高二英语下学期期中模拟试题 文(一区无答案)

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邹平双语学校2015-2016学年度第二学期期中模拟试题高二年级英语试卷(文科)(时间120分钟,满分150分)第I卷(共100分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 略第二部分:阅读理解(共两节;满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AEating 40 percent less food could extend a persons life by 20 years, according to scientists.Researchers at the Institute of Healthy Aging at University College London are developing a treatment that they hope will fight the “disease” of getting older.They are looking into genetics (遗传学) and find that lifestyle can affect aging and add years, possibly decades, to a persons life.Agerelated diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and neuro degeneration can also be treated, it is claimed. They want to find out how the life of a rat can be increased by up to 30 percent simply by reducing its food intake.Researcher Dr. Piper told The Independent: “If you reduce the diet of a rat by 40 percent it will live for 20 or 30 percent longer. So we would be talking 20 years of human life. This has shown on all sorts of animals, even Labradors (a kind of dog).” The scientists are also studying fruit flies, which share 60 percent of human genes and age in a similar manner, and mice.They have already made the healthy lifespan (寿命) longer in both flies and mice by using drug treatments and a balanced diet. It is hoped that this combination will also work to extend (延长) human life. Dr. Piper said, “If we discover the genes involved with aging, we should be able to delay aging itself. This is what weve found.”He added that the field of research into extending life is only a decade old, so it remains “in theory”. It is their special approach to treating all agerelated diseases caused by the “disease” of aging itself that sets their research apart.21The author writes this text in order to _.Aencourage people to eat as little as possibleBtell people how harmful food is to their healthCintroduce an ongoing research on delaying agingDshow how similar mice and humans are to each other22How can people live longer according to the text?AExercise regularly. BReduce their diet properly.CVary their lifestyles constantly. DChange their genes completely.23What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggest?AThe research is efforttaking.BThe result of the research is reliable.CThe research has been done for a long time.DTheres a long way to go to put the theory into practice.BPatti Page, the topselling female artist of the 1950s with more than 100 million records sold, died on January 1st, 2013, when she was 85. She was one of the most beloved singers of the postwar era. Take her “Tennessee Waltz” for example: it sold more than 10 million copies and was her biggest hit.Born in Claremore, Oklahoma, a small town near Tulsa, Page originally dreamed of a career in commercial art. Her first job in the art department at a local radio station soon led to performing on her own 15minute program. At age 20, Page was discovered by bigband leader Jack Rael, who quit his job to become her manager. One year later, in 1948, she signed her first recording contract with Mercury Records and two years later enjoyed her first hit record. She stayed with Mercury for the next 14 years and recorded hit after hit including “With My Eyes Wide Open, Im Dreaming” and “Old Cape Cod”.Her last hit was “Hush. Hush, Sweet Charlotte”, recorded for the Bette Davis movie of the same name. And then, there was “Doggie in the Window”. The creative tune was a huge hit, but with its repeated barking sounds and silly lyrics (歌词), the song has been used by many people as an example of all that was wrong with pop music in the early 1950s. Throughout the 1950s, Patti Page made regular appearances on television variety shows and in 1957 she was chosen to host the musical program, The Big Record. The following year, Page appeared in her own CBS television series, The Patti Page Show. She continued to record and perform into the 21st century, most recently releasing an album of songs for children, a Christmas record, and a new “best of” collection.Besides music, Patti Page did a bit of acting. She costarred with the Oscarwinning Burt Lancaster in Elmer Cantry, and also starred on stage in the musical play Annie Get Your Gun.24According to the passage, Patti Page _.Awanted to be a singer as a childBwas born in a small town in 1927Cwas known mainly for her acting skillsDstarted her work as a TV program hostess25According to the passage, which one of her following recorded songs was criticized?A“Old Cape Cod”.B“Hush. Hush, Sweet Charlotte”.C“Doggie in the Window”.D“With My Eyes Wide Open, Im Dreaming”.26The “Tennessee Waltz” is mentioned in the passage in order to show that _.APatti Page was a beloved singerBPatti Pages songs were successfulCPatti Page was the topselling female artistDPatti Page was good at recording songs27It is inferred from the passage that _.APatti Page gave up singing in public in her late lifeBPatti Pages gift in art began to be shown in her teensCPatti Pages great success was due to her hardworking and others helpDPatti Page was not only a successful singer but also a successful actressCIf you see a group of people dancing and singing on the street or in the railway station, you dont need to feel surprised. They are a flash mob (快闪族), which is a group of people who come together suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period of time, and then quickly break up. They are usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communication network. At a predetermined time, they gather and perform some distractions (消遗) such as waving their hands and exchanging books. Then, they quickly break up before the police can arrive. Using mobile phones, the flash mob can change its location if the first one has been replaced for any reason.Bill Lasik, senior editor of Harpers Magazine, organized the first flash mob in Manhattan in May, 2003 and the first successful flash mob came together on June 3, 2003after the first attempt was foiled at Macys department store. Lasik claimed that the activity was designed to make fun of hipsters (赶时髦的人), and call attention to the cultural atmosphere. Flash mob gatherings can sometimes shock people. Such an activity might seem amusing and untrue, but it also might frighten people who are not aware of what is taking place. Undoubtedly, flash mobs can serve as good political tools in any direction. They also have great economic potential, such as using flash mobs to advertise a product. The flash mob is now becoming more and more popular. People use it to do many things. For example, in 2009, Michael Jacksons fans took part in a flash mob to remember him. Hundreds of his fans gathered singing and dancing Michaels famous song “Beat It” together. Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to come together to create a memory.28The underlined word “foiled” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by _.AforgottenBprevented Cannounced Dconfirmed29What can you learn about the flash mob from the passage?AThe flash mob usually breaks up quickly for lacking enough time.BThe flash mob can be made use of in many fields just for fun.COnce the place for the activity is determined, it cant be changed.DIt gives people the chance to come together to do something unusual.30The main purpose of the passage is _.Ato entertain Bto encourage Cto persuade Dto inform31The writers attitude toward the flash mob is _.AnegativeBobjective Cfavorable DdoubtfulDEuropes deadly outbreak of a rare form of E. coli bacteria (大肠杆菌) has brought new attention to food safety issues. One of the problems when people get sick from food is that the simplest question is often difficult or even impossible to answer. Just what did the people eat that made them sick? Of course, one way to avoid these medical mysteries is to keep dangerous organisms out of the food supply. This is easier said than done, but scientists keep looking for new ways. Scientists in the United States have developed an experimental system that uses a hightech optical scanner. The system is designed to identify the presence of contaminants (致污物) like soil or animal waste on fresh produce. These can be sources of E. coli. E. coli bacteria naturally live in the intestines (肠) of humans and many animals. Most kinds of E. coil are harmless but some can make people sick. The new scanner can also show damage and imperfections that might make the produce unappealing to shoppers. Scientists designed the system at a department of agriculture research center in Beltsville, Maryland. Moon Kim of the Agricultural Research Service led the team. MOON KIM: “We were requested, we were asked, to develop a method to detect contamination in produce. So we started with the apple as the model sample.”The scanner uses a highspeed camera placed over the conveyer belt that moves the produce along. As the apples move along the belt, the scanner captures images of each piece of the fruit.Moon Kim says the team hopes the system will be available before long.MOON KIM: “We are targeting for development in commercial plants for the next several years.” The scanner can direct a sorting machine to separate the bad apples from the good ones. The system is currently able to show the surface of only half the apple as it speeds by. The inventors hope to improve the process so it can show the whole surface.32What is the main topic of the text?AFood safety.BA hightech scanner. CA camera.DBacteria.33E.coli bacteria _.Abroke out all over the world Bcomes from soil or animal wasteCis extremely harmful to health Ddoes not cause illness34The hightech scanner _.Acan only capture images of the whole appleBmake the produce appeal to shoppersCcan help to sort out different fruitsDcan identify the presence of contaminants35What can be inferred from the text?AThe scanner needs to be improved.BThe scanner will be available in the next several years.CMoon Kim is unwilling to develop the scanner.DThe scanner is connected to a sorting machine.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Here are tips for a successful speech from a professional speechwriter:No speech should last more than 20 minutes. _36_ The Sermon on the Mount, a collection of sayings and teachings of Jesus, for example, lasted hardly more than three minutes.Focus on one topic. Were human and tend to have lots of thoughts, opinions and ideas. You have to make proper selection. _37_ Include and expand only those that explain and support your viewpoint(观点)._38_ Its important to remember that your words must be hearable and understandable the first time out.Humour is vital _39_ Ronald Reagan always wanted to joke at the start of a speech because he needed the quick victory of laughter. It helped him relax. It also helped the audience relax.Dont forget to say thanks. You should always, at the beginning of the speech, thank the person who invited you and introduced you _40_ While youre doing it, the audience gets a chance to daydream and settle down. Theyre going to daydream at some point anyway, and it may as well be before you get to the heart of your remarks.AChoose your words carefully.BAnd saying thanks at the beginning has a practical purpose.CFirst you have to work out what youre going to say.DEvery speech needs it, and you need it, too, probably at the beginning.EStick to one subjectthe future of the soccer club, for example.FThis process takes time, so start once you begin thinking about the speech.GThe more important the message is, the less time it requires to say it.第三部分:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative (保守的) person who is _41_only among those with whom he is familiar. When a stranger is present, he often seems nervous,_42_ embarrassed. You have to take a commuter train (通勤车) any morning or evening to _43_ the truth of this. Seriouslooking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or _44_ off in a corner; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive (冒犯的)._45_, there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior, which, once _46_, makes the offender immediately the object of _47_.One of the few things we can say about the British with certainty is that a British takes a(n)_48_ to the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it _49_. Some people argue that it is because the British weather _50_ follows forecast and thus becomes a source of interest to everyone. This may be so. Certainly a British cannot have much _51_ in the weathermen, whose predictions, in many cases, _52_ to be wrong! The man in the street seems to be as accurateor as inaccurateas the weathermen in his _53_.Foreigners may be surprised at the number of references _54_ weather that the British make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are _55_ by comments on the weather. “Nice day, isnt it?”“Beautiful day!” may well be heard instead of “Good morning, how are you?”_56_ the foreigner may consider this exaggerated (夸大的) and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his _57_. If he wants to start a conversation with a British but is _58_ to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a(n) _59_ subject to which a response may well be _60_ of even the most reserved of the British.41Arelaxed Bfrustrated Camused Dexhausted42Ayet Botherwise Ceven Dso43Aexperience Bwitness Cwatch Dundertake44Awhispering Bnodding Cmurmuring Dlaughing45AHopefully Bexactly CFrequently DObviously46Adeveloped Bobserved Cfollowed Dbroken47Adoubt Bargument Ccriticism Dpraise48Aemotion Bfancy Clikeliness Djudgment49Aat length Bat last Cat most Dat least50Aalways Boften Cconstantly Dseldom51Afaith Brelief Chonor Dcredit52Aput out Bmake out Cturn out Dfind out53Aconsideration Bprediction Capproval Dappreciation 54Aabout Bon Cin Dto55Astarted Bconducted Creplaced Dproposed 56ASince Balthough CHowever DOnly if57Abenefit Badvantage Cdisadvantage Dfavor58Aat a loss Bin detail Cin groups Don occasion59Aavoidable Bsteady Coptional Dsafe60Aexpected Basked Cwished Dreminded 第卷(共50分)第一节 语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jim is a _61_(talent) man who can do quite a lot of things. He is an honest man as _62_ as a kind man., but he is never at _63_ mercy of anybody. In a way, its his shortcoming. The _64_ day, he and I went to the zoo together. When he saw the tiger in the distance, he thought of a foolish _65_ to control the tiger by attempting _66_(ride) it! If the adults had not come in time, he wouldnt have escaped from the jaws of _67_(die). Another time I went surfing with him. When he set loose, he surfed _68_ the direction of the middle of the sea without anybody following him. I _69_ next to him at the beginning, but he surfed so fast that I couldnt keep up with him. Gradually, we couldnt see him at all. It was not until late in the afternoon _70_ he returned to the shore.第二节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 I will cost this summer holiday in the countryside. Although the city is modern, but there are still some problem, such as air pollution and noisy. In the countryside I can enjoy a comfortable and quietly life. Where, the air is fresh and the water is clean. Trees are green and birds are singing. I can go boating, fishing and swimming in the lake. I can also climb the hills. Both of these will interesting and good for your health. Above all, I can learn more about the nature. So I want to go to the countryside for a change. Now, I am looking forward to leave.第三节:书面表达(25分)阳春三月,万物复苏。为了缓解学习的压力,你们班上周组织了一次徒步旅行活动。假如你叫李华,请给你美国的笔友Tony写一封信,介绍一下这次活动以及你参加本次活动的感受。要点如下:1. 活动内容;2. 你的感受(增强体质,亲近自然,.);3.其他注意:1.词数:100左右; 2.适当增加细节使行文连贯; 3.开头语以为你写好。Dear Tony, _ _ Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 第卷(共50分)第1节 语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 第2节 :短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) I will cost this summer holiday in the countryside. Although the city is modern, but there are still some problem, such as air pollution and noisy. In the countryside I can enjoy a comfortable and quietly life. Where, the air is fresh and the water is clean. Trees are green and birds are singing. I can go boating, fishing and swimming in the lake. I can also climb the hills. Both of these will interesting and good for your health. Above all, I can learn more about the nature. So I want to go to the countryside for a change. Now, I am looking forward to leave. 110 _ _ 1120 _ _ 2130 _ _ 3140 _ _ 4150 _ _ 5160 _ _


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