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哈四十一中六年英语调研测试卷9月份月考一、找出下列各组字母中所含有的元音音素不同于其他两个的字母,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分)( )1.A.n B.e C.d( )2.A.B B.G C.O( )3.A.j B.h C.f( )4.A.R B.L C.M ( )5.A.Q B. I C.U 二.判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同, 在括号内相同用,不同用(5分)()6.bikemine()7.noselong()8.muchmusic()9.leg desk()10.handmake三.下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请选择出来。(5分)()11.A.cakeB.cat C.black( )12.A.fish B.white C.rice()13.A. leg B. eraser C.red()14.A.blue B.duck C.us()15.A.no B.dog C.nose四、根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。(10分)( )16. 当一个朋友对你说:“How are you?” 你应说:A. Great. B. Fine, thanks. C.Thank you!( )17. 你想看看别人的新玩具,应该说: A. May I have a look? B. Do I have a look? C.Sure. Here you are. ( )18. Mike今天生日,你应该对他说: A. Happy birthday. B. Are you happy? C.Have a good day!( )19. 如何表达不用谢? A. No, thank you. B. Youre welcome. C.No thanks.( )20. 你想要些鸡肉,你应说: A. Can I have some chicken? B.I have chicken. C.I want some rice.( )21.你请对方喝咖啡时,你可以说: A. I like coffee. B. Have some coffee. C.Can I have some coffee?( )22.对别人的到访表示欢迎时,你可以说: A. Welcome. B. Clap your hands. C.Lets go.( )23.当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:A.Whereistheeraser?B.Whereisthepen?C.Whereisitfrom?( )24.当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:A.Howmuchisthecar? B.Howmanycarscanyousee?C.Icanseefivecars.( )25.当别人请你坐下时,你应该说:A.Sit down, please. B.Thank you. C.Im fine.五、单项选择(20分)( )26.Is this _ egg? - Yes, it is. A.a B.the C.an( ) 27.- _doyoueatdinner? - At6:00p.m. A.What B.When C.Where( )28.Iplayfootball_Friday. A.in B.at C.on( )29._ your favorite season ? A.What B.Whats C.Which( )30.- What _ are you in? - Im in Row 1. A.rowB.classC.number( ) 31.IsendGrandma_e-mail. A.a B.an C.some( )32.Listen _ the teacher, please. A.to B.on C.at( )33.The_dayofaweekisMonday.A.first B.second C.third( )34._bookisonthedesk. A.Shes B.She C.Her( )35._shehaveacomputer? A.Do B.Does C.Is( )36.Johncan_dinner. A.cook B.cookingC.cooks( )37.Here you _. A.are B.is C.am( )38.-_isyourfather? -Hesinthekitchen. A.Where B.When C.What( )39.WuYifan likes green _. A.leaves B.leaf C.leafs( )40.Iwantto_. A.haveapicnic B.havingapicnic C.hasapicnic( )41.Doyousee_animals? A.someB.any C.one( )42.Wecanteat_drinkinclass. A.andB.but C.or( )43.-Wouldyoulikesomemilk? -_. A.Yes,Ilike.B.No,IdontC.No,thanks( )44._manybirdsinthesky. A.Thereis B.Thereare C.Therehave( )45.Itslate.Lets_. A.gotohomeB.gohomeC.gotothehome六、完形填空(10分)MrSmithisanoldman.He_46_twobighousesandanewcar.Hehasno_47_,buthehasfour_48_ -twosonsandtwodaughters.Onesonis_49_England.HisnameisTom.TheothersonisfromAmerica.HisnameisJack.OnedaughterisfromChina._50_nameisFangfang.TheotherdaughterisfromJapan.HernameisMikou.Mr.Smithisnotthefourchildrensreal_51_,buthelovesthem_52_.Thechildrenlovehim,_53_.MrSmithbuysmany_54_forthechildren.Hegives_55_toystodifferentchildren.Theboysplaywithtoycars.Thegirlsplaywithdollsandtoganimals.MrSmithandthechildrenaregoodfriends.( )46.Ahave Bhas Cthereis( )47.Awife Bfather Cmother( )48.Asons Bdaughters Cchildren( )49.Ain Bat Cfrom( )50.AHis BHer CShe( )51.Amother Bfather Cuncle( )52.Averymuch Bvery Cmuch( )53.Avery Bmuch Ctoo( )54.Agirls Bboys Ctoys( )55.Adifferent Bthesame Cgood 七、阅读理解(10分)(A)This is an Enlish boy. His name is John. He is thirteen. He is in No.4 Middle School. He is in Class Four, Grade Two. Alice is an American girl. She is in No.4 Middle School, too. Mr. Hu is their Enlish teacher. He is a good teacher.( ) 56、John is _ boy. A. a Enlish B.theEnlish C.an Enlish( ) 57、He is in No._ Middle School.A.four B. fourteen C.forty( ) 58、- Is he in Class Four? -_.A.Yes, he isnt B. No, he isnt C.Yes, he is( ) 59、_ is _ American girl. A.Alice, an B.Kate, an C.Alice, a( ) 60、_ English teacher is_. A.Their, Mr. Hu B.Alices, Mr. Hu C.Johns, Miss Hu(B)根据短文内容判断正误,对的写A,错的写BMynameisCarol.Imagirl.Imtenyearsold.Inmyfamily,therearethreepersons,mydad,mymomandI.MyDadsbirthdayisinDecember.MymomsbirthdayisinDecember,too.MybirthdayisMay19th.Itsinspring,abeautifulseason.Itswarm.Welcometomybirthdayparty.( ) 61、Caroliselevenyearsold.( ) 62、TherearefourpersonsinCarolsfamily.( ) 63、CarolsmomsbirthdayisinNovember.( ) 64、CarolsdadsbirthdayisinDecember.( ) 65、CarolsbirthdayisMay19th.八、从栏中找出栏中相应的答语。(10分)( )66.CanIputthemhere? A.HanMeiandWeiFang.( )67.Whoarethesegirls? B.Iam.( )68.Whoisondutytoday? C.No,weareEnglish.( )69.Whatrowareyouin? D.Oh,yes,putthemthere.( ) 70.Wherearethey? E.Heisateacher.( )71.AreyouAmerican? F.Itsapencil.( )72.Hello,Lucy.Thisway,please. G.WeareinClassThree.( )73.Whatclassareyouin? H.Sorry,Idontknow.( )74.Whatsyourfather? I.Thankyou.( )75.Whatsthis? J.IminRowTwo.九、根据句意填写所给词的适当形式(10分)76.Lindacanswimveryfast.Sheisagood at _(swim).77.Itslate.Wecant_anylong (plays).78.Maryisthe _(good)in her class.79.Thatisanewboy._(He) nameisJack.80.-Heresyourbook.-_(Thank)alot.81.Todayisthe_(nine)ofJune.82.How many _ ( people ) are there in you family.83.Samwasinthe_(live)roomjustnow. 84.There are ten _ (bus).85.What are _ (that)?十、交际运用,补全对话(10分)A: Good afternoon.B: Good afternoon.A: _86_ _87_ Li Hua?B: Yes, I _88_.A: Li Hua, _89_ this your _90_?B: No, _91_ _92_. Its Wu Yifans desk.A: Where _93_ Wu Yifan?B: Sorry,Idontknow.A: Wang Lin, is Wu Yifan at _94_ today?C: No, he is at _95_. He is ill(生病)。86. _ 87._ 88._ 89._ 90._91._ 92._ 93._ 94._ 95. _十一、 书面表达(5分) 写一篇自我介绍的短文。短文包括以下几点内容:吴一凡,男孩,12岁,第二中学,一年三班 5号,第四排,喜欢踢足球,擅长英语。_


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