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青海湟中县第一中学2016-2017学年高一英语上学期期中(第二次月考)试题(无答案)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面五段对话,选出最佳选项。1. Where did the woman go this year?A. Tian anmen Square. B. The Taj Mahal.C. Mogao Caves2. What does the man like best?A. Noodles. B. Pizza. C. Hot dogs.3. What will the woman do?A. Go over her notes. B. Listen to some musicC. Turn off the music.4. Where did the woman probably leave her wallet?A. At home. B. In a taxi. C. In her bag.5. What will the woman bring to the man?A. Some fruit. B. Some dessert. C. Some drinks第2节 (共15题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6,7 题。6. What looks terrible on the man according to the woman?A. The jacket. B. The pants. C. The tie.7. What color tie is the man going to wear?A. Orange. B. Red. C. Blue请听第7段材料,回答第8,9 题。8. Whats the weather probably like now?A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy9. What is the mans plan for this afternoon?A. To go to the park. B. To buy some books. C. To study at home.请听第8 段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Which swimming pool is out of California?A. Roman Pool. B. Neptune Pool. C. McCarren Park Pool11. Where does Hearst Castle sit?A. In New York. B. In California. C. In Texas.12. What will the woman do next?A. Go swimming B. Read a magazine. C. Do her homework.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How long will the woman stay in Scotland?A, Two weeks. B. Seven weeks. C. Nine weeks.14. What will the woman mainly do in the youth hotel?A. Sell drinks. B. Look after tables. C. Do some cleaning.15. When wont the woman be busy during the day?A. From 10am to 5pm. B. From 7am to 10am. C. From 5pm to 9pm.16. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A youth hotel. B. A holiday plan. C. A summer course.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How many people are there in the speakers family?A. Four B. Five. C. Six.18. How does the speakers father go to work?A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.19. What is the speakers sister?A. A student. B. A teacher. C. A doctor.20. What does the speakers brother like to do on Saturday?A. See a movie. B. Play basketball. C. Play football.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。APhiladelphia (CNN) Hazel Donnelly was taking her husband to the doctor when they got a call that their building was on fire.Her first thought was about Kramer. “I dont have children of my own, so my cat is like my child. I became very sad,” said Donnelly, 50. “What if he didnt make it?”Once she arrived home, Donnelly asked firefighters (消防员) to get her cat, but they were busy trying to control the fire. Then Red Paw Emergency Relief Team arrived. The organization helps pets and their owners for free when disaster strikes. Jen Leary, who set up the group, helped find the animals once the fire was out.“Everyone who received their pets started to cry,” said Donnelly.No one was hurt, but the Donnellys building was badly damaged, and they werent sure where they were going to stay. Donnelly was excited to learn that Red Paw could provide free short-term care for Kramer, her 17-year-old cat.“When someone loses everything in a fire, they shouldnt then be forced to lose their pets their family members as well,” Leary said. “Letting them know, Well take care of your animal like it is our own means the world to people.”After a big fire in 2011, Leary formed her organization. Since then, Leary and her group have provided help to nearly 1,000 animals and their families throughout southeastern Pennsylvania. Like the Red Cross, but for animals. Red Paw cared for the Donnellys cat for more than three weeks. “I cried when we were reunited,” said Donnelly. “They went above and beyond the call of duty. I am so thankful.”For Leary, helping families and their pets is what her work is all about. “My hope is that its a start, and they can move forward together,” she said. “After going through such a sad thing, its so good to have a happy ending.”21. We can infer from the text that Kramer is _.A. Donnellys husbandB. Donnellys childC. a firefighterD. a cat22. What do we know about Red Paw?A. It offers help to pets and their families.B. It was set up by Hazel Donnelly.C. It belongs to the Red Cross.D. It saves people in disasters.23. The fire in the Donnellys building _.A. took many peoples livesB. caused great damage to the buildingC. left Donnelly seriously hurtD. led to the loss of a family member24. Who looked after Kramer for a long time after the fire?A. A doctor. B. Jen Leary. C. Red Paw. D. The Red CrossBMore than 30,000 people went to the White House on Monday for the 136th Easter Egg Roll (复活节滚彩蛋). President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama held the event by inviting thousands of kids to color and look for eggs. The theme of the day was “Hop Into Healthy, Swing Into Shape.” It was part of the First Ladys “Lets Move!” program to reduce obesity rates (肥胖率) among American kids. Mrs. Obama spoke to young reporters about her goal to get children to eat right and keep moving.“We are working to make sure that kids born today grow up healthy, learn how to have balanced meals, and get more physical activity into their lives,” she said.Mrs. Obama said she wants children across the nation to understand that “exercise isnt just hard work, its play. If youre running around with your dog, youre getting exercise. If you walk up the stairs, thats exercise. But if youre sitting in front of the TV or on a computer game, youre not exercising.”The First Lady said that for kids who have balanced meals most of the time, having a special snack, like chocolate, will not hurt. “And if you are active, you can splurge (挥霍) a little more,” she said. Mrs. Obamas favorite “splurge food” is French fries. But she balances her splurging by exercising almost every day. She loves to play tennis and she practices yoga.“A lot of kids look up to athletes, and I think its important for athletes to share their good habits,” Mrs. Obama said. “Kids arent just going to wake up and be LeBron James. Hes practicing and eating right and working out and training. Our athletes can be really good messengers to kids who look up to them they can say to kids, If you really want to be like me, then you really do need to eat your vegetables.”25. The purpose of the “Lets Move!” program is to _.A. help kids keep healthyB. train more young reportersC. encourage kids to eat more eggsD. invite kids to visit the White House26. In Mrs. Obamas opinion, exercise _.A. can be fun to do B. means hard workC. should be done outdoors D. requires special equipment 27. “Splurge food” is allowed to be eaten when _.A. you dont hurt yourselfB. you have a special snackC. you never eat French friesD. you eat right and stay active28. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. All kids want to be LeBron James.B. It is very easy to form good habits.C. Athletes can set a good example for kids.D. Kids like the messages the athletes give them.29. In which part of a newspaper will the text most probably appear? A. Business. B. Health. C. Culture. D. Education. CWelcome to Death Valley. The very name of this national park in eastern California might fill some people with dread, but youre not afraid. Youre just out enjoying the desert sunshine. Besides, theres nothing out here but some rocks. Some of the rocks in Death Valley weigh hundreds of pounds. And in the ground behind each rock is a mysterious trail (痕迹), as if the rock had been pushed along in the dirt. So who is moving the rocks? Nobody. It was nearly 100 years ago when these unusual “sailing stones” were first reported. People have been trying to find out the stones secret ever since. One early explanation was that winds were moving the stones. Other explanations have included animals, and, of course, aliens (外星人). Until the 1990s, one widely held theory was that the rocks were stuck in sheets (片) of ice that were being blown across the desert. (Death Valley does get cold enough for ice to form on some winter nights.) However, research later showed that to move such large ice sheets, the wind would have to blow at hundreds of miles per hour. There are strong winds in Death Valley but not that strong.Then, in 2006, a scientist named Ralph Lorenz came up with a new theory. He suggested that in the winter, thick ice forms around the rocks. When the ground begins to thaw (解冻), the rocks, wearing ice, sail along, leaving trails behind them. Lorenz put his theory to the test in his own kitchen. He dropped a rock into a dish, added a little water, and stuck the dish in his fridge. Later, he took out the rock and placed it in a dish of water with sand at the bottom. Sure enough, with just a breath, Lorenz was able to send the rock moving across the water leaving a trail in the sand as it moved.Has Lorenz solved the mystery of the sailing stones at last? Perhaps. On the other hand, neither Lorenz nor anyone else has ever actually seen the stones move. Maybe aliens are responsible after all. 30. The underlined word “dread” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”.A. fear B. anger C. surprise D. excitement31. According to the theory in the late 20th century, the rocks were probably moved by _.A. the ice B. the wind C. aliens D. animals32. What did Ralph Lorenz find?A. The wind in Death Valley could reach a speed of 100 mph.B. The rocks in Death Valley couldnt move by themselves.C. Death Valley could get cold enough for ice to form.D. Water helped the rocks in Death Valley move.DNational Potato Day was back on Friday 23rd August 2013. Along with Bord Bia (Irish Food Board) and many other potato growers in Ireland, Keoghs Farm brought you a day that was all about potatoes and showing love for our national vegetable.Keoghs invited the public to Spud Fest, which took place on Dublins South King Street from 12 pm to 4 pm. This festival brought the farm to the city with potato performers, face painters, balloon modeling, music, tastings and plenty of other festival fun to celebrate the most delicious day of the year. There were lots of potatoes, of course.Keoghs along with the support of Bord Bia called on everyone to enjoy at least one potato on National Potato Day. Potatoes are naturally low in fat, a great source of vitamins and minerals and are a great way to support local Irish homegrown produce and businesses.Tom Keogh, General Manager of Keoghs Farm said, “We cant believe we were getting ready for our third year of National Potato Day. When we dreamt the idea up in 2011, we had no idea it would attract so many people. Since the first National Potato Day we have received nothing but interest in potatoes at home and all over the world.“Ireland is now recognized as one of the finest producers of top quality vegetables, with the potato leading the field. We are happy that Bord Bia have joined us this year to bring all our fellow potato producers together and join forces to promote (提升) the enjoyment of the potato. We are hoping National Potato Day is a day to encourage everyone to love potatoes!”33. According to the text, Spud Fest _.A. was open to everyoneB. lasted about five hoursC. sold different vegetablesD. was held in the countryside34. What did Tom Keogh think of the first National Potato Day?A. It was world-famous. B. It was rather terrible.C. It was very worthless.D. It was quite successful.35. The text is mainly to introduce _.A. a popular vegetable B. a well-known capitalC. an interesting festivalD. a famous potato grower第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Long, long ago people couldnt write and they had no books. But they had stories. People learned the stories by heart and taught new ones to one another. Sometimes it was hard to remember them all.36The ancient Egyptians wrote their stories on something made from papyrus (纸莎草) plants. People in other places learned to use papyrus from the Egyptians.37So parchment (羊皮纸), made from goatskin, later took its place.In ancientChinabooks looked a little different. People there used ink to write on bamboo or silk. And then they invented paper. Made of trees, paper was easier and cheaper to make than papyrus or parchment.38 Papermaking later spread to the West, but there was a big problem with these early books. Every single one had to be copied and written by hand.39They carved (雕刻) a page of words into a piece of wood or stone. They could then print the page by spreading ink on the wood or stone and putting it against paper. But it wasnt until a German printer invented movable, metal letters that books became fast and easy to make. The letters could be used to print copy after copy, and the letters put together again and again to print different pages of words.40Once a luxury (奢侈品) only the rich could buy, they soon became a treasure everyone could enjoy.A. But papyrus grew mainly inEgypt.B. It took years to finish making just one book.C. Finally books could be printed by the thousands.D. Things grew a little easier when writing was invented.E. Its surface was smoother and better for writing on too.F. Books in the West didnt change for a long time after that.G. The Chinese were the first to think of a way to speed things up a little.第三部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Douglas was my cousin. I first met him when he came to stay with my family for a 41 , because his parents were going to teach in Africa.He and his family 42 all the way on the other side of the country, so we had never had a chance to visit. 43 , when we arrived at the airport, it was not hard to find which person was my 44 . He was the one standing all alone, looking around for someone to 45 him. He looked a little scared to meet us, 46 started to smile shyly after my mom hugged (拥抱) him.When we got back home and Douglas 47 putting his things away, I could not believe it. All of his 48 were the same, all white shirts and dark blue shorts. He 49 had a dark blue jacket with a tie!“How come you 50 only one kind of clothes?” I asked him.“Thats the way my school has 51 been,” he said. “We have to wear uniforms.”“I would hate having to wear the 52 thing every day,” I said.“I dont 53 ,” Douglas said. “It 54 time. I dont have to think about what I am going to wear.”“Well, we dont wear uniforms at our 55 . Youre going to look pretty 56 if you come to school in a jacket and tie.”Douglas looked worried. 57 , I felt bad. I had not meant to 58 his feelings. After all, it was not easy to come all this way to live with some 59 family for a year. Then and there I decided that I was going to 60 my cousin and try to make this as good a year as possible for him. 41. A. day B. week C. month D. year42. A. workedB. lived C. traveledD. studied43. A. HoweverB. Instead C. BesidesD. Therefore44. A. parent B. cousin C. uncle D. friend45. A. ask B. teach C. help D. meet46. A. so B. but C. or D. and47. A. startedB. stopped C. finished D. continued48. A. bagsB. pictures C. booksD. clothes49. A. also B. again C. still D. even50. A. make B. hate C. wear D. sell51. A. sometimes B. never C. always D. seldom52. A. right B. same C. only D. old53. A. know B. use C. mindD. remember54. A. costs B. saves C. wastes D. counts55. A. airport B. country C. homeD. school56. A. brave B. funny C. smartD. handsome57. A. ReallyB. Luckily C. SuddenlyD. Secretly58. A. shareB. enjoy C. hurtD. understand59. A. difficult B. special C. bigD. strange60. A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look up第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。John: Cigarette? Tony: No, thank you. I gave it up several years ago, you know.John: Oh, well. Do you mind 61. _ I have one?Tony: Well, but as an old friend I must say . Oh, my goodness! Thats a 62. _ (terribly) cough.John: No, no, its not. Its only . its only . I only get it early in the morning.Tony: Thats going to make you very sick, especially when youre suffering 63. _ ill heath.John: No, its alright . Doctor Peter told 64. _ that it was not serious and I 65. _ (recover) soon.Tony: Why dont you try and give up smoking?John: Oh, I ought to. But I cant. It helps me calm down and relax.Tony: I 66. _ (agree). No scientific experiment has proven that. Im rather 67. _ (concern) about your health. You can start eating sweets instead of smoking.John: Oh, no, I couldnt do that. Tony: 68. _?John: It makes me fat.Tony: Well, do you think that matters? Dont you think its 69. _ (good) to be fat than to be unhealthy?John: No, I dont. Id rather be thin 70. _ fat.Tony: Anyway, its bad for your health. I hope you can give it up as soon as possible.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。When I began my senior high school years, I had difficulty to learning English. I dared not speak English in the public because of my poor pronunciation. I could not get high marks, but I always used bad grammar. Afraid of be laughed at, I never put up my hand answer questions in class. When my English teacher Miss Li learned about this, she encouraged me and give me a hand, that helped improve my English. With her help, I became interest in English and final got high marks. Miss Li, like a shining star, shines on her path to success.第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你的英国网友Linda最近在中国学习。她写信向你诉说了她的困扰:不适应新的生活学习环境,想家,感到很焦虑。请你根据以下要点给她写一封回信。要点如下:1.表示理解并给与安慰;2.提出建议并给出理由。注意:词数100左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数)。Hi, Linda,Im sorry to learn that you are having such a bad time. Yours, Li Hua


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