中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破26 动词和动词短语试题2

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中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破26 动词和动词短语试题2_第1页
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中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破26 动词和动词短语试题2_第2页
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中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破26 动词和动词短语试题2_第3页
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考点跟踪突破26动词和动词短语1There are dark clouds,and the wind is blowing strongly.It C that a typhoon is coming.AfeelsBsoundsCseemsDlooks2In order to A missing the train,he got up early in the morning.(2017,预测)Aavoid Bstop Ccancel Dsolve3Can you help me D those exercise books? I got a different number each time.(2016,南京)Acarry Bmove Cwrite Dcount 4It will A only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Wuyi by highspeed railway.Wow,how exciting!I cant wait.Atake Bspend Ccost Dpay5I like the dress very much.It A comfortable.Afeels Btastes Csounds Dsmells6How long can I C this book?Five days.But you must return it on time.(2016,铜仁)Aborrow Blend Ckeep Dkept7Mary,I B John of his promise to help you.Atold Breminded Cwarned Dadvised8Her father tried to B that nothing unusual had happened.In fact,it was not serious.(2016,武汉)Aimagine Bpretend Cmean Dwarm9My parents said they would come to visit me.I couldnt A to see them after several months away from home.(2016,河南)Await Bhelp Cexpect Dafford10The scientist did hundreds of research to A the answer.(2016,保定模拟)Afind out Blook outChand out Dtake out 11Where is Xis Family Garden(习家池)?It A 5km south to the Old City of Xiangyang.(2016,襄阳)Alies Blives Clays Dlists12Bob is taking the desks away because they C too much room.Astand up Bpick up Ctake up Dlisten up13He was so hungry that he D three bowls of hotanddry noodles. (2016,三门峡二模)Acut up Bgave upCtook up Date up14Its not the right time to argue about who should be blamed.Wed better A and find a way out as soon as possible.Acalm down Bstay upCgive up Dlook down15How do you like this speech?I like it very much and it can A me _ to achieve my dream.(2016,西宁)Acheer;up Bconnect;withClet;down Dtake;up16Please B the water when you brush your teeth.(2016,西宁)Aturn down Bturn offCturn on Dturn up17A true friend will never B from you when youre in trouble.(2016,重庆)Atake away Brun awayCput off Dget off18A notice was D in order to remind the students of the changed school time.(2016,海定模拟)Asent up Bgiven upCset up Dput up19On my way home,I saw a granny fall down.I offered help first and then A police.(2016,东营)Acalled up Bcared forCcheered up Dfound out20Oh,my god.I C 2kg this month.Dont worry.Its normal for a growing teenage girl.(2016,襄阳)Aput up Bput offCput on Dput down21To save energy,we should B the electricity when we dont use it.I agree,you are really a greener person.(2016,咸宁)Ashut up Bshut off Ctake away Dtake off22The fire A at around 3 am.local time when people were celebrating with fireworks.Im sorry to hear it.(2016,连云港)Abroke out Bran out Cwent out Dput out23Im so tired after the long journey that I want to go to bed at once.(2016,襄阳)Youd better D first and then have a rest.Atake a walk Btake a messageCtake a break Dtake a shower24What will the weather be like tomorrow?It B be rainy,cloudy or sunny.Who knows?(2016,鄂州)Amust Bmight Cshould Dcant25Sorry,Miss Liu.I left my workbook at home.Must I hand it in today?No,you DYou _ bring it here tomorrow.(2016,黄石)Amustnt;should Bcant;mustCmustnt;may Dneednt;can26The girl in the classroom C be Sarah.She has gone to the library.(2016,烟台)Amay Bmust Ccant Dneednt27Could I smoke here?Sorry,I am afraid you CLook at the sign “No smoking”!(2016,泰州)Acouldnt Bneednt Ccant Dwont28Must we finish the work today?(2016,重庆A)C. We have something else to do tomorrow.AYes,we can BNo,we cantCYes,we must DNo,we neednt29Mom,D I visit the art museum next Monday?Im afraid you cant.All museums in the city are closed on Monday.(2016,广东)Awould Bneed Cshould Dmay30Do you think that Kobe will be elected as the MVP this year?It A him.He has retired(退役) since April 13.(2016,咸宁)Acant be Bmustnt be Cmust be Dcan be31Must I go to a law school and be a lawyer like you,Dad?No,you D.You are free to make your own decision.(2016,西宁)Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dneednt32You D take me to the station.My brothers taking me.(2016,江西)Acant BmustntCshouldnt Ddont have to33Where are you going this month?We B go to Xiamen,but were not sure.(2016,呼和浩特)Aneednt Bmight Cmust Dmustnt34I still havent found my pet dog.(2016,武汉)Im sorry to hear that.You C be very sad.Acan Bshould Cmust Dwill35Lets go climbing,shall we?You C be joking!Dont you know Im afraid of high places?Amay Bcan Cmust Dshould36Children D sit in the front seat of a car.Its too dangerous.Aneed Bneednt Cmust Dmustnt37Its helpful to C a good habit of reading in language learning.Atake Bshow Cdevelop Dmatch38Show me your homework,Dave.Sorry,Mrs.Brown.Ive A it at home.(2017,预测)Aleft Bmissed Cforgotten Dlost39I dont know your friend.Can you B her to me?Yes,of course.(2016,昆明模拟)Alead Bintroduce Cmeet Dexplain40Why are you so happy?My parents have B to buy me a new computer as my birthday gift.Aexpressed Bpromised Crealized Dimproved41When you visit a museum,you should B the rules and dont be against them.Acompare with Bpay attention toClook up to Dtry out42Whats wrong with you,Eric?You look tired.I C to prepare for the final exam last night.(2016,海南模拟)Apicked up Bwoke upCstayed up Dput up43Im D the trip which we can go whenever we want to go.(2016,黄石模拟)Youll take me,and Ill take the money.Ataking part in Btaking care ofClooking back at Dlooking forward to44What should we do for the disabled children in the Childrens Home?Youre supposed to C a study group to help them.(2016,陕西模拟)Atake up Bfix up Cset up Dstay up45You say you are short of money.Why not sell your old gold watch for some money?Oh,I cant,because it was a gift from my wife.I promised her I would never D it.Acare about Blook afterCstick to Dpart with46I hope to be a volunteer on weekends.You could help to D the city parks.Acheer up Bmake up Ctake up Dclean up


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