八年级英语上学期周考试题(9_30无答案) 人教新目标版

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咸阳百灵中学2015-2016学年八年级上学期英语试题一、单项选择:(20分)( )1. -What about seeing the film “The Girl in Red”? -Sorry. I _ it before. A. saw B. will see C. have seen D. see ( )2. I hope I can see the famous man _ in the future. A. times B. sometimes C. some times D. sometime ( )3. Im _ in the book. Do you think it very _? A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting ( )4. I think Lucy is an English girl, _? A. isnt she B. is she C. dont I D. do I ( )5. I was not good at math, so my friend helped me _ it last night. A. / B. to C. with D. in ( )6. -What are they doing now? -They are _ bags of rice. A. taking B. carrying C. bringing D. getting ( )7. He hurried _ the garden just now. A. to run B. to C. in D. go to ( )8. The best way _ English is _ it. A. to learn; to use B. learning; use C. learning; to use D. to learn; use ( )9. Social studies is one of _.A. favorites B. my favorite subject C. my favorite D. my favorite subjects( )10. Its time _class, lets hurry. A. to B. for C. at D. with ( )11. -Please _your new book to school tomorrow. -Sure. A. take B. bring C. takes D. brings ( )12. Today he is _a pair of glasses on his nose. A. putting B. wearing C. wear D. puts ( )13. _to school is good for your health. A. Walking B. Walks C. Walked D. Walk ( )14. On Sundays my mother often shops in the market. A. go shop B. goes shopping C. go to shop D. goes to shop ( )15. I loved a girl named King. A. her name is B. called C. her name D. with ( )16. Its _today. A. wind B. windy C. windly D. winds ( )17. I have _ a teacher for ten years.A. be B. being C. been D. am ( )18. Were in the same _, but we are in different _A. grade; classes B. grades; class C. grade; class D. grades; classes ( )19. Do you have _question to ask? A. one more B. more one C. one another D. one other ( )20、 The best way _ English is _ it. A. to learn; to use B. learning; use C. learning; to use D. to learn; use 二、完型填空:(10分)阅读下列短文,选出一个最佳答案。 Mike works in a factory(工厂). Its far 21_his home. Every day he 22_to work in the morning and back in the evening. One day he came home late and didnt 23_happy. His wife saw his face, then asked him, “Why arent you 22 _? Are you not 25_, dear?”“No, Im fine. But Im very angry, 26_ the bus ticket was three pence(便士,货币) last week. But today it is two pence only.”“Thats good.” his wife said.“The bus ticket is 27_ now. You 28_save(节约) two pence every day.”But Mike said.“No, you are a fool(蠢人). I walk to work and back home every day. Last week I saved 29_ every day, 30_now I have two pence less. ”( )21. A. from B. to C. in D. at ( )22. A. runs B. drives C. walks D. running( )23.A. looks B. look C. looking D. looked ( )22. A. happy B. sad C. sadly D. happily( )25. A. fine B. late C. hungry D. early ( )26. A. so B. or C. because D. and ( )27.A. cheap B. cheaper C. dear D. dearer ( )28. A. mustnt B. can C. must D. cant ( )29. A. eight pence B. four pence C. six pence D. two( )30.A. and B. or C. but D. for 三、阅读理解(20分)阅读下列短文,选择最佳答案。(I) Einstein(爱因斯坦) was born in Germany(德国), but he is an American. One day he was walking in the street. His friend met him and said to him, “Einstein, you should buy a new coat. Look, how old your coat is!” But Einstein answered, “It doesnt matter. Nobody knows me here.” After a few years Einstein became a famous (著名的)scientist(科学家). But he still wore the old coat. His friend met him again and asked him to buy a new one. But Einstein said, “I neednt buy a new one. Everyone knows me here.”( )31. Einstein was scientist.A. an English B. Chinese C. an American D. a German(德国人)32. Einsteins coat was very old. His friend . A. gave him a new one. B. asked him to buy a new one. C. helped him buy a new one. D. helped him mend(缝补)the old coat.( )33. Einstein didnt want to buy a new one because . A. he was a famous man B. he liked wearing old clothesC. he didnt have much money to buy a new coatD. he didnt mind(介意) it.( )32. A few years later Einstein . A. bought a new one B. became a famous scientist C. still(仍然) wore an old coat D. B and C( )33. The title(题目) of this passage should be . A. Einstein and His Friend B. Einstein and His New Coat C. Einsteins Coat D. Einstein(II)One day Tom went out and left(落下) his key at home. When he came back, he couldnt get in because his parents were out. He had to break a window, so he found a big stone(石头). There was a great noise when he broke the glass(玻璃), and he had to be careful when he reached through to turn the handle (把手). He was just climbing in when a voice said, “What are you doing?”It was a policeman. His neighbor(邻居) heard the breaking and telephoned the police. It took Tom a long time to explain(解释) that he wasnt a thief (贼).( )36. One day Tom couldnt get into his house because .A. he forgot to take his key with him and his parents werent at homeB. his parents were staying with his uncleC. he left his key in his officeD. his parents were angry with him and didnt let him in( )37. Tom with a big stone.A. broke the door B. knocked(敲)at the door C. broke the window D. went away( )38. Tom heard a policemans voice when he was .A. turning the handle B. breaking the doorC. climbing (爬) in through the window D. knocking at the door( )39. Why did the policeman come?A. Because the writer wanted his help.B. Because the writers neighbor telephoned the police.C. Because the writer phoned the police.D. Because the policeman heard the noise.( )40. At last the policeman knew that .A. Tom was a thiefB. Toms neighbor played a joke (玩笑) on himC. Toms window is brokenD. Tom was the master (主人) of the house四、考考你的词汇知识(33分)(1)英汉词组互译(10分)1. 想起,记得 _ 2. know about _3. 上课 _ 2. be late for class _3. 看起来像 _ 6.stay healthy _7. 准备做某事 _ 8. make a mistake _9. 介绍给_ 10. get out of bed _(2)根据语境和单词的首字母填空(7分)11. His class has fifty p _.12. Please show me your p _of your family. 13. This is my h_, Im his wife.12. He sings very well, his v_ is very good.13. Is Danny clever or s_? 16. She is not m _, we can call her Miss Wang. 17. He doesnt study in our school a_.(3)用所给词的正确形式填空(10分)18. Whats her interest, drawing or _(read)? 19. Liu Huan is a good _(sing).20. He looks _(happily)today.21. Lets invite them to _(we)party.22. This film is very _(interest).23. These words are useful, please write _(they)down.22. I have a new classmate _(name)Mary this term.23. Shanghai is one of the biggest _(city)in China.26. These _(photo)were taken at Tiananmen Squre.27. My backpack is_(cheap)than yours.(2)用所给动词的正确形式填空(8分)28. Its important_(learn)English well.29. Dont forget _(close)the window when you leave.30. He_(not do)his homework at home.31. I hate_(play)the violin.32. Every student _(have)an English book.33. I want Jenny_(come)to my party tomorrow.32. There is going to _(be)a film tonight.33. This coat is _(make)of cotton.五、句型转换(3分)1. She has four classes in the morning. (否定句)She_ _four classes in the morning. 2. I like dancing because it is very interesting. (划线提问)_ _ you like dancing?3. She does well in math. (同义句)She is _ _math.2. I take a bath twice a week. (划线提问)_ _ do you take a bath? 3. Please show me your watch. (同义句)Please _ your watch _me.六、写作(10分) 以“My favourite subjects”为题,自由发挥,写一篇20 词的短语选择题答案12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940


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