中考英语 第三轮 中考题型聚焦 考点跟踪突破42 补全对话1

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中考英语 第三轮 中考题型聚焦 考点跟踪突破42 补全对话1_第1页
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中考英语 第三轮 中考题型聚焦 考点跟踪突破42 补全对话1_第3页
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考点跟踪突破42补全对话训练一(一)参加生日聚会(2016,盘锦)从方框内所给的选项中选出恰当的选项完成对话。(选项中有两项为多余选项)A:Hi,Mandy!You look worried.1.EB:Hi!I am going to a birthday party tonight,but I dont know what to wear.A:How about an orange Tshirt?2.DB:Good idea.But what should I wear with it?A:3.G They are a good match.B:You are right.And I need a hat.4.AA:I think youll look more beautiful in blue.B:OK.Thanks for your advice.A:Youre welcome.5.CB:I hope so,too.AWhat color is better for me?BWhich bus could I take?CI believe you will have a good time at the party.DOrange is the color of joy.EWhats up?FYou should go there earlier.GPerhaps you should wear your white trousers.(二)谈论体育运动(2016,营口)A:Hello,you look tired.Whats up?B:1.BA:What football games?B:Euro 2016.A:It seems that you like playing football.2.AB:Well,I just enjoy watching the games on TV.A:You mean you dont like playing football.3.GB:I seldom play sports.A:Exercise is good for our health.4.EB:Youre right.Maybe I will have a try.A:5.DB:Nice idea.AMaybe we can play football together someday.BI have watched several football games late at night these days.CI dont agree with you.DHow about going swimming tomorrow?EYou should do some exercise.FI played football all day yesterday.GThen what other sports do you often play?(三)与父母相处(2016,丹东)A:You look so sad.1.AB:I argued with my mother.I spent too much pocket money(零用钱).2.EA:You should talk to her and say sorry.B:Yes,I know I should.But its not easy.A:Its really difficult for parents to make money.3.BB:You are right.4.F What can I do to make her happy?A:What about buying something useful for her by saving pocket money?B:That sounds good.5.CAWhats the matter with you?BYou should save pocket money.CThanks for your advice.DAlthough she is wrong,its not a big deal.EWhat should I do?FNow she is still angry with me.GCould I borrow some money?(四)购物(2016,黄石)A:Good morning,sir.1.EB:Id like to buy a shirt,please.A:Oh,good!Weve got lots of new shirts of different styles.This way,please.2.CB:Let me have a look first.A:This blue one is made of cotton(棉), and that green one is made of silk.Both of them feel soft and cool in summer.B:The green one looks nice.3.AA:Of course.Hmm,it fits you very well.B:Thank you!4.FA:$78.B:5.GA:But it really looks beautiful on you.B:That is true.OK.Ill take it.ACan I try it on?BHere is the money.CWhich one do you like?DWhere is the shirt?EWhat can I do for you?FHow much is it?GThat is a little bit expensive.训练二(一)谈论爱好(2016,铁岭)A:Whats your favorite hobby,Mary?B:1.My_favorite_hobby_is_swimming/I_like_swimming_bestIt always makes me relaxed.A:Oh,I like swimming,too.Do you have other hobbies?B:Yes,I also like playing the piano,but Im not good at it.2.Whats_your_favorite_hobby,Tom?A:I like collecting stamps best.B:Great!3.How_many_stamps_do_you_have?A:About 200.They are from different cities and countries.B:Sounds interesting!Can I have a look tomorrow?A:4.Im_sorry/SorryI wont be free until this weekend.B:It doesnt matter.Im also free on weekends.A:Thats good.See you then.B:5.See_you/OK,see_you(二)日常生活(2016,营口)A:Hi,Helen.Your coat looks very nice.B:1.Thank_you/ThanksI like it very much.A:2.Where_is_it_made_in?B:It is made in Zhejiang.A:Really?What is it made of?B:Its made of cotton.A:Where did you buy it?B:3.I_bought_it_onlineA:Online?Thats cool!Can you teach me 4.shopping_online?I want to buy something online by myself.B:Sure.You can come to my house to learn it.A:Great!5.When_will_you_be_free/available_tomorrow?B:Ill be free all day tomorrow.You can come anytime tomorrow.A:OK.See you then.B:See you.(三)打电话(2016,丹东)A:Hello,this is Jack speaking in Beijing.May I1.speak_to_Amy?B:Hey,this is Amy.2.What_are_you_doing_in_Beijing?A:I am visiting my aunt.I am calling to say good luck to you about your graduation exam.B:3.Thank_you/ThanksHave you ever been to Badaling?A:4.Yes/Yes,Ive_been_toI went there yesterday.B:5.When_will_you_be_back?A:I will be back in 6 days.B:See you then.A:OK,see you!(四)宾馆日常(2016,江西)(RReceptionist(宾馆接待员),JJack)R:Hello.1.Can/May_I_help_you?/What_can_I_do_for_you?/Is_there_anything_I_can_do_for_you?J:Could you give us the room number of Mrs.Taylor,please?R:Is she a guest here at the hotel?J:Yes,shes our English teacher.R:2.And_her/the_arrival_date?/When_did_she_arrive?J:She arrived yesterday.R:Here we are.Room 602.Would you like me to call the room?J:Yes,please.That would be great.R:3.Theres_no_answer./Nobody/No_one_answers_it. Shes not in her room,Im sorry.J:Oh dear.I need to speak to her.R:Why not look in the restaurant?Its time for breakfast.4.Shes_probably_having_breakfast./Maybe/Perhaps_she_is_there/in_the_restaurant.J:Ive been there already.Shes not there.And shes not in the gift shop,either.R:5.Why_dont_you/Why_not_leave_a_message_for_her?/Could/Will_you_leave_a_message_for_her?/Can_I_take_a_message_for_her?J:Yes.Could you tell her to call me when she comes back?R:Sure,no problem.(五)敬老院活动(2016,聊城)A:1.Where_will_you_go?B:I will go to the old peoples home.A:2.Why_do_you_go_there/to_the_old_peoples_home?B:Because I want to look after the old people.They have no children around and they are very lonely.A:3.What_can_you_do?B:I can clean up their rooms,wash their clothes and tell them something interesting around us.Would you like to go there with me?A:4.Yes,Id_like/love_toI also want to do something for the old.B:You sing well.I think you could sing songs to cheer them up.A:And I think we should ask more friends to join us so that we can serve the old people better.B:5.Good_idea/advice


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