汽车在市中心穿行。(3)over是相对于位置的高低而言,强调“翻越”,也常表示跨过一段距离。如:The man jumped over the wall and disappeared among the crowd.那人翻过墙消失在人群中。(4)past表示“从旁经过”,表示动作发生在某物旁边。如:We walked past the shop this afternoon.我们今天下午路过那家商店。3at,in,on均可表示时间(1)表示确切的时间用at,在非正式英语里,在(at)what time这一短语以及用于句首的其他表示时间的短语中,通常可以省略at。(2)表示一天的上午、下午、晚上用in,即:in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening,但也有at night(在夜里),at dawn(在黎明),at noon(在中午),at midnight(在午夜)。如专指某一天的上(下)午、晚上,或要对某一天上(下)午、晚上加以描述,就用on,而不用in。如:on the evening of May 1(在5月1日的晚上)。(3)谈到具体的某一天,用on,在星期几前面,on可以省略(尤其在美语中)。如:I met him on a cold day.我在一个寒冷的日子里见到了他。Im seeing her(on)Sunday morning.星期天上午我要和她见面。(4)周末和节日表示周末用at the weekend(英)或on the weekend(美);泛指圣诞节、复活节、感恩节时,都用at。但如果说假日中的某一天,就要用on。如:on Easter Monday复活节后的星期一。(5)说到星期、月、季、年、世纪等较长时间时,要用in。如:in a week在一周内;in May在五月;in 2004在2004年;in the 18th century在18世纪;in the fall/autumn在秋天。4by,with,in,through都可表示“工具、手段和方法”(1)by表示“乘(交通工具)”,也指“通过(方法)”。表示方式,指抽象的或无形的手段时,其宾语一般是抽象名词或动名词;指具体的手段时,其宾语通常是表示身体某个部位、交通工具或通讯工具等的名词,且名词前不用冠词。如:You can make the cake by mixing eggs and flour.把鸡蛋与面粉混合,你就可以做出那种蛋糕。Can I reach you by telephone?我可以用电话和你联系吗?(2)with表示“用工具/手段”,一般接具体的手段或工具,不能接动名词。如:He sharpened his pencil with a knife.他用小刀削铅笔。(3)in表示用的方法、工具、材料等。如:Please write in ink,not in pencil.请用墨水写,不要用铅笔写。I paid the bill in cash.我用现金付账。表示“用容器(之类的工具)”时,用in。如:They carried earth in basket.他们用篮子提土。(4)through表示“通过途径/方式/方法”,一般是指具体的或有形的手段,其宾语往往是具体的人或事物。如:We arranged our holiday through an agent.我们通过一个经纪人来安排我们的假日。He got the chance through being a scientist.由于是个科学家,他得到了这次机会。5to,at,for,toward(s)都表示方向,“到,向,朝”(1)toward(s)强调动作的方向;to则兼指“到达”的含义,强调结果。如:I saw her walking toward (s) the cinema.我见她朝电影院走去。I saw her walking to the cinema.我见她正朝电影院走去。(2)for常用在leave,start,set out,set off,head,sail的后面,表示要去的目的地。如:They are leaving for New York next week.他们下周去纽约。(3)at常和throw,shout,shoot等动词连用,表示目标。常常含有仇恨的感情色彩。而to与这些词连用时,仅仅表示方向。如:Its not polite to shout at people.朝人大声喊叫是不礼貌的。When I came to the dog,it came at me,I rushed away with fear.当我走向这条狗时,它向我扑来,我吓得拔腿就跑。6besides,except,except for,but都可表示“除之外”(1)besides与exceptbesides表示“除了之外(尚有)(宾语包括在内)”,表示肯定;另外,它还可以作副词,有“再说”的意思,表示语气的递进。except表示“除了之外(宾语不包括在内)”,含有否定含义。如:There are four persons besides Tom to do the work,the four of whom are expert at it.算汤姆在内有四个人做这项工作。他们四个在这方面都在行。There are four persons except Tom to do the work,four of whom are expert at it.不算汤姆,他们有四个人做这个工作。他们当中的四个在这方面都在行。Who else do you need to help you besides me?除了我以外,你还需要谁帮忙?Sorry,I cant go with you tonight.Its dark,besides, its raining heavily.对不起,我今晚不能和你一起去。天很黑,再说,还下着大雨。(2)except,except for与except thatclause它们都有“除了”的意思,区别在于:except前后陈述的是同一类的东西。except for前后所陈述的不属同类,表示引述一个相反细节,对上一陈述起到修正说明的作用,except for后接名词和代词。except thatclause也是表示引述一个相反细节,对上一陈述起到修正说明的作用,后接宾语从句(注意宾语从句的连接词的正确使用)。如:There is nothing except a desk in the classroom.教室里只有一张课桌。(desk和nothing属于同一类)We enjoyed the party except for the loud music.除了音乐嘈杂了点,我们在聚会上玩得很开心。(the loud music和the party不属于同类)Your composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.Your composition is good except that there are some spelling mistakes.除了几个拼写错误之外,你的作文很好。He goes to the library every day except when he is not well.他除了身体不舒服以外,每天都去图书馆。(3)but作为介词和except同义,通常用在no以及由no组成的合成词或表示否定意义的词后面,而except不受此限制。如:Nobody else but/except me could solve the word puzzle.除了我,谁都不会解这个字谜。I had no choice but to wait.我除了等待之外别无选择。(4)but for表示“要不是”,用于虚拟语气。except for只起修正作用。如:But for your timely help, I couldnt have finished the work on time. I cant thank you too much.要不是你及时的帮助,我就不能按时完成这项工作。我对你感激不尽。7due to, owing to, on account of, thanks to这几个短语都可以作“由于,因为”解,是表原因的介词短语。(1)due to.有三个用法:作定语、表语和状语;作状语时可放在句首或句尾。如:The mistake due to carelessness is serious.由于粗心大意所造成的这个错误是严重的。Due to driving at high speed the accidents were common.由于高速驾驶,交通事故很常见。His illness is due to bad food.他生病的原因是吃了劣质食物。(2)owing to.可作状语、定语和表语。作状语时修饰整个句子,一般应和句子的其他成分隔开,可放在句首、句中或句尾。如:The service is poor owing to a shortage of staff.服务之所以差是因为工作人员不足。She is now, owing to bad health, not so active in the activity.由于身体不好,她现在在活动中表现得没有那么活跃了。(3)on account of.可作状语和表语。作状语时修饰全句,应和句子的其他成分隔开,但有时也可不隔开。如:He resigned on account of age.他由于年迈而辞职。That was on account of lack of experience.那是由于缺乏经验所致。(4)thanks to.只作状语,比较正式,有感谢的含义,作“多亏”解,但有时也含有贬义。如:Thanks to your help, we were successful.多亏你的帮助,我们才得以成功。【举一反三】 To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, _, honest.A. therefore B. above allC. however D. after all【答案】B热点题型四 常见的复合介词例4、When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside_younger men.A. in terms of B. in need ofC. in favor of D. in praise of【答案】C【提分秘籍】according to根据,按照,取决于as a result of由于的结果as far as就而论at the mercy of受支配at the sight of一看到by means of用,依靠,借助于by way of取道于;途经(via)by the way of用的方法because of因为,由于due to因为in addition to除了之外(还有)in advance of在前面;比先进in celebration of为庆祝in case of假设,万一in search of寻求;试图发现in place of代替in need of需要in charge of对负责;主管in the charge of由负责(表被动意义)in spite of尽管;即使;虽然;不管in time of在时刻in a state of处于状况中in course of在进行中in the course of在期间in favour of赞同;有利于in honor of向表示敬意,为纪念in memory of为纪念instead of代替;而不是on account of因为;由于owing to因为thanks to因为;多亏under the name of以的名义under the condition that在条件下under the control of在支配下with no relation to与无关with the view of为了;以为目的within the reach of在力所能及的范围内【举一反三】 Students in that school are judged_what they have achieved in their studies.A. in spite of B. in charge ofC. in favor of D. in terms of【答案】D【解析】句意:那所学校的学生是依据他们在学习上所获得的成绩来被评价的。in spite of“不管”;in charge of“负责”;in favor of“支持,赞同”;in terms of“依据,根据”。根据句意选择D项。热点题型五 介词有关的固定搭配例5、Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek_food safety problems.A. in B. toC. on D. after【答案】B【提分秘籍】1名词与介词的固定搭配要求用to的名词:key,answer,visit,apology,introduction要求用in的名词:interest,satisfaction,expert要求用on的名词:mercy,congratulation要求用其他介词的名词:prize(for),respect(for),victory(over),struggle(with)2形容词与介词的固定搭配要求用at的形容词:angry,good,bad,surprised,excited,puzzled,frightened要求用of的形容词:afraid,sure,certain,full,tired,fond,proud,worthy要求用with的形容词:angry,strict,busy,popular要求用in的形容词:weak,strict,rich, interested,successful,slow要求用to的形容词:next,good,polite,kind,cruel,rude,known,married,close,similar,due要求用for的形容词:sorry,famous,fit,unfit,eager,anxious,hungry要求用from的形容词:far,different,free,safe,absent,tired要求用about的形容词:sorry,worried,anxious,careful,sure,certain3在英语中介词可以和名词、动词、形容词、副词构成许多固定短语,我们必须不断积累,牢牢记住这些固定搭配,掌握其含义,才能应对高考。 【举一反三】 Wed better discuss everything _before we work out the plan.A. in detail B. in generalC. on purpose D. on time【答案】A 【解析】句意:在我们制订计划之前,我们最好详细地讨论每件事。in detail“详细地”;in general“通常,大体上”;on purpose“故意地”;on time“准时,按时”。 【2016天津】2. The dictionary is _: many words have been added to the language since it was published. A. out of control B. out of date C. out of sight D. out of reach【答案】B【考点】考查介词短语。 【2016浙江】6.That young man is honest , cooperative , always there when you need his help ._, hes reliable.A. Or else B. In short C. By the way D. For one thing【答案】B【解析】句意:这个年轻人是诚实的,有合作精神的,当你需要他的帮助的时候,总是在那里。简言之,他是可靠的。A.否则;B.简言之;C.顺便说一下;D.首先。故选B。【考点】考查介词短语。1.【2015重庆】10. Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 _ the average.A. below B. on C. at D. above【答案】D 【解析】句意:去年是有纪录以来最热的一年,全球平均气温上升0.68度。With 的宾语global temperature ,宾语补足above the average。 2.【2015浙江】3. Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes animals both on land and sea?A. about B. to C. with D. over【答案】 B3.【2015浙江】17. These comments came specific questions often asked by local newsmen.A. in memory of B. in response to C. in touch with D. in possession of【答案】B【解析】句意:这些评论是对某些经常被当地新闻人问到的问题的回应。A. in memory of 意为纪念, B. in response to意为回应,C. in touch with意为联系,D. in possession of意为拥有。分析句子成分知道空格处充当介词短语作状语的作用,根据常识和句意,评论应该是对问题的回应。所以答案应该是B. in response to回应。4.【2015陕西】12. The little pupil took his grandma the arm and walked her across the street.A. on B. by C. in D. at【答案】B【解析】句意:这个小学生拉住他奶奶的膀子和她一起穿过街道。 take sb. by the arm拉住某人的膀子,所以选B。5.【2015福建】22._A common memory they all havetheir school days is the school uniform.A. ofB. onC. toD. with【答案】A【解析】A.of表示关于,表示从属关系;B.on表示在之上;C.to表示对于;D.with表示和在一起。该句意思为:他们共有的关于他们学校的记忆是校服。故选A6.【2015江苏】34.Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around _ Thomas Edison.A. thanks to B. regardless of C. aside from D. but for【答案】D【解析】句意:要不是爱迪生的发明,今天我们身边享用的很多东西都将不复存在。A项“多亏”,具有很强的迷惑性,如将题干改成“_Thomas Edison, nowwecanbenefitfrommanyofthethings aroundus.”则选A项;B项“不管,不顾”;C项“除了”;D项“要不是”,常用于隐藏式(含蓄式)虚拟条件句。故选D项。7.【2015安徽】33.They believe that there are transport developments _ that will bring a lot of changes for the better.A. out of dateB. out of orderC. around the clock D. around the corner【答案】D【解析】句意:他们认为即将到来的交通发展将会带来很多好的方面的变化。A过时的;B发生故障的;C昼夜不停地;D即将来临。故选D。8.【2015湖北】30.This meeting room is a non-smoking area. I would like to warn you _ that if you smoked here you would be fined. A.in advance B.in detail C. in total D.in general 【答案】A【解析】句意:这个会议室是无烟区域。我想提前警告你:如果你在这里吸烟,会被罚款。A项“提前”;B项“详细地”;C项“总共,总计”;D项“大体上,笼统地”。故选A项。1.(2014福建卷)22. Our club is open to everyone _ age, sex or educational background.A. due to B. except for C. along with D. regardless of【答案】D2.(2014江苏卷)24. Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay_.A. in placeB. in orderC. in shapeD. in fashion【答案】C【解析】本题考察的是与介词in有关的短语辨析。in place有序,在适当的位置;in order井井有条;in shape健康的,状态良好的;in fashion流行的,时尚的;句意:为了保持健康,每天早晨Tom总去慢跑,也经常做引体向上。根据句意可知Tom锻炼的目的是为了保持健康。故C正确。3.(2014江西卷)25. Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence ._, it could just put you in debt.A. In other words B. All in all C. As a result D. On the other hand【答案】D【解析】本题考察的是介词短语辨析。A换句话说;B总得说来;C结果是;D另一方面;句义:自己做生意也许是获得经济独立的一个很好的方法,另一方面,它也可能让你负债。根据句义说明这是一件事情的两个方面,所以D项符合上下文串联。4.(2014江西卷)33. It is unbelievable that Mr. Lucas leads a simple life _his great wealth .A. without B. despite C. in D. to 【答案】B5.(2014陕西卷)14. The Scottish girl _ blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest.A. by B. of C. in D. with【答案】D【解析】本题中的with表示有,佩戴;其余三个介词都没有这个用法。句义:能够长着蓝眼睛的苏格拉女孩在第五届汉语演讲比赛里得到了第一名。故D正确。6.(2014天津卷)6. _ the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.A. In reply to B. In addition to C. In charge of D. In place of【答案】B【解析】本题的四个介词短语都很重要。In reply to作为的回复;in addition to除之外(包括在内);in charge of负责;in place of代替;句义:除了学校,村子里还有诊所,诊所也是在政府的支持下建成的。也就是说学校和诊所都是政府支持建设成功的。故B正确。7.(2014浙江卷 )10. While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything _ .A. in return B. in common C. in turn D. in place【答案】A【解析】介词短语in return作为回报,后面常常接介词for;in common与相似;in turn依次,轮流;反过来;in place恰当,在合适的地方。句意:当他住在那个村子里的时候,James无私地和村民们分享他拥有的一切,不要去得到任何回报。根据句意说明A正确。8.(2014浙江卷 )12. Facing up to your problem _ running away from them is the best approach to working things out.A. more than B. rather than C. along with D. or rather【答案】B【解析】介词短语more than超过,不仅仅,非常;rather than代替,而不是;along with和一起;or tather更准确地说;句意:面对你的问题而不是逃避是解决这些问题最好的方法。根据句意可知B项符合上下文含义。9.(2014浙江卷 )18. Theres no reason to be disappointed. _, this could be rather amusing. A. Above all B. As a result C. In addition D. As a matter of fact【答案】D1.I always wanted to do the job which Id been trained_.A. on B. forC. by D. of【答案】B【解析】句意:我总想从事我以前为之培训的工作。在此句中which Id been trained for为定语从句,修饰先行词the job。be trained for a job意为“为工作而培训”。故选B项。2. With new technology, pictures of underwater valleys can be taken_color.A. by B. forC. with D. in【答案】D【解析】by“通过”,表示方式、手段;for“为了”,表示目的;with“和”,表示状态;in“以,用”,表示所用的原料、材料,in color“用彩色,以彩色”。句意:“有了新的技术,水下山谷的

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