八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 牛津译林版 (3)

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江苏省南京师范大学第二附属初级中学2016-2017学年八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(考试时间100分钟,满分140分)本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,第I卷为第1至65题,第II卷为第66至101题。第I卷 选择题(共80分)一、听力部分(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10小题。( )1. What class does the woman have every Wednesday? A.B.C. ( )2. What was Dave doing when he got hurt(受伤)? A. B.C. ( )3. Where will the woman meet the mans friend? airport A. B. C. ( )4. Which bus should the man take to the museum? A. B. C. ( )5. How often does Sam go to the Softball(垒球) Club? A. Twice a week. B. Once a week. C. Every Friday afternoon.( )6. Why is Sandy so happy? A. She had a nice lunch. B. She will move to London. C. She met an old friend. ( )7. How many books did Amy read during the reading week? A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. ( )8. Who is the tallest boy of the three? A. Tom. B. Daniel. C. Mark. ( )9. Which club will Ann join? A. The Computer Club. B. The Dancing Club. C. The Swimming Club. ( )10. When did the man arrive(到达) at school this morning? A. At seven oclock. B. At seven ten. C. At seven twenty.二)听对话和短文,回答问题,听两遍。听第一段对话,回答11-12题。 ( )11. When did Mike join the Table Tennis Club? A. Last week. B. Last month. C. This month. ( )12. On what day does he practice table tennis? A. Monday and Sunday.B. Monday and Saturday. C. Saturday and Sunday. 听第二段对话,根据所听内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。Plans for the weekendThe weatherThe weather report says it will be _ (13). Michels planHed like to stay at home but his parents want to _ (14). Millies planShed like to go shopping with her cousin. Perhaps she will buy_ (15). ( )13. A. sunnyB. windyC. cloudy( )14. A. go shopping B. go swimmingC. go hiking( )15. A. a pair of glassesB. a big coatC. a pair of shoes听一段短文,回答16-20题。( )16. Where does Kitty live? A. In America. B. In Beijing. C. In a small town.( )17. Whose computer is Kitty using to write the email? A. Her own. B. Her fathers. C. Her uncles. ( )18. How long can she have for lunch? A. Half an hour. B. One hour. C. Two hours. ( )19. Why cant she spend more time studying? A. She has to help her parents in the field. B. She has too many lessons every day. C. She has to look after her family members. ( )20. What makes her happy? A. She can get close to nature. B. She can play on the computer. C. Daniel often writes to her.二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。( ) 21. What _honest boy! And he is _ best student of all. A .a; a B .an; the C. a; the D. the; the( ) 22. Can you finish the work well with _ money and _ people.A. less; less B. less; more C. more; fewer D. less; fewer( ) 23. In our school library, there _a number of books on science and the number of them _growing larger and larger. AIs; are B. are; is C. is; is D. are; are( ) 24.A horse is _ than a dog. A. much heavy B. more heavier C. much heavier D. more heavy( ) 25. _weather it is! Lets go out for a picnic. A. How a good B. What a bad C. How bad D. What good( ) 26. The students look_ and their teacher is looking _ at them.A. happy; happily B. happily; happily C. happily; happy D. happy; happy( ) 27. Which sentence is American English?A. The shops have big sales before Christmas B. It doesnt rain in this city in autumn.C. He is a popular soccer star D. The holiday begins on July1st( ) 28. There arent enough chairs. Would you please _ ones here?A. to bring another two B. bring more two C. to take two other D. bring two more ( ) 29. Tom is_ of the twin brothers. A. tallest B. taller C. the taller D. the tallest( ) 30. We found_ this question.A. easy to answer B. it easy answerC. it easy to answer D. that easy answer( ) 31. Shanghai is bigger than_ in Jiangsu and bigger than_ in China. A. any city, any city B. any city, any other city C. any other city, the other cities D. any other city, any city ( ) 32. After you discuss it _ them, you may know _ to do about it. A. with; how B. with; what C. for; what D. for; how( )33. - Mum, can I have something_?- Sorry. There is_ in the fridge.A. eating;nothing else B. to eat;nothing else C. eating;else nothing D. to eat;else nothing( ) 34. The goldfish move very _ and sleep _.A. slowlya lot B. slowa lot of C. slowera lot D. slowlya lot of( ) 35. May I smoke here, please? - I am afraid you_. This is a non-smoking area. A. can B. cant C. may D. may not三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。One night, a little swallow flew over the city. He was very 36 and wanted to have a good sleep in the city. When he saw the Statue of the Happy Prince (王子), he flew down and got ready to sleep 37 the feet of the Happy Prince.Just as he was putting his head under his wing, some 38 fell on him. He thought it was raining. But when he looked 39 , he found the sky was _40_ clear and bright that he could see lots of stars. Suddenly, he saw some tears were running down the Princes golden 41 .“ 42 are you crying?” asked the swallow.“In a little street, theres a poor house. From one of the windows, I see a woman 43 at a table. Shes sewing clothes for 44 women to wear. In a bed in the corner of the room, her little boy is sick. Hes asking for oranges, but his mother has only water to give him, so he is crying. The boy is so thirsty45 the mother is so sad. Little swallow, will you please take her the 46 from the top of my sword (宝剑)?”“It is very cold here and I am leaving for a warm place, but I will stay with you and do as you ask.”The swallow took the bright red jewel from the Princes sword and flew away with it in his mouth. He flew into the womans room and47 it beside the womans needle.48 he flew back, he told the Prince what he had done. “It s strange,” he added, “Its so cold but I feel quite 49 now.”“Thats 50 you have done a good thing,” said the Prince. The little swallow began to think about this, and then he fell asleep.( )36. A. hungry B. tired C. angry D. sad( )37. A. among B. above C. below D. between( )38. A. water B. snow C. grass D. milk( )39. A. at B. down C. up D. for( )40. A. quite B. so C. such D. very( )41. A. earB. feet C. hair D. face( )42. A. Where B. How C. When D. Why( )43. A. sitting B. eating C. drinking D. cooking( )44. A. poor B. rich C. young D. old( )45. A. butB. or C. and D. so( )46. A. jewel B. orangeC. gold D. diamond( )47. A. forgot B. took C. got D. put( )48. A. BeforeB. After C. Till D. While( )49. A. cold B. hot C. warm D. cool( )50. A. because B. though C. if D. whether四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AMany people think country music and western music are nearly the same. In fact, they are two different kinds of music in America. They come from different parts of America. Country music comes from the southeast of America. But western music comes from the southwest of America. Another difference is the ways of playing them. Country music has a simple (简单的) way of playing. It uses fewer instruments like guitars and harmonicas (口琴).But western music needs more and bigger instruments like trumpets, trombones (长号) and so on. Country music is folk (民间的) music. Its the music that travels in the country. Men and women often play it. However, there is much dancing in western music and men often play it. However, country music and western music often share similar topics (相似的主题) for songs. They have these songs with the topics like love, money, crime and so on. These songs often tell the life of the poor in America.根据短文内容, 51. Country music is _ western music. A. the same as B. different from C. better than D. worse than52. Country music comes from the _ of America. A. southeast B. southwest C. northeast D. northwest53._ often play western music. A. Men B. Women C. Children D. Men and women54. Country music and western music are similar on _.A. numbers B. playing ways C. instruments D. topics for songs55. Country music and western music often tell the life of _ in America. A. boys and girls B. the old C. the poor D. the richBWeve talked about snails and their slow move. But much of the time snails dont move at all. They are in their shells sleeping.Hot sun will dry out a snails body. So at the least sign of hot sun, a snail draws its body into his shell. A snail will die in a heavy rain. So when it rains, a snail does the same thing, too. A snail can sleep for as long as it needs to. It spends all the winter months in its shell, asleep.In the spring the snail wakes up. Its body, about three inches long, comes out from the shell. When hungry, the snail looks for food. Its eyes, at the end of the top feelers, are very weak. But its sense of smell is very strong. It helps the snail to find food and the new greens.A snails mouth is no bigger than the point of a pin. Yet it has 256,000 teeth! The teeth are very small, and you cant see them. If you put a snail in a hard paper box, it will eat its way out! And if a snail wears out its teeth, it will grow new ones.56. A snail _.A. moves more slowly at night B. has thousands of feet C. doesnt move at all D. sleeps much of the time57. In the sentence “A snail draws its body into its shell”, the word “draw” means _.A. to make with a pencil B. to push C. to pull D. to move away58. From the story, we know _. A. a snails shell is very thin B. a snail cant see well C. a snails nose is quite short D. a snails body changes in different seasons59. A snail goes to sleep when _.A. it feels hungry B. it is put into a paper box C. spring is coming D. it rains heavily60. Which of the following is wrong? A. In winter the snail doesnt eat or move. B.A snail doesnt like living under the sun. C. The snails teeth cant be worn out. D. The snails nose helps to find food.CDo you see signs around you? Do you know the signs are an important part of our daily life? They can be in pictures or in words to give people information. What do people think are good signs? If you are thinking about making signs for others, what should you know?The most important thing is that signs should be simple and easy to understand. It is important to use clear language. On the other hand, the words should be easy to write and you just need to write down what you want to do. “Keep off the grass” is a very good example. It means “Dont touch or walk on the grass”.Nowadays, there is a saying that “A picture paints a thousand words”. Perhaps thats why we are seeing more and more signs in pictures, or a combination of pictures and words. However, thats the difficult part, because picture signs may have different meanings in different countries.()61. First, a good sign should be _. A. clearB. beautifulC. funnyD. interesting()62. What does the underlined word “combination” mean? A. 分开B. 结合C. 并列D. 平行()63. What is the disadvantage (不利因素) of picture signs? A. They are too simple. B. They are not easy to understand. C. They are not as interesting as word sign. D. They may have different meanings in different countries( )64. What is the disadvantage (不利因素) of picture signs?A. They are too simple. B. They are not easy to understand. C. They are not as interesting as word sign. D. They may have different meanings in different countries.() 65. Whats the best title of the passage? A. Word SignsB. Pictures and WordsC. The History of Signs D. Signs Are Important第II卷 非选择题(共60分)五、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)66. Who did _ (糟糕) in the test in your class? Tony did, he is lazy.67. We have a_(每日的,日常的)report every day.68. The girl is very young, but she can speak some foreign_ (语言).69. I felt even _ (渴) after drinking that kind of juice, there must be too much sugar in it. 70. Tom has a good _ (意识) of humor.71. Whose seats are these? They are the _ (win), they are coming.72. This film is_(popular) than the one last month.73. They spent a lot of time _ (plan) the trip to Nanjing before leaving.74. The_(high) of the Yellow Mountain is 1864 metres.75. May 12, 2008 is an_(usual) day. An earthquake hit Wenchuan in Sichuan Province.六、任务型阅读(共10空;每空1分,计10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke very quickly and I couldnt understand her most of the time. I was afraid to ask questions because I didnt know how to read the words correctly. I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything in class. Then one day I watched an English movieToy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie. So I began to watch other English movies, too. Although(尽管) I could not understand everything the characters(角色) said, their body language and the expressions(表情) on their faces help me get the meaning(意思). I understood I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. I found out that listening to something interesting is the secret to the language learning. I also learned some useful sentences like “Its a piece of cake”or “It serves you right. I did not understand these at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them up in a dictionary(字典). Now I really enjoy my English class. Do you want to learn English like this?How I learned EnglishLast year I 76 my English class. It was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke 77 quickly for me to understand most of the time. I was afraid 78 asking questions because I couldnt read the words correctly. I thought I had to 79 behind the textbooks and say nothing in class. Then Everything changed after I watched an exciting and funny movie 80 Toy story. Although I could not understand everything the characters said, I tried to get the 81 in many ways. Watching their 82 languages and expressions on their faces Listening for just the 83 words. 84 a dictionary for help helped me understand the story.My ideaListening to something 85 is the secret to language learning. 七、缺词填空(共10空;每空1分,计10分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)Michael, a famous TV host (主持人) in Hong Kong, wrote a l 86 to his son. It is not only h 87 to children, but also good for all ages. The following are f 88 his letter.1. Life is short. As a t 89 , while you are wasting (浪费) it today, youll realize (意识到) you are at the end of it tomorrow.2. Never tell l 90 to your parents! You should make them always t 91 you.3. I dont expect (期盼) you to support (供养) me for the rest of my life, so Im not going to do the same for you. You will be living on your own when you g 92 up.4. You should be g 93 to others, but you shouldnt expect the same from others. People think of money differently.5. Ive been buying the lottery (彩票) for almost twenty years, but Im still p 94 . I have never got the third prize (奖) even once. So you must be h 95 to have success (成功). There is no free lunch in the world.八、书面表达(计30分)A.将下列句子译成英语,词数不限。(共5小题;计10分)96. 上海是中国最大的城市之一。 97. 他们很乐意帮你学英语。98. 我们为什么不更多地了解我们学校的生活呢?我们可选择科目来学习。99. 我的朋友比Mike多,但我的空闲时间比他的少。100.在国庆节期间,我们休了7天假。 B.写作(计20分)101. 根据中文提示,写一篇英语短文介绍一下你的学校和英语老师Lucy。要求:语言流畅,条理清晰,词数不少于80词。要点包括如下:1.我学校生活丰富多彩,每天只有半小时的作业,有许多课外活动。2.我们有大约180个老师,Lucy是我最喜欢的老师之一。3.她比我妈妈瘦一点,脸上总是挂着微笑。4.她能令每堂课都很有趣,并经常在课后帮我们辅导作业和解决英语问题。 南师大第二附属初级中学2016秋学期八年级英语单元练习(2016.10)参考答案一、 听力理解。1-5 AABBA 6-10 CBCBB 11-15 BBABC 16-20 CCCAA二、选择题21-25 BDBCD 26-30 ACDCC31-35 BBBAB三、完形填空36-40 BDACB 41-45 DDABC 46-50 ADBCA四、阅读理解51-55 BAADC 56-60 DCBDC6165 ABBDD五、词汇66. (the) worst 67. daily(everyday) 68. languages; 69. thirstier 70. sense 71. winners 72. More popular 73. planning 74. Height 75. unusual六、任务型阅读76. hated/disliked 77. too 78. of 79. hide 80. called 81. meaning 82. Body 83. key 84. asking 85. interesting 七首字母填空86. letter 87. helpful 88. from 89. teenager 90. lies 91. trust 92. grow 93. generous 94. poor 95. hard-working八、句子翻译96. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.97. They are ready /willing to help you with your English/learn English.98. Why dont we/ not learn more about our school life? We can choose subjects to study.99. I have more friends than Mike, but I have less free time than he/him.100. We had seven days off during the National Day.作文:略

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