高考英语二轮复习 专题16 书面表达押题专练(含解析)

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专题16 书面表达假如你是李华,你家乡的某个景点在暑假期间招聘一些志愿者,向游客宣传保护景点的知识,你对此很感兴趣。请你写一封求职信,包括以下要点:1你的个人情况;2你的优势;3得到这份工作的承诺。注意:词数100左右。_答案:B假如你是中学生李平。最近你校规定:学生在校期间,禁止到校外就餐。现在,请你就此事给校报英文版编辑写一封信,内容包括:1学校制定此规定的理由;2同学们对此规定的反应及理由;3你的看法。注意:1词数100左右;信的开头与结束语已写好,不计入总词数;2文中不得透露你和所在学校的真实名字。参考词汇:食堂canteenDear editor,_Best wishes,Yours,Li Ping答案:Dear_editor,Im writing to talk about our schools new rule that all students are forbidden to eat out during school days.The school says for one thing,the food outside the campus isnt healthy and its safety cant be guaranteed,and for another,if students have meals in the canteen,they may save money because the food there is cheaper.However,some students are against the rule for two reasons.First,they dislike the food in the canteen because of its poor quality.In addition,the school seems to try to make more money if all students are forced to have every meal in school.Personally,to make more students have meals inside the campus,the school should make the food taste nicer and offer them a larger variety of food,too.Best_wishes,Yours,Li_PingC假如你是李华,你校准备邀请美国普林斯顿大学的教授Smith来校为同学们作讲座,请你给他写封邮件说明具体安排。内容要点:讲座内容:普林斯顿大学的简介以及它如何录取学生;时间:下周二16:0017:00;地点:学校主教学楼二楼学术报告厅。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Mr Smith,How are you doing?_D假如你是中学生李华,你校外教Mary女士近期准备回英国度假,为此,你班同学准备开一个晚会为她送行。请你根据以下提示,用英语写一封email,通知她相关情况。内容要点:1对她的辛勤教学工作表示感谢;2晚会本周日晚上7:30开始,预计持续1个小时;3地点:高三(10)班教室;4活动:同学们一起唱英文歌,班长代表全班赠送她鲜花和亲手制作的礼物。注意:1词数100左右;2开头语已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mary,We hear that youll return to the United Kingdom on a holiday soon. All the class will miss you very much during your absence!_答案:Dear_Mary,We_hear_that_youll_return_to_the_United_Kingdom_on_a_holiday_soon.All_the_class_will_miss_you_very_much_during_your_absence!Firstly,Id like to express our gratitude for your excellent teaching in our school and your care and love for our class! So weve decided to have a farewell party this Sunday for you.The party will start at 7:30 on Sunday evening in the classroom of Class 10,Grade 3 and will probably last about an hour.All of the class hope that you can come to join us singing some English songs and have a good time together.At the end of the party,the monitor will present you some flowers and gifts,which are mostly made by ourselves.We wish you a pleasant journey back home! We are also expecting you to come back to China again soon.Yours truly,Li HuaE假设你叫李华,是某国际学校的高中毕业生。你即将参加学校举办的毕业典礼。请根据以下内容准备一篇英语发言稿。要点包括:1回顾过去;2展望未来;3临别祝福。注意:1词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3发言稿的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。Good morning,everyone!Its my honour to be here to talk to all of you._Thank you!答案:Good_morning,everyone!_Its_my_honour_to_be_here to_talk to all_of_you.Well,congratulations! We all accomplished high school graduation,one of the major milestones of our lives.It has been a long three years and a short three years.All the hard studying and some little failures that hit us in high school make it seem long while the lifelong friendships and the truly interesting and amazing things we learned here make it seem so short.In the future,we will go our separate ways and take up various careers.However,whatever road lies ahead,we will keep moving.Nothing worthwhile is easy.I believe that everyone will make the most of our futures and achieve our dreams.Thank_you!F 假如你是李华,你的笔友Tom发来邮件,询问你平时是如何过周末的。请你根据自己的一般情况,给Tom回一封邮件,谈谈你的周末活动。注意:1词数100左右;2邮件的开头与结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Tom,_That is my life over the weekend.What about yours?Yours,Li HuaG假如你是李华,你和Jean是好朋友,可是上周为了一件小事情,两人吵架了。然而你很珍惜你们之间的友谊,于是写了一封信向报社的Sister Happy求助。内容包括:1介绍写信的原因;2描述事件发生的经过;3谈谈你的想法;4请求帮助。注意:1可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2词数100左右,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sister Happy,_Best wishes,Yours,Li HuaH假设你是李华,你国际学校的朋友Paul邀请你下个星期天去他们学校参加文化交流活动并介绍中国的一些传统艺术,但是你的爷爷生病住院了,你不得不谢绝他的邀请。请根据下面的要点给Paul用英语写一封回信。要点:1谢绝Paul的邀请;2说明你的理由;3推荐你的同学Anna参加。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Paul,Thank you very much for your invitation._Yours,Li Hua答案:Dear_Paul,Thank_you_very_much_for_your_invitation.Id love to accept it and take this opportunity to introduce some traditional Chinese arts to foreign friends,but Im sorry to inform you that I cant.My grandpa is seriously ill in hospital and I have to look after him.As for the introduction speech,I strongly recommend my friend Anna,who is the most suitable choice,to take my place next Sunday.She began to learn painting at an early age and has a broad knowledge of traditional Chinese painting,which was combined with her active personality and perfect spoken English.Im sure her presence will help make your activity a success.Sorry again for any inconvenience caused by my absence and all the best wishes to you.Yours,Li_HuaI每个人都行走在自己的路上,有着不同的经历和收获。请你以“On my way to.”为题写一篇英语作文,向学校英语报投稿,要求包括以下内容:1叙述在路上你的经历;2谈谈你的收获和感想。注意:1词数100字左右;2文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。_答案:On My Way to Learning Chinese CalligraphyIn my childhood,my parents sent me to learn Chinese calligraphy,believing that it could benefit me a lot.However,things were quite opposite from their expectations.Not only did I get bored with hours of practice but also I doubted about the value of it.Nevertheless,my later experience proved that practicing calligraphy is both essential and beneficial.When I entered high school,writing calligraphy became a fantastic way for me to relax.It was at that time that I realized how important it is to master a certain skill.Judging from my own experience,I want to say a few words to those children who have the same trouble as I did: do not refuse to learn a skill when young,as in the long run you will find it helpful.J下周日是父亲节,某英语刊物正在进行“我的父亲”的征文活动。请按照下面所提供的主要内容,以“我的父亲”为题,写一篇100词左右的短文:1你父亲是个农村人,50多岁,没有文化但他很关心你的学习情况;2探望父亲的一次经历;3归纳总结父亲的品行。注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_K假设你是李华,你和同学一起策划为班主任过生日。请根据以下要点写一篇日记,记述为老师过生日的全过程,内容包括:1提前做准备,订蛋糕;2在班里为老师庆祝;3拍照留念。注意:词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。September 17th was memorable because it was my class teachers birthday._L假设你是李华,请根据下面的写作提示,用英语为校报的英语专栏写一篇稿件,讲述你上学途中看到的一件事。内容包括:1你走路去上学时,天下着雨;2一位老人摔倒在地,站不起来;3几个人为他打伞,有人拨打120;4这么多人帮助他,老人非常感动。注意:1词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_答案:Yesterday morning on my way to school,I witnessed an incident that some kind people helped an old man.It was raining heavily when I headed for school.So I was carrying my umbrella and walked with great care.At the entrance to a park,an old man fell down on the ground suddenly because it was slippery.It seemed that he had difficulty standing up on his own.At this moment,several passersby came up and held their umbrellas for the old man while a man in a yellow coat called an ambulance.Five minutes later,the ambulance arrived and picked the old man up.The old man was grateful to the kind people who helped him.M假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom近日写信给你,想了解中国高中生的体育锻炼情况。请给Tom写一封回信,内容包括:1中国高中生参加体育运动的现状;2分析该现状产生的原因;3你自己的感想。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Tom,Glad to receive your letter.And Im writing to tell you something about Chinese high school students physical exercise._Yours,Li Hua答案:Dear_Tom,Glad_to_receive_your_letter.And_Im_writing_to_tell_you_something_about_Chinese_high_school_students_physical_exercise.With the increasing pressure from the national college entrance exam,more and more students have to sacrifice the time for sports to prepare for the exam,which is so important for their future development.They only have one PE class a week,obviously not enough.Actually,most of the students are eager to take part in sports,but they are so occupied with their study.In my view,although it is important for them to have a better performance in the exam,health is equally important.Without a strong body,we would achieve nothing in our life.I hope all students can reorganize their timetable and try to build up their body.Yours,Li_HuaN假如你是李华,你校英文报“Voice Your Opinion”栏目针对中国足球梦将注入中小学课本,热爱足球从娃娃抓起,进行民意调查,请给编辑部写信投稿,要点如下:1足球运动对中小学生的影响;2人们对此倡议的看法;3你的见解。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头语已经为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Editor,China has desired to make football courses included in the textbooks of compulsory education to pursue national “Football Dream”Id love to share my personal viewpoint on it._ O假如你是光明中学的李华,今年夏天你去农村朋友家玩,看到大量良田被废弃,你觉得很可惜。请你根据下列要点,给某英文报社写一封信,以此呼吁政府采取措施,来解决这一问题。要点:1看到的现象:2分析出现此现象的原因:3呼吁政府采取措施。注意:1词数100左右:2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hua,a student from Guangming Middle School._Hoping to receive your early reply.Yours,Li HuaP 我们知道一个人的成长过程是较为复杂的,其个性的形成和发展受诸多因素的影响,比如家庭、学校、社会、朋友、书籍、名人等。假如某中学生英文报向你约稿,了解至今哪些因素对你的成长影响最大。请你以“Tracking My Growth”为题写一篇英语短文。内容要点如下:1选择并陈述对你的成长起着很大影响的家庭、学校、社会、朋友、书籍、名人等诸多因素中的两个或三个;2谈谈你的看法和理由。注意:1词数100左右;2文章的标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数。Tracking My GrowthThe process of growing up is complex for every person,for there are many influential factors in a persons growth as well as _答案:Tracking_My_GrowthThe_process_of_growing_up_is_complex_for_every_person,for_there_are_many_influential_factors_in_a_persons_growth_as_well_as the development of his personality.As for me,what has affected me most in both growth and personality are family and friends,the two equally important factors.My family became my first surroundings when I was born.Since its my most direct source of knowledge and experiences,what they say and what they do play a significant role in shaping my character.On the other hand,friends in some ways influence me more than my family does.Friends have many different opinions and personalities.Discussing with them builds up my personality. Frankly speaking,I get lots of valuable things from my friends.Family offers me warmth and care.Friends give me strength and horizons.Therefore,both of them are most influential in my growth.Q假定你是李华,暑假在英国学习英语期间看到某活动中心的一则志愿者招募广告。请你根据以下提示用英语给该活动中心写一封信,询问有关情况,并表达成为志愿者的意愿:1时间及活动安排;2对志愿者的要求;3注意事项。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sir/Madam,_An early reply will be appreciated.Yours faithfully,Li Hua假如你是某国际学校的学生李华,请按以下提示写一则通知,公布英语沙龙(English Salon)社团本周的活动安排。活动时间:2016年5月13日活动地点:学生活动中心308室活动内容:17:0017:40外教Smith英语演讲技巧讲座17:4018:00问答环节活动要求:自拟注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3通知标题和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Notice_English SalonMay 9,2016答案:NoticeIn order to enrich school life and broaden the international vision,an English lecture is due to be held on May 13,2016 in Room 308 at the Student Activity Centre.It will focus on the skills of delivering English speeches.Mr Smith is to give this lecture between 17:00 and 17:40.After that,there follows a Q&A session when you can raise questions that you are interested in.The activity is supposed to end at 18:00.The members of the English Salon Association are expected.Be active.Dont be late!English_SalonMay_9,2016S假如你是李华,为了进一步提高英语水平并了解西方的文化,你打算利用今年暑假的时间去美国Edward语言学习中心学习英语。请根据下面的提示内容给该中心的负责人Bruce写一封信,把自己的要求告诉对方,希望尽快得到答复。1学习内容:英语口语;2学习方式:最好是讨论或社会调查;3食宿和交通:住在美国家庭,步行去学校,以便熟悉周围环境;4学费或其他。注意:1词数100左右;2必须包含提示内容;3可适当增加细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;4开头及结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Bruce,Id like to study English in your language centre this summer vacation._Best wishes,Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案:Dear_Bruce,Id_like_to_study_English_in_your_language_centre_this_summer_vacation.I think it will greatly improve my spoken English and also Ill learn about American culture.Studying in a traditional class in our country,Id like a change.I think its better to discuss in class and itll be interesting to make a survey of society.If I have a chance to stay in an American family,that will be better.Living there,I can enjoy their culture and foods.I am wondering if I have a chance to live near the language centre.If so,I can go to school on foot,which I think is easy for me to get to know the place quickly.Besides,Id like some information about your fees.Id be grateful if you give me a hand.Looking forward to your reply.Best_wishes,Yours_sincerely,Li_HuaT假如你的朋友有一幅郑板桥的画,要在国际购物网站eBay上出售。请根据下面提示为其作简单的英文介绍。作者 郑板桥,清代画家,擅长花卉木石,尤擅写竹画作 主题:竹子尺寸:138 cm38 cm 售价:30 000美元收藏理由:代表作之一,保存完好,极具升值空间注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_答案:As a wellknown painter in Qing Dynasty,Zheng Banqiao enjoys great popularity in China all the time.He is famous for painting flowers, trees and stones, especially bamboos.This painting happens to be one of his masterpieces on bamboo.It measures 138 centimetres long and 38 centimetres wide.Besides,preserved with great care by the former owners,it is still in very good condition.Currently,it is for sale at a price of 30,000 dollars.I do believe you have good reasons to buy it.You may keep it for long if you like.And if you sell it in the future,it is sure to be worth more money.


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