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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式 Unit 1 A Parade Day1.教学目标:语言目标:What did you do yesterday?I played basketball.What did you do the day before yesterday? I played basketball,then, too.2.教学重点、难点: a. v-ed: used, studied, played, visited, ran, talked, jumped, cleaned b. Passes: last night, the day before yesterday, last Sunday3. 教具: pictures, word cards, a basketball/football, tape, recorder4.教学过程:25.The first periodStep 1 Revision a. v-ed using pictures and word cards . b. Ask and answer using pictures. eg. T: What did Jenny do yesterday? P1: She painted. T: Did you painted yesterday? P1: Yes, I did/No, I didnt.Step 2 Presentation a. Ask and answer using pictures. T: Tom, what did you do yesterday? P2: I played watched TV. T: What about you, Peter? P3: I watched TV, too. T: Mary, what did you do yesterday? P4: I basketball/football. T: What did you do the day before yesterday? (Repeat.) P4: I played basketball/football, too. T: You can say, I played basketball/football, of course. (Repeat.) (Write the day before yesterday , of course and sentences on the Bb.)b. Teach last night and last Sunday in the same way.c. Teach v. and v-ed at P60 using word cards, pictures/objects. eg. T: What did you do the day before yesterday? P5: I practiced piano. What about you, Miss Wu? T: I visited my good friend.(Repeat.)(Write these two pairs of v. and v-ed on the Bb. And ask the students to read them one by one. Tell them how to pronounce and the ways of the sounds. Teach other words in the same way.)Step3 Listen and repeat.Step4 Practice in pairs using word cards from WB. Read v-ed and make sentences using them.Step5 Ask answer and write. Finish P61 Practice 2.Step6 Ask and answer.Step7 Summary.Step8 Homework. a. Try to recite Target. b. Remember v. and v-ed.Blackboard writing:Unit 1 A Parade Dayuse-used play-played What did you do yesterday/last night/Sunday?run-ran study-studied I played basketball. talk-talked visit-visited What did you do the day before yesterday?jump-jumped clean-cleaned I played basketball,then, too. The second period1.教学目标:What did you do in the parade? I played the trumpet.2.教学重点、难点: a. 灵活运用所学的句型进行对话。 b. 单词 trumpet 的读音 3. 教具: pictures, word cards, a trumpet, tape, recorder4. 教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise v-ed using pictures and word cards. b. Ask and answer using pictures . eg. T: May, what did you do yesterday? P1: I played basketball. T: What did you do the day before yesterday? P1: I played basketball, of course. T: Jane, what did May do the day before yesterday? P2: She played basketball. Step 2 Presentation a. Showing a trumpet and ask. T: Whats this in English? P: Sorry, we dont know. T: Its a trumpet.(Repeat and write it on the Bb. Read it one by one.) T: Can you play it? P: Yes, I can/No, I cant. T: I can play the trumpet in the parade.(Repeat.) (Showing a picture on the Bb and write a parade on the Bb. Ask the students to read them.) T: What did you do in the parade? P3: I danced. T: I played the trumpet.(Repeat.) b. Listen to tape twice without looking at the book or picture.c. Look at the picture or book and read after the tape twice.d. Read dialogue by themselves.Step2. Practice in pairs/groups.Step3. Act dialogue.Step4. Listening at P61 practice1.Step5. Chant activity .a. Listen and chant.b. Look, write and chant.c. Check answers.Step6. Exercises.a. Do exercises.b. Check answers.Step7. Summary.Step8. Homework.a. Try to recite dialogue.b. Finish Look and write. Blackboard writing: Unit 1 A Parade Day parade I danced/played the trumpet.trumpet We watched. The third period1.教学目标:Reading and writing:A Parade Day2. 教学重点、难点: a. 了解迪斯尼乐园中的角色。 b. 能独立完成WB P12的课外阅读。3. 教具: pictures, word cards, tape, recorder4.教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise using pictures and word cards quickly. b. Chant activityc. Listening Step2 Presentationeg. T: Whos this? a. Teaching the names :Disneyland Mickey Minnie Donald Goofy Pluto Snow White Cinderella Pinocchio. (Showing other picture and ask) T: This is Mickey, This is Minnieb. Teach the other words in the same way.c. Teach sentences and using the pictures.d. Talk about the story with DisneylandStep3 Listen and repeat.Step4 PracticeStep5 Check answers at P13.Step6 Exercisesa. Do exercises in WB P13 3.b. Check answers.Step8 SummaryStep9 Homework a. Revise sounds and words. b. Revise Unit 1.Blackboard writing: A Parade DayDisneyland: Mickey Minnie Donald Goofy PlutoSnow White Cinderella Pinocchio The fourth period1.教学目标:语音和单词:clean,close, clever, class, cloudy, clothes2. 教学重点、难点: a. 字母组合cl在单词中的发音。 b. 能独立完成WB P15中的chant。3. 教具: pictures, word cards, tape, recorder4.教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise using pictures and word cards quickly. b. Chant activityc. Listening Step2 Presentationeg. T: Whats he doing? a. Teaching the word using pictures and word cards. P: Hes cleaning. (Write clean on the Bb and read it then talk about cl sounds.)(Showing other picture and ask) T: Is this a close. T: Yes,Its a close.(Repeat and write close on the Bb then read it and talk about cl sounds.)b. Teach clever, class in the same way.c. Teach cloudy”, “clothes using actions/pictures.d. Talk about the sounds of cl .Step3 Listen and repeat.Step4 PracticeStep5 Check answers .Step6 Exercisesa. Do exercises .b. Check answers.Step7 Listen and chant .Step8 SummaryStep9 Homework a. Revise sounds and words. b. Revise Unit 1.Blackboard writing: clean close cleverclass cloudy clothes The fifth period1.教学目标:More Reading and writing:Greetings from Beijing2. 教学重点、难点: a. 了解北京奥运会。 b. 能独立完成WB P16的课外阅读。3. 教具: pictures, word cards, tape, recorder4.教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise using pictures and word cards quickly. b. Chant activityc. Listening Step2 Presentationa.Teach postcard.b. Teach the other words in the same way.c. Teach sentences and using the pictures.d. Talk about Beijing.Step3 Listen and repeat.Step4 PracticeStep5 Check answers at P17.Step6 Exercisesa. Do exercises in WB P17 3.b. Check answers.Step8 SummaryStep9 Homework a. Revise sounds and words. b. Revise Unit 1.Blackboard writing: Greeting from BeijingPOSTCARDThe birds NestOlympicUnit 2 A Magic Day一、 Teaching objectives1、 Language structures- What did you do this morning?- I read a books.- Did you go to the beach after that?- No, I didnt. I went to the park.2、 New vocabularyKey: went, ate, wrote, read, made, road ,sang, drank Additional :morning, afternoon , evening.Sounds and words: draw, dress, driver, drink, children, bedroom.3、Skills能听、说写本课单词和句型 ;能用本课知识进行交际。二、 Teaching key points本课生词和句型三、 Teaching difficult points 单词中“dr”的发音。四、 Teaching aidsSmall food item(bread),milk, calendar, picture cards9-16,clock,paper.TV, Computer 。The first period一、 Revision1、 Where were you yesterday?2、 What was the food like in Yingde?3、 Where were you during the winter holiday?二、Presentation1) New wordsT: Im drinking some milk. (边做边说)T: (举起空杯子) I drank some milk .板书:drink drinking drank.把面包放进嘴巴食。T: Im eating some bread.T: (举起双手并张开空嘴巴). I ate some bread.板书:eat eating ate.用同样方法教授其它单词。板书:go going went.make making made.ride riding rode.write writing wrote.sing singing reading read.2) Open your book and read the new words together or in pairs.3) Play a game:A:看谁认得又快又准:以竞赛形式,让学生看闪烁的图片拼读单词。4) TargetA: (close the book) listen to the tape.B: (open the book) listen and repeat.C: Write down the new sentences on the blackboard and teach:-What did you do this morning?-I read a book.-Did you go to the beach after that?-No, I didnt. I went to the park.用所学单词代替画线部分的单词。D: Pair workMake some dialogues with these new words.三、Homework1、 Copy the new words and remember them .2、 Recite Target.3 、In advance Conversation.四Blackboard writingdrink drinking drank.go going went. make making made. ride riding rode. write writing wrote. sing singing sang. read reading read.The second period一、Revision1、 look at the pictures and readwords together.2、 Look at the pictures and answer these questions.A: What did you do yesterday?B: Did you go to school last Monday?C:What did you eat this morning?二、Presentation1、 Conversation1) Listen to the tape first.2) Look at the pictures and sentences, listen and repeat.3) Pairs work: Let the students use the real objects to practice the dialogue in groups, then act it out.4) Open the book at Page 19 and read together.2、 Do Exercise (P19-P20)A: Practice 1B: Practice 2Finish the Ex and check the answers together.3、 Chant activity:A listen to tape “I went on trip.”B: Sing the song after tape.C: Sing the song in groups.4、 Open the book to page19 .A: Fill in the right words.B: Answer these questions.The whole class checks the answer together.三、Homework1、 Recite Conversation.2、 Do Workbook at Page 19.四Blackboard writing-What did you do this morning?-I read a book.-Did you go to the beach after that?-No, I didnt. I went to the park.The third period1.教学目标:Reading and writing2. 教学重点、难点: a. 了解游乐场里的各种游戏。 b. 能独立完成WB P22-P23的课外阅读。3. 教具: pictures, word cards, tape, recorder4.教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise using pictures and word cards quickly. b. Chant activityc. Listening Step2 Presentationeg. T: Whos she? a. Teaching the names :Sally, Eric, Alex. (Showing other picture and ask) T: She is Sally , Whats she doing? A: she is take a photo /play a game /talk to friend He is Eric b. Teach the other words in the same way.c. Teach sentences and using the pictures.d. Talk about the story with SallyStep3 Listen and repeat.Step4 PracticeStep5 Check answers at P23.Step6 Exercisesa. Do exercises in WB P23 3.b. Check answers.Step8 SummaryStep9 Homework a. Revise sounds and words. b. Revise Unit 2.Blackboard writing: A Magic Day take a game go on a ride play to someone talk a photoThe fourth period(Sounds and words)一、 Revision1、 Recite p25-p27.2、 Dictate the new words and the sentences.二、Presentation1、 Listen, point and say:1) Write “draw” and “drink” on the board and underling the letter -dr.2) (Point to dr )Lets practice this sound.3)让学生看老师的口型,使他们明白发dr音时,舌头贴着下齿龈。4) Look at the pictures, listen to the tape first;5) Look at the pictures, listen and repeat;6) Have Ss repeat after the tape.7) After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.2、 Read, say and circle.1) Have Ss look at the passages on the page.2) Listen to the sentences. Circle the words that have the final dr.3) Teacher reads the passages slowly and check if Ss circled the right words.4) Answer key :A-draw, dress, driver, drink, children,Bedroom.5) Give some tine for Ss to practice reading aloud to themselves.6) When Ss are ready, ask some confident Ss to read the passages out loud.7) 让学生回忆以前还有哪些单词的发音含有dr的。3、 Check the workbook, Page 2528.4、 Play a game:老师预先准备好剪贴画:请学生们分小组将本课学到的单词运用到剪贴画中,边说边做。然后,请同学上讲台演、做。三Blackboard writingSounds: dr Words: draw, dress, driver, drink, children,bedroom四、 Homework Revise the new words and the sounds.The fifth period1.教学目标:Reading and writing :Great days 2. 教学重点、难点: a. 了解神舟系列宇宙飞船的发展史。 b. 能独立完成WB P26-P27的课外阅读。3. 教具: pictures, word cards, tape, recorder4.教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise using pictures and word cards quickly. b. Chant activityc. Listening Step2 Presentationeg. T: Whos he? a. Teaching his names :Yang Liwei . ( introduce Yang Liwei ) T: Yng Lwi is a Chinese major general. He was the first Chinese spaceman . He went into space on Shenzhou 5 on October 15th ,2003.b. Teach the other spaceman in the same way.c. Teach sentences and using the pictures.d. Talk about the story with them.Step3 Listen and repeat.Step4 PracticeStep5 Check answers at P27.Step6 Exercisesa. Do exercises in WB P27 3.b. Check answers.Step8 SummaryStep9 Homework a. Do exercises P27 3. b. Revise Unit 2.Blackboard writing: A Magic Day YangLiwei : The first Chinese spaceman Shenzhou 5 FeiJunlong Nie Haishen : Shenzhou 6 .Liu Yang : The first spacewoman in China Shenzhou 9.Unit 3 A Lucky Day(The first period)Teaching Aim:Learn some phrases: woke up late /missed the bus /forget the homework /lost my keys Learn the target.Teaching key point:Learn the phrases and using them correctly.Teaching difficult point:Talk about someones bad day .Teaching aids:Tape -recorder,picture cardsTeaching procedure:Review:Revise some old have-had get-got do-did is/am-was are-wereTalk about the pictures in did you buy the can of milk ?B: I bought it at the A:How much was it ?B:Its Representation:Put picture cards on the board.T: (Point to the clock) What time is it ?S:.T: In this morning I woke up at 8:00.(Put woke up late on the board)T:I woke up late. S: Woke up late .Teaching other phrases with the same way.Play the tape and have Ss repeat each words.Action game : eg. T:. Action.S: Lost my key.Learn the target :Write I had a bad day .And I had a great day on the board.T: (Show woke up late ) read this.Ss: Woke up late .T: Is this bad or good?Ss: Its bad .Look at some pictures again: T:I had a bad day . S1:What happened? T: First I woke up late.Next I missed the bus. Then I forget my homework.Drill:Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences .Teach additional expression ,such as : Thats too bad .I am sorry to hear that ,ect .Play the tape a few times and have Ss practice along with the tape .Put Ss in pairs and have them practice the dialoguePractice :Do some exercises :Summary :Homework:1. Copy the phrases 2. Read the targetWriting on the blackboard:wake/woke up late A: I had a bad day!miss/missed the bus B:What happened?forget/forgot my homework A:First I .,next I.,then I.lose/lost my keys catch/caught a cold (The second period)Teaching Aim: Learn some phrases: won the game/had some cotton candy/had fun with friends/caught a cold/hurt my knee/failed the test/puppyTeaching key point: Talk about someones good day.Teaching difficult point: Talk about someones good day.Teaching aids: Tape -recorder,picture cardsTeaching procedure:Review:Revise the old words: Eg: woke up late /missed the bus. -Talk about the pictures: A:What happened? B:I had a bad day.FirstRepresentation:Learn some phrases: win/won the game have/had some cotton candy have/had fun with friends catch/caught a cold hurt/hurt my knee fail/failed the test puppyT: (Show won the game ) read this.Ss: Won the game .T: Is this bad or good?Ss: Its good.Teaching the other words with the same way.Using the new words to express what happened. A: I had a good day . B:What happened? A: First I .Drill:Ask individual Ss to talk about their good days.Make a dialogue in pairs:Practice:Learn the chant:Have Ss look at the pictures. T: (Point to each pictures)What happened? S:He missed the bus . T: Did he have a good day or a bad day ? S: Yes, he did .Ask indidual Ss to read the lyrics. T: Lets listen to the tape first .Play tape and point to the each word. T: Now lets chant .Play the tape again and have Ss practice chanting .Listen to the chant and then write down the anwer on the blank.P40.(2)Summary:Homework:1. Copy the words2. Read the target three timesWriting on the board: win/won the game A:I had a good day. have/had some cotton candy B: What happened? have/had fun with friends A:First I .,next I .,then I catch/caught a coldhurt/hurt my kneefail/failed the test(puppy) 38. (The third period)Teaching Aim: Learn the conversation:Try to express ones good day or the bad day.Teaching key point:Using the new words to express what happened.Teaching difficult point:Using the words correctly.Teaching aids:Tape -recorder,picture cardsTeaching procedure:Review:Look at the pictures to revise the old words: Eg.woke up lateRead and understand the following text:Yeterday I got up at 8:45. I got dressed quickly. I had breakfast and broke a glass.Next I was sweeping the floor .(Make a sad face and shake your head )It was a bad day .Ask some students to say their bad days.Representaton:Step1:Use difference examples to show a good day .eg.T: What did you do yesterday ?S: I won the .Have Ss point out pictures and answer telling whether it was a good day or a bad day .Talk about their good days in pairs.Step 2:Practice 1:Have Ss look at the pictures for question A. T: What happened ? S: He got a good mark.Continues with pictures 24 .Repeat the procedures with questions BD.T: Lets listen to the tape .Play the tape for A. T: Which picture is correct?Ss:T: I want someone to write the answer on the board .I will play the tape again ,so listen to it carefully .Play the tape again.Have a student write the answer for A on the board.Do the same with the other three questionsStep 3:Learn the conversation:Have Ss close their books and show them the first picture in the your book or the wall picture.T: (Point to Gogo) Look,Gogo hurt his arm .What happened ? What did he do ?Can you guess?Elicit responses from Ss.After Ss make several guesses,uncover the other pictures. T: Lets find find out what happened .Using the book.T: Lets listen to the tape and read the story .Have Ss follow the dialogue by pointing to the pictures in their books.T: ( Point to the third picture )What did Gogo do ?Help Ss to answer if necessary ,eg.Gogo went to the park.T: (Point to the third picture )What happened next ?Continue until the sixth picture .T: Did Gogo find his keys ?Ss: Yes ,he did .T: Lets listen to the tape again


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