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北京市海淀区2017届高三英语上学期期中试题本试卷共12页,共150分。考试时间120分钟。注意事项:1考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。2答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写。3答题卡上选择题必须用2B铅笔作答,将选中项涂满涂黑,黑度以盖住框内字母为准,修改时用橡皮擦除干净。非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答的均不得分。第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。1. What has the woman got for her mother?A. B. . C. 2. When does the concert start?A. At 6:30PM. B. At 6:50PM. C. At 7:30PM.3. What does the woman think of the scarf?A. Its expensive. B. Its a bargain. C. Its poorly made.4. Why does the woman make the call? A. To make an appointment. B. To make an invitation. C. To make a suggestion.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Places in the brochure. B. Hunting in Alaska. C. Plans for vacation.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. How does the woman feel about starting a band?A. Excited. B. Surprised. C. Unconcerned.7. What kind of music does the man like?A. Music with great lyrics. B. Music he can dance to. C. Music that is loud and noisy.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What stopped the man from going to the game?A. He forgot about the game.B. He didnt really want to go.C. He had to finish his biology project.9. Why did the woman think the game great?A. It was a really close game. B. Her school won the game. C. She got a very good seat.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. On a plane. B. In a restaurant. C. In a car.11. What has the man probably got for a meal?A. A Baked Chicken and coffee. B. A Bean Salad and water. C. A Bean Salad and beer.12. Why cant the man have a diet soda? A. It is not healthy. B. It has run out. C. It is not free.听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。13. What is not offered in other clubs?A. Yoga Studios. B. Boxing Studios. C. Flexibility Center.14. What special rights can club members enjoy?A. They can have a free private training course.B. They can enjoy the whole August for free.C. They dont have to pay membership fee.15. Whats the purpose of the talk?A. To give some fitness instructions.B. To persuade people to join the club.C. To introduce some training programs.第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面一段对话,完成第16至20五道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。听对话前,你将有20秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后, 你将有60秒钟的作答时间。这段对话你将听两遍。 Jerrys Barbecue & Grill CustomerPick-up/DeliveryForm Service TypePick-up Delivery NameDavid OxenAddress679 16 Wexford StreetTelephone No. 17 4168483932 Type & Amount* 18 brown bread with cheese * the Pork Rib Dinner* a glass of 19 orange juicePrice & Payment$29.27, paid by 20 mobile (phone; cell-phone; telephone)第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Does the G20 really include 20 countries? Im not sure. But just a minute, I _ it for you.A. check B. checked C. will check(时态,一般将来时) D. have checked22. _ more about Chinese culture, Michael has applied for a university in China.A. Learn B. Learned C. To learn(非谓语动词,不定式) D. Learning 23. The couple finally bought the car they liked after they _ up for a whole year.A. were saving B. have saved C. would save D. had saved(时态,过去完成时)24. Little Tom has been looking forward to the big day _ he can show his talent at school.A. when(复合句,定语从句) B. which C. where D. that25. Richard swims three times a week after work. This is _ he keeps fit.A. what B. that C. how(复合句,表语从句) D. where 26. The Chinese Women Volleyball Team, _ by Lang Ping, won the gold medal in the Rio Olympics. A. coaching B. coached(非谓语动词,过去分词) C. to be coachedD. having coached27. Different types of teas _ by skilled tea-tasters before appearing in the Tea Trade Centre. A. are tasted(被动语态) B. were tasted C. tasted D. have tasted28. WeChat is so appealing that _ you fall into it, its hard for you to get out of it.A. once(复合句,状语从句) B. since C. though D. unless29. _ to the answer, and then you will find where your problem is.A. To refer B. Referring C. Referred D. Refer(并列句) 30. Hi, Michael, I heard you just came back from a holiday. Yes, I _ for a week in China and 5 days in India.A. stayed(时态,一般过去时) B. have stayed C. stay D. would stay31. China has launched the manned spacecraft Shenzhou-11, _ another milestone in the space program. A. markB. marking(非谓语动词,动词ing)C. markedD. to mark32. _ Tom will win the computer competition remains a secret till next Monday. A. When B. That C. What D. Whether(复合句,主语从句) 33. It is said that people_ reduce the risk of catching some serious diseases by exercising.A. must B. can(情态动词) C. would D. need34. What a sunny day! Yeah! But how I wish the sky _ as blue and clear as it is today forever! A. had been B. will be C. were(虚拟语气) D. has been35. Tina has got a new dictionary and Im eager to have _ as well.A. thatB. itC. thisD. one(代词)第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Back to SchoolI had always longed to get a degree, but raising a family had come first. Now with my last _36_ in middle school, I thought, why not try to _37_ something while I still had the opportunity. When I told my husband Bob my idea, a broad smile lit up his face. “If thats what you _38_, well make it work.” When we asked the kids for advice, they had mixed _39_. Our daughter, already in college, thought it a great idea while John, in high school, was _40_ that we might be in college at the same time. James, our youngest, wanted to know who would take him to football practice. I _41_ that things would be a little different, _42_ if everyone contributed, it wouldnt be difficult. The next day we drove to the community college and after a careful research, I chose to _43_ in occupational therapy (康复理疗) .Days passed in excitement, enrolling(register) in classes, shopping for _44_ and attending orientation(入学指导). I felt like a kid again, but as the first day of classes drew near, I became _45_. I was simply too old. People would laugh at me. Finally, with encouragement from my family and friends, I stuck with my _46_.As I entered my classroom that first morning, I chose a seat in the back, hoping to _47_ attention. For the rest of that day, I did what I saw the other students do, and gradually, my self-consciousness(embarrassment deriving from the feeling that others are critically aware of you) faded. I found the classes and assignments _48_, and I left that day feeling I might survive. By the end of the first week, I had made a few friends.Studying and keeping up with my duties at home was _49_. No sooner would I begin to study than it was time to drive the kids to their activities. Math and science were _50_ my strong subjects, so I devoted more time to those. When the first semester _51_, I had a 4.0 GPA and was placed on the Honor Roll. By the second year, Bob and the kids were all doing their _52_, and I had learned how to comfortably _53_ my school and home life. My hard work paid off. I was awarded a scholarship and got the bachelors degree.As I drove away on the last day of school, I thought about what a difference returning to _54_ had made in my life. I looked much younger and I had more _55_and enthusiasm for life. I even became a therapist. Its never too late to try again. (437词) 名词:7 动词:7 形容词副词:5 连词:136. A. classmate B. child C. studentD. friend37. A. remember B. createC. achieveD. improve38. A. accept B. takeC. offerD. want 39. A. reactions(responses)B. impressions C. requestsD. choices40. A. happy B. horrifiedC. gratefulD. relieved41. A. complained B. noticedC. explainedD. declared42. A. but B. soC. orD. for43. A. fill B. joinC. leadD. major44. A. supplies B. clothesC. instruments D. souvenirs45. A. determined B. confidentC. anxious D. confused46. A. opinion B. decisionC. project D. promise47. A. avoid B. draw C. receiveD. pay48. A. annoying B. depressingC. demanding D. interesting49. A. different B. challengingC. rewardingD. simple50. A. always B. stillC. everD. never51. A. changed B. startedC. ended D. returned52. A. dishes B. deeds C. homework D. share53. A. balance B. saveC. continueD. value54. A. family B. societyC. school D. hospital55. A. time B. energy C. money D. chance第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAfter finishing my teaching for a school year, I thought that I should go back to Montreal, Quebec, my hometown for a visit. My main goal was to relax in preparation for the challenges of my retirement in the coming year.(56题) Through my stay in Montreal, I met lots of Chinese who are struggling to succeed and then lead a better life in Canada.(59题) Some travelled thousands of miles to get knowledge. When I spoke with some of them about the major barrier they had to face after they arrived in Canada, they all talked about the two official languages of Canada.(57题) But I was impressed by their ability to express their ideas while switching between English and French. Almost all of those people said they often felt homesick. They miss their families and friends. Though Montreal has lots of Chinese restaurants, they long for a home-cooked meal. I met some tourists who were trying to realize their childhood dreams of experiencing the life in a developed country. When I asked them if Montreal had lived up to their expectations, they hesitated. They said that reality never agrees with fantasies. However, they were glad to have the opportunity to visit Montreal and didnt regret taking the trip. Not all the Chinese people I met were happy. I once met a young lady who met with a gentleman through the Internet. However, to her disappointment, he disappeared after he promised to marry her in Montreal. I was served by another Chinese person who could not handle the challenges of studying in an English environment and ended up working in a restaurant with minimum pay.Exploring different parts of the world, without any doubt, is an enriching experience. However, one should be realistic when it comes to leaving his hometown to set up a new life in a foreign country. One should take the time to examine the advantages and the shortcomings of the venture before they decide to chase an uncertain dream of achieving success or leading a better life.(58题) 56. The writer went to her hometown to _. A. meet her old friends B. study a new language C. go on with her teaching D. prepare for her retirement life57. The main barrier for some Chinese to get knowledge in Canada is _. A. food B. homesickness C. language D. income 58. The writer thinks that _. A. overseas Chinese are good at communication in Canada B. the trip to Montreal is a good chance for people to study C. overseas Chinese feel disappointed at their life in Canada D. people should think carefully before chasing the dreams abroad59. What is the best title for the passage? A. Improving Life Skills in CanadaB. Exploring Different Parts of Canada C. Struggling for a Better Life in CanadaD. Going to CanadaYour Ideal Destination BHave you ever lost your car on a parking lot? You dont have a clue where your car is after shopping. Then you start walking around clicking on your car keys so the alarm goes off. It can be annoying, especially on a hot sunny day.No, you neednt install(安装) an expensive GPS system to keep track of your car. Thats too expensive. You would need to pay a monthly fee to use it. But is there a way to track your vehicle without spending a fortune? Yes, now there is! A California-based company has created a tiny device that works with your smartphone, which could be exactly what youre looking for! What is it?Its called TrackR. It is a state-of-the-art tracking device the size of a coin. Its changing the way we keep track of the important things in our lives.(60题) How does it work?Its easy! Install the free TrackR app on your smartphone, connect the app to your device and youre ready to go! Simply attach TrackR to whatever you want to keep an eye on. The entire process of setting it up only takes 5 minutes or less.You can attach it to your keys, briefcase, wallet, your latest tech gadgets and anything else you dont want to lose. Then use the TrackR app to locate your missing item in seconds.(60题)If you forget where you have parked your car, pull out your smartphone and open the TrackR app. Tap on the “find device” button on the screen and the app will tell you the exact spot of the last known location of the TrackR. What else can I do with TrackR?The device is small and unnoticeable enough that you can attach it to your pet. Put it on their collar, and the issue of searching for them when they run away to nearby places will be over! Youll never waste a minute searching the whole house for it.TrackR even comes with a double-sided glue so you can stick it to your laptop or under your bike seat. Track down and punish the thieves who steal your expensive things! How much does it cost?Youre probably thinking that this device is very expensive. False! TrackR only costs $29! Thats a small price to pay for peace of mind, isnt it? Where can I buy one?You can buy it directly from the companys website by clicking here https:/buy.thetrackr.co/gu/special-offers/15/ .(62题)60. From the passage, we learn that TrackR can _.A. help you locate your important thingsB. track your wallet through GPS systemC. work better after you pay monthly fee D. take good care of your pets at home61. This passage is mainly developed by _.A. answering questions B. providing statisticsC. listing advantagesD. making comparisons62. Where is this passage most likely taken from?A. A research report. B. A website. C. A personal blog. D. A journal.COld FossilsScientists have found what they think is probably the oldest fossil on Earth, a remnant of life from 3.7 billion years ago when Earths skies were orange and its oceans green.In a newly melted part of Greenland, Australian scientists found the leftover structure from a community of microbes(微生物) that lived on an ancient seafloor. Based on their analysis of the fossils, the researchers determined that they are 220 million years older than those discovered in Western Australia, which were 3.48 billion years old.(66题)The discovery shows life may have formed quicker and more easily than once thought, about half a billion years after Earth formed. And that may also give hope for life forming elsewhere, such as Mars, said study co-author Martin VanKranendonk of the University of New South Wales and director of the Australian Center for Astrobiology. “It gives us an idea how our planet evolved and how life gained a foothold,” VanKranendonk said.(63题)Scientists had thought it would take at least half a billion years for life to form after the molten Earth started to cool a bit, but this shows it could have happened quicker, he said. Thats because the newly found fossil is far too complex to have developed soon after the planets first life forms, he said.(64题)In an outcrop of rocks that used to be covered with ice and snow which melted after an exceptionally warm spring, the Australian team found stromatolites(叠层石), which are layered structures that are often produced by a community of microbes. The stromatolites were about 1 to 4 centimeters high.“It is like the house left behind made by the microbes,” VanKranendonk said. “Scientists used the layers of ash from volcanoes and tiny zircon(锆石) with uranium and estimated that they date back to 3.7 billion years ago.” The dating seems about right, said Abigail Allwood, a NASA astrobiologist who found the previous oldest fossil, from 3.48 billion years ago, in Australia. But Allwood said she is not completely convinced that what VanKranendonks team found once was alive. She said the evidence wasnt conclusive enough that it was life and not a geologic quirk(地质巧合).(65题) “It would be nice to have more evidence, but in these rocks thats a lot to ask,” Allwood said in an email.63. The underlined words “gained a foothold” in Paragraph 3 mean_. A. continued B. changed C. increased D. started64. We can learn from Paragraph 4_. A. the fossil appeared soon after the birth of the earth B. the fossil formed soon after the earths first lifeC. life formed earlier than the newly found fossil D. life appeared about half a billion years ago 65. What is Abigail Allwoods attitude towards the newly found fossil? A. Neutral. B. Sceptical. C. Objective. D. Supportive. 66. According to the passage, _.A. the previous fossils are a geologic quirk B. the previous fossils are made up of stromatolitesC. the newly found fossils come from Western AustraliaD. the newly found fossils have a history of 3.7 billion yearsDWhen Taking an UberShould You Tip or Not?Taking an Uber car may no longer be a direct driver-passenger and guilt-free experience. The ride-sharing experience is about to get awkward.With the wide application of the Internet, Uber, a new approach to your destination instead of taking an ordinary taxi, has become more popular recently. However, benefits wont come without its fair share of drawbacks.Uber drivers are a part of the so-called sharing economy: They use their own vehicles, receive customer reviews via the apps five-star rating system and make their own hours.(67题) Unlike other services, Uber claimed that drivers all over the country could clearly alert customers that tipping is not included. Those drivers that expect to be tipped can make their wishes known. But the company is holding to its official no-tip-required line, according to its website. “Once you arrive at your destination, your fare is automatically charged to your credit card on fileTheres no need to tip.” Although drivers value their independencethe freedom to push a button rather than punch a clock,(67题) lack of a clear policy, however, leaves Uber drivers in a vulnerable(脆弱的) position: If they ask a customer for a tip or put up a sign, that customer could give the driver a low star-rating, and the driver could finally be deactivated from the app.(68题)But has the company done a good job working with customers? Some observers say that this new grey area for tipping will create awkwardness about whether they should tip or notsomething most Uber customers have not had to deal with until now.(70题) Uber did not respond to customers comment, just leaving their rating in the air(ignoring it).Providing an option to tip on an app sends a clear message to customers to reach into their pockets. Nearly 30% people would be more likely to leave a tip if they were presented with a “no tip” button,(69题) according to Guinns 2015 survey of roug


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