高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解提升题(三)1

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湖北黄梅县2017高考英语阅读理解一轮提升题(三)阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。 (2014长春模拟)While tofu is a household name in Asia, it has still not been completely accepted into the Western kitchen. When it arrived in the West, tofu found itself sitting alone in the food playground, ignored by the other kids. And when tofu did make friends, it was only with the open-minded, peace-loving vegetarians sometimes referred to as“hippies”. Why is it that such a staple(主要的)ingredient in the East has been subject to(遭受)such discrimination in the West? Well, tofu quite literally(简直)missed the boat. Tofu originated in China some 2, 000 years ago. But when the Europeans first arrived in China they ignored it. While rice was embraced with open arms and brought home with popular acclaim(称赞), tofu followed later and with much less success. Growing up in Australia I only had a vague notion of what tofu was. It was just last year, when I lived in the Dutch town of Maastricht, that we were really introduced. In that town, lots of students choose to live in“squats”old run-down factories rented out for very cheap prices. One of these squats holds a“Vegan Dinner”every Monday. In the dishes served there, tofu was a staple and I found that I quite liked it! Slowly but surely tofu is becoming accepted into mainstream Western cooking circles. In March, the singer Justin Timberlake dressed up in a tofu suit for a sketch(短剧)on NBCs show Saturday Night Live to promote the silky food. And notable UK food experts such as Nigel Slater and Fuchsia Dunlop are singing tofus praises as well. As Slater writes in an article published in The Guardian, “I think the Chinese know what they are talking about and I must give their beloved dou-fu(yet)another chance”. He found that when cooked with chilli, garlic and ginger, tofu was a very welcome guest at his dinner party! 【文章大意】豆腐越来越受西方人的青睐, 它是怎样做到如此受欢迎的呢? 1. When tofu was introduced to the West, it. A. was not accepted, just like riceB. was well-received mostly by hippiesC. was difficult to find things to cook with itD. was viewed as a toy instead of food【解析】选B。细节理解题。由第一段最后一句话可知B为正确答案。2. The phrase“missed the boat”in the second paragraph probably means“”. A. failed to take advantage of an opportunityB. was in the same situationC. experienced a big changeD. drew much attention【解析】选A。词义猜测题。上文提到了豆腐在西方遭遇歧视, 而下文又进一步提到了当欧洲人把大米和豆腐先后带到西方时, 大米遇到了优待, 而豆腐则错失良机, 没有那么成功, 所以missed the boat表示“没有利用好机会, 错失良机”, 故选A。3. The first time the author tasted tofu in Maastricht, she. A. had already eaten it in AustraliaB. developed a love for itC. felt it was not her cup of teaD. found that she had expected too much from it【解析】选B。细节理解题。由第三段最后一句话可知B为正确答案。4. By quoting Slater in the last paragraph, the author intends to show. A. it is beneficial to eat tofu now and thenB. a new creative way to cook tofu has been praisedC. tofu is becoming a staple at Western dinner partiesD. tofu is becoming popular in the West【解析】选D。推理判断题。最后一段的中心句是该段的首句, 下文以Justin Timberlake和food experts such as Nigel Slater and Fuchsia Dunlop为例来说明豆腐在西方日渐流行, 故答案为D。2016高考英语阅读理解-历史类 Put your car keys away and forget about your travel pass - its time to do a bit of walking. National Walking Month is organized every May by Living Streets, an organization that campaigns for the rights and the needs of pedestrians, so the organization is previously known as the Pedestrians Association. The associations aim is to make streets safe, attractive and enjoyable spaces for people to live, work, shop and play. By putting people (rather than vehicles) first, Living Streets wants to create streets and spaces where people feel happier, healthier and more sociable. The annual campaign gives participants a great opportunity to experience the many virtues of walking. These include the physical health benefits of becoming fitter; the environmental advantages of not using vehicles; the delight of local discoveries - seeing more of your local areas on foot; the enjoyment of walking with other people, whether family, friends or work colleagues and finally the stress relief that comes from walking - walking can clear your head. Walk to School Week, 18 to 22 May, is part of the months activities and its aim is to encourage parents to send children to school on foot, rather than take them in the car or let them use public transport. The movement was started in 1995 with only five participating schools and now two decades later, more than one million children take part. Similarly, there is Walk to Work Week, 11 to 15 May, where grown-ups are encouraged to walk. In the morning, getting off the bus a stop early or parking a few streets away is a good way to add more steps to the daily total. And during the working day, after having lunch at the desks or in the canteen, take a walk and get some fresh air. Walk home with your workmates and chat away about everything under the sun but work!【小题1】Whats the purpose of Living Streets? ATo let people keep away from vehicles.BTo build safer walkways for pedestrians.CTo help people enjoy walking in the street and enjoy life.DTo make people aware of environmental pollution.【小题2】Paragraph 3 is intended to show that walking is _. Aso interestingBvery relaxingCperfectly safeDhighly beneficial【小题3】What can we learn from Walk to School Week? AIt is organized by the government.BIt is held before Walk to Work Week.CIt has developed rapidly over the last 20 years.DIt encourages students to walk to school alone.【小题4】 Whats the main idea of the last paragraph? AAn introduction to Walk to Work Week. BA nationwide health movement.CThe influence of working day.DNational Walking Months history.1、【2014高考英语湖北省汉阳市联考试题】D.Today, in many high schools, teaching is now a technical miracle of computer labs, digital cameras, DVD players and laptops. Teachers can e-mail parents, post messages for students on online bulletin(公告,告示) boards, and take attendance with a quick movement of a mouse.Even though we are now living in the digital age, the basic and most important element of education has not changed. Most students still need that one-on-one, teacher-student relationship to learn and to succeed. Teenagers need instruction in English, math or history, but they also want personal advice and encouragement. Kids talk with me about their families, their weekend plans, their favorite TV shows and their relationship problems. In my English and journalism classes, we talk about Shakespeare and persuasive(富有哲理的) essays, but we also discuss college basketball, the war in Iraq and career choices. Students show me pictures of their rebuilt cars, their family vacations, and their newborn baby brothers. This personal connection is the necessary link between teachers and students that no amount of technology can improve upon or replace. A few years ago I had a student in sophomore English who was struggling with my class and with school in general. Although he was a humorous young man who liked to joke around, I knew his family life was far from ideal. Whenever I approached him about missing homework or low test grades, he always had the same reply, “It doesnt matter because Im quitting school anyway.” Even though he always said this in a half-teasing way, I knew he needed to hear my different opinion and my “value of a high school education” lecture. He needed to hear this speech from me. After he left my class, he struggled through the next two years of school. But, he did finally graduate because we kept telling him to hang in there. Wed cared about him finishing school. Recently, I saw this former student working at a local Italian restaurant. I told him again how proud I was of him. He said that he was hoping to go back to school to become a certified electrician. I encouraged him to get that training. Students rely on compassionate teachers to guide, to tutor, to listen, to laugh and to cry with them. Teachers provide the most important link in the educational processthe human one. 63. The first paragraph mainly talks about _. A. the variety of modern teaching methods. B. the wide use of modern technology in education C. the importance of teacher-parent relationship. D. the importance of using modern technology.64. The underlined word “ compassionate” in Para 5 means _. A. ambitious B. knowledgeable C. sympathetic D. generous65. According to the text, the most important element in education is _. A. teachers good instruction B. advanced technology C. teachers encouragement D. personal connection66. The author states his view of education by _. A. example B. description C. figure D. comparison 【参考答案】63、BCD 66、 A 【2014高考英语湖北省汉阳市联考试题】E.If you live in America in the 21st century youll probably have to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. Its become the default response when you ask anyone how they are doing: “Busy!” “Crazy busy!”. It is, pretty obviously, a boast disguised as a complaint. And the common response is a kind of congratulation:“ Thats a good problem to have, ”or“ Better than the opposite.” Notice it isnt generally people pulling back-to-back shifts in the ICU or commuting by bus to three minimum-wage jobs who tell you how busy they are. What those people are is not busy but tired. Exhausted! Dead on their feet. Its almost always people whose busyness is purely self-imposed work and obligations theyve taken on voluntarily, classes and activities theyve “encouraged” their kids to participate in. Theyre busy because of their own ambition or drive or anxiety, because theyre addicted to busyness and dread that they might have to face in its absence. Almost everyone I know is busy. They feel anxious and guilty when they arent either working or doing something to promote their work. Its something they have chosen. Busyness serves as a kind of existential reassurance(令人安心的保证),a measure against emptiness, obviously your life cannot possibly be silly or tiny or meaningless if you are so busy, completely booked, in demand every hour of the day.Idleness is not just a vacation. It is as necessary to the brain as vitamin D is to the body, and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as ugly as rickets. The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life and seeing it whole, for making unexpected connections and waiting for the wild summer lightning strikes of inspiration.” Idle dreaming is often the essence of what we do”, wrote Thomas Pynchon. Archimedes “Eureka” in the bath, Newtons apple :history is full of stories of inspirations that come in idle moments.67. When many Americans say “Crazy busy”, they mean_.A. they are really tired of their present situationB. they are really proud of their present lifeC. they are complaining about their current workD. their life are full of all kinds of problems68. The writer mentions Archimedes“Eureka” and Newtons apple to show that_.A. history is full of interesting storiesB. Archimedes and Newton were very busy, so they made great discoveriesC. people may get inspiration when they are idleD. inspirations come from hard work69. The word “its” in the second paragraph refers to_.A. ambition B. anxiety C. busyness D. dread70. From the article, we can infer that _.A. generally people pulling back-to-back shifts in the ICU tell you they are busyB. “Dead on their feet” means “being tired out”C. all the kids are self-imposed due to the drive and motivationD. The author seems to agree that idleness is better than busyness【参考答案】6770、2016高考英语阅读理解-历史类In 1932 the warning of the British politician, Stanley Baldwin, that “the bomber will always get through” made a deep impression in Britain, the only state to make serious plans to evacuate civilians from large towns before the war started. The British Government developed plans for evacuating 1 million children to the United States and Canada and other Commonwealth nations. It established the Childrens Overseas Reception Board (CORB) in May 1940. After the fall of France, many people thought the war was lost and some saw this as one way of ensuring that Britain could survive even if invaded. The Germans eventually began bombing British cities in September. Some children were evacuated by ship to British Dominions, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa. The CORB selections were not done on a first-come, first-served basis. CORB classified and prioritized the children. Charges soon appeared in the press that the well-to-do were being given priority. CORB arranged for the transportation. The Government paid the passages. Quite a number of children had already been evacuated. This tended to be children from rich families with money and overseas contacts. The British public eventually demanded the government pay so that less privileged children were also eligible. World War II occurred before the beginning of trans-Atlantic air travel. Liners were used to transport the children and this proved to be dangerous because the U-boats quickly emerged as the greatest threat. And this put the evacuee children trying to cross the Atlantic to safety in danger. Two ships carrying child evacuees were torpedoed (破坏)in 1940. One was the Dutch liner Volendam with 320 children on August 30. The crew managed to get the life boats off and saved the children. They were returned to Glasgow. The other was the City of Benares, an ocean liner with 200 British and foreign civilian passengers and 93 British children with a guard of nurses, teachers, and a clergyman. It was torpedoed on September 13. The crew attempted to launch the life boats as Benares began to sink. The rough weather made this difficult, so many of the passengers in the life boats died in the extreme conditions. Only 15 children survived. Churchill, when he learned of the disaster, decided to end the overseas evacuation scheme.【小题1】The whole passage is mainly about _. Abombing BritainBchildren evacuationCGerman U-boatsDloss of children【小题2】What can we learn about the British people according to the passage? AThey were concerned about their children.BThey were threatened by Stanley Baldwin.CThey were frightened by German invasion.DThey longed to go to commonwealth nations.【小题3】The underlined word “eligible” in the last sentence of Paragraph 3 probably means _. AqualifiedBaccessibleChopeful Dpopular【小题4】Churchill decided to end the evacuation scheme mainly because _. Aso many people needed evacuatingBthe weather in the Atlantic was roughCthe crew were inexperienced in saving peopleDliners easily became the targets of the German U-boats2、

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