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.Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section A 2d3c第2课时【学习目标】1、重点单词: headache, break, hurt, herself, 2、短语:have a fever, take breaks/take a break in the same way go to a doctor.3、句型:Are you OK? Do you have a fever? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. What should she do? She should take her temperature. Should I put some medicine on it? Yes, you should. /No, you shouldnt. 【重点】使用should, shouldnt 给出合理的建议。【难点】根据不同的病症给出多个合理建议。【自学指导一】自读对话2d两次,把握大意,划出不懂之处并自己查字典解决。4分钟。【自学检测一】完成下列句子。1、你还好吗? Are you _? 2、我该怎么办? _ should I _?3、我应该量体温吗? Should I _ _ _?4、我头疼。 I have _ _.5、你周末做什么了? What_ you_ on the _?6、你应该离开电脑休息一下。You need to _ _ _ _the computer. 7、我认为你应该躺下来休息。I think you should _ _ and rest.【达标检测】一、短语翻译:1、休息 _ _2、没有移动 _3、以相同的方式 _ 4、听起来像_5、割伤自己 _ 6、让自己受伤_7、在伤口上敷点药_ 8、跌倒_二、单项选择。1、( )【2012曲靖中考】I didnt sleep well last night, because I _ a toothache . A. was B. went C. had D. took2、( )【2013山东莱芜】Tony, Whats _ matter with you? I have _ toothache. A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /3、( ) Mr. Smith eats _ food, so hes _ fat. A .much too; too much B .too many; much too C. too much; too much D. too much ;much too4、( )【2013孝感】Why are you so tired these days? Well, I have _ homework to do. A. too much B. too many C . much too D. many too 5、( ) You _ be quiet when you are in the reading room. A. should B. shouldnt C. can D. cant 6、( )【2013安徽】You _ drive your car so fast. Its very dangerous. A. wouldnt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. mightnt7、( ) David needs _ a good rest. A. has B. to have C. have 8、( )【2013连云港】30. Id like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie? I prefer coffee _ sugar. A. than B. for C. with D. to9、( ) The boy isnt _ to dress himself. A. old enough B. enough old C. old10、( ) Im sorry to break your pen. _ A. Thats right B. It doesnt matter C. Thank youUnit 1 Whats the matter?Section A Grammar4c 第3课时【学习目标】1、重点单词:herself 2、短语:hurt oneself have a sore throat put some medicine on take ones temperature Fall down lie down3、句型:Whats the matter with ? She should put some medicine on the cut. She should lie down and rest.【达标检测】一、短语翻译:1. 伤着自己 2. 给伤口上药_ 3. 切到自己 _ 4. 量体温 _ 5. 摔倒 _ 6. 做个X光检查_四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Im feeling terrible, I have a _ (stomach).2.You should _ (drink) enough water every day. Our body needs much water.3.I think everyone has two_(foot)4.When you have a stomachache, you shouldnt eat _(something).五、选择填空。1. You should _ more water when you have a fever.A. drinks B. drinking C. drinked D. drink2. _ did the headache start? - About two hours ago.A. When B. What C. where D. How3. I cant sleep, so I _ listen to quiet music, and I _ listen to exciting music.A. should; should B. shouldnt; shouldnt C. should; shouldnt D. can; dont4.David _ a stomachache. So he _ eat anything 24 hours.A. has, should B. has , shouldnt C. have, shouldnt D. had, shouldnt5.-I have a sore throat. What should I do? _You should drink hot tea _honey.A. of B. in C. with D. about.1.Whats wrong with you?(同义句) Whats _ _ with you?2.My back hurts(痛)(同义句) I have _ _ back.3.He should eat something(否定句) He _ eat _.或者 He should eat _.4 .That sounds good. (同义句) Thats a_ _.5.I have a toothache, I should visit a dentist.(同义句)I have a toothache, I _ to _ a dentist.Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section B 1a-2a 第4课时【学习目标】1、重点单词:bandage sick knee nosebleed hurt hit breathing sunburned ourselves2、重点短语:get sunburned feel sick get hit on the head put a bandage on put ones head back put on a clean shirt have a nosebleed重点,难点】 使用should和shouldnt给出合理建议。二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1.He _(have) a headache last week. But now he is _(feel)better.2.Im too _(stress) out, let me listen to some music now.【拓展练习】 一、选择填空。1.How are you? -Im feeling _.A. good B. well C. better D. fun2. _ did the headache start? - About two hours ago.A. When B. What C. where D. How3. I cant sleep, so I _ listen to quiet music, and I _ listen to exciting music.A. should; should B. shouldnt; shouldnt C. should; shouldnt D. can; dont 4 What do you think of their _? Terrific!A、advices B. advice C. suggestiones D. suggest.Unit 1 Whats the matter?Section B 2b2e 第5课时【学习目标】1、重点单词:risk accident situation kilo rock knife blood importance decision control spirit death 2、重点短语: be used to doing take risks cut off use sth to do sth the importance of make a good decision have the sane spirit be in control of 【拓展练习】一、根据所给词的正确形式填空。 1. My grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stay _(health) every day.2.Its easy _(say), but difficult _(do).3.Its important for us to eat a b_ diet to have a healthy lifestyle .二、选择正确答案。1.Its _ to eat mooncakes in China. A. tradition B. traditional C. awful D. stressed out2.You are always angry, maybe you have_ “yang”. A. too B. too many C. much too D. too much四、写出下列短语1. 的重要性 _ 2. 做决定 _3. 掌握 _ 4. 放弃 _5. 继续做 _ 6. 冒险 _7. 习惯于 _ 8. 切除 _9. 失血过多 _ 10. 处境危险_Unit 2 Section A 1a-Grammar Focus 【学习目标】1.重点词汇用法及短语动词用法。2.学会施用“I will”,“I would like”等句型,向别人提供帮助。【重点、难点】重点词汇用法及短语动词用法。【导学指导】温故知新 给下列单词1)-6)加上-ful, 7)-10)加上-less,并写出其汉语意思。1)use 2)care 3) success 4)beauty 5)color 6)wonder 7)home 8)help 9)care 10)use 自主互助学习 一、自主预习1. 译一译,读一读,背一背1)饥饿 2)无家可归的 3)标牌 4)广告 5)创办 6)打扫干净 7)使振奋起来 8)分发 9)建立,建造 10)推迟 11)想出 12)清洁日 13) sick children 14)at the food bank 15)after-school study program 16)make a plan 1. You could help clean up the city parks.1)help作动词,“帮助”。help sb.(to)do=_.帮助某人做某事如:He often helps me(to)study English.=_.2)help作名词,“帮助”。如:_. 谢谢你的帮助。3) clean 可用作形容词,意为“清洁的,干净的”,此外clean 可用作动词,用于以下词组:clean up 打扫清洁或收拾整齐,整理。clean out 打扫某物内部(如:房间,抽屉,箱子等)clean-up (名词)打扫,清洁。练一练:Its time for you to _ your bedroom. I will help you _ the school. Tomorrow is _day, everyone should try to do some cleaning.2. sick和ill的用法区别sick是形容词,生病的,同义词是ill。区别在于sick在句中可做 语和 语,而ill只能做 语。如:His father was /sick yesterday, so he didnt go to work.他的父亲昨天病了, 因此他没有去上班。Tom has looked after the sick girl for a week. 汤姆看顾那个生病的小女孩已经一星期了。别的,当ill意为坏的,恶劣的时,在句中可做定语。如:He is an ill child.他是一个坏孩子。3.set up, establish和build的用法区别:1) set up意为“开办,建立,主要用于组织、机构、公司、学校”等。相当于open up或build up.2) establish意为“建立,建造,设立”,一般指建立某个国家、组织、团体等概念的东西。相当于found(建立)。3) build意为“制作,设置装备摆设”,是一般用语,偏重动工建筑,常指制作大东西,如房屋、桥梁、道路等。试比较:set up a school_ build a school_ China was founded in 1949. 。4. We cant put off making a plan.1)put off推迟、取消(会议,约会等),动副词组,后跟动词时应用其-ing形式,代词作宾语需放在put和off中间。例如:_until tomorrow what can be done today.今天可以做的事情不要推到明天。Please dont put off _your homework.请你们不要拖延做作业。2) make a plan 意为_. make a plan to do sth_.3) 归纳关于put的词组 。【课堂练习】 从方框中选择恰当的词组,并用其适当形式填空。clean up, put up, cheer up, set up, come up with, give out ,put off, call up1. He has a lot of work to do, so he has to _going to the doctor.2. Could you help me _ these new books?3. Dont worry. Ill help _your room.4. Lets _the sick kids in the hospital.5. In the end, Grandma _ a good idea.6. Would you please not _signs here?7. Were going to _a food bank to help hungry people.8. Ill _you_ as soon as I come back.【要点归纳】 重点词汇用法及短语动词的用法。【拓展练习】 根据汉语提示完成句子1. We cant _ (推迟) holding a meeting .2. He is a great man. Hed like to help _(无家可归)people.3. He came very early, so that he could help _(清扫)the floor .4. The football team won the game, and the football fans _(高声欢呼).5. Suddenly he _(想出了) a good idea .6. They planned to _(建立) a student volunteer project at the school .Unit 2 Section A 3a-4 (1课时)【学习目标】1. 掌握重点词汇、句型的运用。2. 运用语言和语法知识进行阅读并理解文章的意思。【重点、难点】掌握重点词汇、句型的运用,阅读能力的提高。【导学指导】温故知新翻译短语。1)建立,建造 2)计划做某事 3)使振奋起来 4)推迟 5)花费做某事 6)第77中学 7)帮组某人做某事 8)不仅而且 自主互助学习 一、 自主预习 1.词汇检测:译一译,读一读,记一记1) 训练,指导 2) 志愿者 3)elementary 4) major 5) veterinarian 6) commitment 7) leave school 8) put this love to good use 2. 认真预习3a,完成3a,3b的任务。二、知识点拨1. Number 77 High School is home to three very special young people.1)be home to sb 意为“是的家园”,to 为介词,后加名词、代词,如果跟副词如here, there 等要省略介词 . 如:( )He was born in London, but now Pairs is home _ him. A. for B. to C. with D. about 2)Number 77 缩略形式为 。2. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.我不仅对帮助别人感到愉快,而且我也开始花时间做我喜欢做的事情。1)not only but (also) 意为 ,连接两个单句时,not only可以放在句首,表示强调,这时句子要用部分倒装,即将谓语动词的一部分(如情态动词、助动词do, does, did, have, has ,had等)放在 语的前面,而 but also后的句子仍用陈述句语序; 当它连接的成分作主语时,谓语动词应与but(also)后的成分保持一致,即 原则。e.g. Not only you but also he is wrong. 跟踪练习:(1) Do you think most of the people in Beijing can talk with foreigners in English ? Yes, I think so. _ the young _ the old are learning to speak English. A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Between; and D. Not only; but also(2) Not only Jim but also his sister _ a few cities in the south since they came in China. A. will visit B. has visited C. have visited D. visited2)get to do sth 意为“逐渐做”表示一个渐进的过程。e.g. I get to love sandwiches now. .3.This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week, so it is a major commitment.这份义工每周花了他们每个人好几个小时的时间,所以这是一个重大的贡献。each与every的用法each指一个整体中的每一个,强调个体;every着重于全体的总和,强调整体。试比较:_has a different book. (强调各有不同。)Here child at the age of six can go to school. (侧重整体,无一例外。)each可作形容词及代词,而every只能作形容词,但可与-one,-body,-thing等构成复合代词。each用在代词或复数名词前要用介词of连接,如each of them, each of the boys; every不能直接跟of连接,如不可以说every of them,而要说every one of them或each of them。every还可以表示“每”,后接基数词加名词,如every four weeks , every three months 等,此种结构中的every不能用each代替。She had a rest . 她每5分钟就休息一会儿。【课堂练习】找出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。( )1.The child looked sad. Lets cheer him up. A. happy B. make him happier C. shouted D. give a help( )2. Were going to set up a project to help hungry people. A. start B. give up C. get up D. turn up( )3. They need to come up with some ideas. A. think about B. help with C. think up D. think over( )4. Id like to help the kids do their homework.A. help doing B. help with C. give a help D. give a hand( )5. When he grows up, he wants to be a doctor for animals. A. great man B. vet C. good doctor D. kind of animal【要点归纳】 掌握重点词汇、句型的运用,阅读能力的提高。【拓展练习】 单项选择。( )1. Not only _ run his machine, but _ repair it. A. can he; he can B. he can; he can C. he can; can he D. can he ; can he ( )2. Not only _ polluted but _ crowded. A. was the city ; were the streets B. the city was; were the streets C. was the city; the streets were D. the city was; the streets were ( )3. Not only _ me to a meal , but also he bought me a present. A. did he invite B. he invited C. had he invited D. he had invited( )4. The two girls were very happy because _ of them had passed the math exam. A. both B. all C. neither D. none( )5. Did you _ much money on the car ? A. cost B. pay C. spend D. takeUnit 2 Section B 1 a-2 c【学习目标】 2.掌握短语:run out of, take after, fix up, give away. 【重点、难点】掌握短语:run out of, take after, fix up, give away的运用及听力技能提高。【导学指导】温故知新 用所给词的适当形式填空1) Lets cheer _ (they)up, ok?2) Id like _ (visit)my English teacher tomorrow.3) Ill feel good about _ (help)the old people.4) He _(spend) every morning _ (do)some sports.5) They plan _ (buy) a big house.自主互助学习 一、自主预习1. 译一译,读一读,背一背1)相似的 2)修理 3)修理(短语) 4)与相像 5)用完,耗尽 6)赠送,捐赠 2. 自主预习完成1a,1b.(必要时查查字典)二、合作探究1辩一辩 take after & look like1)take after 由于血缘关系而(外貌、性格等方面)相似,和 意义接近。如:I take after my mother。我像我妈妈。2) look like 看起来像(多指外貌),如:He his mother. 他长得像他妈妈。2. 辩一辩 fix,repair& mendrepair 用于建筑、堤坝、机器、车辆等的修理;fix是美语用法,等于repair; mend一般用于衣服,鞋袜等小东西,偶尔也用于道路、门窗等。练一练:Can you my bike? 你给我修修自行车行吗?He is a road. 他正在修路。3. run out of 意为_, 相当于 _.I have run out of my pocket money. 同义句:_.【课堂练习】从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出一个意义不同的选项。( )1. A. set upB. startC. establishD. set off( )2. A. take afterB. look afterC. look likeD. be similar to( )3. A. give outB. hand outC. give awayD. put away( )4. A. notany longerB. no longerC. notat allD. no more( )5. A. work outB. mendC. fix upD. repair【要点归纳】掌握短语:run out of, take after, fix up, give away的运用及听力技能提高。【拓展练习】 一、词语释义。( )1. She doesnt have any more of it.A. takes afterB. looks outC. runs out ofD. gives away( )2.Have you fixed them up?A. repairB. repairsC. repairingD. repaired( )3. They take after me.A. be similar toB. is similar toC. be similar withD. are similar to( )4.Could you put up the pictures on the wall?A. hangB. takeC. giveD. bring( )5. Did you think up a good idea?A. set upB. cheer upC. come up withD. ran out of( )6.We are no longer students. We should find a job.A. neverB. stillC. noany moreD. notany longerUnit 2 Section B 3a-Self Check9.闲逛,逗留 10.给某人提供 自主互助学习 一、自主预习1.词汇检测。 译一译,读一读,记一记1)张贴,搭建 2)要求,请求 3)分发,发放 4)产生结果,发展 5)(互联网)站点 6)方法,策略 7)hang out 8) a professional singer 9) call-in 10)make money 二、知识点拨The strategies that he came up with worked out fine.他想到的那些办法获得了成功。1)这是一个由that引导的定语从句,先行词是前面的strategies。动词短语worked out在这里作主语the strategies的谓语,意为“产生结果,发展为,结果是”,后面不可接宾语,主语也不用“人”来充当。I wonder how their ideas worked out in practice. 我很想知道他们的想法在实践中取得了什么结果。2)work out 还有“算出”之意。如:I hardly _ the math problem without his help yesterday. 没有他的帮忙,昨天我几乎不能算出这道数学题。【课堂练习】用所给词的形式填空。cheer up ,hunger ,volunteer, advertisement, come up with.1.You could _ in the after-school study program.2.They even hand out _ at a local supermarket.3.They must _ some ideas for solving the problems.4.I am going to take her to the cinema to _ her _.5.Were going to set up a food bank to help _people all over the country.一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Im going to have my TV set _(repair) this Sunday.2. Kathy wants to be a _(profession) singer in the future.3. We put up some ads _(ask) for old clothes and books.4. I came up with ideas for _(make) money to continue my study.5. Many students volunteer their time _(help) poor people.6. Now Jimmy has sixteen bikes _(fix) up and give away the poor children .二、把下列句子中的汉语翻译成英语。1. Dont _(张贴) advertisements here and there.2. Many kind-hearted people _(捐赠)some money and foods to the homeless people in Japan after a terrible earthquake hit it.3. On weekends quite a few students like to _(闲逛)at sports club .4. Jim _(与相像) his father, They are both clever and a bit quiet.5. This math problem is too difficult for me to_(算出)。Unit 8 Section B Reading 【学习目标】1.通过阅读这篇文章, 学会如何向别人表示感谢。2.学习文章中出现的重点单词,词组和句型。3.培养学生的阅读能力。【重点、难点】学会如何向别人表示感谢及掌握文章中出现的重点单词,词组和句型。【导学指导】导入新课 小组讨论书信与文章的不同点,并记录下来。自主互助学习 一、自主预习1. 词汇检测:译一译,记一记1)装满,填满 2)愉快,高兴 3)盲的 4)砻的 5)想像 6)关上 7)搬运,携带 8)特意地,专门地 9)(去)拿来 10)立即,马上 11)disabled people 12)organization 13)be unable to do sth. 14)support 15)appreciate 16)donation 二、合作探究1.You see, Im only able to have a “dog-helper” because of your kind donation!1) 此句中的be able to 意为 “能够做的事”,可用can替换, can只能用于一般现在时和一般过去时(could),而be able to 能用于任何时态。She could dress herself at the age of five. = _. 2)because of 是介词短语,表原因,后面接名词或代词宾语.because 是连词,词后常接从句. He didnt go to school yesterday _his illness. She didnt come to see me _she was ill.2. .Who has filled my life with pleasure. (P66)使我生活充满快乐的人。1)本句中的fill.with.表示一个动作,意为“用装满”,其主语通常是人。He filled the bag with books. 他在书包里装满了书。知识拓展:be filled with表示一个状态,意为“装满了”, ,其主语通常是人或物。Her eyes were filled with tears. .2)pleasure意为“高兴,快乐”,是不可数名词;表示“乐趣,高兴的事”时是可数名词。_gives me great . 读书给了我很多快乐。在口语中Its pleasure. 是回答感谢的客套语。with pleasure 是回答乐意帮助别人的客套话。 Thank you for your help. Would you like to help me with my English? . .pleased是形容词,意为“自己感到高兴的,欣喜的,满意的”,指以任何方式表现出来或未表现出来的满足与快乐,在句中常用作表语,其主语为人。pleasant也是形容词,表示“使人感到愉快满意”,一般用作定语,如主语是物,也可以用作表语。The two friends were very to see each other again.这两个朋友非常高兴再次见面。Its weather today. 今天的天气令人愉快。please是动词,表示“(使)高兴,满意,愉快”。Does the cloth please you? 这布料合你的意吗?3. 辩一辩 : carry, take, bring 与fetch1) carry “搬运、携带”,不说明带的方向 2)take “带走、拿走”,方向:here there3)bring“带来,拿来”,方向: here there跟踪练习:4)fetch“(去)拿来,请来”,方向:here thereA. Can you _the heavy box?B. Dont forget to _your book here.C. My Parents

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