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河北省定州市2016-2017学年高二英语下学期第一次(3月)月考试题 分值:120分, 时间:90分钟,卷I语法填空(共10个小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Dear Sir, Im a student of Senior 3. I am writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about 1 to board in the school or at home.Many or our parents and teachers ask us to board in the school. They say it will be very 2 (convenience) for us to ask questions whenever necessary. Besides, they think 3 (board) will make 4 possible to make full use of our time in the evening, and that we can also develop the ability 5 (look) after ourselves and be independent.However, We students have our own thoughts. On our way to school 6 back home, we can get 7 ( relax). It is quiet at home and we can study 8 (efficient). Whats more, staying at home in the evening, we are free to learn 9 we think were not good at.In my own opinion, I think it is a good idea to stay at home in the evening. When we stay at home, we can arrange our time to study certain subjects and develop some other interests. As we are leaving home to stay in college quite soon, we should value the time 10 we can spend with our parents.Yours,Li Hua卷II第一节 短文改错(共10小题,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 On behalf for our school, I would like to express our warmly welcome to you. We are lucky to have us here in the middle of our English Week activities. As scheduled, we had English Talent Show today. The purpose of this programme is develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and spoken. The programme consists of the following activities: recitation, singing, word spelling, story told and so on. The Show will begin at two oclock this afternoon at the Student Center. Dear guests, you are welcome to take a part in our activities. I hope we students will benefit great from your presence. I sincerely hope you a pleasant time with us. Thank you第二节书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你校的英文报纸最近开设了“我最喜欢的校园活动(My Favorite Campus activity)” 专栏,请你给你的美国朋友Tom写一封电子邮件,向他约稿,介绍他最喜欢的校园活动。要点如下:1. 专栏内容介绍2. 向Tom约稿参考词汇:专栏column注意:1词数100左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom,_ _卷III第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所二给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A WelcometoArundel Castle which is situated in West Sussex, England. The castle has a history of nearly 1000 years and has welcomed visitorstravelingfromallovertheworld. Arundel Castle also plays a starring role in many films.The GardensThe White Garden is planted with soft white Iceberg Roses, and Snow White Lilies.The Rose Garden is newly planted with lovely old-fashioned English roses that are at their very best in June and July.The Organic Kitchen Garden produces a wide range of seasonal fruit and vegetables, pears, cherries and apples.The Castle Shop In the Castle Shop, you will discover a wide and interesting range of gift ideas for everyone. It offers gifts and souvenirs designed to appeal to all tastes and pockets. Foods, china, books, and stationery (文具) are all available. Many are sold in this Castle Shop only. At Arundel Castle we pride ourselves on supporting local suppliers and actively encourage environmentally friendly products.The Arundel Festival 2014 Saturday 16th to Monday 25th August The annual Arundel Festival gets bigger and better every year. It is one of the most amazing, diverse and easily accessible arts festivals in the UK, offering a mix of visual arts, music, theatre and street entertainment.Parking Coaches and mini-buses can drop off at the main Castle entrance in Mill Road and park in the main town car park that is opposite the Castle entrance. Please inform us when making your booking of how many parking permits are required.1 What can you do when visiting the castle? A. See how the local gifts are being made. B. Get old-fashioned English roses as gifts. C. Buy eco-friendly products in the Castle Shop. D. Get seasonal fruits and vegetables free of charge.2. How long does the Arundel Festival last this year? A. 10 daysB. One weekC. 16 daysD. One month3. Where can you park the coach? A. In Mill RoadB. In the main town car park C. Inside the CastleD. At the main Castle entrance BYou use her as a shoulder to cry on. She texts you back with casual jokes. But she, Xiaoice, is only a virtual chatbot. Xiaoice, Microsofts latest artificial intelligence robot, was briefly released in 2014, and returned to WeChat in 2015, where she became a big hit. Millions of young Chinese now exchange messages with her daily, The New York Times reported. On WeChat, Xiaoice is an official account. After following it, users can start text-based conversations with Xiaoice. “Her incredible learning ability was why people loved to talk with Xiaoice,” Liu Jinchang, a researcher at High-tech Research and Development Center under the Ministry of Science and Technology, told China Daily. Apart from her ability to identify photos and send emojis (表情符号) in conversations, Xiaoice gains 45 percent of her knowledge from interacting with users, China Daily reported.Chatbot programs first appeared in the mid-1960s in the US. Driven by top tech companies, they are becoming smarter and more common. For instance, IBMs latest artificial intelligence program served as an academic consultant at Australias Deakin University, answering students questions about course schedules and financial aid. Apples Siri and Amazons Alexa have been used as voice assistants who can read news, play music and even make jokes for their users. These programs are expected to move beyond smartphones, into televisions, cars and living rooms. The New York Times pointed out. However, it may take decades before scientists develop a “Samantha”, the advanced chatbot seen in the fiction film Her. In the film, Samantha sparks a romantic relationship with her user played by US actor Joaquin Phoenix. Many viewers were enthusiastic about this fantasy of virtual soul mates.4. What does the underlined part in Paragraph Two mean? A. She became a best seller. B. She became very powerful. C. She became a money maker. D. She became very popular.5. Which of the following can Xiaoice do? A. Do housework. B. Spread messages. C. Identify various photos. D. Read news to its users.6. Which companys chatbot program can act as an academic consultant? A. Microsoft. B. IBM. C. Apple. D. Amazon.7. What can be learned from the last paragraph? A. Chatbots mainly run on smartphones now. B. Itll take decades to apply chatbots to cars. C. Samantha is played by a US actor in the film. D. The film Her doesnt interest many audience. CThe way you stand can identify whether you will suffer from aches and pains in the back or neck in later life, the British Chiropractic Association has said. Whether you are a “spoon”, “bridge”, “leaning tower” or “flat-back” will determine your risk of having problems later. A quarter of women suffer pain lasting between one and three days starting at the relatively young age of 34, the survey found. While previous indicators have focused on body shapes, with larger-breasted women and “apple” shapes being seen as a warning sign, this new research shows posture (姿势) could be key in preventing back pain. “Leaning tower” women whose heads lean forward are most likely to report pain, with almost six in ten with this posture already suffering. Being a “bridge” with an arched back was the second worse posture, followed by a “spoon” position with rounded shoulders but a flat back. And a change in posture can be far less demanding than a crash diet or an exercise programme. “Flat back” ladies, who keep their backs flat are the most likely to avoid pain with a fifth reporting they have never suffered back or neck aches in their lives. Tim Hutchful, a member of the British Chiropractic Association said, “Rather than worrying about being an apple or an hourglass , we want people to think about what they look like from the side. The perfect posture should give you a side-on appearance with your ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles in line. ” People who want to improve their back and neck pain symptoms through a better posture should try imagining they have a plumb line (铅垂线) hanging straight from their ears to ankles with everything in the middle sitting on the same line. One way to do this is to try standing in a relaxed way and then gently pressing together the abdominal muscles (腹肌). 8. Which posture holds the greatest risk of back pain? A. “Spoon”. B. “Bridge”. C. “Leaning tower”. D. “Flat back”. 9. What should people care about if they want to avoid back pain? A. Their exercise.B. Their body shape.C. Their daily diet. D. Their side-on appearance. 10. What does Tim Hutchful recommend? A. Having an “hourglass” shape. B. Keeping a “flat back” posture. C. Building abdominal muscles. D. Hanging a plumb line from ones ear. 11. From the text we can infer that_. A. previously people blame body shape for back pain. B. we should lean slightly forward to avoid back pain. C. a “bridge” holds less risk of back pain than a “spoon”. D. your side-on appearance determines your body shape. D A warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good nights sleep. But now a study has found it really does help people nod off if it is milked from a cow at night. Researchers have discovered that “night milk” contains more melatonin (褪黑激素), which has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety. The study, by researchers from Seoul, South Korea, involved mice being fed with dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and at night. Those given night milk, which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime, according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food. Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer. While the effect of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night. Previous studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because of the calcium content, which helps people to relax. Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening. The more fat you take in before bedtime, the greater burden you will put on your body at night.12. According to the text, the mice fed with daytime milk_. A. started sleep more easilyB. were more anxious C. were less activeD. woke up later13. Which of the following is true of melatonin according to the text? A. Its been tested on mice for ten times. B. It can make people more energetic. C. It exists in milk in great amount. D. Its used in sleeping drugs.14. What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Night Milk and SleepB. Fat, Sugar and Health C. An Experiment on MiceD. Milk Drinking and Health15. How does the author support the theme of the text? A. By giving examples.B. By stating arguments. C. By explaining statistical data.D. By providing research results.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tips of Avoiding the Computer or Internet AddictionThe Internet has been widely used in recent years. It is a convenient way to share information, do business and contact others. _16_ Getting rid of the addiction requires discipline and commitment. Here are some steps that may help your kids to overcome the Internet addiction.First, you should try to find out just how much time your kids are spending online. Track the information for a few weeks and try to separate time spent on homework or research and time spent playing. Compare this to the amount of time spent with friends, at clubs, in activities and for hobbies. _17_18_ In my house, the family computer sits in the living room. At no time is someone allowed to be “behind closed doors” with a computer. Not only does this help honest people stay honest, but it helps to connect to your teens when they are online. Besides, it is easier to monitor your teens time online. _19_ Dont speak of the fact that they are online all the time, but try to get to the root cause. Often someone gets online because he/she feels safe there. Talk to your teens about what is going on in their life. If they will not talk to you, then find a way to connect your teens to the people they contact in real life. Lastly, remember that if an Internet addiction is growing, your kids need help. In many cases, the Internet is a safe place for people with poor self-esteem, negative self-image, or for people who have been hurt. _20_ If there is a problem, and a person needs help, these symptoms will continue to worsen until they get help. A. If things are out of balance, try to correct them. B. There are some disadvantages of getting online. C. Second, move computers out of your childrens rooms. D. It is a good idea to contact the teacher for help if possible. E. Also, if your kids spend too much time online, talk to them. F. Unfortunately, some people develop an addiction to the Internet. G. It is the same with people with eating disorders or drug addictions.第二部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。While I was waiting in line at a coffee shop earlier, a woman drove alongside the queue in a mobility scooter (踏板车). There was only a 21 space between the line of people and the tables, which she 22 to drive along. She drove over my foot and did not 23 saying nothing at all.I got annoyed and expected she would have 24 , but then I just decided to 25 it and got down to selecting which pastry (点心) to go with my coffee. The lady and I ended up sitting at adjacent (邻近的) tables. She was on the end of a row so that she could park her _26 . After about half an hour, when she had 27 her coffee, she got up and back onto her scooter. It 28 start. She tried to turn the key several times 29 she telephoned the place she purchased it from.An engineer 30 within five minutes. The place must have been local. I could not 31 overhearing their conversation, and it turned out she had just32 the scooter that morning. This was her very first outing in it. She felt really 33 about driving it.34 , she wasnt used to its speed, nor its 35 , and this combination made it quite 36 to drive it through narrow gaps.Suddenly, I felt 37 for the lady. It really didnt 38 me at all that shed driven over my foot. I had made an assumption, 39 , that a person doing that should apologize.Next time youre about to 40 someone, pause for a second and remind yourself that people have judged you without knowing what was going on in your mind or your life.21. A. privateB. vastC. publicD. narrow22. A. attemptedB. promisedC. declinedD. guaranteed23. A. call backB. give upC. look backD. cheer up24. A. ignoredB. apologizedC. explainedD. forgiven25. A. dismissedB. madeC. deservedD. inspected26. A. truckB. bikeC. carD. scooter27. A. pouredB. finishedC. orderedD. purchased28. A. needntB. shouldntC. wouldntD. mustnt29. A. soB. untilC. unlessD. before30. A. broke inB. turned upC. ran awayD. settled down 31. A. tolerateB. allowC. resistD. postpone32. A. collectedB. stolenC. fixedD. abandoned33. A. concernedB. excited C. confidentD. nervous34. A. DoubtfullyB. CertainlyC. FortunatelyD. Surprisingly55. A. widthB. lengthC. weightD. height36. A. coolB. convenientC. stressfulD. desperate37. A. pleasureB. regretC. appreciationD. sympathy38. A. strikeB. botherC. satisfyD. motivate39. A. otherwiseB. thereforeC. howeverD. besides40. A. judgeB. hugC. persuadeD. tease 语法填空1 whether 2 convenient 3 boarding 4 it 5 to look 6 or 7 relaxed. 8 efficiently 9 what 10 whitch/that答案: 1命题立意:考查介词短语。 解析:forofon behalf of “代表”是固定搭配。 2命题立意:考查形容词。 解析:warmlywarmwelcome这儿是名词,应当用warm作定语。 3命题立意:考查代词。 解析:usyou逻辑错误;这儿应当用you代指American guests。 4命题立意:考查时态。 解析:hadhavetoday表示“现在”的时间状语,故应用一般现在时态。 5命题立意:考查非谓语动词。 解析:develop前加to不定式作表语;不可以用动词原形直接作表语。 6命题立意:考查非谓语动词。 解析:spokenspeaking介词后应当用动名词作宾语,speaking与listening并列。 7命题立意:考查非谓语动词。 解析:toldtelling最简单的办法是,看看前面的word spelling。 8命题立意:考查冠词。 解析:去掉atake part in 参加是固定短语,当part前有定语修饰时,定语前加不定冠词。 9命题立意:考查副词。 解析:greatgreatlygreatly作状语,修饰benefit。 10命题立意:考查动词。 解析:hopewishhope不能接双宾语,用wish。书面表达:One possible versionDear Tom, How are you doing? I am delighted to tell you that our school paper opened a new column called My Favorite Campus activity. This column is intended for students to voice their opinions about campus activities and how they benefit from these activities. We also welcome articles from students in other countries to get a global view of what students do in their schools. So I am writing this letter to invite you to contribute an article to this column. I believe you also have a colorful school life and take part in many campus activities. What is your favorite activity? What is it like? Why is it your favorite? We will be very happy to get to know something about your school and your school life.Yours, Li Hua 阅读部分13 CAB 47 DCBA 811 CDBA 1215 BDAD 1620 FACED完形填空:2125 DACBA 2630 DBCDB 3135 CADBA 3640 CDBCA

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