高中英语 Unit2 基础知识检测练习题新人教版必修3

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高中英语 Unit2 基础知识检测练习题新人教版必修3_第1页
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Unit 2一、根据语境写出单词完成句子:10%1. Do you think we will b_ from this project? (have an advantageor good) 2. If you dont know how to deal with this problem, c_ your teacher please.3. -Would you like one more pan cake? -No, thanks. I am on a d_.4. Dont be so hard on yourself. Everyone has his strengths and w_.5. We must try our best to keep the b_ of nature. (保持大自然平衡)二、词组:40%1、(做坏事)不受惩罚 _ 2、减肥_ 3、打折 _ 4、存在于_ 5、怒视 _ 6、凝视 _ 7、赢回,重新获得_ 8、解释,使了解_9、削减,砍倒 _ 10、乍一看_三、完成句子:30%1、运动员们需要一个良好的平衡感。_2、我决不允许你这样对我说话。_.3、为了村民的利益考虑,人们决定修建一条通往外面世界的路。(benefit, lead to)_.4、王鹏坐在他空空的饭店里,感到十分沮丧。_5、根据规定,你不可以在考试中查阅你的笔记。_.四、根据语境和提示,1-5选用正确的情态动词填空,6-10用正确介副词填空: (20%)1. Sam, you _ (not) smoke in the kitchen! Be careful!2. When my father lived in the countryside, he _ go for a walk after supper.3. I cant find my purse anywhere. Where _ I have put it?4. The new babysitter _ a good one, but all our kids dont like her.5. Its strange that such an honest man _ have betrayed all his comrades(同志).6. You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside _ the disadvantages.7. The new product will be beneficial _ the people who are listening impaired.8. _ balance, this is a successful ceremony.9. As is often the case, bad news always get _ very quickly.10. Are you referring _ the man who is _ debt? 1


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