高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 专题增分练 课时01 阅读理解-细节理解题

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课时01 阅读理解-细节理解题 .阅读理解AListed here are four of the thousands of impressive museums around the world.The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in Bilbao, SpainBuilt in 1997, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is one of the newest in the world. It has transformed the industrial city of Bilbao into a travelers desired destination. The beautiful architecture of the museum has provided a dramatic background for movies and commercials.The Louvre in Paris, FranceProbably the most famous Louvre also holds the most famous painting in the world, the “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci. Crowds can be found any day surrounding the small, but mysterious painting of the smiling woman. But, the Louvre is much more than a home to the “Mona Lisa”. The Louvre is visited by more people each year than any other museum in the world.The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia, AmericaJust opened in its new downtown location in 2012, the Barnes Foundation is unique in that it is a completely reproduced display from one mans private collection. Dr. Albert C. Barnes started collecting art in the early 20th century and collected, among others, the largest number of original Renoir paintings in the world.The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, ItalyWalking on the marbled floors feels like stepping back in time. The building itself is a beautiful palacelike structure with frescoes(湿壁画) decorating the ceilings and walls. Viewers are bowled over(印象深刻) by the works by Botticelli, such as “The Birth of Venus”. Classic artworks from nearly 1,000 years ago describe religious events of the time.语篇解读本文为应用文,涉及文学与艺术话题。文章主要介绍了四个世界闻名的博物馆。1.Which of the following is the most popular?A.The Louvre.B.The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.C.The Barnes Foundation.D.The Uffizi Gallery.解析:考查细节理解。由The Louvre in Paris,France部分的“Crowds can be found any day”和“The Louvre is visited by more people each year than any other museum in the world”可知四个博物馆中卢浮宫人气最旺。答案:A2.What makes the Barnes Foundation particular?A.Its structure.B.Its collection.C.Its location. D.Its history.解析:考查细节理解。由The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia, America部分的“the Barnes Foundation is unique in that it is a completely reproduced display from one mans private collection”可知,该博物馆的特殊之处在于其所有的展览品均是复制品。故选择B。答案:B3.What type of writing is this text?A.An activity poster.B.An exhibition announcement.C.An art show review.D.A travel guide.解析:考查推理判断。由“Listed here are four of the thousands of impressive museums around the world”可知,本文主要介绍了四个世界闻名的博物馆的概况,故最有可能是旅行指南。答案:DB“Food in France is still primarily about pleasure,” says Mark Singer, technical director of cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. “Cooking and eating are both pastimes (消遣) and pleasure.” The French might start their day with bread, butter, jam, and perhaps something hot to drinkits a time of the day when the whole family can be united. Singer, born in Philadelphia, has lived in France for more than 40 years.“Although things have changed greatly in the past 20 years when it comes to food in the country,” he says, “and what was a big affair with eating has been slowly softened up, there are still events in the year, like birthdays and New Years Eve and Christmas Eve that are still really anchored in traditional food and cooking. But its not every day.”Some people think French food life may be a performance, adds Jennifer Berg, director of graduate food studies at New York University. “They want to believe that France is this nation where people are spending five hours a day going to 12 different markets to get their food. The reality is most croissants(羊角面包) are factorymade, and most people are buying convenience food, except for the very small group of people in high society. But part of our identity relies on believing that myth.”In Italy, as in France, takeout is still relatively rare. “Eating fast is not at all part of our culture,” says Marco Bolasco, editorial director of Slow Food and an Italian food expert. Our meals are relaxed, even during a lunch break. Food in Italy is love, and nutrition, and pleasure, he says. An Italian childs first experience with food is not small round cakes or rice or eggs, but probably ice cream, notes Bolasco. Status and wealth play less of a role in food.语篇解读本文为说明文,涉及饮食话题。作者通过专家的话语来说明法国人和意大利人对于食物是一种享受生活的态度。4.How have things about French food changed?A.People prefer to cook at home.B.More people choose to eat out.C.Traditional food is less frequently cooked.D.People eat faster than before.解析:考查推理判断。根据第二段的内容可知,法国传统美食受到冲击,人们只是偶尔在重大节日中才去享用传统美食,并不是每一天,故选择C。答案:C5.What does the underlined word “performance” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.A bother. B.A play.C.A hobby. D.A routine.解析:考查词义猜测。由后文中的“people are spending five hours a day going to 12 different markets to get their food”可知,此处应是指部分人认为法国传统烹饪比较繁琐。故此处performance指“麻烦”。故选A。答案:A6.Why is Italian food compared with French food in the last paragraph?A.To show the advantages of Italian food.B.To prove the differences between them.C.To reflect the customs of Italian food.D.To indicate the common points of the two.解析:考查推理判断。由本段中的“In Italy,as in France”,再结合第一段中的“Food in France is still primarily about pleasure”和最后一段中的“Food in Italy is love, and nutrition,and pleasure”可知,作者比较这两种食物的目的是找出二者的共同点,阐明主旨,故选D。答案:D7.Whats the main idea of the passage?A.Food as identity. B.Food as pleasure.C.Food as survival. D.Food as status.解析:考查主旨要义。由文中的“Food in France is still primarily about pleasure”,“Cooking and eating are both pastimes (消遣) and pleasure”以及“Food in Italy is love,and nutrition,and pleasure”可知答案。答案:B.阅读填句Important blogging tips I learntIt has been about three years since I started blogging. Written below are some of the most basic blogging tips I learnt.1) _1_This has always been my policy. There are now about 1,500 comments altogether since I started, and I have replied to each one of them. It takes quite an effort for a reader to write their opinion on an article. The least you can do is to reply to the comment. Appreciate your readers. _2_2) Dont be afraid to change.There is no such thing as perfection. Everything will have a flaw to it. The best way is always to just start with an idea and perfect it along the way. So you have to adapt yourself to any change. _3_3) Blogging is all about networking.If you want to write about something but you dont want anybody to read it, just write it in a diary. _4_ Go out there and find new friends in the network. That is the most basic foundation of blogging.4) Be prepared for disagreement.Of course, there will be some group of readers who will hate what you write or at least disagree with it. _5_ As a human, it is very normal to feel down after reading something negative like that. What you have to do is to shake it off and take a step up. Try to find any positive side of the comment and work on that.A.When people comment, reply!B.I often comment in others blogs.C.They are the ones we actually write to.D.Blogging will be useless if you are all alone.E.Personally, comments are the best motivation for me to keep on writing.F.Dont be alarmed if theres a comment suggesting you should quit blogging.G.If I were too arrogant or lazy to make the change, I dont think I would still be here writing.语篇解读作者根据自己写博客的经验,总结了四条写博客的体会和建议:回复网友的评论;不要害怕改变;博客是网络文化;准备好听不同的意见。1.解析:本段主要讲要回复读者的评论,故A项最佳。答案:A2.解析:前面讲到要感谢读者,C项与此句语义一致。答案:C3.解析:本段主要讲写博客的人要适应变化。G项与此相关。答案:G4.解析:本段讲到博客是网络文化,是写给别人看的。故D项最佳。误解分析:易误选。主要原因是学生没有认真领会前面一句话的含义。前面一句话的意思是说如果你写的东西不打算让别人去读,那就写日记吧。言外之意,博客是写给别人看的。答案:D5.解析:本段主要讲如何面对负面的评论,故F最佳。答案:F.语法填空All through high school, I 1._ (play) football, basketball, and soccer, and I was on the track team. But from that day on, boxing was the sport that I liked 2._ (much), because it was more 3._ (challenge) and exciting to me. I found that I enjoyed the thrill of the oneonone competition. I also liked the fact that it was up to me 4._ I won or lost. I thought Id always been a competitor, and winning would give me 5._ (satisfy) and a good feeling about myself. I wanted to winevery time.I started training with the man who got me into the ring that first time. With him 6._ (act) as my boxing coach, friend, mentor, and a father figure for me 7._ (look) up to, I learned that boxing was a sweet science 8._ I could use my brain as well as my strength and size. I used my ability to focus under pressure. 9._ (train) by him for several years, I went from a street fighter 10._ a gold medalwinning Olympic champion.语篇解读本文为记叙文。作者介绍了自己成为一个获得金牌的奥运冠军的心路历程。1.解析:考查动词时态。根据后面的I was on the track team的时态可知此处应用一般过去时态。答案:played2.解析:考查副词比较等级。根据语境可知,此处应用副词的最高级形式。误解分析:因为比较的范围不很明显,易误填。事实上,前面提到了篮球、足球等运动项目,此处实际上是在这些项目里面进行比较的,故用副词最高级形式。答案:most3.解析:考查词性转换。应用形容词作表语。答案:challenging4.解析:考查主语从句。whether.or.引导一个主语从句。答案:whether5.解析:考查词性转换。应用名词作宾语。答案:satisfaction6.解析:考查非谓语动词。him和act之间存在主动关系,故用现在分词作宾语补足语。答案:acting7.解析:考查非谓语动词。用不定式作定语修饰a father figure。误解分析:易误填。主要原因是学生未能正确地分析句子结构,未弄清句子成分。答案:to look8.解析:考查定语从句。定语从句缺少状语,故用where引导定语从句,修饰先行词science。误解分析:易误填。主要原因是science并不是一个表示具体地点的名词,学生未能把它与where联系在一起。实际上where在此处相当于in which。答案:where9.解析:考查非谓语动词。I和train之间存在被动关系,再根据时间状语for several years可知此处应用现在分词完成式的被动形式作时间状语。答案:Having been trained10.解析:考查固定搭配。from.to.意为“从到”。答案:to


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