高考英语二轮复习 专题三 完形填空训练7 夹叙夹议(二)(含解析)1

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专题三 完形填空训练7夹叙夹议(二)A(导学号59430096)About 10 years ago I was having my annual party and my niece came to see me.As she _1_ around the room,she noted that my employees seemed happy.Then,I asked her how she thought I did that.“Im sure you treat them _2_,” she replied.“Thats half of it,” I said.“Do you know _3_ the other half is?”She didnt have the answer.So whats the answer? I _4_the unhappy people.People laugh at this point.I wish I were _5_Im not.I have learned that as a manager you cannot make everyone happy.Good _6_ requires training,communicating and patience.Dont _7_ me wrong.This doesnt happen a lot.Theres no joy in the _8_ of firing someone.And its not always the employees _9_there are many bad bosses out there.And not all employees _10_ your company.I dont have a PhD,an MBA,or even an economics degree.What I do have is a _11_ company.Now I know some people argue that a business is _12_ making money,and not everyone has to be happy.When you _13_ a company,you have the right to _14_ yourself with the people you choose.I have a good day today.Not _15_ Ive got a big order or great _16_ reports.I have wonderful people working for me.They care.They are committed (尽心尽力的)_17_,they understand the whole customerstaffcompany triangle,where all of the aspects _18_ each other.When you have the right people,business is much _19_I know because I have _20_ it.【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。“我”作为公司老板有自己的管理员工的理念:对待自己的员工要好,开除那些感觉不幸福的员工。1A.showedBlookedCturned Dcame解析:当她环顾房间时,她注意到“我”的员工们看起来很幸福。此处用固定短语look around表示“四处看,环顾”。答案:B2A.nicely BfirmlyCstrictly Dseriously解析:因为员工看起来很幸福,所以侄女推测“我”这个老板对待员工很好(nicely)。答案:A3A.which BthatCwhat Dwho解析:你知道另一半是什么吗?此处是一个宾语从句,根据语境可知,应用连接词what。答案:C4A.trick BhireCdislike Dfire解析:根据下文中的“Theres no joy in the _8_ of firing someone”可知,此处表示“我”解雇不幸福的人。答案:D5A.crying BjokingCcheating Dregretting解析:人们嘲笑这个观点。“我”希望“我”是在开玩笑,(但是)“我”不是。答案:B6A.assessment BagreementCmanagement Demployment解析:好的管理需要培训、交流和耐心。根据语境可知C项正确。答案:C7A.bring BthinkCtreat Dget解析:不要误解“我”。get sb wrong“误会,误解,曲解(某人的意思)”。答案:D8A.way BchanceCact Dform解析:解雇某人的行为无乐趣可言。way“方式,方法”;chance“机会”;act“行为”;form“形式”。答案:C9A.decision BfailureCfortune Dfault解析:根据破折号后的内容可知,有许多坏老板,故此处表示被解雇并非都是员工的错误。选D项。答案:D10A.fit BbelieveCchoose Dunderstand解析:而且并非所有的员工都适合你的公司。根据语境可知,选A项fit“适合”。答案:A11A.funny BbusyChappy Dlarge解析:此处对应首段中的“happy”,“我”没有博士学位,没有工商管理学硕士学位,甚至也没有经济学学位。“我”有的是一个幸福的公司。选C项。答案:C12A.with BbeyondCinto Dabout解析:现在“我”知道一些人争辩说公司是为了挣钱,并非每个人都得幸福。about“关于”。答案:D13A.leave BjoinCown Dshare解析:当你拥有一个公司,你有权力和你选择的人在一起。根据语境可知,选C项own“拥有”。答案:C14A.relax BhelpCamaze Dsurround解析:参见上题解析。surround yourself with sb是固定短语,表示“和某人在一起”,故选D项。答案:D15A.until BbecauseCafter Dthat解析:今天“我”过得愉快。不是因为“我”得到了一个大的订单或者很好的财政报告。此处用because来引导句子。答案:B16A.physical BmedicalCpolitical Dfinancial解析:此处和空格前的a big order并列,结合所给选项可知应选D项。physical“身体的”;medical“医疗的”;political“政治的”;financial“财政的,金融的”。答案:D17A.Besides BHoweverCOtherwise DTherefore解析:他们(员工们)关心(公司)。他们尽心尽力。除此之外,他们理解整个顾客员工公司的三角关系。besides“除此之外,而且”。答案:A18A.support BfightChold Dhurt解析:顾客员工公司这个三角关系中每个方面都互相支持。support“支持”;fight“竞争”;hold“抓住”;hurt“伤害”。答案:A19A.busier BeasierCsafer Dhigher解析:当你拥有了合适的员工,生意变得更加容易。答案:B20A.made BforgottenCgot Dput解析:“我”知道因为“我”已经做到了。make it“获得成功”。答案:ABIn an old city of Hungary,there used to be a boy who was very rich and clever but nothing could make him feel happy.He had almost everything a boy could ever want,so he was only _1_ in the most rare objects.One day his parents bought him a very strange _2_When the boy went to see his reflection (影像) in it,he looked very _3_He tried smiling,_4_ his reflection continued with its sad expression.The boy went off to buy sweets and lots of toys._5_,he came home as happy as he could be,but he _6_ looked sad in that mirror,“What a (n) _7_ mirror! Its the first time Ive seen a mirror that didnt _8_ properly!”That afternoon he went out to buy some toys and on his way he saw a little girl who was _9_The boy went over to see what had _10_ to her.The little girl said that she couldnt find her parents.Together the two children set off _11_ them.As the little girl wouldnt stop crying,the boy spent all of his money buying her sweets to _12_ her up.After much walking,they _13_ her parents who were looking for her,very worried.Then the boy said _14_ to the family.When seeing the time,he _15_ to head for home without toys and _16_In his room,to his great surprise,he found a(n) _17_ face in the mirror.And so he understood the _18_ of that mirror.The mirror could only reflect the _19_ feelings of its owner.He felt really happy at having _20_ that little girl.【语篇解读】一个男孩儿几乎可以拥有他想要的一切东西,可一面神奇的镜子告诉他,他并不快乐。有一天男孩儿帮助一位小女孩儿找到父母后,他在镜子里看到了快乐的自己。1A.confidentBinterested Cskilled Drich解析:这个男孩儿几乎拥有了男孩儿想要的一切东西,所以他只对最罕见的东西感兴趣。be interested in“对感兴趣”,选B项。confident“自信的”;skilled“熟练的,有技能的”;rich“富有的”。答案:B2A.mirror BbookCsweet Dtoy解析:根据下文中的“When the boy went to see his reflection (影像)in it”可知,此处表示他的父母给他买了一面奇怪的镜子,故选A项。下文中的“What a(n) _7_ mirror”也是提示。答案:A3A.shy BexcitedCsad Dbeautiful解析:根据下文中的“_4_ his reflection continued with its sad expression”可知,此处表示当他照镜子时,里面的影像显示他很难过,故选C项。答案:C4A.for BorCand Dbut解析:他尝试着笑,但是他的影像仍然是难过的表情。根据语境可知,前后表示转折关系,故用but。答案:D5A.Proudly BHungrilyCSurprisingly DGratefully解析:使人吃惊的是,他回家尽力地表现得很快乐,但是在那面镜子中,他仍然看上去很难过。surprisingly意为“惊人地,使人吃惊地”,符合语境。proudly“自豪地”;hungrily“饥饿地”;gratefully“感激地”。答案:C6A.already BstillConce Dnever解析:参见上题解析。根据语境可知,此处用still“仍然”,故选B项。答案:B7A.terrible BniceCbig Dexpensive解析:多么可怕的镜子啊!terrible“可怕的”,符合语境。答案:A8A.work BmoveCchange Dappear解析:这是“我”第一次见不能正确起作用的镜子。此处用work“有效,起作用”。答案:A9A.studying BplayingCsleeping Dcrying解析:根据下文中的“The little girl said that she couldnt find her parents”可推断,此处表示小女孩儿在哭,故选D项。下文中的“As the little girl wouldnt stop crying”也是提示。答案:D10A.devoted BreferredChappened Dturned解析:男孩儿过去看小女孩儿发生了什么事。根据语境可知,选C项。答案:C11A.in need of Bin honour ofCin search of Din charge of解析:两个小孩儿一起出发去找女孩的父母。in search of“寻找”,符合语境。in need of“需要”;in honour of“为向表示敬意”;in charge of“负责,主管”。答案:C12A.put BcheerCdress Dbring解析:小女孩儿还在哭,男孩儿花了他所有的钱买糖让小女孩儿高兴。cheer sb up“使某人高兴起来,使某人振作起来”,符合语境。答案:B13A.found BrecognizedCleft Daccepted解析:走了很久后,他们发现小女孩儿的父母也正在焦急地找小女孩儿。根据语境可知,选A项。recognize“认出”;leave“离开”;accept“接受”。答案:A14A.goodbye Bhello Csorry Dno解析:后来男孩儿和这家人告别了。say goodbye to sb“和某人告别”,为固定短语,故选A项。答案:A15A.refused BagreedCpretended Ddecided解析:看了一下时间,男孩儿决定回家。decide to do sth“决定做某事”,符合语境。refuse“拒绝”;agree“同意”;pretend“假装”。答案:D16A.effort BhopeCmoney Ddoubt解析:根据上文中的“the boy spent all of his money buying her sweets”可知,此处表示没有钱,故选C项。答案:C17. Ared BdirtyCangry Dhappy解析:在房间里,令他惊讶的是,他在镜子里发现了一张快乐的脸。根据“great surprise”可知,选D项。答案:D18A.meaning BwonderCgame Dreason解析:他明白了那面镜子的神奇之处。wonder“奇妙之处”,符合语境。答案:B19A.true BstrangeCgeneral Dgood解析:这面镜子只能反映它的主人的真实感觉。true“真实的”,符合语境。答案:A20A.introduced BhelpedCinvited Dsaved解析:帮助那个小女孩儿让他感到真的很开心。help“帮助”,符合语境。答案:BC(导学号59430097)A Brick in LifeA young and successful manager was travelling down a neighbourhood street,going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar.He was _1_ kids rushing out from _2_ parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something._3_ his car passed,one child appeared,and a brick smashed into the Jaguars side door.He slammed on the _4_ and turned the Jaguar back to the spot from where the brick had been thrown.He jumped out of the car,grabbed the kid and _5_ him up against a parked car,shouting,“What was that all about and who are you?Just what _6_ are you doing?”Then he went on,“Didnt you know that brick you threw is going to _7_ a lot of money.Why did you do it?”“Please,sir.Please,Im sorry.I didnt know _8_else to do!” begged the youngster.“_9_ my brother,” he said.“He rolled off the sidewalk and fell out of his _10_ and I cant lift him up.”Sobbing,the boy asked the manager,“Would you please help me get him _11_ into his wheelchair? Hes hurt and hes too _12_ for me.”Moved _13_ words,the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat.He lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and _14_ his handkerchief and wiped the scrapes and cuts,checking to see _15_ everything was going to be okay.“Thank you,sir.And God bless you,” the _16_ child said to him.The man then _17_ the little boy push his brother to the sidewalk toward _18_ home.It was a long _19_ back to his Jaguara long,slow walk.He never did repair the side door.He kept the dent (凹痕) _20_ him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention. 【语篇解读】本文通过一个小故事告诉我们:生活的道路上不要走得太匆忙,我们需要其他人的敲打来引起我们的注意。1A.watching forBlooking forCheading for Dleaving for解析:watch for“密切注意,留意”;look for“寻找”;head for“朝前进”;leave for“出发去某地”。经理留意着从车子之间跑出来的孩子。由此可知A项符合语境。答案:A2A.among BbetweenCin Dthrough解析:从车子之间跑出来,根据语境可知选B项。答案:B3A.While BBeforeCAs DAfter解析:当经理的车通过的时候,一个小孩儿丢了一块砖头打到了他的车的侧门,由此可知C项as“当时”,符合语境。答案:C4A.window BdoorCwheel Dbrake解析:经理猛踩刹车并后退到被扔砖头的地方。brake“刹车”,符合语境。答案:D5A.pushed BpulledCheld Dcaught解析:经理抓住那个小孩儿并把他推向一辆停着的车子。push“推”,符合语境。答案:A6A.in earth Bon earthCafter all Dabove all解析:经理质问小孩儿到底想干什么,what on earth“到底,究竟”,符合语境。答案:B7A.spend BchargeCcost Dpay解析:经理质问小孩儿:“你知不知道你扔那块砖要付很多钱,你为什么要这样做?”此处cost意为“需付费”,符合语境。答案:C8A.which BwhoCthat Dwhat解析:此处表示“我不知道我还能怎么办”,do后面缺宾语,因此用what。答案:D9A.Its BWhichsCThats DWhos解析:根据下文可知,此处小孩儿在说明情况,是他的哥哥从轮椅上摔了下来,他没有办法把他抬回去。此处Its用以明确身份,故选A项。答案:A10A.Jaguar BwheelchairCsidewalk Dbike解析:根据下文中的“get him _11_ into his wheelchair”可知,他哥哥从轮椅上摔了下来。答案:B11A.up BdownCback Dforward解析:此处表示“你可以帮我把他抬回轮椅上吗?”,back符合语境。下文中的“lifted the young man back into the wheelchair”也是提示。答案:C12A.light BfunnyCterrible Dheavy解析:根据上文可知,此处表示“他受伤了,而且对我来说他太重了”。D项heavy“重的”,符合语境。答案:D13A.beyond BinsideCoutside Daround解析:这些话让这位年轻的经理深受感动,没法用语言表达,beyond“超出之外,非所能及”,符合语境。答案:A14A.broke out Btook outCrun out Dgave out解析:经理把小孩儿的哥哥抱回轮椅上,并拿出手帕擦拭小孩儿的哥哥的伤口,确定他哥哥没有什么问题。A项意为“爆发”;B项意为“拿出,取出”;C项意为“用完”;D项意为“分发,公布”。故选B项。答案:B15A.what BwhereCthat Dwhich解析:参见上题解析。see that“确保,务必(做到)”,符合语境。答案:C16A.angry BwillingCsatisfactory Dgrateful解析:根据空格前的“Thank you,sir.And God bless you”可知,小孩儿非常感激这个经理。故选D项。答案:D17A.watched BglaredCnoticed Dwitnessed解析:然后经理看着小孩儿推着他哥哥回他们的家。watch“注视,看”;glare“怒目而视”;notice“注意到”;witness“目击”。根据语境可知选A项。答案:A18A.his BtheirCher Dits解析:参见上题解析。答案:B19A.journey BtripCwalk Drunning解析:经理返回捷豹的路变得很漫长。破折号后面的“a long,slow walk”也是提示,选C项。答案:C20A.reminding BremindedCreminds Dto remind解析:经理保留着车子侧门上的凹痕是为了提醒他自己。此处用动词不定式表示目的,故选D项。答案:D

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