高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 题型突破 专题12 阅读理解 第3讲 主旨大意题(二)对点特训

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高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 题型突破 专题12 阅读理解 第3讲 主旨大意题(二)对点特训_第1页
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高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 题型突破 专题12 阅读理解 第3讲 主旨大意题(二)对点特训_第2页
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高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 题型突破 专题12 阅读理解 第3讲 主旨大意题(二)对点特训_第3页
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第3讲 主旨大意题(二)主旨大意题(二)A(2016安徽“江南十校”高三联考)The federal school lunch program for 30 million lowincome children was created more than 60 years ago to combat malnutrition(营养不良). A breakfast program was added during the 1960s, and both attempted to improve the nutritional value of food served at school.More must be done to fight the childhood obesity(肥胖) epidemic, which has caused a frightening peak in weightrelated disorders like diabetes, highblood pressure and heart disease among young people. The place to start is schools, where junk food sold outside the federal meals programthrough snack bars and vending machineshas pretty much canceled out the benefits of all those efforts.Federal rules that govern the sales of these harmful foods at school are limited and have not been updated for nearly 50 years. Until new regulations are written, children who are served healthy meals in the school cafeteria will continue to buy candy drinks and high sodium(钠) snacks elsewhere in school.Many states school districts have taken positive steps, but others are likely to resist, especially districts that sell junk food to finance athletic program extracurricular activities, and even copier expenses.Those districts should take note of a study released in 2009 in West Virginia showing that the budgetary costs of switching from sodas to healthy drinks such as fruit juice, milk, and water were very little. Even if the switch costs money, so be it. The school should not be trading their students health to buy office supplies.Over the last five decades, the obesity rates for adolescents have tripled. Unless there is decisive action, weight and inactivityrelated disorders will bother a steady larger proportion of the work force and replace smoking as the leading cause of premature death.体裁:议论文题材:社会文化主题:青少年肥胖问题语篇导读:文章提出了校内高热量零食是引起青少年肥胖的主要原因,呼吁政府出台新的相关规定与政策。1. According to this passage, _ are to blame for the childhood obesity.Aweightrelated disordersBhigh calorie snacksCparents bad habits Dunhealthy lunches and breakfast【解析】B细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句可知,儿童期肥胖的原因主要归结于高能量的零食小吃,故选B项。2. Which is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A. Federal governments deserve high praise for their school lunch program.BNew regulations are badly in need of updating.CChildren should be forbidden to buy snacks in school.DFederal rules encourage snacks outside the school program.【解析】B主旨大意题。根据第三段首句以及下文中will continue to buy candy drinks and high sodium snacks elsewhere in school.可知,相关规则需要更新,故选B项。3. The passage is concerned mainly with _.AMalnutrition in lowincome childrenBThe federal school lunch programCobesity at schoolDthe nutritional value of food served at school【解析】C主旨大意题。根据全文尤其是文章第二段第一句及The place to start is schools可知,文章主要探讨校园饮食健康问题引发的青少年肥胖问题,故选C项。4The tone of this passage is _.Anegative BindifferentCoptimistic Dironic【解析】A推理判断题。根据文章最后一段,作者讲述了青少年肥胖率三倍增长的现状,并强调如果再没有进一步的有效的举措,问题将会更加严重化。由此可知,本文的基调是比较消极的,故选A项。【状元点拨拓展】表示作者消极态度的其他词汇disgusted厌恶的critical批评的suspicious怀疑的 intolerable无法忍受的disappointed失望的 biased有偏见的doubtful怀疑的 pessimistic悲观的depressed沮丧的 compromising妥协的uninterested不感兴趣的 hostile敌对的ironic讽刺的 emotional情绪激动的skeptical表示怀疑的 opposed反对的angry生气的B(2016安徽皖江名校联盟高三联考)The European Union on Monday prohibited the use of Xray body scanners(扫描仪)in European airports, parting ways with the US.Transportation Security Administration, which has used hundreds of the scanners as a way to screen millions of airline passengers for explosives hidden under clothing.The European Commission, which enforces common policies of the EU.s member countries, adopted the rule “in order not to risk doing harm to citizens health and safety.”As a ProPublica/PBS NewsHour investigation detailed earlier this month, Xray body scanners use ionizing radiation(电离辐射), a form of energy that has been shown to damage DMA and cause cancer. Although the amount of radiation is extremely low, equal to the radiation a person would receive in a few minutes of flying, several research studies have concluded that a small number of cancer cases would result from scanning hundreds of millions of passengers a year.European countries will be allowed to use an alternative body scanner relying on radio frequency waves, which have not been linked to cancer. The US.Transportation Security Administration(TSA) has also used hundreds of those machinesknown as millimeterwave scannersin US.airports. But unlike Europe, it has decided to use both types of scanners.The TSA would not comment specifically on the EU.s decision. But in a statement, TSA spokesman Mike McCarthy said, “As one of our many layers of security, TSA uses the most advanced technology available to provide the best opportunity to detect dangerous items, such as explosives.” “We strictly test our technology to ensure it meets our high detection and safety standards before it is placed in airports,” he continued.“Since January 2010, advanced imaging technology has detected more than 300 dangerous or illegal items on passengers in US.airports nationwide.”Body scanners have been controversial(有争议的)in the United States since they were first used in prisons in the late 1990s and then in airports for tests after 9/11.体裁:说明文题材:介绍说明主题:欧盟禁止在机场使用X射线身体扫描仪语篇导读:本文主要讲述了欧洲为了不损害公民的健康,宣布禁止在机场使用X射线身体扫描仪。5Why did the European Union prohibit the use of Xray scanners in European airports?ABecause they are made in the US.BBecause they are not effective in use.CBecause they might do harm to passengers. DBecause their radiation is extremely low.【解析】C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中可知,欧盟委员会(European Commission)执行欧盟成员国的共同政策,通过了“为了避免损害公民健康和安全的风险”的这一条例,由此可知,欧盟禁止使用X射线扫描仪是因为它们可能会损害公民的健康,故选C项。6Which of the following is true about the new body scanners to be used in Europe?AThey will risk doing harm to passengers. BThey use ionizing radiation heavily.CTheir radiation is extremely high. DThey wont risk causing cancer.【解析】D细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句可知,欧洲国家将允许使用另一种依靠无限电波的身体扫描仪,尚未发现该仪器会导致癌症,故选D项。7What can we infer from TSAs statement?AThe TSA will stop using the Xray scanners. BThe TSA wont use EU.s alternative scanners.CThe EU.s alternative scanners are not advanced.DThe Xray scanners are safe and effective.【解析】D推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段可知,美国交通安全管理局声称在扫描仪放置到机场之前,他们会严格测试技术,以确保它符合他们较高的检测和安全标准,故选D项。8What is the main idea of the passage?AThe EU.and the US.have different opinions.BEurope bans XRay body scanners used at US.airports.CDifferent scanners will be used in America.DBody scanners have been controversial.【解析】B主旨大意题。根据文章第一段可知,本文主要讲述欧洲的机场使用与美国不同的身体扫描仪,故选B项。 【误区诊断】本题易误选D项,本文主要讲述了欧盟及美国为了避免危及公民的健康而使用不同的人体扫描仪,D项“身体扫描仪是有争议的”只是文章最后一段出现的一处细节,而非全文的主旨,故排除D项。C(2016广东“六校联盟”高三联考)Two girls are getting closer to achieving their dream, and their inspirational story is already a big success.On Oct 3, the US.TV show 2 Broke Girls celebrated its 100th episode, and its fifth season began on Nov.12.The show has been successful because it shows how difficult it is for those on a low income to realize the American Dream.In the show, Max Black is a diner waitress in Brooklyn, New York. Despite her strong personality, Max feels she is going to live a life of debt, bad jobs and no future. The other main character in the show is newlyhired waitress Caroline Channing, who was a billionaires daughter with no real job. But now she is broke and homeless because her father was arrested for financial fraud(诈骗)While Max had been poor for a long time when the show began, Caroline was not ready for the hard reality of being broke. On her first day of work, Caroline made just $2 in tips through incompetent job performance. However, as a clever graduate of the Wharton School of Business, she also made more than $300 selling Maxs cupcakes at a high price. The two soon became friends, roommates and business partners with the goal of earning $250,000 to open their own cupcake shop.To let fans know how the girls are doing, each episode ends with a title card showing the current total of the money they have saved.The situation that the two girls find themselves in comes from the 2008 economic crisis, a problem that meant that people in the US.who once had a lot of money ended up in the same position as people who never had anything at all. As Alyssa Rosenberg noted in The Atlantic, “2 Broke Girls is about how people(not the superrich) began to see themselves as part of the same uncertain economy, rather than divided into workingclass, middleclass and others.”体裁:记叙文题材:社会生活主题:电视剧破产姐妹语篇导读:文章通过电视剧破产姐妹向我们介绍了2008年的金融危机,使得原来的富人和穷人都回到了同一起跑线,共同的梦想缩短了他们的阶级差距,增进了友谊。9What is the passage mainly about? AThe pure friendship of two American girls from different classes.BThe unique characteristics of two American girls from different classes.CHow two American girls overcome their parents disapproval to do business. DHow two American girls from different classes struggle to start a business. 【解析】D主旨大意题。文章的第一句为主题句。文章向我们介绍了两个身世不同的女孩:一个家境贫困但性格刚烈,一个曾经有百万富翁的父亲,但最终因破产遭遇了同样的境况:经济拮据,不得不自谋生路。最后她们在自己的努力下,实现梦想的故事。由此可见D项能概括全文主旨。10In the TV show, Max Black and Caroline Channing _.Ahave more or less similar families and education backgroundsBare both clever, optimistic and ambitious school graduatesChave different personalities but share the same dreamDsave a large amount of money by working in a cupcake shop【解析】C细节理解题。根据文章第三段以及第四段可知,这两个女孩的性格不同,经历不同,但是他们都有克服困难、自己创业改变生活的梦想,故选C项。11What is the social problem reflected in this TV show according to the passage?AIn the US., the poor suffered more than the wealthy in the 2008 economic crisis. BThe 2008 economic crisis put everybody in the US.in the same position. CThe 2008 economic crisis somewhat bridged the gap between the rich and the poor.DSome people suffered from the 2008 economic crisis, but others benefited greatly. 【解析】C推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,经济危机使得富人和穷人都回到同一起点,共同的处境和为改变生活而付出的努力使他们成为朋友,从而在某种程度上把她们联系在了一起,故选C项。12The best title of the passage can be _. AAn American DreamBTwo Dreaming GirlsCPoor Americans DreamDWaitresses of the Dream【解析】B主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章向我们介绍了两个女孩圆梦的故事、背景及所折射的社会问题。因此,B项作为文章标题最适合。

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