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2016-2017学年第一学期高二年级英语月考试卷卷面分值:100分 考试时间:100分钟一、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. He made the suggestion that we _ by train. A. went B. would have gone C. go D. had gone2. The Group of Eight (G8) _ the eight richest countries in the world. A. is made up B. consists of C. is consisted of D. consist of3. There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country. A. available B. present C. precious D. convenient4. Life in London has so many_ - nightclubs, good restaurants and so on.A. impressions B. instructions C. attractions D. collections 5. A woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it _ to her house every day. A. deliver B. delivered C. delivering D. to deliver6. He tried to deal with the increasing burden of his work, but he finally _ and had to take a complete rest.A. broke off B. broke away C. broke out D. broke down7. When _, the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed8. Mr. Brown is very strict _ his sons _ everything though he loves them very much.A. in;inB. in;with C. with;in D. with;with9. I recognized her _ I saw her. A. for the moment B. the moment C. immediately D. Both B and C.10. Only in this way _ our goals. A. we can reach B. can we arrive C. we can arrive D. can we reach二、完形填空.(共20题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) Britain and IrelandThe British Isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other _11 . Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is 12 into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England. The United Kingdom is that 13 of the British Isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the 14 of Britain, and also about one sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The 15 of Ireland is self-governing. The 16 name of the United Kingdom is 17 “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.18 is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the largest 19 of the United Kingdom, so people often use the 20 “England” and “English” when they 21 “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little 22 . The Scots in particular are very 23 of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not regard 24 as English, and have a culture and even a 25 of their own. Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish 26 ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. 27 , Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still 28 to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland 29 to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland. The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to 30 British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.11. A. Wales B. Britain C. England D. Scotland12. A. divided B. cut C. broken D. separated13. A. piece B. island C. country D. part14. A. south B. north C. part D. whole15. A. smaller B. larger C. rest D. island16. A. correct B. true C. full D. complete17. A. also B. therefore C. likely D. perhaps18. A. The UK B. The British isles C. Great Britain D. England19. A. colleges B. officials C. cities D. population20. A. words B. names C. spellings D. pronunciations21. A. call B. forget C. speak D. write22. A. angry B. difficult C. tired D. lonely23. A. proud B. fond C. full D. kind24. A. it B. Wales C. them D. themselves25. A. capital B. language C. history D. programs26. A. Country B. Question C. Disease D. Republic27. A. At last B. So C. Meanwhile D. Also28. A. returns B. belongs C. gets D. speaks29. A. hoped B. refused C. broke away D. used30. A. feel B. touch C. fight D. help三、阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 AConfucius(孔子) was born five hundred and fifty years before Christ. Unlike Jesus Christ, he did not bring words of God to the people. He was a clever teacher and a philosopher, looking for truth and wisdom. Most of his teaching was about life in this world. Confucius was very keen(渴望) to give people good rulers. Someone asked him, “What does a country need?” Confucius answered, “Enough food, a good army, and a good leader.” The people then asked, “Which one is the most important?” Confucius answered, “An army is not very important. All men must die, so food is not the most important. But if the leader of the country is not good, then everything will be bad,” 31. A philosopher is a person who _. A. does not like Jesus Christ B. teaches people something about God C. Seeks after truth and wisdom D. is more clever than most of other people32. Jesus Christ _. A. was born more than half a century earlier than Confucius B. taught people anything about God C. did not tell people anything about God D. was a philosopher sent by God33. Confucius taught people all these things except _. A. how to live in the world B. the importance of the leader of the country C. any ideas about God B. how to make good judgments34. For Confucius a man_. A. could not escape death B. would die if he didnt have a good ruler C. was not important compared with food D. ought to die if he considered food to be the most important for himBLondon is the capital of the United Kingdom. It has about seven million people. The river Thames runs through London.People from all over the world visit London to see Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London. There are many museums, theatres and parks in London, as well as offices and factories. London began as a Roman settlement called Londinium. The plague(瘟疫) came to London in the 1600s, followed by the Great Fire of 1666. The city was badly bombed in World War II.London is very slowly sinking into its foundations and the level of the river Thames is slowly rising. As a result, extra-high tides could flood a large part of London. To prevent this happening, a great barrier(屏障)has been built across the Thames at Woolwich. If very high tides happen, the barrier can be raised and London will be safe.35. London is the capital of _, which began as a _ settlement.A. England; Norman B. UK; Frenchman C. Scotland; English D. UK; Roman 36. According to the passage, from 1600 to now, _ great disasters have happened in London.A. one B. two C. three D. four 37. The reason why a great barrier has been built across the Thames at Woolwich is that_.L A. London is very slowly sinking into its foundationsT B .the level of the river Thames is slowly risingE C. extra-high tides could flood a large part of LondonA D. all of the above.CAs prices and building costs keep rising, the do-it-yourself(DIY) trend(趋势) in the U.S. continues to grow.We needed furniture(家具) for our living room, says John Ross, and we just didnt have enough money to buy it. So we decided to try making a few tables and chairs. John got married six months ago, and like many young people these days, they are struggling to make a home at a time when the cost of living is very high. The Rosses took a 2-week course for $280 at a night school. Now they build all their furniture and make repairs around the house.Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife died. He has a full-time job at home as well as in a shoe making factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for $420. I was deeply upset (焦虑)about it. Now Ive finished a car repair course(课程), I should be able to fix the car by myself.John and Jim are not unusual people. Most families in the country are doing everything they can to save money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a do-it-yourselfer, you can go to DIY classes. And for those who dont have time to take a course, there are books that tell you how you can do things yourself.38. We can learn from the text that many newly married people_.A. find it hard to pay for what they needB. have to learn to make their own furnitureC. take DIY courses run by the governmentD. seldom go to a department store to buy things39. John and his wife went to evening classes to learn how to_.A. run a DIY shop B. make or repair thingsC. save time and moneyD. improve the quality of life40. When the writer says that Jim has a full-time job at home, he means Jim_.A. makes shoes in his home B. does extra work at nightC. does his own car and home repairsD. keeps house and looks after his children第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The Best Ways to Offer Support and EncouragementWhether it is a friend, family member, or coworker, at some time or another somebody will need support and encouragement. This could be the result of a disappointing change in life, a health change or other similar challenges. 41 Even if you do not think that you have the ability to offer the proper support and encouragement, your willingness to be there and to listen may be enough. Each situation is different, and each would require different levels of both support and encouragement. 42 Helping keep up someones spirits when they are feeling helpless just by letting them know you are there, can make a serious difference in their lives. 43 For people in this situation, often a telephone call, or dropping in to say “hello” is more than enough. You may not feel that you are doing much of anything, but to the person who is feeling isolated the effort you take to stop and see them, or call them can make a big difference. For someone who has recently lost a job, you may be able to offer support by helping them network effectively. Or, you may be able to help them craft a new resume, apply for benefits, or a number of other “small” things that may seem insignificant to you, but to them can be a very significant event. 44 However, if you let them know that you are there for them, and make it a point to check in with them regularly, they may soon feel more comfortable and share them with you. Take for example a person who is suffering with depression. 45 They may not be willing to admit that there is something wrong. However, if you trust your instincts(直觉) and take a little extra care to support and encourage them even in little ways, you can make a huge difference in their overall outlook. A. You know that there is something wrong. B. All too often, people feel isolated and do not know where to turn.C. So you may need support and encouragement to pull through. D. You may not always understand all of the issues going on in someones life. E. In such cases, it is natural for you to reach out and offer your support and encouragement. F. You know better than anyone the best ways to support and encourage someone who is going through a difficult time. G. The support you offer could be as simple as helping with simple household tasks, running errands(跑腿儿), or even being available for telephone calls.四、语法填空 . (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)With the 46 (develop) of industry, air pollution is getting more and more serious. In Beijing, many people suffer different kinds of illnesses because 47 air pollution. Air pollution is caused by the following 48 : about half of the problem is caused by vehicles. There are more and more cars, buses on the roads, and they give off 49 _ (poison) gases. 25% of air pollution is caused by factories. Another factor is the smokers. Smoking not only does harm to their health 50 to others. 51 these, about 10%of air pollution is caused by other reasons. We should take some measures to fight 52 pollution. New fuel can be used to take 53 place of gas. We can plant more trees. If everybody realizes the54 _ (important) of environment and does something to stop pollution, the problem will 55 (solve).五、单句改错。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)56. Buddhism from India entered China along the Silk Road and had a huge influence in Chinese culture.57. Most of the people inviting to the party were famous scientists.58. The writer was so absorbed to his writing that he forgot to eat.59. Whats the speaking language in China?60.The thief was brought in, with his hands tie behind his back.六、书面表达(满分15分)近些年来,随着网络的普及,越来越多的学生的书写能力明显退步了。为了改变这种局面,保护传统民族文化 - 汉字,我校学生会提出以下倡议:1、减少课外上网时间,多读书;2、养成每天记日记的好习惯,练习书写; 3、少发电子邮件,尽量动手给亲朋好友写书信。请你根据以上内容,代学生会写一封英文倡议书。注意:1、词数:100左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear friends,_Lets take action now!Students Union2016-2017学年第一学期高二年级英语月考试卷班级: 姓名: 得分: 答题卷一、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)12345678910二、完形填空.(共20题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)1112131415161718192021222324252627282930三、阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)313233343536373839404142434445四、语法填空 . (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)46:_ 47:_ 48:_ 49:_50:_ 51:_52:_ 53:_54:_ 55:_五、单句改错。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)56. Buddhism from India entered China along the Silk Road and had a huge influence in Chinese culture.57. Most of the people inviting to the party were famous scientists.58. The writer was so absorbed to his writing that he forgot to eat.59. Whats the speaking language in China?60.The thief was brought in, with his hands tie behind his back.六、书面表达(满分15分)Dear friends,_Lets take action now!Students Union10

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