Unit 7时间30分钟, 姓名_ 班级_ 得分_1. 根据要求写单词。A. 写出下列单词。1. 打赌_ 2.有雾的_ 3.有雨的_4. 有雪的_ 5.阵雨_ 6.记忆_7. 堆_ 8.在.之上_ 9温度_10. 下降_ 11.上升_ 12.云_13. 多云的_14.踢_ 15发烧_16. 咳嗽 _ 17糟糕的_ 18.暴风雪_19. 风_ 20.多风的_ 21.大约_22. 阳光_ 23.其余的部分_24.度数_25. 一点_ 26.吹_ 27.大声地_28. 给.打电话_29.瞌睡的_ 30光亮_31. 光亮的_ 32.突然的_ 33.雪球_34. 打架_ 35.深的_ 36.结冰的_37. 陆地_ 38.激动人心的_39.扔_40. 尖叫_ 41.雪人_ 42冰_43. 到处_ 44得了重感冒_ 45.发高烧_ 46.穿厚衣服_ 47. 被厚厚的雪所覆盖_48.玩雪球仗_ 49.互相扔雪球_ 50再多雪的日子里_ 51.使人们犯困_52.保持在零度以上_53.更大声点说_54.降到零度以下_ 55.一点也不_56.这周的其余时间_57.看见一些孩子在踢球_58.一个糟糕的日子_ 59.拖净_ 60.成堆的落在地上_B.)写出下列形容词。1. cloud_ 2.wind_ 3.rain_ 4.snow_5. sun_ 6.fog_ 7.luck_ 8.health_9. sleep_ 10.shine_ 11.noise_ 12.fun_13.friend_ 14.week_ 15.day_ 16.month_二.翻译下列句子1.Hobo打赌说Eddie 什么也不穿将看起来和感觉酷。Hobo bets Eddie _ cool and feel cool _. 2. 秋天是在户外踢足球的极好时间,因为天气总是晴朗的和凉爽的。Autumn is_football outside because its always sunny and cool. 3.当气温下降时,秋天的树叶变成棕色而且成堆落在地上。As the _, autumn leaves turn brown and _ the ground. 4.当你今早醒来时你妈妈正在为你做早餐吗?_Mum _ breakfast for you when you_ this morning? 5.你什么时候在公园里看见小孩们在踢球的?When _you see the kids_ the ball in the park? 6.我得了重感冒而且咳嗽厉害。幸运的是,我没发高烧。 I _ and coughed a lot._, I didnt have a high_. 7.多么糟糕的一天啊!_8.来自北方的暴风雪将于傍晚时分到达东海吗?_ snowstorms from the north _ Donghai in the late afternoon?9.风将更猛烈气温将降到零度以下,零下10. The wind will be stronger and the temperature will_, to -10. 10.气温将在白天期间大约4 ,在晚上甚至更冷。The temperature_ around 4 during the day and _ at night. 11.本周余下时间晴朗的天气将伴随你吗?Will sunshine and blue skies stay with you _?12.昨天有雷阵雨,白天气温大约在18或19摄氏度。There were_ yesterday, with daytime temperatures around 18 or 19 _. 13.纽约冬天的天气保持在零度以上吗?_ the temperature in New York _ in winter?14.请你能大点声吗? 风正刮得厉害。Can you speak_ please? The wind _ hard. 15.突如其来的大雨产生了许多问题?_ the _ cause a lot of problems? 16.在你的地区每个人冬天必须穿厚衣服吗?_ everyone in your area _ in winter? 17.一切被厚厚的白雪覆盖。Everything_ white snow.18.玩大雪球仗令人振奋吗?_ big snowball fights? 19.他们互相扔雪球,尖叫着欢呼着。They_ at each other, _. 20.此外,到处有冰灯我们欣赏它们。_, _ and she enjoyed them.