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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式必修二Module 1重点词组:1. be crazy about / like crazy / drive sb. crazy 2. be on diet / go on diet节食3. be connected with / connect with / connect to/ in connection with/ have no / some connection with4. begin / start with以开始 5. lose weight / put on weight6. take exercise= exercise 7. lie down 躺下8. take turns to do / at doing sth./in turn/by turns 9. putinto将投入11. keepaway使离开 12. have a sweet tooth好吃甜食15. or anything / anything but / if anything或者怎么的/绝不/若要说16. be anxious for / be eager for / be thirsty for渴望be anxious/worried about / be anxious to do 担忧17. a bit (of) / a little / not a bit=notat all / not a little=very much 19. contribute () to (doing) sth./ make contributions / a contribution to (doing) sth.20. breath in (out) / out of breath / hold ones breath/ catch ones breath/breathe deeply(踹口气)21. in need (of) / meet (satisfy) ones need(s) 22. pick up / pick out 23. imagine (sb./ sb.s) doing sth. / beyond imagination24. the problem (matter / wrong) with/ have problems with的问题/有的问题25. result in / result from / as a result / as a result of 26. make a prediction27. have a temperature/fever 发烧 28. take in 29. head towards/to/for朝前进 30 miss school 缺课31 return to normal/ above normal/ below normal恢复正常/超过正常标准/低于正常标准32 be off work/be out of work/ be at work不工作,休息/失业在上班33 a free health care system/免费医疗体系 34. kind of 稍微35. at least / not in the least (= not at all, not a bit) 36. pay off还清知识要点:1. See/hear+宾语+ doing (正在做) / do (全过程) / done (被动)2. fit adj: 健康的 keep fit; 合适的 be fit for/ to doV: 适合,合身(大小, 形状) fit inSuit 适合(颜色, 款式, 时间)3. would rather do sth 宁愿做would rather that主+ did sth. 宁愿某人做某事(过去时表示现在和将来的情况)would rather that主+ had done宁愿某人做某事(过去完成时表示过去情况)4. as 当时候 由于 随着 As time goes on 按照do as (you are) told 正如As you can see/ As we all know/ As is known to us.5. rarely, hardly, scarcely, seldom, not , never, little等位于句首, 句子使用部分倒装语序.6. 句型: The reason why / for which is that: 那就是的原因, 那是因为(接原因) This / That / It is because/ That + 从句 + is because: 那是因为(接原因) This / That / It is why: 那是因为(接结果)7. 辨析: injure(伤害), would(伤口,伤害), hurt(精神受伤) & cut(割伤)8. Pay 的用法Pay (sb.) money for sth /pay for sth.付款买sth/payforsb.替某人付款 pay sb.付钱给某人=sb. spend money on sth/in doing sth/ sth cost (sb.) money9. sure 的用法1). Make sure that 主语+do(时态) when you leave the office, make sure that the lights are tured off.2). Make sure of/ about确保,弄清楚Youd better make sure of the time and place for the meeting.3). Be sure of/ about有把握, 肯定he is sure of his success.=he is sure that he will succeed4). Be sure to do肯定会,务必 Be sure to come on time.10. way构成的短语: by the way, by way of, in the way, in a way, in no way, make ones way, find ones way, fight ones way, feel ones way, push ones way, shoulder ones way, lose ones way, clear the way, lead the way11. 比较: till & until引导时间状语(从句)的用法(可转换成when或after引导的时间状语从句,但主句必须要用肯定形式) 如:They didnt get off until the train came to a complete stop.=they got off after the trainHe wont come into the room until the teachers finish their work.= He will come into the room when the 语法要点1. 一般将来时1)will do sth/ shall do sth单纯表示将来要发生的动作,不强调已经打算好。Be going to do sth 表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。表示说话人根据已有的迹象判断将要发生的事情it is going to rain./ we are going to have a meeting today.2)be to do sth表示安排、计划、决定、命令或注定要发生的事。The boy is to go to school tomorrow./ the bridge is to be built next year.3) be about to+ do 表示即将发生的动作,或已经打算马上要去做的动作,意为be ready to do sth. 后面一般不跟时间状语。I am about to leave.4)go, come, start, move, sail, leave, arrive, stay表示位置转移的动词可用进行时表按计划即将要发生的动作。Im leave for Beijing,2. 不定式做定语的用法归纳1)被修饰名词前有序数词、形容词最高级或the only, the last, the very, the next修饰时,常用不定式作后置定语。被修饰名词和不定式具有逻辑主谓关系。Eg). John Smith is the only person to know the secret.2) 表示抽象概念的名词,后面用动词不定式作定语,用语解释中心词的内容,如ability, way, ambition, anxiety, attempt, campaign, change, courage, decision, determination等。Eg). She gave us the chance to go abroad.3). 如不定式动词是不及物动词作定语时,其后须加一个适当的介词。如: Have you got a chair to sit on? 你有椅子坐了吗?3. 现在分词作状语, 可表 “时间, 原因, 伴随, 结果”; 注意与不定式表结果的比较.4. 祈使句+并列连词(and, or, otherwise) +陈述句与条件状语从句转化(if, as long as, unless)必修二Module 2重点词组:1. die from / die of / die down (away) / die for / die off / die out / be dying for2. cause sb. / sth. to do 3.cause many deaths导致许多人死亡4. relateto / be related to 5. take sb. / sth. seriously6. be addicted to (doing) sth. / addict oneself to7. be serious about8. in danger / in danger of / out of danger 9. in pain / in trouble / in surprise10. take / follow ones advice / ask sb. for advice / give (sb.) advice on / refuse ones advice11. ban doing sth. / ban sb. from doing sth. /a ban on 12. put up13. in order to / so as to 14. leave school辍学 15. recognize sb. / sth. by /from sth. 16. beyond recognition17. a couple of 18. make a list of19. give up / give in / give away / give out / give off / give way to20. make preparations for / in preparation 21. refer to / look up22. have an effect / influence on / upon23. recognizeas / be recognized as24. receive treatment / give sb. treatment / enjoy special treatment25. on the basis of / baseon (upon) / be based on24. belong to 26. disagree with / disagree to / disagree on27. cure sb. of sth.28. prepare for / prepare to do / prepare sb. for sth. (to do sth.) / be prepared for (to do) sth.29.stop/ keep/prevent sb from doing 30. as follows31. against the law 违法break the law 违法obey the law 守法32. This is my treat .我请客treat sb. to sth.用某物款待某人 treat sb .as 把某人视为33.a heart attack 一次心脏病发作31.ask sb for money 向sb要钱34.in public当众地/.the public 公众 35.increase to增加到/increase by 增加了36. reduce to 减少到/reduce by 减少了 37.I couldnt agree more 我再同意不过了.38. Thats a good point. 有道理To the point 切题No point (in) doing sth 做某事没有意义 39. participate in 参与 40. distract from 分心 41.by this time 到这时为止知识要点1. addict v./n瘾君子 a drug addict addition n. 沉迷,瘾 addictive/addicted adj.上瘾的 be addicted to 沉迷于2. likely adj.可能的;有希望的;适合的 adv.或许, 可能he is the likeliest candidate./He is the likeliest person for this job.it is likely that=it is possible/ probable thatit/sb. is likely to do=it is possible/ probable (for sb.) to doNot likely! 不可能!才不呢!(强调否认或拒绝)3. tooto 太而不能/ 前有never tooto,表示肯定: it is never too late to learn.活到老,学到老(补充):tooto结构中带有表示某种心情或描绘性的形容词或副词,如ready, eager, satisfied, kind, willing, easy, anxious等加动词不定式结合成一个不可分割的状态、态度、倾向或心情等,并且其后的不定式不是说明too的具体内容,而是修饰形容词,不定式就不再表示结果。如Comrade Lei Feng was too ready to help others.雷锋同志乐于助人。4. everWhatever不管/无论什么,用法与what类似引导状语从句:whatever (=no matter what)happens, you shouldnt lost heart. Whatever (=no matter what) great difficulty you meet, you shouldnt give up引导名词性从句:you should tell whatever happened./whatever he did is for you good.注:引导名词性从句不能用no matter what, whichever, whoever同样用法5. 辨析offer(sth. to sb./sb. sth.), supply(sth. to sb./sb with sth.) & provide(sth for sb./ sb. with sth.) 另: offer to do sth.主动提出6. allow, permit, forbid, advise +doing sth./ sb. to do sth.比较: allow (允许)& permit(许可,比较正式)7. advise doing / advise sb. to do sth. / advise that (从句中谓语动词用+动词原形构成的虚拟语气)suggest doing / suggest sb. (sb.s) doing / suggest that (建议) (从句中谓语动词用+动词原形构成的虚拟语气) / suggest that (暗示, 表明) (从句中谓语动词用陈述语气)8. mind的不同词性和用法, 特别注意:Do you mind if I do? Would you mind if I did?in ones mind / to ones mind / change ones mind / make up ones mind / never mind9. 辨析: affect(一般不好的影响/感染, have an effect on), effect(come into effect/in effect) & influence(潜移默化的影响)10. 辨析: know(知道,认识) & recognize(承认,意识到./认出,辨认出recognise.as/ tecogniseby/from通过识别)11. 比较: nearby(无比较级), near, nearly(几乎,差不多)12. against的不同含义: 反对; 靠着; 顶着; 迎着; 映衬语法要点1. 不定式和动名词作宾语及其不同含义2. 不定式作状语的用法(表目的,结果,原因)1)目的 to do/in order to/ so as to2)结果 only to find(结果发现)/enough to./ too.to/ soas to/ suchas to3)原因 在happy和glad后直接表原因 I am glad to see you again.sothat 与 suchthat引导的结果状语从句; so that引导结果状语从句和目的状语从句的区别必修二Module 3重点词组1. take (make) a note (notes) of / take note of2. changeinto3. of all time e有史以来/ of the time4. encourage sb. to do sth.5. go deaf / blind/ mad (crazy) / hungry / bad 6. mixwith (and)7. be happy (satisfied, pleased, content) with 8. split up分裂,分割,离异/婚9. be popular with / among 10. at an early age11. have genius / gift / talent fora talented musician 12. work as13. may (might) as well do / may well (很可能) 14. be similar to / be similar in15. compare notes with sb.与某人交换意见 16. music instruments 乐器17. a leading/top composer一个优秀的/首席作曲家 18. receive many prizes获得了许多奖19. have a deep influence/effect on对有深远的影响 20. No way! 没门, 不可能 21. impress sb. with sth. / impresson (upon) / be impressed by (at, with) 22. at an early age 23. jointo / join in / join sb. in (doing) sth / join together / join up 24. download music25. lose interest in/get lost = lose ones way/be lost in thought 限于沉思之中lose heart/26 be composed of=consist of=be made up of 由 组成 27. As time goes by/on 随着时间的流逝28. make a record /录制唱片keep / hold a record保持记录set a record创记录 break a record打破记录29. sb. is impressed with/by sth.某人对sth印象深刻sth. make a good impression on sb.某事给sb留下好印象30 if so如果这样的话 / if not如果不是这样/ if any 如果有/ if possible如果有可能/ if necessary如果有必要知识要点1. audience的用法(联想: family, team, group, government等集合名词)比较: voice, sound & noise 2. appear的用法和比较:appear, look & seem3. 系动词的种类:表状态: be, keep, remain, stay, seem, appear, 表感官: look, sound, taste, smell, feel表变化: get, become, turn, grow, come, go, fall, run, 表结果: prove, turn out, work out4. 比较句型:a)It is / has been + 时间段 + since 从句(过去式的时间状语从句)从句谓语为瞬间动词,正常翻译its ten years since I moved to this city.从句谓语为延续性动词,否定翻译,不做有多长时间了。It is nearly 5 years since I smockedb)It was / will be + 时间段 + before从句:在之前有一段时间it wont be long before you understand it.c)It was + 时间点 + when 从句:当的时候时间是it was past one o clock when he came in.d)It is / was + 被强调部分 + that /who 语法要点1. 时间状语从句when, while & as和过去完成时的用法2. 强调句型 It is/was + 主语/宾语/状语 + that (who) + 句子其余部分 对“ not until”强调,用It is/was not until that 对特殊疑问句的强调, 用 特殊疑问词+ is it that + 句子其余部分 Where did he see Li Ming yesterday? Where was it that he saw Li Ming yesterday?3. 当way 作先行词时,用that / in which / 不用 (引导定语从句)4. By the time的用法到为止,主句一般用过去完成时。He had left by the time we reached home.2)当的时候,如果只说过去发生的状况,用过去时。By the time we arrived the meeting was over. 5. find/ make/ feel/ think/ believe/ consider + it + adj./n. + to do 结构We believe it possible to change our life by learning.6. 主语+ be + adj. + to do 结构1). What he said is difficult to understand.2). The book is easy to read.3). Chair is comfortable to sit on.7. do you think 作插入语的用法你认为他们何时会得出结论?When do you think they will come to a conclusion ? 你认为我会怎么处理这件事?How do you think I can deal with this matter?其他插入语:do you believe/ suppose/ imagine/ guess/ expect/ suggest注意:do you suggest 所在的句子要用虚拟语气,即should+ do, should 可以省略必修二Module 4重点词组1. be (get) tired of / be (get) tired with (from) 2. in style (以风格)3. be crazy about sb. / sth. / like crazy / drive sb. crazy 4. be fond of / be into5. fight (meet) ones match / match against (with) 6. cant stand 7. be adopted into / be adopted from 8. start a(n)movement9. by nature / in nature 10. come true11. put off / put on / put aside / put up with/put down 12. succeed in doing sth.13. beyond expression/imagine/description/ 14. develop an interest in15. sth. occurs to sb. / It occurs to sb. that 16.in reality / in fact / in effect / as a matter of fact17. tellfrom / tellapart把区分开/tell by从可以看出18. Dont mention it. / not to mention19. keep sb. alive / stray alive / come alive / bringalive / be alive with20. attempt to do / make an attempt to do (at doing) sth. / at the first attempt21. make a promise (to do sth.) / carry out ones promise / keep ones promise / break ones promise22. in favor of / ask a favor / do sb. a favor (do a favor for sb.) / in sb.s favor (in the favor of sb.23. be delighted to do sth. / (much) to ones delight / take delight in / be delighted with 24. behind the scene / set the scene for / on the scene25. prefer (doing) sth. / prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. / prefer to do rather than do / prefer sb. to do sth. / prefer that + 主语 + (should) + v.26. aim at (doing) sth. / aim to do sth. / be aimed at / achieve ones aim / take aim at27. observe sb. do sth. (doing sth.) / observe sb. / sth. done28. stand for / stand by / stand out / stand up / stand up for / stand up to / stand down / stand still / stand (doing) sth.知识要点1. consider的用法1)译作“认为”时,有下列句型consider sb./sth.(to be/as)认为某人是sb./sth. is considered (to be/as)某人被认为是sb is consideredto have done sth. 某人被认为做了某事consider itadj.to do sth. 认为做某事是2)译作“考虑”时,consider doing2. adopt vt.1) They adopted my suggestion. 采纳2) The poor child was adopted by the couple. 收养3) Hes not my real father; Im adopted. 收养3. 可接不定式作宾语的动词有:afford ,agree, aim, attempt, decide, expect, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, want ,wish, turn “疑问词+不定式”也可作宾语,这样的动词有 teach, show, discuss, decide等。完成句子. So far they havent decided when to leave. . They are discussing how to deal with this problem. She practises playing the piano every day. 4. v-ing 作宾语 下列动词通常直接v-ing作宾语finish, enjoy, mind, miss, keep, avoid, imagine, practice, suggest, risk, appreciate, admit等 , 一些动词词组由“动词+介词”组成的他们的后面也接v-ing 作宾语。常见的有:look forward to, get used to , put off, believe in, dream of , think of , give up, insist on, feel like, 等等。5. 有些动词接不定式和v-ing 作宾语意义不同,forget/remember to do忘了、记着要去做某事 forget /remember doing 忘了、记得做过某事regret to do 遗憾要做某事 regret doing 后悔做了某事mean to do 打算要做 mean doing 意味着语法要点1. situation;point;case;experience;story;family 这类词充当先行词时常用where或相应介词which。happen vi. 发生 (不能用于被动语态。)相关的短语: sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 happen to do 碰巧做 happen to be doing 碰巧正发生 happen to have done 碰巧做过 = It happens that + 从句关系代词引导的定语从句1)不用that, 只能用which的情况:a) 引导非限定性定语从句时 The tree, (which is four hundred years old,) is very famous here. b) 介词后不能用 Gun control is a subject, (about which Americans talked a lot.)2) 不用which, 只能用that的情况: a) 在不定代词,如:anything, nothing, everything, all, much, few, any, little等作先行词时, b) 先行词有the only, the very, the just修饰时,只用that。 He is the very man (that helped the girl out of the water) . c) 先行词为序数词(the last)、形容词最高级时,只用that。. The first English book (that I read) was “The Prince and the Pauper” by Mark Twin . d) 先行词既有人,又有物时。He talked about the teachers and schools( that he visited). e)当主句是以who 或which 开始的特殊疑问句时,用that 以避免重复。必修二Module 5重点词组1. now that= since 2. make a visit3. land safely安全着陆 4. in space在太空中5. at the start/beginning of在开始时 6. more or less或多或少7. wishsuccess/luck祝成功/好运 8. come on来吧,快点,得了吧9. take a photograph of/ take photographs of 10. play a part in在中扮演角色,起作用 11. daily newspaper日报home news国内新闻 12. international news 国际新闻13. cultural events 文化事件 14. financial reports 财政报道15. in space / make space for / sendinto space 16. royal family 皇室家族17. in total / in all/ totally/altogether合计,总共18. a five-day visit to China 对中国为期五天的访问19. in surprise / (much) to ones surprise / take sb. by surprise 20. reply to sb. (sth.) / make no reply / in reply to / answer for21. believe sb=believe what sb says相信某人所说的话 believe in / believe it or not22. divideinto把分成(把整体分成部分)be divided into 被分成23. concentrate (ones attention) on/upon 全神贯注于=focus on =be engrossed in=be warpped up in24. fix ones attention/ eyes /thought on/ upon 集中注意力于25. work on从事/ work at / work out / work as / work for / work it / in work / at work / off work / out of work26. take off起飞;脱下;请假;(事业)腾飞/ take apart / takedown / take out / take on / take over / take up知识要点11. 比较aboard与abroad. aboard adv.& prep 在(船、飞机、火车上)-The plane crashed , killing 200 people aboard.-All aboard! 请大家上船/车/飞机Welcome aboard! 欢迎上船/车/飞机区别:abroad/ board A. abroad adv. 在国外go abroad出国-She often goes abroad on business. 她经常因公出国。 B. board n. 木板,董事会v. 上船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等) on board = aboard-I wrote the examples up on the board. -There is still only one woman on the board of directors. 在董事会2. Welcome ( 1 ) vt 欢迎,迎接 ( 2 ) adj . 受欢迎的(3)随意的.You are welcome to stay with us as long as you like . -Thank you for the coffee .- You are welcome .总结:Sb be welcome to do sth 欢迎某人干某事be welcome to sth./ to do sth. “可随意取用某物或做某事”。You are welcome . 不用谢,别客气。11. add的用法(加/增添/累计)Addto把加到中去add some hot water to the strong coffee.Add up把加起来can you add these figures up?Add up to加起来总和为Add(补充说到/又说) “I hope you can come here with your family”, he added.4. 比较: congratulate(祝贺) & celebrate(庆祝)congratulations (on sth.) / congratulate sb. on sth. / celebrate sth.11. success的用法及其同根词的用法 succeed in doing sth. / be successful in / with success / achieve success11. replace v, 替换,代替 instead of(可放在句首)否定后面的内容,instead放在句尾否定前面的内容Take the place of 接管,不可放在句首 in place of可与instead of互换take ones place代替某人11. 比较: nearly & almost都是adv“几乎,差不多”Almost一般不带语气,表示“这事已经这样了”可修饰more than, too, nothing, nobody, nowhere, no one, none, never等词,而nearly不可以。Not almost还没有那么多Nearly一般有点语气,表示“这事情居然都已经这样了” not nearly远非,完全不event的用法n.大事,事件,项目in any event(无论如何), in that event(在这种情况下), in the event(结果,到头来), in the event of(如若)9.比较: event(大事,事件,有重大影响或运动比赛项目), affair(事物,事件,私事foreign affairs), business(生意,商业) & matter(口语事情,麻烦)incident(突发事件,变故)10抽象名词具体化, 如: success, failure, surprise, reality, shock, pleasure等11部分否定和全部否定语法要点.1. 连词有:because,as,since,now that, seeing that, considering that,because通常表示直接的、主要的原因,从句通常置于句尾,也可置于句首,语气比较强回答why提出的问题;as和since表示明显的、已知的原因,从句通常放在句首;for表示补充说明或推测的原因,从句必须后置,且必须用逗号和主句分开。(1)because由因导果,because从句是全句最重要的部分,通常它被置于主句之后。You want to know why Im leaving? Im leaving because Im full.(2)for语气较because要弱得多,只能置于主句之后,对前面主句的内容加以解释或推断如:Its morning now, for the birds are singing.(很显然,鸟叫不可能是“现在已是早上”的原因。)(3)since,as“既然,由于”,它们通常被置于语句之前,但有时却相反。Seeing all of the children already seated, he said,“Since everyone is here, lets start.”(4)下列情况下只能使用because:在回答why的问句时; 在用于强调句型时; 被not所否定时。 (5) 一些介词短语同样可以表示原因,这样的短语有:because of, thanks to, due to, owing to, as a result of等。- He couldnt walk because his leg was broken/ because of his broken leg-They stayed in because the weather was bad/because of the bad weather必修二Module 6重点词组 1. be / fall in love (with) 2. belong to sb.属于某人3. a martial arts film4. get back5. tell of谈及6. as far as / so far as7. film reviews, book reviews 影评,书评 8. every now and then 9. care about关心

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