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Module 1 一根据汉语补全单词(10分) l_fe(生活) d_ff_r_nt (不同的) t_l_v_sion(电视机) f_re(炉火) gr_ndch_ldren(外孙子、女) h_ _se(房子) fi_ld(田地) h_pe(希望) r_d_o(收音机) _go(以前)二选出每组中不同类的单词(5分) ( )1. A.changing B.were C.cooked ( )2. A.television B.radio C.life ( )3. A.small B.big C.fire ( )4. A.sister B. grandmother C.life( )5. A.now B.ago C.lady三判断每组单词划线部分字母发音是否一样(一样写T不一样写F)(5分)1.star warm( ) 2. all autumn( )3. hard car ( ) 4.play rain( ) 5.star party( ) 四翻译短语(10分)1.a programme about China_ 2.many years ago_3.lots of buses_ 4.every day _ 5.last night _ 6.cook on a fire_ 7.work in the field _8.an old lady_ 9.how about_ 10.talk about_五写出下列单词的过去式(10分)live_ _ can_ _ do_ _ are_ _ watch_ _ change_have_ is_ talk_ cook_六单项选择(20分)( )1.There isnt _ milk in the bottle. A. some B. any C.many( )2. We lived _ a small house. A.at B. in C.on( )3.Thank you for _ to us. A.talked B. talk C.talking( )4.Its a programme _ food. A.in B. about C.at( )5.There _ any apples on the desk yesterday. A.werent B. were C.arent( )6.He _ China every day. A.miss B. missed C.misses( )7.My mother _ have any new dresses five years ago. A.doesnt B. did C.didnt( )8.Now there _ lots of buses. A.is B. was C.are( )9.She didnt have a television _ a radio. A.or B. and C.but( )10.I _ you are well. A.hoping B. hoped C.hope七选词填空(5分) in to of with for1. Thank you _talking _ us. 2.I watched TV _ my grandma.3.There are lots _ books. 4.Life was different _ China.八用be的适当形式填空(5分)1.There_(be) some big houses now.2. There_(be) an old TV two years ago.3. There_(be) some bikes many years ago.4. There_(be) a pen on the desk now.5. There_(be) lots of small houses ten years ago.九选择正确答句(10分)( )1.Did he have a radio? A. No,it isnt.( )2.Is it a programme about food? B. No,he didnt.( )3.Were there any cars? C.No,there arent.( )4.Are there many buses? D.Yes ,there were.( )5.Did she have enough food? E.Yes ,she did.十连词成句(10分)1. in we a house lived small (. )_2. have television a she didnt (. )_3. lots buses there cars are of and (. )_4. werent any there buses (. )_5. fields worked she the in(. )_十一阅读理解,判断对错。(正确的写T, 错误的写F)(10分)Many years ago, my mother was a teacher.She was in a small school. All the children liked her.She was a good teacher. Now she doesnt work. She likes children. She helps me and my friends with our homework.We love her very much.1.My mother was a driver. ( ) 2.She worked in a big school. ( )3. She was a good teacher. ( ) 4.She doesnt like children. ( )5. We love her very much. ( )Module2一根据汉语补全单词(6分)L_ar_t(学习)th_se(这些)d_nc_r (舞蹈演员)r_ti_ed(退休的)h_rd(努力地)cl_th_s(衣服)二翻译短语(10分)1.lots of Chinese cities_2.foreign languages_3. in his class_ 4.an English teacher_5.study very hard_ 6.learn English_7.teach Chinese_ 8.wear these clothes_9.my grandparents_ 10.a good pupil_三写出单词的正确形式(10分)1.wear(现在分词)_2.dancer(动词)_3.city(复数)_ 4.learn(过去式)_5.learn(同义词)_ 6.teach(过去式)_ 7.study(过去式)_8.teach(现在分词)_9.make(过去式)_ 10.dance(过去式)_四选出划线部分读音不同的一项(5分)( )1A.draw B.snow C.saw ( )2. A.cat B.class C.pass ( )3. A.party B. park C.warm ( )4. A.hard B.warm C.car ( )5. A.chair B. here C.hair五选出不同类的一项(10分)()1. A.lived B.cooked C.have D.were()2.A.radio B.house C.telephone D.television()3. A.learnt B.was C.dance D.made()4. A.driver B.write C.teacher D.dancer()5. A.big B.small C.good D.his六单项选择(30分)( )1.-_ not watch TV ? -Because we didnt have a TV. A.What B.Where C.Why( )2.-Did they _English? -Yes, they _English. A.learnt learn B.learn learnt C.learnt learnt( )3.She _ a student ten years ago, but she _ a teacher now. A.is,was B.was,is C.was,was( )4.He is _ English teacher. A.a B.the C. an( )5.She _ very hard many years ago. A.studyed B.study C.studied( )6.-_ is that old lady? -She is my grandmother. A. What B.Who C.Whose( )7.Mr Wang _ Chinese now. A.teach B.is teaching C.taught( )8.She _ very hard every day. A. study B. studied C.studies( )9.He _ English last year. A.learns B. is learning C. learnt( )10.Yesterday my mother _ a cake. A. made B.make C. making( )11.I _ TV at home every night. A. watch B.watched C.watches( )12.Mr Li _ him English five years ago. A. teach B.taught C. teaches( )13.I _ a new bike yesterday. A. buy B. bought C. buys( )14.-_ does Sam go to school? He walks to school. A. What B.How C.Where( )15.This is not Zhang Ming _ Wu Qi ; he is James. A. and B.or C.with七选答语:(10分) ( ) 1、Are there any buses? A. Yes, she did. ( ) 2、Thank you for helping me. B . He was a driver. ( ) 3、Did she learn English? C . Yes,he did. ( ) 4、Where did she cook? D .Because she likes China. ( )5、Is your grandpa learning English?E. Yes, there are.( )6、What did he do ten years ago? F. Ms Gao.( )7、Did Mr Li teach Chinese? G . Youre welcome.( )8、Why is she learning Chinese?H. No,there werent.( )9、Were there any telephones? I. She cooked on a fire.( )10、Who teaches you English? J . Yes,he is.八连词成句(10分)1.English did learn your grandma(?)_2.now hes English learning(.)_3.danced she in lots Chinese of cities(.)_4.Chen Hai an teacher English is(.)_5.Mr Li ago teacher ten a was years(.)_九阅读理解(判断对错。正确的写T, 错误的写F)(10分)My name is Wang Ming. Im sixty years old now. I have a very happy family. I have one son, one daughter, and a granddaughter.However(然而), my life was very different many years ago. At that time, I lived in a small and dirty(脏的)house. My mother cooked on a fire. We didnt have enough food. Now, I livedin a big and nice house. I have a big television. Im very happy now.( )1.Wang Ming has four children.( )2.Wang Mings mother cooked on a fire many years ago.( )3.Wang Ming has a big television now.( )4.Wang Ming doesnt have a happy family.( )5. Wang Ming live in a small and dirty house now.五年级下册单元测试 1-2单元姓名 分数 一 写出下列动词的过去式(10分)1 do 2 are 3 live 4 watch 5 get 6 is 7 learn 8 dance 9 study 10 go 二 用所给动词的正确形式填空(10分) 1 There are lots of_ (bus) now.2. He _ (live) in a small house four years ago.3 Thank you for _ (talk) to me.4. There are not _ (some) cars.5. What did Damming_ (do) yesterday.6. -What did Amy do yesterday? -She _ (watch) TV.7. She_ (be) a student ten years ago.8. Grandmother could not _ (read) or _ (write).9. My grandparents _ (work) in the filed many years ago.10. He did not _ (watch) TV yesterday.三 我是小法官,判断正误。(10分)Many years ago, we lived in a small house. There was a small tree in front of the house. There was a small cat in my house.Now, we live in a big house. There is a big tree in front of the house. There are four cats in my house.( ) 1. There is a big tree beside the house now. ( ) 2. There was a small cat in my house. ( ) 3. We live in a big house now.( ) 4. There are three cats in my house now.( ) 5. Everything is changing.四 单项选择。(10分)( )1. Is this _father? A .you B. yours C. your ( ) 2. Did Sam _English? A. learnt B learning C learn ( ) 3. Last night, Mum _a cake A .made B. make C makes . ( ) 4. -_Ling ling eat a cake? -No, she did not. A Did B. Does C Was ( ) 5.She was a _ five years ago. A dance B danced C dancer ( )6.There werent _buses .A. some B. any C. one( )7 We lived _ a small house. A at B in Con( )8 Yesterday I watched TV _my grandchildren. A and B with C to( )9 Thank you for_ me. A help B helping C helped ( )10. My mother worked _the fields. A in B on C at五 将问句与相应答语连线。(10分)1. Is this your mother? 2. Why was she cry? 3. Who is this? 4. Did he learn English/? 5.What did he do?A Because she was hungry.B He read a book.C Yes, it is. D It is my father.E No, he did not.六 火眼金睛,选出不同类的一项.。(5分)1. ( ) A teacher B taught C pupil2. ( ) A study B teach C Chinese 3. ( ) A book B tree C leaves 4. ( ) A he B my C she5. ( )A China B England C Beijing七连词成句(35分)1.programme Its China a about(.) 2.lots are buses There of cars and(.) 3.in was very many China different Life ago years(.) 4.lot of She in cities danced Chinese (.) 5.she Did languages any foreign learn(?) 6.hope well I are you (.) 7.food didnt enough We have (.) 八用适当形式填空(10分)Ten (year) ago,Mr Wang (is) a teacher.He (teach) Chinese. Susan (is) in his class.She (is) a good pupil.She (study) very hard. Now, Mr Wang is (retire) . Hes (learn) English now. Susan is (an) English teacher.Susan is (teach) him.外研版五年级英语下册module4测试题 一写单词 1. 图书馆 2.找到 3.电脑光盘 4. 带来 5.使用 6. 卡片 7.简单的 8.信息 9 时间表 10字典 11. 报纸 12. 图书馆 二词型转换及翻译词组1.find(同义词) 2.find(过去式) 3.easy(反义词) 4.bring(对应词)_5.buy(过去式) 6.制作一个电子贺卡_ 7.擅长 _ 8. 去图书馆 _ 9.借书证 _ 10 给你 _ 11.还回 _ 12.在这张时刻表上 _ 13.在这本字典里_ 14.查找 _ 15.library card 16.谈论 17.在炉火上 18.在两周内 19.the books about computer 三按要求写单词1. change(现在分词) 2.study(过去式) 3. teach(三单) 4. sandwich(复数) 5. drive(名词) 四找出读音不同的一项 ( )1. A. eat B. peach C. breakfast( )2. A. play B. Sunday C. today ( )3. A. die B. lie C. in ( )4. A. girl B. bird C.tired ( )5. A. high B. never C. night ( )6. A.piece B. lie C. die ( )7. A. hear B. wear C. pear ( )8. A.head B. meat C.bread ( )9. A. pizza B. dinner C. like ( )10. A. in B. it C. ice 五、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.What (be) you going to (do) tomorrow ?2.I want (make) an e-card for you .3.He left his homeland(家乡)many years ago ,now he (miss) his homeland very much. 4.They (drink) some juice last weekend .5. Thank you for (buy)me a new bag.六、单选 ( )1. Lets the library . A. go B. go to C. to ( )2.I want _ an e-card _ Mum. A.to make ;at B. make ; for C. to nmake ;for ( )3. Where can you the book ? In the bookstore . A. look for B. find out C. find ( )4. I t is easy _ a computer.A. to B. with C. at ( )5. I can use it the computer .A. in B. on C. at ( )6.Well bring _ your radio _ two days A. back,in B.with,after C. back,into( )7. Where can you find out about ? In the Zoo. A. animals B. animal C. animals( )8. is so easy .A. Every B. Thing C. Every thing ( )9._ dose the rain come from?It comes from the clouds A.What B. Where C. When( )10.I can find it _ the library and use it _ the computer. Ain;on B. in;in C. at;in( )11. Many years ago ,we didnt have a TV a computer. A. and B. or C. 不填( )12. Lingling is still England her friends A. with;in B.at;with C. in;with( )13.Whose sweater is it? Maybe its A. Mary B. Mary s C. Marys( )14.Please give the pen Jim A. in B.for C. to( )15. Whats this English? A. on B.from C.in( )16.What did she have lunch? A. in B.with C. for( )17.She rice and meat yesterday. A. have B.has C. had( )18.English food is delicious. its very different. A. But B.And C. or( )9.Tom eggs and sausages this morning. A. has B.have C. had( )20.What the email say? A. is B.dose C. do五、选择配伍 ( )1. Whoses that girl? A. Its on the box. ( )2.Are these bags? B. Its my sister. ( )3. Whos the pen? C.Yes, they are.( )4.Did they meet John? D.Yes, they did.( )5.Where did you go? E.I went the Great Wall.六、连词成句。 1.Lingling like a sandwich hamburgers because had she dosent . 2.Sam in Amy with and Lingling is England still . 3.she any Did foreign learn languages ?4.a with Its easy computer !5.one Try in this white .外研版(三起)五年级英语下册Module 5测试题一、补全单词(5分) l_ght(轻的) h_ _vy(重的) br_ken(坏的)p_ck_t(口袋) h_rd(困难的)二、翻译短语(10分)1.take it to China_ 2.buy you a new one_ _3.big and light 4.at the Department Store_ _5.this black bag_ 6.easy for you 7.too big for you_ _ 8.this one in white_ _9.heavy for him 10.look at_ _三、选出不同类的一项(10分)( )1.A.broken B.nice C.pocket ( )2.A.blue B.new C.black( )3.A.bring B.take C.wheel ( )4.A.can B.buy C.will( )5. A.light B.heavy C.pockets四、选出发音不同的一项(5分)( )1. A.boat B.coat C.now ( )2. A.hard B.warm C.car ( )3. A.boy B.toy C.play ( )4. A.easy B.heavy C. please( )5. A.white B.high C.big五、根据要求写单词(10分)love(形容词)_ _ heavy(反义词)_ difficult(近义词)_ _Ill(完整形式)_ Its got(完整形式)_ _六、单项选择(20分)( )1.Look _ your book, please. A.in B.on C.at( )2.The blue bag is easy _ you. A.to B.for C.of( )3.You cant _ the broken bag _ China. A.taketo B.takefor C. tookto( )4.The red dress is _ small for me . A.so B.too C.to( )5.Do you like the blue _? A.one B.a C.an( )6.The small bag _ got two wheels. A.has B.have C.had( )7.English is hard _ the little boy. A.to B.at C.for( )8.The girl _ red is Lingling. A.on B.in C.with( )9.The T-shirt has got a cat _ it. A.in B.on C.with( )10.Try this one _ white. A.for B.on C.in 七、选择正确的选项(10分)1.你打算买走某个东西,你会说 A.Ill take it. B. Here you are.2.如果你想问售货员有没有白色的包,你会说 A.I want to buy a white bag. B. Have you got a white bag?3.如果你想建议别人试穿某件衣服,你会说 A.Try this one, please. B.Why not this one?4.如果你是售货员,见到顾客时,你应该说 A.Can I help you? B. How do you do?5.当别人说谢谢你时,你应该说 A.Dont thank me. B. Thats all right八、连词成句(10分)1.this/ is/ blue/ and/ big /one /light(.) 2.it / for/ will /easy /be /you(.) 3.its/ for/ big/ you/ too(.) 4.have/ got/ small/ a /one/ you(?) 5.got/ its/ a /on /it /panda(.) 九、选词填空(10分) with to too in for 1.Its _ heavy for you. 2.Try that one _ black.3.You can take it _ China. 4.Itll be easy _ you.5.Its easy _ a computer.十、阅读短文,判断对(T)错(F)(10分)Im Lucy. My old bike is broken. I cant ride it to school. So my mother bought a new one for me today. Its small but beautiful. Its blue.Its my favourite colour. It has got a big basket(车筐). I can put my bag in it. I can ride my new bike to school from Monday to Friday. Im very happy.( )1.Lucys old bike is broken.( )2.Lucys father bought her a new bike. ( )3.Lucys favourite colour is red.( )4.Lucys new bike has got a basket. ( )5.Lucy rides her new bike to school .


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