高考英语二轮复习 专题三 完形填空 强化训练12

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强化训练12完形填空(四)(45分钟,100分)AIn March 2007, I was recovering from surgery for breast cancer and going through a divorce. It was a terrible time, and I was spending my days at home _1_ everything to myself. Then my Today show colleague suggested _2_ , “Why dont you pick a couple of days and go to Ireland and escape?” I _3_ the tip.The trip was fun because I was living in the _4_ , but when I got on the plane to go home, I wasnt feeling well. My plan was to sleep for the _5_ flight, but the guy next to me looked goodhearted for a conversation _6_ he had kind eyes.“I had an operation,” I said _7_ . “I had breast cancer. ”He paused for a moment and said, “ Whats wrong with that? Breast cancer is just a _8_ of you, like going to college or getting married. ”I could feel my eyes _9_ up with tears.“Dont hog(独占) your journey,” he said. “Think of how many people you could help.”I had tears coming down my face, and said, “I cant _10_ Im crying in front of you, I dont _11_ know you. ”“Look, you have a _12_ in life,” he said. “You can either _13_ your things deep in your pockets and take them to your grave, or you can help someone. ”Ive always been a very _14_ person, and aside from the few people who needed to know, Id kept my illness secret. I didnt want to be _15_ by my weakness.But this man, whose name was Ken Duane, showed me that my illness gave me _16_ because it gave me the ability to _17_ someone elses load. I decided at that moment that I was going to share my story _18_ . Later that year, I talked about my illness and my _19_ with Ken on air.I am forever _20_ that I never took a nap on that flight over the Atlantic.1. A. devoting B. explainingC. keeping D. storing2. A. seriously B. hurriedlyC. kindly D. confidently3. A. overlooked B. dismissedC. doubted D. accepted4. A. pleasure B. momentC. excitement D. scenery5. A. whole B. completeC. exact D. normal6. A. if B. becauseC. while D. though7. A. willingly B. readilyC. cheerfully D. weakly8. A. part B. centreC. pain D. symbol9. A. coming B. fillingC. taking D. ending10A. bear B. helpC. believe D. deny11A. still B. alreadyC. then D. even12A. decision B. choiceC. goal D. belief13A. clear B. sortC. put D. mix14A. private B. outspokenC. clumsy D. polite15A. defeated B. evaluatedC. affected D. defined16A. surprise B. strengthC. advice D. reference17A. broaden B. widenC. lighten D. brighten18A. publicly B. officiallyC. clearly D. sharply19A. argument B. explorationC. appointment D. conversation20A. grateful B. consciousC. pitiful D. regretful【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。作者手术之后出去散心,在回来的航班上,邻座小伙子的一席话打开了作者的心扉。1解析:根据语境可知,这里指作者把这一切都憋在心里。故用keep.to oneself表示“不给人知道,保守秘密”。答案:C2解析:同事看到作者这样的情况,自然是好心给她提建议了,因此选C,kindly表示“友善地”。答案:C3解析:根据下文可知,作者接受了同事提的建议。accept“接受”符合语境。答案:D4解析:live in the moment表示“活在当下”,因此选B,moment表示“时刻”。答案:B5解析:这里表示整个飞行过程,故用whole表示“全部的,整个的”。答案:A6解析:旁边座位的这个乘客看起来是个热心肠的人,因为作者从对方的眼神中看出来他很友好。because意为“因为”,引导原因状语从句。答案:B7解析:由上文可知,作者因乳腺癌做了手术,且旅游完准备回家时又觉得不舒服,故用weakly表示“软弱无力地”。答案:D8解析:语境表示说话人在劝解作者,说乳腺癌只是她生活的一部分,因此用part。答案:A9解析:听到对方这么说,作者眼睛里充满了泪水,用fill up表示“充满”。答案:B10解析:这里用believe表示“相信”:我不敢相信自己会在你面前流泪。答案:C11解析:这里用副词even表示递进关系,even意为“甚至”:我甚至都不认识你。答案:D12解析:下文的“either. or.”表明本题选B,choice表示“选择”。答案:B13解析:你可以把自己那些事都装进口袋里。根据句意,这里用put表示“放,放置”。答案:C14解析:下文说到作者不随便把自己的病情告诉他人,因此选A表示“内向的,不爱交流思想感情的”。指作者这个人不愿吐露心思。答案:A15解析:作者不随便把自己的病情告诉别人,因为她不希望别人依据她的疾病来界定她这个人。这里用define表示“界定,下定义”。答案:D16解析:语境说患病之后作者可以去帮助别人,因此选B,作者的疾病反而给了作者力量(strength)。答案:B17解析:从文中的“help”和“load”看,这里表示帮助别人,减轻他人的负担,故用lighten表示“减轻”。答案:C18解析:前面说作者很内向,把自己患病的事瞒着很多人,这里说到作者思想的转变,因此选A表示“公开地”。答案:A19解析:从前面的叙述可知选D,这里说的是在飞机上与Ken的交谈(conversation)。答案:D20解析:作者感到庆幸的是自己当初在航班上没有打盹睡觉,而是与邻座小伙子进行了交谈,故用grateful表示“感激的”。答案:ABSummer break is approaching. It is a perfect _1_ for your students to gain experience through paid or volunteer jobs and other summer activities. It can also _2_ a students sense of _3_ to college admission officers. How can you help your students _4_ the most rewarding summer activities?First, _5_ students to talk to adults in their lives who can help them find _6_ that match their interests. _7_ , share the following ideas and suggestions with your students as they begin the _8_ for perfect summer jobs.Ask your students, “If you could do anything this summer, what would it be?” _9_ , a student who enjoys the outdoors and hiking could _10_ working at a summer camp or national park.Advise students to experience the _11_ they hope to pursue in the future. They can start by calling businesses and organizations related to their chosen field about summer jobs. Professionals in any career often go out of their way to _12_ a motivated student, so even if theyre not hiring they may have _13_ .Motivated students may find it rewarding to start their own _14_. A bilingual student can advertise services as a language tutor. Tell students to start lining up a few clients _15_ the summer and _16_ them that being your own boss can be hard work.Spending a summer at a local charity is a great way for students to learn about life and themselves. It can help them develop leadership _17_ that will last a lifetime. Students can volunteer and _18_ how to help otherswhile helping themselves._19_ students decide to do this summer, encourage them to read. Reading opens students minds and introduces them to other worlds while sharpening important _20_ such as comprehension and vocabulary.1. A. opportunity B. messageC. response D. suggestion2. A. offer B. showC. introduce D. describe3. A. purpose B. responsibilityC. possibility D. courage4. A. design B. chooseCafford D. organize5. A. forbid B. enableC. expect D. encourage6. A. activities B. approachesC. companies D. majors7. A. Thus B. HoweverC. Instead D. Next8. A. admiration B. demandC. search D. research9. A. For example B. In realityC. That is D. As usual10. A. give up B. look intoC. keep on D. insist on11. A. subjects B. stylesC. careers D. dreams12. A. interview B. discourageC. help D. employ13. A. weaknesses B. suggestionsC. advantages D. abilities14. A. family B. lifeC. study D. business15. A. after B. sinceC. before D. until16. A. threaten B. warnC. recommend D. inform17. A. power B. abilityC. strength D. energy18. A. explain B. discoverC. remember D. decide19. A. Whatever B. WhereverC. However D. Whenever20. A. chances B. skillsC. attitudes D. effects【语篇解读】暑假就要到了,如何安排学生们的暑期生活常常是很多家长、老师考虑的问题。在假期之前给学生们制订一个合理的计划是非常有用的。1解析:下文讲述了学生们利用暑假做带薪工作或志愿者和参加其他活动,暑假给他们提供了这个机会。答案:A2解析:依据上句可知,利用暑假学生们可以积累工作经验,本句中的“college admission officers”说明,通过做带薪工作或参加志愿工作和其他活动,学生们可以把责任感展示给大学招生老师。答案:B3解析:参见上题解析。答案:B4解析:由上下文可知,这里指如何帮助学生们选择最有意义的假期活动。答案:B5解析:首先,鼓励学生们与身边的成年人交谈。其他三项与语境不符。答案:D6解析:文章首段中的“other summer activities”表明,这里指学生们感兴趣的活动。答案:A7解析:第二段句首的“First”暗示着这里应用Next“其次”。答案:D8解析:通读全文可知,作者的意图是教家长或老师如何帮助学生们寻找理想的暑假活动,故search“寻找”符合语境。答案:C9解析:下文的“a student who enjoys.”是在列举某一个学生的情况,故用For example。答案:A10解析:一个喜欢户外活动和远足的学生可以调查一下在夏令营或国家公园工作怎么样。look into表示“深入调查”,符合语境。答案:B11解析:下文的“pursue in the future”暗示着这里指学生们未来希望从事的事业。答案:C12解析:很多专业人士经常特意来帮助有上进心的学生。interview“面试”;discourage“使沮丧”;help“帮助”;employ“雇用”。答案:C13解析:由上文可知,这些专业人士会帮助学生,因此即使他们不雇用学生,他们也会给出建议。答案:B14解析:下文的“advertise services as a language tutor”和“being your own boss”表明,学生利用暑假来自己创业。答案:D15解析:要想在暑假有事情可做,在这之前就应该有他们自己的客户。答案:C16解析:下文的“being your own boss can be hard work”说明这里是在提醒学生。答案:B17解析:做这些工作有助于学生们培养他们受用一生的领导能力。ability表示“能力”,符合语境。power“权力”;strength“力量,力气”;energy“活力,精力”。答案:B18解析:学生们通过做志愿者会发现如何帮助他人。答案:B19解析:不管学生们在暑期做什么,都鼓励他们阅读。Whatever引导让步状语从句且在从句中作动词do的宾语。答案:A20解析:下文列举的“comprehension and vocabulary”是学生在学习时必备的“技能”。答案:BC“What do you think of the extraordinary achievements of your life?” Queen Victoria of Britain asked Helen Keller. “You are _1_ and deaf, but how can you make such great achievements?” Ms. Kellers answer was the _2_ for her teacher, “If there were no Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would not be known. ”When Anne was little, she suffered a great _3_ . A fever made her nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood, and she was diagnosed as a hopeless “lunatic”(疯子) by the doctor. She was locked in the basement of a mental hospital in Boston. Sometimes, little Anne _4_ attacked anyone who approached her. She _5_ everyone who appeared in front of her most of the time._6_ , an old nurse believed that little Anne had hope and asked to _7_ the task of looking after the girl. She went to see little Anne every day. The child ignored her most of the time, but the old nurse didnt _8_ seeing her every day in the basement. The kindhearted lady left cookies to little Anne and spoke words full of love and _9_ to her. She believed that _10_ she showed love, little Anne would be able to _11_ .Finally, the doctor _12_ changes in little Anne. Anne, who was always full of anger and hostility, showed _13_ and goodwill she had never had before. They transferred her upstairs and her _14_ continued improving. Then the last day came, and she _15_ the mental hospital.After she grew up, Anne Sullivan hoped to help _16_ , just as the kind old nurse helped her. She saw great _17_ in Helen Keller. She cared for her, _18_ her strictly, encouraged her, played with her and worked with her. Anne Sullivan _19_ a miracle(奇迹) in the life of Helen Keller. But first it was a kind nurse who had full _20_ in little Anne that turned a silent child into a kind teacher.1. A. weak B. lameC. thin D. blind2. A. prize B. praiseC. courage D. mood3. A. storm B. accidentC. disaster D. harm4. A. fiercely B. silentlyC. obviously D. exactly5. A. welcomed B. ignoredC. cheered D. changed6. A. Besides B. ThusC. Moreover D. However7. A. take on B. look onC. go on D. turn on8. A. consider B. stopC. permit D. continue9. A. disappointment B. appreciationC. encouragement D. hate10. A. as soon as B. even thoughC. as if D. so long as11. A. grow B. writeC. recover D. suit12. A. approved B. noticedC. proposed D. operated13. A. mildness B. sympathyC. calm D. wisdom14. A. experiment B. beliefC. sight D. condition15. A. escaped B. finishedC. left D. survived16. A. the others B. anotherC. other D. others17. A. potential B. statusC. affection D. satisfaction18. A. committed B. trainedC. controlled D. raised19. A. created B. foundC. developed D. spread20. A. curiosity B. promiseC. confidence D. relief【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了Anne Sullivan的成长经历,以及Helen Keller取得巨大成就的原因。1解析:你失明(blind)又失聪,但是你是如何取得那么大的成就的?weak“虚弱的”;lame“跛的”;thin“瘦的”。故D项正确。答案:D2解析:Keller女士的回答是对她老师的赞美(praise)。prize“奖励”;courage“勇气”;mood“情绪”。故B项正确。答案:B3解析:在Anne小的时候,她遭受了一次很大的灾难(disaster)。storm“暴风雨”;accident“(交通)事故”;harm“伤害,损害”。根据此空后的“A fever made her nearly lose her eyesight in her childhood”可知,C项正确。答案:C4解析:有时,小Anne猛烈地(fiercely)攻击靠近她的任何人。silently“默默地”;obviously“明显地”;exactly“精确地”。故A项正确。答案:A5解析:大多数时间,她忽视(ignored)出现在她面前的每一个人。第三段中的“The child ignored.”也是提示。welcome“欢迎”;cheer“欢呼”;change“改变”。故B项正确。答案:B6解析:然而(However),一位年长的护士认为小Anne还有希望并且要求承担(take on)照顾这个女孩的任务。besides“除之外(还)”;thus“因此”;moreover“而且”。故D项正确。答案:D7解析:参见上题解析。look on“旁观”;go on“持续”;turn on“打开”。故A项正确。答案:A8解析:但是这位年长的护士没有停止(stop)每天到地下室看她。consider“仔细考虑,认为”;permit“允许”;continue“继续”。故B项正确。答案:B9解析:这位善良的女士给小Anne留下些小甜饼并给她说些充满爱意和鼓励(encouragement)的话。disappointment“失望”:appreciation“感激”;hate“仇恨,厌恶”。故C项正确。答案:C10解析:她相信只要(so long as)她表现出爱意,小Anne就能够恢复(recover)。as soon as“一就”;even though“尽管”;as if“好像”。so long as引导条件状语从句,故D项正确。答案:D11解析:参见上题解析。grow“成长”;write“写”;suit“适合”。故C项正确。答案:C12解析:最终,医生注意到了(noticed)小Anne的一些变化。approve“同意”;propose“建议”;operate“操作”。故B项正确。答案:B13解析:总是充满愤怒和敌意的Anne表现出了她以前从未有过的温和(mildness)和友善。根据语境可知,前后形成对比,且所填词与goodwill含义相近,故A项正确。sympathy“同情”;calm“平静”;wisdom“智慧”。答案:A14解析:他们把Anne转移到了楼上,她的健康状况(condition)在不断地好转。experiment“实验”;belief“信仰”;sight“视力”。故D项正确。答案:D15解析:她离开(left)了精神病院。escape“逃跑”;finish“完成”;survive“幸存”。故C项正确。答案:C16解析:Anne长大以后,她希望像那位善良的年长的护士帮助她一样帮助其他人(others)。故D项正确。答案:D17解析:她看到Helen Keller身上巨大的潜能(potential)。status“地位”;affection“喜爱,钟爱”;satisfaction“满意”。故A项正确。答案:A18解析:Anne Sullivan照顾她,严格地训练(trained)她。commit“承诺”;control“控制”;raise“提升,征集,提起”。故B项正确。答案:B19解析:Anne Sullivan在Helen Keller的人生里创造(created)了一个奇迹。find“发现”;develop“发展”;spread“传播”。故A项正确。答案:A20解析:但是首先是一位对小Anne充满信心(confidence)的善良的护士把一个沉默寡言的孩子变成了一位善良的老师。curiosity“好奇心”,promise“诺言”,relief“解脱,宽慰”。故C项正确。答案:C


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