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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式Lesson 91 Poor Ian!可怜的伊恩1. Has he moved to his new house yet?No , not yet. 不,还没有。 这是简略回答,完整的回答是:No,He hasnt moved to his new house yet. 2.still adv. 仍然 Hes still here. They are still working on it.3.Ill miss him. Ill = I will I shall well = we will we shall miss vt. 思念 I miss home very much. miss vt. 错过 I missed the train yesterday.4.He has always been a good neighbour.(因为伊恩在这住了好长时间,所以邻居们说他一直如何如何,用了现在完成时) 频度副词表示频率从小到大依次为频度副词大小举例never(从不,决不)0Ill never go to see him. 用never比用not否定句的语气更强烈。hardly(几乎不)10I hardly hear nothing.rarely,seldom(很少)15They seldom watch TV these weeks.sometimes(有时)20Sometimes I stay at home during the weekend.frequently(经常)50He wrote home frequently.often(经常,常常)75He often dreams.usually(通常)85He usually wakes early.always(总是,始终)100He is always careless.5. person n. 人(单数的概念)A brave person. 勇敢的人。Hes a very nice person. 他是一个非常好的人。Shes the right person for this job.people n. 人们(复数的概念)当需要表示复数形式时,往往用people这个词。When will the new people move into this house? 新住户什么时候搬进这所房子?Therere a lot of people in the park.6.all 用在三者或三者以上 两者用 both Well all miss him. My husband and I will both miss him.7.move into this house = move in When will the new people move into this house. I think that theyll move in the day after tomorrow.8.I think that theyll move in the day after tomorrow.the day before yesterday 前天yesterday 昨天today 今天tomorrow 明天the day after tomorrow 后天9.I will = Ill Ill miss him. Well all miss him. Theyll move in the day before yesterday.10.Please give him my regards.请代我问候他。 Please give our regards to your grandmother.11.He didnt want to leave this house. 他本不想离开这幢房子。No, he didnt want to leave.but his wife did! 是的,他不想离开。可是他妻子要离开。No, he didnt want to leave是对上一句的证实。由于上一句话中用了否定句,因此,在证实时句中的动词不可模仿前一句话的形式,而要根据事实来决定。但在译成汉语时,No就要译成肯定的意思,如:“是的,他不想离开。” He didnt go to school last week,did he? No, he didnt. 是的,他没有去。 Yes, he did. 不,他去上学了。12.本课重要句型:一般将来时的特殊疑问句。What will?When will?句型例句肯定句主语+ will/shall + 动词原形 +I will call you this evening.I think itll be hotter in Beijing next summer.否定句主语+ will/shall not + 动词原形 +She will not listen to me.He wont come here.一般疑问句will/shall +主语+动词原形 +?Will he be back in two days?Yes,he will. No. he will not.Shall we have any class tomorrow?Yes,we shall. No. we shall not.Shall I go home now?Yes,you will./Sure ,you will.No,you wont ./Im sorry .you cant.Will you please open the window?Yes, I will ./Of course .sure.No,I wont ./Im sorry ,I cant.特殊疑问句疑问词(what,where,how)+ will/shall +主语 + 动词原形 +?How many books will they give us?They will give us thirty books.(thirty books)What will you do tomorrow? Ill go to the country.When will you leave? Ill leave at seven oclock.Lesson 92 When will? 什么时候要?记住下列时间的表示方法:1.rain tomorrow it When will it rain?It will rain tomorrow.2.snow the day after tomorrow it When will it snow? Itll snow the day after tomorrow.3. get up at eleven he When willl he get up? Hell get up at eleven.4.finish work tomorrow night he When will he finish work?Hell finish work tomorrow night.5.have a holiday the day after tomorrow you When will you have a holiday? Well have a holiday the day after tomorrow. 6.drive home this afternoon they When will they drive home? Theyll drive home this afternoon.7.have a haircut the day after tomorrow in the morning you When will you have a haircut? Ill have a haircut the day after tomorrow in the morning.8.telephone me tonight she When will she telephone me? Shell telephone you tonight.9.pack his bags tomorrow he When will he pack his bags? Hell pack his bags tomorrow.10.sweep the floor tomorrow she When will she sweep the floor? Shell sweep the floor tomorrow.11.repair my car tomorrow they When will they repair your car? Theyll rapair my car tomorrow.12.make an appointment tomorrow he When will he make an appointment? Hell make an appointment tomorrow.Lesson 93 Our new neighbour 我们的新邻居1.fly flew flown 2.next-door neighbour 隔壁邻居。 next-door是一个复合词,作定语。Nigel lives / is next door. 奈杰尔就住在隔壁。3.He was in the R.A.F. 他曾经在英国皇家空军任职。the R.A.F. = the Royal Air Force,英国皇家空军。 Royal adj. 王室的, 皇家的 Air Force n. 空军4.He will fly to New York next month.next week / year. tomorrow.5.The month after next hell fly to Tokyo. Hell return to London the week after next. the day after tomorrow. the week/year after next.6.At the moment 此刻At the moment,he is in Madrid.Im afraid that he is out at the moment.I cant remember the movie stars name at the moment.7.He flew to Spain a week ago. a month / year ago.yesterday.8.return to 返回某个地方Hell return to London.9.He is only forty one years old ,and he has already been to nearly every country in the world. 本句中的and相当于but(而),起转折作用。 She moved into this neighbourhood a week ago,and she has already known everyone.neighbourhood n. 邻居关系 childhood n. 孩童时期10.and的用法 (1)基本用法:单词and表示“和”、“而且”的意思,用来连接对等关系的字与字,短语与短语,句子与句子。 Brother and I went to the bookstore yesterday.(我和我哥哥昨天去过书店。) I went to the Summer Palace and he went to Bei Hai Park. 注意:单词或词组如果是三个以上连接,一般在最后的单词或词组前加and。另外,and在译成中文时,不一定要翻译出“和”来。(2)特别用法:and用于祈使句中。Use your head ,and youll find a way. = If you use your head,youll find a way.(动动脑筋,你就会想出办法来。)Hurry up,and youll catch the bus. = If you hurry up,youll catch the bus.11.本课基本句型。(一般过去时和一般将来时的对比) When did go to ? When will go to ?When did he go to New York? He went to New York last week.When will he go to Paris? Hell go to Paris next month.12.一般过去时的有关语法知识,请参考Lesson 83.13一般将来时(在记忆句型时,把它们都和肯定句进行比较记忆)(1)be going to + 动词原形 +句型例句肯定句主语+ be(am/is/are) going to + 动词原形 +He is going to teach in Beijing next year.He is going to travel around the world.It is going to rain.否定句主语+ be(am/is/are)not going to + 动词原形 +Its not going to rain this afternoon.Im not going to be a teacher.He isnt going to see his brother tomorrow.一般疑问句be(am/is/are)+主语+going to + 动词原形 +?Is your sister going to bring you lunch?Yes ,she is. No,she isnt.Are you going to be a doctor when you grow up?Yes ,I am. No,Im not.特殊疑问句疑问词(what,where,how)+be(am/is/are)+主语+going to + 动词原形 +?What are you going to do next Sunday?Im going to go fishing.Who is going to use it?Li Ming is.或Li Ming is going to use it.(2)主语+will/shall+动词原形+句型例句肯定句主语+ will/shall + 动词原形 +I will call you this evening.I will/shall arrive in New York tomorrow morning.否定句主语+ will/shall not + 动词原形 +She will not listen to me.She wont come here.一般疑问句will/shall +主语+动词原形 +?Will he be back in two days?Yes,he will. No. he will not.Shall we have any class tomorrow?Yes,we shall. No. we shall not.Will you please open the window?Yes, I will ./Of course .sure.No,I wont ./Im sorry ,I cant.特殊疑问句疑问词(what,where,how)+ will/shall +主语 + 动词原形 +?How many books will they give us?They will give us thirty books.(thirty books)(3)一般将来时两种基本句式的区别1在现代英语中,特别是在口语中,表示将来时多用“be going to +动词原形”。There is somebody at the door.Ill go and open it.I wont /am going to change his job.我不会/不准备告诉你我的年龄。He is going to change his job.2“be going to +动词原形”表示一个事先考虑好的意图,相当于中文中的“打算、计划、准备”;而will/shall+动词原形则表示未经事先考虑的意图。3如果不清楚是否是事先考虑的意图时,两者都可用。(4)一般将来时的基本用法表示将来的动作或状态In the future , there will be a new school.My mother is going to spend her holiday in Shanghai in August.在一些主从复合句的主句中表示将来的动作或状态。Well have a picture if it doesnt rain tomorrow.Ill write to you when I get there.I dont know when he will arrive.Lesson 94 When did you / Will you go to?你过去/将在什么时候去?记住下列时间的表示方法1.Athens Beijing Will you go to Athens next week? No,I shant go to Athens next week. I shall go to Beijing. 2.Berlin Bombay Will you and Jane fly to Berlin this week? No, we shant fly to Berlin this week.We shall fly to Bombay.3.Geneva London Will Penny return to Geneva next year? No,she wont return to Geneva next year.She will return to London.4.Madrid Moscow Will Sam leave for Madrid next month?No,he wont leave for Madrid next month.He will leave for Moscow.5.New York Paris Will Alice and Mary stay in New York the week after next?No,they wont stay in New York the week after next.They will stay in Paris.6.Rome last year next year When did you go to Rome?I went to Rome last year.When will you go again?Ill go again next year.7.Seoul last month last month When did Helen come to Seoul?She came last month. When will she come again?shell come again next month.8.Stockholm Where will your friends fly to the month after next? Theyll fly to Stockholm.9.Sydney Where will you and stella leave for next week?Well leave for Sydney.10.Tokyo Where will Peter return from this month? Hell return from Tokyo.Lesson 95 Tickets,please 请把车票拿出来1.return ticket = round trip ticket 往返票 single ticket = one-way ticket 单程票platform ticket 站台票2.What time will the next train leave? 我们还可以用when 来代替What time. When will the next train leave?the next train 下一班火车3.At nineteen minutes past eight 也可以简单地说成 At eight nineteen Its only three minutes to eight = Its only seven fifty-seven.4.plenty of 许多,大量 它既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。 Theres plenty of rain in the west of England. We have plenty of vegetables. 既可以修饰可数名词,也 a lot of much 可数名词之前 可以修饰不可数名词。主 lots of = 用于否定句或疑问句中 要用于肯定句中。 plenty of many 不可数名词之前5.Lets go and doing sth. Lets go and have a drink. Lets go and see a film.6.next door to ,与相邻,在隔壁。 Theres a bar next door to the station. Theres a post office next door to the hairdressers.7.go back to 回到地方 We had better go back to the station now.8.had better 相当于情态动词,当“最好”讲,用于指现在和将来要做的事情。各种人称后面的形式相同,简写作d better。后面接动词原形。Wed better be careful.Youd better go to bed early.9.catch the eight nineteen to London。eight nineteen 是指8点19分的火车to London 是表示火车的行车方向 catch the train 赶火车,乘火车10.miss vt. 错过 You have just missed the train. (误了火车) the bus (误了汽车) the flight (误了航班)11.That clock is ten minutes slow. fast12.in five hours time 5小时以后。这里的介词in是“在之后”的意思,复数名词hours后面用所有格,直接加表示所有格的撇号就可以,不必再加-s。 in a weeks time in two minutes time in four years time13介词in 的用法 (1)用于表示周、月、季节、年和泛指的上午、下午、晚上(在一段时间内)in this week在这周in May在五月in spring在春季in autumn在秋季in winter在冬季in 2007在2007年in the morning在上午in the evening在晚上in an hour一小时后in the holiday在假期中in a minute一会儿,立刻in time及时in the 21st century在二十一世纪 (2)过(多长时间)后,表示未来的时间,大多用于一般将来时和过去将来时in an hour一小时后in a week or so大约一星期之后He will be back in five hours.他五小时后回来。They said they would arrive here in a week.他们说他们一周后到达。 (3)在某地(表示比较宽敞的地方)in bed在床上in Beijing 在北京in china在中国in the house在房子里in the middle在中部in the street在街上in the world在世界上in the yard在院子里in a book在书上in a country在国家(里)in a line排队(在行里)in the photo在照片里His brother is in prison.(服刑)注意:有没有定冠词the意思的区别:in hospital in the hospitalMike works in the prison.(狱中工作) (4)在之内,用于表示静止的位置The students are in the classroom.The workers work in the factory. (5)表示用什么材料(如用墨水、铅笔等),或用什么语言,或表示衣着、声调特点时,不用with,而用in。She wrote a letter in a black ink.Dont write it in pencil but in ink.Can you speak in English?14介词on 的用法 (1)用于表示某天,某一天的上午、下午(指具体的某一天时,一律用on)on June 6在6月6日on May 4,2004在2004年5月4日on Tuesday morning在周二早上on a cold night在一个寒冷的夜晚on Christmas Day在圣诞节那天on that day在那天The students will have the exam on July 5. (2)表示方位在上面,有接触面on the desk在桌子上面on the map在地图上There are two maps on the wall.在靠近的地方on the farm在农场on the floor在地板上on the island在岛上on the right在右边on the river在河边on the screen在屏幕上15介词at 的用法(1)用于表示时刻、时间的某一点at breakfast早餐时at last最后at lunch在午饭时at night在夜间at noon正午时at present目前at that time那时at times偶尔,有时at first开始的时候,起初at nine (oclock)在九点钟at the moment此刻,目前at the end of 2006在2006年末We usually have lunch at noon / at lunch. (2)在某地点(表示比较狭窄的场所)at a factory在一家工厂at a Baker street在贝克街2号at home在家at school上学at Mikes house在迈克家at table进餐at the back of在后边at the bottom of在下面at the bus stop在公共汽车站at the crossroads在十字路口at the end of 在末尾at the head of在排头at the party在聚会上at the station在火车站at the table在桌旁at work在上班sit at my desk坐在我书桌旁stand at the door站在门边16.本课基本句型 When did ? When will ? When did they fly to Guangzhou? They flew there three days ago. When will they return to Beijing? Theyll return in four days time.Lesson 96 Whats the exact time?确切的时间是几点?记住下列时间的表示方法1. Tom fly Stockholm two weeks ago Penny in two weeks timeTom flew to Stockholm two weeks ago. What about Penny? She will fly to Stockholm in two weeks time.2. Frank and Alan return to Tokyo four days ago you and Jean in four days timeFrank and Alan returned to Tokyo four days ago.What about you and Jean?We shall return to Tokyo in four days time.3. A train leave Geneva an hour ago the next train in an hours timeA train left for Geneva an hour ago.What about the next train?It will leave for Geneva in an hours time.4. Alice fly Rome five weeks ago you in five weeks timeAlice flew to Rome five weeks ago.What about you?I shall fly to Rome in five weeks time.5. A plane leave Berlin three hours ago the next plane in three hours timeA plane left for Berlin three hours ago.What about the next plane?It will leave for Berlin in three hours time.6. you arrive Athens two days ago return Moscow in two days timeWhen did you arrive in Athens?I arrived in Athens two days ago.When will you return to Moscow?Ill return to Moscow in two days time.7. Tom and Sally come Madrid a week ago fly Seoul in a weeks timeWhen did Tom and Sally come to Madrid?They came to Madrid a week ago.When will they fly to Seoul?They will fly to Seoul in a weeks time.Lesson 97 A small blue case 一只蓝色的小箱子1.leave v. 遗留 I left a suitcase on the train to London the other day. I left my pen in the meeting room leave v. 离开Were going to leave tomorrow.2. the other day = a few days ago 几天前,不久前。3.describe 描述 Can you describe it,sir? describe a piceure describe a person4.a small blue case 在case前有两个描述它的形容词small和blue,通常将描述形状和大小的形容词放在描述颜色的形容词前面。5 Its got a zip 句中的its=it has,不是it is。6.Theres a label on the handle with my name and address on it. with这儿的意思是“带有东西” a house with a swimming-pool a man with a suitcase7.with的基本用法(1)和在一起Will you please go with me?(2)具有, 带有He is a handsome boy with large bright eyes.(3)用某种工具或方法Tom cut her hand with a knife.I see with my eyes.He wrote the letter with a new pen.with ones help 在某人的帮助下 With the teachers help ,I have made progress.8.Is this case yours?这箱子是您的吗?相当于Is this case your case?其中的yours是表示所有格的代词,所有格代词不能用于名词之前,在句中一般要重读。9. 物主代词(1)代词是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。代词在英语中的使用是很频繁的,这是因为在英语语言习惯中,第二次提到一些名词时,一般用代词代替这些名词。分类: 人称代词 例如:I me my we our us等 物主代词 例如:my mine your yours等 指示代词 例如:this that these those等代词 自身代词 例如:myself yourself 等 相互代词 例如:each outher one another 两组 疑问代词 例如:who, whom whose, what, which等 关系代词 例如:who,which,that等 不定代词 例如:all both each eaery some any much many等(2)物主代词表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。分类单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性myyourhis,her,itsouryourtheir名词性mineyourshis,hers,itsoursyourstheirs物主代词的基本用法用法举例形容词性物主代词只可做定语只能做定语,换句话说,形容词性物主代词后面一定要跟上一个名词。I like his bike.“形容词性物主代词+名词”可改写为名词性物主代词。This is her doll=This doll is hers.名词性物主代词(后面绝对不可加名词)可做主语Our houses is here ,and theirs is there.可做表语Whose bike is this? Its hers.Is that car yours? Yes,its mine.可做宾语I cant find my dictionary anywhere.Would you please lend me yours?10.Thats not mine. mine相当于my case.11. 83,Bridge Street,大桥街83号。 在英文中书写地址时,要把门牌号放在街名的前面。要注意中文和英文介绍地址的排列顺序。Li Xiaoming,15,Changan Street,Xicheng District,Beijing,China. 李小明,中国,北京,西城区,长安街15号。12.英镑和便士:pound、penny,其复数形式分别为:pounds、pence. 美元和美分:dollar、cent13.Hey! 感叹词,用来表示惊讶、疑问或用以引起注意。14.belong to 属于,后面用代词的宾格形式。 This case doesnt belong to me! These keys dont belong to him.单数复数主格所有格宾格主格所有格宾格第一人称男女I my meweourus第二人称男女youyou youyouyou you第三人称男hehishimtheytheirthem女sheherher中性ititsit15.本课的基本句型Whose is it?This is my case.形容词性物主代词myyourhis,her,itsouryourtheir 只能做定语,换句话说,形容词性物主代词后面一定要跟上一个名词。This case belongs to me. 后面跟代词的宾格形式:me you him her us you themThis case is mine.名词性物主代词mineyourshis,hers,itsoursyourstheirs 后面绝对不可加名词,要单独使用。Lesson 98 Whose is it? Whose are they?1.mineAre these your keys?Yes,theyre mine.They belong to me.2.hisIs this Johns letter?Yes,its his.It belongs to him.3.yoursAre these my clothes?Yes,theyre yours.They belong to you.4.hersIs this Janes passport?Yes,its hers.It belongs to her.5.theirsAre these their tickets?Yes,theyre theirs.They belong to them.6.mineIs this your watch?Yes,its mine.It belongs to me.7.hersAre these her flowers?Yes,theyre hers.They belong to her.8.yoursIs this my boat?Yes,its yours.It belongs to you.9.hisIs this Jims phrasebook?Yes,its his.It belongs to him.10.theirsAre these hammers Franks and Harrys?Yes,theyre theirs.They belong to them.11.oursIs this your car?Yes,its ours.It belongs to us.12.theirsAre these the childrens pens?Yes,theyre theirs.They belong to them.Lesson 99 Ow! 啊哟!fall fell fallen hurt hurt hurt

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