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2016-2017学年第一学期八年级英语第一次阶段性测试满分:100分 时间:60分钟一、单项选择(共15题,每题1分,计15分)1. Is Andy _honest student? I think so. Do you know he donates 200 yuan to Project Hope every year. A. / B. a C. the D. an2. Playing football and climbing are _than watching TV.A. more healthy B. more healthier C. much more healthier D. much healthier3. Shanghai is bigger than _ cities in China. A. the other B. any other C. another D. all the4、Tom is a very person and we are in his jokes.A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interested C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interested.5._ your friend you met in the Buddy Club_? _ your best friend, Jim. He is friendly and helpful. A. Whats; like; As B. Whats; like; Like C. How does; like; Like D. What does; like; As6. Jenny is very kind, and she often _ her toys with her friends. A. shows B. gives C. brings D. shares7. A good friend can make one _ when he/she feels sad. A. laughing B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughs 8.I cant understand you. Would you speak_? A. clear B. clearlier C. more clearly D. clearer9.I also keep _ the story _ English about my daily life. A. to write; in B. to write; with C. writing; with D. writing; in 10. _doesyourcatweigh? -About5kilograms. A.What B.Howmuch C.Howmany D.How11. Mum, can I have something_? Oh, dear. You can only drink some water. There is_ in the kitchen.A. to drink; nothing else B. drinking; something elseC. to eat; something else D. eating; nothing else12. Yang Yin is becoming these years. A. beautifuler and beautifuler B. more and more beautiful C. the most and most beautiful D. more beautiful and beautiful13. She is ready to help people _.A. any times B. anytime C. some time D. sometime14.Tom, what do you think of the school? Oh, no other school is _ in the city. Its _one.A. better; a better B. the best; the bestC. better; the best D. the best; a better15.We never _ heroes life though were interested in. Really? Ill offer you some books about it.A. think about B. chat about C. learn about D. care about二、完形填空(共10题,每题1分,计10分) Two young men worked together in the factory. They were good friends and they often look after each other. If one of them has some problems, the other will always be his side. One was married and had a large 16 . The other had no wife yet. They lived in different houses, but they shared everything they got from their factory. One day, the single man said to himself, “Its not 17 that we share all the things. Im 18 and I need less than him.” So, every night he took something from his house and 19 across the field 20 their houses, putting it into the other mans house. At the same time, the married man thought, “Its not fair(公平的) to share all the things. Im married and I have my wife and children to look 21 me when I am 22 . However, my friend has no one to take care of his 23 .” So, each night he also took something and put it into the married mans house. Several months passed. They found 24 strange that their things never became less. Then, one dark night the two men ran into each other. Slowly they began to understand what was happening. Their 25 dropped onto the ground and tears(眼泪) filled their eyes at once. What moving friendship between the two young men! 16. A. groupB. familyC. classD. team 17. A. rightB. popularC. interestingD. wrong 18. A. poor B. happyC. aloneD. rich19. A. jumpedB. playedC. wentD. rode20. A. fromB. throughC. offD. between21.A. afterB. forC. likeD. at22. A. worriedB. oldC. healthyD. dead23. A. wifeB. childrenC. farmD. future24. A. themB. this C. itD. that25. A. thingsB. moneyC. books D. children三、阅读理解(共10题,每题1分,计10分)AWhat do you think is the best way to pass an examination? The only way out is to work hard every day in the school year. If you are lazy(懒的) for most the year and the work hard at your lessons only a few days before the exam, you are sure to fail. If you want to get good marks(分数) in the English exam , try to read stories in English every day. Speak English whenever you can. A few late at night studying. Before you start the exam, read carefully the question, try to understand the exact(确切的) meaning of each. When you have at last finish your exam, read over your answers, correct(纠正) the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you have not missed anything out. 26. How can we do well in an exam? A.We should study hard in the school year. B. Wed better go to bed a bit earlier before the exam. C. We should read over the papers before handing them in. D. We must do A、B and C. 27. Learning the rules of grammar is _ to pass the exam. A. enough B. not enough C. possible D. not useful 28. Make sure that you _before you give the papers to the teacher. A. remember the rules of grammar B. have thought over and over again. C. have answered all the questions D. have read many stories in English 29. The writer thinks that one should _ if he wants to learn a foreign language Well. A. read as many stories in the language as he can and try speak it often. B. learn the rules of grammar by heart C. take the exams carefully D. correct the mistakes before speaking it 30. What the writer said is _. A. not useful B. helpful C. mistaken D. hard to understand B Once Mr King had a cat, and he loved it very much. He called it “Sky”, because he thought “Sky” was the strongest name in the world.One day he had a meal at a restaurant with his cat. He met his old friend. He told him about his lovely cat and its name. His friend said, “How foolish you are! Sky is not the strongest thing in the world. My cat is called Cloud because cloud is stronger than sky.” After hearing this, Mr King called his cat “Wind” because he thought wind was stronger than cloud.After a few days he suddenly(突然)thought that “Wall” was stronger than wind. And “Mouse(老鼠)” was stronger than wall. So he went to his friend to ask for an idea. His friend said, “Dont you think Cat is stronger than mouse?” “Yes, but.”The man thought and thought and then decided his cats name had better be “Cat” because a mouse was always afraid of a cat. Dont you think Mr King is very silly(傻的)or funny?31. Mr King _ his cat very much. A. didnt like B. lovedC. hatedD. hit32. His cats first name was _ . A. Sky B. Cat C. WindD. Cloud33. He decided his cats last name was _ . A. MouseB. Wall C. CloudD. Cat34. Mr King called his cat “Cat” because he thought _ . A. a cat was always afraid of a mouse B. he liked this beautiful name C. the name had more meanings D. a mouse was always afraid of a cat35. Mr King gave his cat _ names in all(总共)and at last he called it “Cat”. A. six B. fiveC. fourD. two 四、根据提示填单词(共10题,每题1分,计10分)36. He is _(口渴的)so he wants to drink some water.37. Mr Ji is an_(诚实的)boy.38. Tim is always_(慷慨的)to people in poor areas.39. I like to wear_(圆形的) glasses.40. Do you want to be a_(社会的) worker when I grow up.41. The price of this present is at_(至少)ten dollars.42. Our school is a_(男女混合的)school.43. I prefer speaking _(英国的)English to speaking American English.44. We have a_(每周的)test on each subject.45. Lucy never plays _(国际象棋)with my grandpa.五、适当形式填空(共15题,每题1分,计15分)46. She is _(slim) than I.47. Max is a_(humour) boy and he often tells funny jokes.48. We all felt_(bored) at the meeting.49. They have some English_(test) every month.50. The more trees we plant,the_(beautiful) our city will be.51. China is the second_(large) film market in the world.52. How many foreign_(language) can you speak?53. He _(discuss) this story with us the other day.54. _(offer) help to others made me really very excited.55. I am very tired and I cant go any_(far).56. _(practise) harder and you will get good scores.57. Who can_(easy) finish this problem?58. They often spend half an hour_(chat) in the dining hall.59. These basketball players are my_(hero) when I was young.60. Amy is in the_(nine) grade this term.六、翻译句子(共10题,每题2分,计20分)61. 当有些事情使我担心的时候,我经常找她寻求帮助。 When _ _me, I always_ _ her. 62. 我们学校今年四月份去了南京博物馆旅游。We _ _ _ _ to Nanjing Museum in April this year.63. 时间似乎过得更快当我们进行游戏的时候。 Time _ _ _ _ when we are playing games.64. 他比他们班的学生重多了。 He is _ _ than_ _ student in his class.65. 你每天花多长时间练习说英语? _ _ time do you spend _ _ English everyday?66. 当我有困难的时候,他乐意帮助我。 He _ _ _ _ me when I am in trouble.67. 你想选择谁作为你的好朋友? Who would you _ _ _ your friend?68. 将来我想环游世界。 I want to _ _ _ _ some day.69. 每次我都很快速浏览问题。 I_ _ _ _ every time.70. 你相信他所说的么? Do you _ _ _ _?七、任务型阅读(共10题,每题1分,计10分)Differences between American school life and German school life This year, about 2300 teenagers from all over the world will spend about 10 months in US homes. At the same time about 1300 American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and learn the rest of the world. Here is a 2-way student exchange in action. Fred, 19, spent last year in Germany with Georges family. In turn, Georges son Mike spent a year in Freds home in American. Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived. But after 2 months of studying, the language become easy for him. School was completely different from what he had expected and it was much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took 14 subjects instead of 6 that were usually taken in the US. Family life, too, was different. The fathers word was the law. All the activities were done with the family rather than individually(独立地). Fred found the food to be too simple at first. He also missed having a car. “Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out to have a good time. In Germany, you walk but you soon learn to like it.” At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his own ideas. “I suppose I should criticize(责备) American schools,” he says, ”It is far too easy for our level but I have to say that I like it a lot. In Germany, we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many activities. I think that maybe American schools are better than in training their citizens. There ought to be some middle ground between the two.”Difference between American school life and German school life.ItemsAmerican studentsGerman studentsClass rulesThey dont have to stand up.They have to ( 71 )_ up and show respect to their ( 72 )_.( 73 )_ lifeThey do their own things individually.They have to listen to listen to their ( 74 )_.School ( 75 )_They have six which are very easy to learn.They have 14 which are much more ( 76 )_.Going outThey can ( 77 )_ cars.They have to ( 78 )_ all the way.School activitiesThey have ( 79 ) _ other activities.They have to ( 80)_ hard all the time.71. _ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._76._ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._7、 首字母填空(共10题,每题1分,计10分) True friends are hard to find. Often you thought you could believe in someone, b 81 later he or she may let you down.A true friend is someone who will always be there for you. Through good times or b 82 times, they will stand by your side. They will not l 83 you alone when things get difficult. They will accept you without trying to change you. A friend will bring new and e 84 things into your life and make it richer. True friends will be h 85 and you can always believe in them. If you talk to someone who you believe in, you dont have to w 86 about what you may say. We can enjoy this freedom only with friends. Friendship is a two-way street. To f 87 a true friend and keep the friendship between you, you must do the same thing as well. Be there for your friends when they are in n 88 and share the good times with them. Offer them the same things they give to you. Friendship will break q 89 if only one person is giving and putting effort into it. You will find that there is nothing more valuable t 90 having a true friend by your side to share life with, just as someone says, “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized (珍惜) than true friendship”.81._ 82._ 83._ 84._ 85._86._ 87._ 88._ 89._ 90._


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