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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式新职业英语视听说教程(上册)教案Unit 1 Organization/Script skrpt n.脚本,手迹; 书写体铅字; 剧本、广播稿或者电影剧本;vt.为电影(或戏剧等)写剧本; 编造;U1-Listening 1 - Task 1Benjamin: Good morning. Im Benjamin Yang.Anna: Good morning, Mr. Yang! Im Anna Brooks. Can I help you?Benjamin: Could you give me a brief introduction to your business?Anna: Well, our company, Nova, is a leading producer and exporter of electronics and our products have a high reputation for quality and design in the international market.Producerprdus(r) n.生产者,制造者; 制片人; 煤气发生炉; 自养有机体;Electronics lektrnks n.电子学; 电子学应用,电子器件; 电子工业; 电子流行音乐;Exporter eksprt(r) n.出口商; 输出者,输出国;Leading lid adj.重要的,主要的; 前列的; 首位的;n.行距; 铅框;v.领导(lead的ing形式);Benjamin: Ms. Brooks, how long has your company been in this line of business?Anna: For about 20 years since 1990.Benjamin: Wow! How large is your company then?Anna: Our company has more than 1,000 employees and our production and office space covers 75,000 square meters.More than=over Cover kv v.遮盖; 掩蔽; 涉及; 洒上;n.覆盖物; 避难所; 掩护; 封面;Benjamin: That sounds great. Here is my rsum. Id appreciate it if you could arrange me an interview.Anna: Well read your rsum and call you later if you meet our requirements.Benjamin: Thank you very much.Anna: You are welcome.U1-Listening 1 - Task 2Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Nova. Im Anna Brooks from the Human Resources Department. First, Ill give you a brief introduction to our company. Established in 1990, our company produces a variety of electronics, for both domestic and foreign markets. At present, we have an annual turnover of US$85 million. Next, I will say a few words about the organization of our company. As you can see from this chart, our company is headed by Mr. Jack Black and divided into six departments: R&D, Marketing, Sales, Production, Finance, and Human Resources. The biggest one is the Production with four sections: Purchasing, Quality Control, Maintenance and Transport. Any questions so far?a variety of: e vrati v adj.多种的; 种种;domestic: dmstk adj.家庭的,家的; 国内的; 驯养的; 热心家务的;n.佣人; 国货;turnovertrnov(r)n.翻滚,翻倒,弄翻,逆转,转向; 半圆形的小馅饼; 营业额,成交量,证券交易额; 体育运动 易手,失球;adj.可翻下的,或折转的;head hd n.上端; 头脑; 头部; 首脑,首长;vt.用头顶; 前进; 作为的首领; 站在的前头;vi.朝行进; 出发; 向方向移动; 船驶往;adj.头的; 在前头的; 首要的; 在顶端的;divide intodvad ntu 分成,分为;U1-Watching 1 - Task 1Bob: Alice, its you! What a surprise meeting you here!Alice: Hi, Bob. Havent seen you for ages! 很长时间; 许久;Bob: Yeah, we havent seen each other since our graduation. How is everything?Alice: I will start working for TAF from next month.Bob: TAF? What do they do?Alice: Theyre one of the leading manufacturers of skincare and hair care products,which are sold mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa.Skincaresknker adj.护理皮肤的;Bob: When was the company set up? st p 建立; 准备; 安排; 引起;Alice: In the early 1990s. Itll soon be celebrating its 20th anniversary.Bob: How many employees are there in this company?Alice: Over 6,000.Bob: That is a big company! Id like to wish you every success with your new job.Alice: Thank you! How about you, Bob? Do you still work for Otis Elevator?Bob: No, Ive already left and started up my own business a year ago.Start up: strt p (使)开始运转; 开始,着手;=runAlice: Youre self-employed! Thats marvelous! What line of business are you in?Self-employed: 自营;个体经营的; self-service.marvelous mrvls adj.引起惊异的; 不可思议的; 非凡的; 神乎其神;Bob: I specialize in 专攻,精通,以为专业;专修importing and exporting chemical products.Alice: Fantastic! There might be chances for us to do business together.Bob: Definitely. This is my business card. Lets keep in touch.Alice: Sure.U1-Watching 1 - Task 2Alice: May I come in?Bill: Yes, come in, please.Alice: Good morning, Sir. My name is Alice Zhao. Im a newcomer to Sales & Marketing Department.Newcomer nukm(r) n.新来的人; 新手; 新生事物;Bill: Good morning, Alice. Sit down, please. Im Bill Smith, Manager of this department. Welcome to Sales & Marketing.Alice: Thank you, Mr. Smith.Bill: Just call me Bill. Have you reported to the Human Resources Department?Alice: Yes, Sir.Bill: Then, youve already got a brief introduction of our company?Alice: Yes, Mr. Smith. But I am a bit confused about the organizational structure.Bill: Well, its not that complicated. Look at this organization chart.The company is headed by the Board of Directors董事会, which takes charge of company strategies and general policies. The Board usually appoints a CEO to take responsibilities for the companys daily operation.Complicate kmplket vt.使复杂化; 使错综,使混乱; 使卷入; 变复杂;adj.复杂的; 麻烦的; (昆虫的翅)纵折的;Alice: Oh, I know Mr. Bruce Anderson is the CEO of our company. He was a business professor at a famous college before he joined our company.Bill: Yes. Our company is divided into five areas. They are: the R&D, the Sales & Marketing, the Production, the Finance, and the Human Resources.The biggest one is the Production Department. It has four sections: Purchasing, Quality Control, Transport and After-sales.Alice: What about our department then?Bill: Since our markets are mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa, our department is accordingly divided into two regional branches. Is that clear now?Accordinglykrdli adv.因此,于是; 依据; 照着,相应地;Regional ridnl adj.地区的,区域的; 特定区域的,特定地区的; 方言的; 区域性;Alice: Yes, very clear. Thank you.Unit 1 Organization / ScriptU1-Listening 2 - Task 1(Benjamin is chatting with another newcomer during the break.) Daphne: We have the Board of Directors, the CEO, and the shareholders. What are the differences between them?Shareholder erhold(r) n.股东; 股票持有者;Benjamin: The shareholders own the company. They form the financial control system.Daphne: What does the CEO do?Benjamin: He is responsible for everything that happens in the company, acting as the official representative of the company. If there is only one person with absolute power in a company, everyone knows the power will go to the CEO.Act askt z 担当, 起的作用; 充; 充当; 为;Representativerprznttv n.代表; 继任者; 议员; 类似物;adj.典型的; 有代表性的; 代议制的; 相当类似(另一种属)的;Absolute bslut adj.绝对的,完全的; 不受任何限制约束的; 无条件的; 有无上权力或权威的;n.绝对; 绝对事物;Daphne: Isnt that too dangerous? Danerous adj. Danger n.Benjamin: You are right. Thats the reason for having a Board of Directors. The Board is made up of a group of independent and unbiased people, to whom the CEO is responsible.Be made up of bi med p v 由组成;Independent ndpndnt adj.自主的; 不相关连的; 无党派的; 不相干的人所做的(或提供的);n.独立自主的人; 无党派人士;Unbiased nbast adj.无偏见的,不偏不倚的,公正的; 持平; 无偏无党; 谠;Daphne: What does the Board of Directors do?Benjamin: They meet monthly, quarterly, or annually, providing long-term planning and vision, and acting as moral watchdogs to keep the company in line. (in order)Moralmrl adj.道德的,道义上的; 精神上的; 无疑的,当然的; 教导道德的;n.寓意,教训; (尤指男女间的)品行; 格言; 古相对者;watchdogwtdg n.看门狗,看家狗; 监视者;U1-Listening 2 - Task 2Daphne: Has the new project started?Benjamin: Yes, all the departments involved are busy with it now.Daphne: What departments are involved?Benjamin: Three departments: R&D, Production and Quality Control.Daphne: Teamwork again. How do they cooperate with each other?Benjamin: First, the R&D designs new products. The keyword in this phase is innovation.Daphne: Yes, thats why it takes a lot of effort, too.Benjamin: Then the Production comes in. As soon as the design proves feasible, the Production starts the assembly line and puts the design into real products.Feasible fizbl adj.可行的; 可用的; 可实行的; 可能的;Daphne: How does the Quality Control collaborate with the other two?Collaborate klbret vi.合作,协作; (国家间的)协调,提携; 勾结,通敌; =cooperateCollaborate withklbret w v.合作,与敌人合作,通敌;Benjamin: The QC takes random samples up to the lab for testing. Manufacturing problems are reported to the Production and design problems go to the R&D.Random rndm adj.任意的; 随机的; 胡乱的;n.随意; 偶然的行动;Daphne: I can see close cooperation among the three is the key to product quality.Benjamin: Youre right.U1-Watching 2 - Task 1Bill: My name is Bill Smith. Im the manager of Sales and Marketing at TAF. Im responsible for sales and promotion of the companys products. Today Im going to introduce to you my colleagues around the company. Here is my colleague, Alice. Today is actually her second day in our company and shes going to help me with this video. Come on, Alice! Here is Victoria. Hi, Vicky!Victoria: Hello, Bill.Bill: Please Vicky. Could you just give your name, your job title and a description of what you do?Victoria: Oh, is this for next weeks trade fair? 商品交易会;Bill: Yes, we need to briefly introduce our company at the trade fair.Victoria: OK. Is your camera ready? My name is Victoria Song. Im an assistant manager for international PR. I establish and maintain relationships with our overseas partners. PR(public relations)Bill: Thanks, Vicky. This is Dave, Manager of the Production Department. Hi,Dave!Dave: Hi, Bill. Hows the preparation for the trade fair going?Bill: Actually, Im working on it right now! Could you give your name, your title and a description of what you do?Dave: Sure. Hello, I am Dave from the Production Department. We are responsible for developing and manufacturing products. Bill: Thanks, Dave.U1-Watching 2 - Task 2Bill: Hi, Alice, how is it going so far?Alice: So far so good. Everythings interesting, except that n.除了之外,只可惜the set-up here is still a little confusingwhos where and whats what.Bill: I see. Let me show you around and tell you how the company operates.Alice: You are always so nice!Bill: This way, please. Right there at the far end of the corridor on the right is the CEOs office. Have you met Mr. Bruce Anderson in person? 亲自,亲身;Corridor krd, -dr, kr- n.走廊,通道; 走廊(一国领土通过他国境内的狭长地带); 建覆道;Alice: Not yet.Bill: Next to the photocopy room is the Finance Department. If you have any questions concerning your payment, you can come here. Concern knsrn vt.涉及,关系到; 使关心,使担忧; 参与;n.关心; 关系,有关; 顾虑; 公司或企业;Alice: Payments for our products are handled here too, I guess.Bill: Yes. They offer us statistics about our sales performance as well. Opposite the Finance Department is the R&D Department. Requests and complaints from our clients shall be forwarded to them.Statisticsttstk n.统计资料中的一项; 统计数据;统计量;(对总体具有代表性的)典型统计论;adj.统计(上)的,统计学(上)的;Alice: So, well cooperate a lot with the R&D.Bill: Right. Another department we often work with is the Production Department, next to the R&D. Orders from our clients will go to them.Alice: Are they responsible for dispatching and maintenance?Dispatch dspt vt.派遣,调度; (迅速地)发出; 迅速处理,迅速了结; 处决(罪犯等);n.(使者等的)派遣; 急件; 迅速办理,快速处 理; (记者发回的)新闻报道;Bill: Yes. The Transport Section and the After-sales Section handle those responsibilities.Alice: Thank you very much, Bill.Bill: By the way, if you have any trouble with your work, you can come to me. Im the first person you can turn to for help. Turn to tn tu (使)转向; (使)变成; 求助于; 翻书到;Unit 1 Organization / ScriptU1-Supplementary Listening - Task 1A: Where is H&M located?B: Its located in Texas, USA.A: How far is H&M from Scavo Town?B: Its about 70 km south of Scavo.A: What does the company produce?B: It produces tires. tire tar vt.使疲惫; 使厌烦;vi.厌烦; 疲劳;n.轮胎; 头饰; tie ta领带A: When was the company founded?B: It was founded in 1983.A: How many people work for H&M?B: More than 2,000 people work for it.U1-Supplementary Listening - Task 2A: My name is James Wilson, Business Manager of Sunshine Ltd. Ive been with the company for nearly 11 years. Its my pleasure to introduce our company to you.B: Thank you, Mr. Wilson. Would you please tell me where your company is based?A: It is based in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, fairly central to the Pearl River Delta and close to Guangzhou.Fair fer adj.公平的; 合理的; 晴朗的; 美丽的;adv.公平地; 直接地; 清楚地; 正大光明地;n.集市,庙会; 商品交易会,展览会; 美人,美丽的事物;vt.(卡通制作)顺利接合; (动作)衔接协调; (飞机)装配平整; 使(飞机接合部)平滑;vi.转晴;Fairly ferli adv.适当,相当地; 公平地; 完全,简直; 清楚地;B: Oh, very good transport links. When was your company founded?Link lk n.环,节; 计算机链接; 关联,关系;vt.连结; 挽住,勾住;vi.用环连接; 联系在一起;A: It was founded in 1983.B: What does your company mainly produce?A: Our main products are tires for cars and trucks, which are sold to countries and regions all over the world.B: Your company is doing a great job in this field. Thank you for giving me such a detailed introduction.U1-Supplementary Listening - Task 3 When you walk through the main gate, you will see a neat, 4-storeyed building about 50 meters away. That is ourNeat nit adj.整洁的,干净的; 灵巧的; 匀整的; 未搀水的; 4-storeyed:4层楼的office building where all executive departments are located. To the left of the office building is a workshop with five floors. The assembly line is on the first two floors. There, our workers are busy producing quality tires around the clock. There are two warehouses at the back of the workshop. One is for raw materials, and the other is for finished products. Beside the warehouses is a small building where maintenance staff work. They will be on the spot immediately if any machine breaks down. The yellow building on the right side of the office building is our canteen. It can cater for 2,000 people at the same time.on the spot : n i spt 立刻; 当场; 在危险中; 处于负责地位;cater ket vt.& vi.提供饮食及服务;vt.满足需要,适合; 投合,迎合;n.(骰子,纸牌的)四点;cater for ket fr 提供饮食及服务; 迎合;U1-Supplementary Listening - Task 4Our company specializes in organizing cultural events and language courses. With 40 employees, it is small in size, but quite complete in structure. The Managing Director is in charge of the whole organization including four departments: Science, English Language, Arts and Finance. The department managers report to the Managing Director总经理 directly. The English Language Department has two sections. One is the Cultural Section, dealing with various cultural events related to English, and the other is the Examination Section, where language exams and courses are set up. The Arts Department also has two sectionsthe Exhibition Section and the Library. The Finance Department is mainly responsible for managing company accounts and paying salaries. As our company is quite small, we dont have a team leader in each section but everyone works hard.U1-Supplementary Listening - Task 5A: Good morning, Mr. Lee. Im Helen Grey. Id like to give you a general picture of our company structure.General dnrl adj.大致的; 综合的; 总的,全体的; 普遍的;n.上将; 一般; 一般原则; 常规;B: Thank you, Ms. Grey. A: First, we have a Board of Directors. Philip Dickson is the Chairman, and Anne Roberts is the Managing Director, who reports directly to Mr. Dickson.B: How many departments are there in the company?A: Four in all: Production, Marketing, Finance and Personnel. David Peters is the Production Manager, Fiona Harris is the Marketing Manager, and Mark Taylor, head of the Finance.Personnel prsnel n.全体员工; (与复数动词连用)人员,员工; 人事部门;B: How about the Personnel Department?A: Led (lead的过去式和过去分词) by Nina Smith, the Department has two sections: Recruitment rkrutmnt and Training. Paul Rees is the Recruitment Manager and I am responsible for training. Led B: Oh, I see. Thank you very much, Ms. Grey.A: My pleasure. Hope you enjoy working here.Unit 2 Office / ScriptU2-Listening 1 - Task 1Jack: Well, Mr. Anderson, I was wondering if I could come and meet you at 3 p.m. next Monday.Bruce: Sorry, Mr. Black. I am afraid I have another appointment at that time.Jack: Then how about next Tuesday?Bruce: I am afraid I might be attending an opening ceremony in the morning and going to a conference in the afternoon. May be=maybeCeremony sermoni n.典礼,仪式; 礼仪,礼节; 虚礼,客气;Jack: Is Wednesday OK for you?Bruce: Ill be leaving for Shanghai next Wednesday and probably wont be back until Friday afternoon. Look, why dont I call you back and set the time later? Leave for 而不是leave toJack: OK, let me tell you my telephone number.Bruce: Oh, I have already got your number.Jack: Good, when can I expect your call then?Bruce: Maybe in a week or so. 大约; 左右; 把;Jack: Ill look forward to your call.U2-Listening 1 - Task 2Bill: Alice, have you found the files I asked for? Mr. Anderson needs those files before his meeting with Jack Black.Alice: Sorry, Bill. I couldnt find any information on Jack Black. Maybe we dont have the files in our department.Bill: I am quite sure that the information was filed. Do you know we use the alphabetical filing system?我很确定信息是归档的。您知道我们使用的是按字母顺序归档的系统吗?Alphabet lfbt, -bt n.字母表; 字母系统; 入门,初步;Alphabetic lfbetk adj.照字母次序的,字母的;Alphabetical lfbtkl adj.按字母(表)顺序的;Alice: Yes. I have checked all the folders, but there is no file on Jack Black.File fal vt.提出(离婚诉讼或其他讼案); 把归档; 用锉锉; 发稿,寄给报社;vi.发送(报道给报社); 排成一行行走; 提出申请;n.文件(夹); 档案; 纵列; 锉刀;Folder fold(r) n.文件夹; 折叠机; 折叠式印刷品;Bill: Have you tried Nova? Mr. Black is the CEO of that company. Sometimes, we file documents by company names. 注意: 文件/文档/文件夹 的英文单词Alice: Oh, I didnt know that. Then I should look for the files under the heading N. Heading:n.标题,题名; 信头; 航航向; 斩首;v.用头顶(head的现在分词);Bill: Thats right!Alice: Oh, here they are! Are you looking for these?Bill: Let me have a look. Yes, thanks, Alice!Alice: You are welcome!U2-Watching 1 - Task 1Alice: I need to fax this document to Nova. But I have never used this type of fax machine before. Could you show me how to use it?Eric: Of course. Where is the document?Alice: Here it is. Two pages.Eric: Alright. First, you turn the document face up; put it into the feeder here. The machine will take the paper in automatically. tmtkl adv.自动地; 无意识地; 不自觉地; 机械地;Feeder fid n.支流,支线; 进料器; 供给装置; 饲养员;Alice: OK.Eric: Then you dial the number of the receiver on the keypad. Whats the number?Receiver rsiv n.接受者,收款员; 接收器; 无线电接收机; (破产公司的)官方接管人;Keypad kipd n.键区;Alice: Oh, its on this page, right here.Eric: Good, you dial the number, and wait for the signals. When you hear the signals, press the Send button. It will automatically send the first page.Button btn n.按钮,电钮;纽扣,扣子;扣状物; 植芽;vt.用纽扣扣紧; 用纽扣装饰,钉钮扣于; 在上装钮扣;vi.扣住; 装有钮扣; 扣上钮扣;Alice: Do you mean the green button here? The Start button?Eric: Yes, thats right. When the first page is finished, theres a beep. You just need to feed in the second page.Alice: Do I need to press the Start button again to send the second page?Eric: Oh no, thats not necessary. When the last page is sent, theres another beep, and youll see the display: FAX DONE. Thats it. (Display/show/exhibition)Alice: I see. I think I can manage it now. Thanks a lot, Eric.Eric: You are welcome.U2-Watching 1 - Task 2Alice: Hi, Eric, we are running out of printer paper. Can we get some? Run out of v.用完; 耗尽; 从跑出;Eric: Sure. Wait a moment, please. Ill get you some.Alice: Thanks. Oh, I think we also need some ballpoint pens. Ballpoint blpnt n.(笔的)圆珠笔;Eric: No problem. This way, please!Eric: We are planning to purchase some office supplies soon. Is there anything that your department wants to order?Alice: Yes, we also need some small articles(物品), such as pins, clips, staples, erasers and sticky notes.Eraser resr n.橡皮擦,板擦;Eric: Alice, would you please make a list of all the articles that your department needs?Alice: Thats a good idea. Ill talk to Bill and other colleagues in my department and give you the list tomorrow. Is that OK?Eric: Sure! By the way, do you have any special requests?Alice

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