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. .1 可编辑修改,可打印 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料 全册教案, ,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式 . .2 高级英语第二册词汇短语 LESSON ONE FACE TO FACE WITH HURRICANE CAMILLE 2 LESSON TWO MARRAKECH 7 LESSON 3 PUB TALK AND THE KING S ENGLISH 11 LESSON FOUR INAUGURAL ADDRESS 15 LESSON FIVE LOVE IS A FALLACY 17 LESSON SIX DISAPPEARING THR0UGH THE SKYLIGHT 35 LESSON SEVEN THE LIBIDO FOR THE UGLY 38 LESSON EIGHT THE WORKER AS CREATOR OR MACHINE 42 LESSON NINE THE ONES WHO WALK AWAY FROM OMELAS 45 LESSON TEN THE SAD YOUNG MEN 49 LESSON TWELVE THE DISCOVERY OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE AN AMERICAN 58 LESSON THIRTEEN IN FAVOR OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 60 LESSON FOURTEEN LOVING AND HATING NEW YORK 68 注:红色为本学期要上的课文 , 按住 CTRL 键并单击鼠标可以直接点到希望看的课文 . .3 Lesson One Face to Face with Hurricane Camille Joseph P. Blank 词汇: hurricane (n.): a violent tropical cyclone with winds moving at 73 or more mi les per hour, often accompanied by torrential rains,and originating usually in the West Indian region 飓风 - lash (v.): move quickly or violently 猛烈冲击;拍打 - pummel (n.): beat or hit with repeated blows,espwith the fist(尤指用拳 头)连续地打 - course (n.): a way of behaving;mode 0f conduct 行为;品行;做法 - demolish (v.): pull downtear down,or smash to pieces (a building,etc ), destroy:ruin 拉倒;打碎;拆毁;破坏;毁灭 - motel (n.):a hotel intended primarily for those traveling by car, usually with direct access from each room to an area for cars 汽车游客旅馆 - gruff (adj.): rough or surly in manner or speech;harsh and throaty;hoarse 粗暴的,粗鲁的;粗哑的。嘶哑的 - batten (n.): fasten with battens 用压条钉住(或固定 ) - methodically (adv.): orderly,systematically 有秩序地;有条理地 - main (n.): a principal pipe, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, e lectricity, etc(自来水,煤气,电等的)总管 - bathtub (n.): a tub,now usually a bathroom fixture,in which to take a bat h 浴盆,浴缸 - generator (n.): a machine for changing mechanical energy into electrical ener gy;dynamo 发电机,发动机 . .4 - scud (v.): run or move swiftly;glide or skim along easily 疾行,飞驰;掠 过 - mattress (n.): a casing of strong cloth or other fabric filled with cotton,hai r,foam rubber,etc床垫;褥子 - pane (n.):a single division of a window,etc. ,consisting of a sheet of glass in a frame;such a sheet of glass 窗格;窗格玻璃 - disintegrate (v.): separate into parts or fragments; break up;disunite 分裂, 分解,裂成碎块 - blast (n.): a strong rush of(air or wind)一股(气流 );一阵( 风) - douse (n.): plunge or thrust suddenly into liquid;drench; pour liquid over 把浸入液体里;使浸透;泼液体在上 - brigade (n.): a group of people organized to function。“unit in some wor k(组织起来执行某种任务的)队 - scramble (v.): climb,crawl,or clamber hurriedly 爬行;攀( 登) - litter (n.): the young borne at one time by a dog,cat or other animal whic h normally bears several young at a delivery(狗、猫等多产动物)一胎生下的小 动物 - shudder (n.): shake or tremble suddenly and violently,as in horror or extre me disgust 震颤,战栗 - ferocity (n.): wild force or cruelty;ferociousness 凶猛;凶恶,残忍;暴行 - swipe (n.):a hard,sweeping blow口猛击,重击 - maroon (av.): leave abandoned,isolated,or helpless 使处于孤立无援的处境 - devastate (nv.): destroy;lay waste;make desolate 毁坏,摧毁;使荒芜 - swath (n.): the space or width covered with one cut of a scythe or other m owing device 刈幅(挥动镰刀所及的面积) - huddle (v.): crowd,push,or nestle close together。as cows do in a storm( 如风暴中的牛群)挤成一团;拥挤;互相紧贴 . .5 - slashing (a.): severe;merciless ;violent 严厉的;猛烈的 - implore (v.): ask or beg earnestly; beseech 恳求,哀求,乞 - bar (v.): a vertical line across a staff,dividing it into measures;a measure 小节线(五线谱上的纵线把五线谱分成小节); 小节 - trail (v.):grow gradually weaker,dimmer,less direct,etc渐弱;渐小;渐 暗 - debri (复:debris )(n.): a rough,broken bit and piece of a stone,wood,g lass,etc,as after destruction:rubble 碎片,瓦砾 - sanctuary (n.): a place of refuge or protection: asylum 避难所,庇护所 - cedar (n.): any of a genus of widespreading coniferous trees of the pine fa mily,having clusters of needlelike leaves,cones, and durable wood with a ch aracteristic fragrance 雪松(属) - extinguish (v.): put out(a fire,etc);quench;smother 熄灭(火等),灭( 火) ;扑灭 waver v. swing or sway to and fro;flutter 摇摆;摇晃;摇曳 - topple (v.): fall top forward;lean forward as if on the point of falling 向前 倒;摇摇欲坠 - leanto (n.): a roof with a single slope,its upper edge abutting a wall or building;a shed with a oneslope roof 单坡 屋顶;单坡屋顶的棚 - prop (v.): hold up,support or hold in place with or as with a prop 支撑; 维持;支持 - tilt (v.): aslope;incline;slant;tip 倾斜;倾侧;翘起 - cower (v.): crouch or huddle up,as from fear or cold(因害怕或寒冷而)蜷 缩;退缩 - slant (v.):incline or turn from a direct line or course, esp, one that is perpe ndicular or level;slope( 使 )倾斜;(使)变歪 - hinge (v.): equip with or attach by a hinge 靠铰链转动(或附着) . .6 - diminish (v.): reduce in size. degree,importance, etc.;lessen 使变小;减少 ,缩减 - thrust (n.): a sudden,forceful push or shove 猛推 - strew (v.): spread about here and there by or as by sprinkling:scatterbe scattered or dispersed over(a surface)撒(布);散播;被撒满 (表面) - festoon (v.): adorn or hang with flowers, leave, paper, etc饰以(或悬挂)花 彩,结彩于 - coil (v.): wind around and around 成卷状;盘绕 卷 - spaghetti (n.): paste in the form。f long,thin strings, cooked by boiling or steaming and served with a sauce 细条实心面 - salvation (n.): a saving 0r being saved from danger, evil,difficulty,destruc tion。etc;rescue 救助拯救;援救 - canteen (n.):a place where cooked food is dispensed to people in distress,a s in a disaster area(在灾区给灾民分配熟食的)赈灾处 - staffer (n.): a member of a staff 职员 - rake (v.): scrape or sweep;move forward swiftly 掠过;急速穿过;迅速向 前移动 - rampage (v.): rush violently or wildly about 横冲直撞 - pitch (v.): colloq set to work energetically口拼命干起来,开始大干特干 - wreckage (n.): the remains of something that has been wrecked 残骸;漂浮 物 - salvage (v.): save or rescue from shipwreck, fire,flood, etc雷救 抢救; 打捞 - wrath (n.): intense anger;rage ;fury 愤怒;暴怒;勃然大怒 - the blues: colloqa depressedunhappy feeling口沮丧;忧郁 . .7 - afflict (v.):cause pain or suffering to;distress very much 使痛苦,使苦恼 折磨 - weld (v.): unite(pieces of metal,etc )by heating until molten and fused or until soft enough to hammer or press together 焊接;熔接 - reflect (v.): think seriously;contemplate 认真思考;沉思 短语: reason out: to find out an explanation or solution to a problem,by thinking o f all the possibilities 寻找解决途径 例:Lets reason this out instead of quarrelling让我们不要争吵,商量 出事情的解决方案 - a good: at least,full 至少,最少 例:They waited a good eight hours 他们等了至少 8 个小时。 - sit out: stay until the end of 坐到结束 例:We forced ourselves to sit the play out我们强迫自己坐到演出结 束。 - come by: to make a short visit to a place on ones way 顺便拜访 例:Ill come by the house and get my stufflater,OK?我会顺便过来取 材料,好吗? - by the minute: every minute,minute by minute 一分钟一分钟地 例:Im feeling better by the minute我每分钟都感觉好多了。 - on the verge of: on the edge of,on the brink of 接近于,濒临于 例:Scientists are on the verge of a major breakthrou 曲科学家们即将 取得一项重大突破。 - break apart: break up into piecesdisintegrate 裂开,分裂解散 例:The grounds broke apart in earthquake地面在地震时裂开了。 - break up: to break or make sth break into many small pieces 分裂 例:The ice will break up when the warm weather comes. 天气转暖, 冰层就会破裂。 . .8 - come through: to continue to live,exist,be strong,or succeed after a diff icuh or dangerous time 经历过仍活着,经历,脱险 例:John was so iu but he was lucky to come through约翰病得很厉 害,依然活着算是很幸运的了。 - pitch in: to set to work energetically 拼命于起来,开始大干特干 例:If we pitch in,we will have it finished in no time我们如果拼命 干活,就会马上做完 Lesson Two Marrakech George Orwell 词汇: thread (v.) : pass through by twisting,turning,or weaving in and out 穿过, 通过 - pomegranate (n.) : a round fruit with a red,leathery rind and many seeds cov ered with red,juicy ,edible flesh;the bush or small tree that bears it 石榴; 石榴树 - chant (n.) : a simple liturgical song in which a string of syllables or words is sung to each tune(礼拜仪式唱的) 单调的歌 - bier (n.) : a platform or portable framework on which a coffin or corpse is pl aced 棺材架;尸体架 - hack (v.) : break up(1and)with a hoe,mattock ,etc(用锄等)翻地,挖(土) - oblong (adj.) : longer than broad;elongated 长方形的 - lumpy (adj.) : full of lumps;covered with lumps 多块状物的;凹凸不平的 - hummocky (a.) : full of or looking like low,rounded hills 布满小丘的;似小 圆丘的 - derelict (adj.) : deserted by the owner;abandoned;forsaken 无主的;被遗弃的 - lot (n.) : a plot of ground 一块地 . .9 - undifferentiated (adj.) : without clear qualities or distinctive characteristics 无区 别的;无显著特点的 - mound (n.) : a heap or bank of earth,sand,etcbuilt over a grave,in a for tification,etc土堆;堤;坟堆 - prickly (adj.) : full of prickles 多刺的 - prickly pear : any of a genus of cactus plants having cylindrical or large,flat ,oval stem joints and edible fruits 仙人掌(属) - bumpy (adj.) : full of bumps;rough;jolting 崎岖不平的;颠簸的;震摇的 - gazelle (n.) : any of various small,swift,graceful antelopes 瞪羚 - hindquarter (n.) : either of the two hind legs and the adjoining loin of a carca ss of veal,beef,lamb , etc ;p1.the hind part of a fourlegged animal(牛 、羊、猪等 的)后腿肉;复( 四肢动物的)后躯 - nibble (v.) : take small,cautious,or gentle bites 小口地咬;谨慎地咬(啃) - butt (v.) : strike or push with the head or horns:ram with the head(用头或角)撞 击;顶撞 - midair (n.) : any point in space,not in contact with the ground or other su rface 空中;上空 - navvy (n.) : n unskilled laborer,as on canals,roads,etc劳工;无特殊技术 的工人 - sidle (v.) : move sideways,espin a shy or stealthy manner(羞怯或偷偷地)侧 身行走 - stow (v.) : pack or store away;fill by packing in an orderly way 装载;装进 ;收藏 municipality na city,town. etchaving its own incorporated govern ment for local affairs 自治市 (或镇) - ghetto (n.) : (in certain European cities)a section to which Jews were formerly restricted(某些欧洲城市中从前的) 犹太人居住区 - sore (adj.) : giving or feeling physical pain;painful 疼痛的;感到疼痛的 - skullcap (n.) : a light,closefitting ,brimless cap,usually worn indoors(室内 . .10 戴的)无沿便帽 - infest (v.) : overrun or inhabit in large numbers, usually so as to be harmful or bothersome;swarm in or over(虫害等)侵扰;骚扰;蔓延 - booth (n.) : a stall for the sale of goods,as at markets or fairs(市场或集市上 的)货摊;摊店,摊棚 - prehistoric (adj.) : pertaining to ancient times,very old-fashioned 老式的;古旧 的 - warp (v.) : become bent or twisted out of shape 变弯曲;变歪 - frenzied (adj.) : full of uncontrolled excitement 疯狂的,狂乱的 - clamour (v.) : make a loud confused noise or shout;cry out 喧嚷,喧嚣,吵 闹 - grope (v.) : feel or search about blindly,hesitantly,or uncertainly 摸索;探索 - self-contained (adj.) : having within oneself or itself all that is necessary;self- sufficient,as a community 自给自足的 - witchcraft (n.) : the power or practices of witches: black magic;sorcery 巫术 ;魔法 - square (adj.colloq.) : satisfying;solid;substantial口令人满意的;充实的 - conspicuous (adj.) : attracting attention by being unexpected,unusual,outstand ing 惹人注目的,显眼的 - grove (n.) : orchard 果园 - legionnaire (n.) : a member of a legion 军团的成员 - backbreaking (adj.) : requiring great physical exertion;very tiring 费劲的; 辛苦的,累人的 - desolate (adj.) : uninhabited;deserted 荒无人烟的,荒凉的 - lucerne (n.) : a type of plant whose leaves grow in groups of three and which is used for feeding farm animals 紫花苜蓿 - fodder (n.) : gorse food for cattle,horses,sheep,etc. as cornstalks,hay and . .11 straw(牛、马、羊的)粗饲料;饲草 - yoke (v.) : put a yoke on;join together;link 用轭连起;连合;连结 - harrow (n.) : a heavy frame with spikes or sharpedged disks,drawn by a h orse 0r tractor and used for breaking up and leveling plowed ground,covering seeds,rooting up weeds,etc耙 - furrow (n.) : a narrow groove made in the ground by a plow 沟,畦;犁沟 - trickle (n.) : the act of trickling;a slow,small flow 滴,淌;细流 ; - subsoil (n.) : the layer of soil

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