中考英语题型专练 专题九 短文填空 根据汉语提示填词试题

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短文填空(2016浙江湖州)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空限填一词。A golden envelope (信封) fell through the letter box. On the front, there was no 57 (地址) or name of the person who sent it, it only said. “Youve won.” Mum opened it and was very glad to tell then that the family lad won a 58 (免费的) holiday. They were so excited and started to 59 (讨论) the holiday plan.Laura said she wanted to go to the coast and swim in the sea. Ted hoped to go 60 (某处) and eat lots of nice food. Mom preferred to go shopping in big cities while Dad just wanted to leave his 61 (生意) alone and have a good rest. They couldnt decide until it was 62 (几乎)dark. Then the phone began to 63 (铃响). Ted answered it. “Hello! This is Lucy Holidays. Youve won a holiday to sunny Alexandria.” “Thats where my grandma lives.” “This is Grandma! You played a joke on us!” “ Youre all invited to spend your summer holidays with me.” They spent 64 (十四) fun days at Grandmas. They were so happy and 65 (放松的)! Everyone got what he wanted. 【主旨大意】本篇是一篇记叙文,讲述了Laura一家赢得了一个免费的假期旅行的故事。57. address 58.free 59. discuss 60. somewhere 61.business 62.nearly/almost 63. ring 64. fourteen 65.relaxed (2016浙江台州)B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。 If you leave something important on a bus or 51 (地下的) train while travelling around London, you should pay a visit to the Transport Lost and Found Office in central London.“Weve got everything here, such as 52 (手提包), keys, mobile phones and 53 (甚至) something that is not easy to imagine. So we make a 54 (淸单) and then put it on newspapers. It is 55 (有帮助的) for the owners to get them back.” says the 56 (经理), Holding a box of false teeth, “How can anyone leave 57 (他们的) teeth on a bus?”“If theres a name and address, well try our best to find the owner and 58 (归还) it. If we cant find the owners anywhere, well keep them here for 59 (六) months and hope that the owners will come. If not, we will sell them.”“Its an interesting 60 (工作). People are always pleased when they find the things they lost. ”【主旨大意】 这是一篇说明文。讲述了在伦敦旅游乘公交或是地铁时,交通中心设置的“失物招领处”给人们提供帮助的相关情况。51.underground 表示“地下的”用underground,underground train意为“地铁”。52. handbags/ bags 表示“手提包”用handbag或是bag,根据后面的keys可知此处表示并列关系,用复数形式handbag或是bags。53. even 表示“甚至”用副词even。54. list 根据前面的a可知用单数形式,make a list意为“列一个清单”。55. helpful 表示“有帮助的”用helpful,此处交代状况,用原级。句意:对于所有者来说取回他们是有帮助的。56. manager 根据语境此处用单数形式,“经理”的英文表示是manager。57. their 根据后面的名词teeth可知前面有形容词性的物主代词。表示“他们的”用their。58. return “归还”的英语表达是return,根据前面的and可知与find表示并列关系,故用原形return。59.six 根据后面的months可知用基数词形式six。60. job 根据前面的an可知后面用可数名词job的单数形式。work不可数,故排除。(2016浙江义乌)B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Many museums keep works of art, and some have valuable pieces that can never be replaced. These museums give the 51 (公众) a chance to enjoy their treasures. In the past, everyone had to be 52 (几乎) silent when visiting museums. Today, rules arent that strict, but following some basic rules is still 53 (必需的).Respect(尊重) the spaceAvoid standing against the walls.Remember that no bags are in 54 (允许) museums.No food or drink 55 (在里面) most museums.Keep the museum space clean and 56 (扔) away all litter. Respect the artNo flash phones. Bright lights can be 57 (有害的) to the art.No 58 (触摸) the art. Hands, fingers, heads or any body part should never come into contact with the artwork.Respect other visitorsKeep your 59 (说话声) down.Watch when you go 60 (往楼下).Stand in lines while buying tickets or waiting. Following the rules above can help make everyones museum experience safe and enjoyable.51. public 52. almost/nearly 53. necessary 54. allowed/permitted 55. in/inside 56. throw 57. harmful 58. touching 59. voice/voices 60. downstairs(2016浙江温州)Beijing is entering the best travel season- “golden autumn”. The wind is blowing and the sun 46 (照耀). The colorful city sights make autumn the most popular season to visit Beijing.“Beijing is an amazing city! I really want to show the special beauty of this country to my friends in 47 (加拿大),” said a tourist who was 48 (忙的) taking photos of the Summer Palace.In Beihai Park, two young 49 (女士) were recording some ancient 50 (石头) bridges with their DV.“Before the trip, what I knew about China was all from 51 (报纸) and television. Actually, its much 52 (容易的) to travel in China than I thought. 53 (在期间) this trip, Ive learnt that China is developing very fast,” the girl with a 54 (帽子) named Lily said.She also said that her travel plan 55 (包括) the Great Wall as well. “People here are friendly. They like communicating with foreigners and this makes my trip more pleasant,” said the traveler. 【主旨大意】本文为记叙文。讲述了金秋的北京是旅游的最佳黄金时节,我在颐和园、北海公园的旅游旅游经过。并且这一信息是通过媒体最先了解的。46. is shining考查动词用法。由The wind is blowing and可知and连接的是两个并列成分,填is shining。47.Canada 考查名词用法。介词In +国家,故填Canada。48. busy考查形容词用法。固定词组 be busy doing故填busy49.ladies/women考查名词复数用法。定语是two young_.名词为复数形式,故填ladies/women。50.stone考查名词用法。根据some ancient _bridges名词作定语修饰名词,所以填stone。51.newspaper考查不可数名词用法。根据and television 连接的是并列成份由句意可知填newspaper。52.easier考查形容词比较级用法。因为比较级的标志词than可知此处填easier。53.During考查介词用法。根据Ive learnt that China is developing very fast可知是在旅游期间,故填During54.hat/cap考查名词用法。名词的后置定语。由句意可知上面写着名字的帽子。故填hat cap。55.included 考查动词时态用法。根据She also said that her travel plan可知主从复合句的时态要保持一致。故填included。(2016浙江绍兴)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的适当形式 (每空一词) Many museums house works of art, and some have valuable pieces that can never be replaced. These museums give the 51 (公众) a chance to enjoy their treasures. In the past, people could 52 (几乎不) talk when visiting museums. Today, rules arent are strict, but following some 53 (基本的) rules is still necessary.Respect (尊重) the space* Keep the museum space clean and throw away all rubbish.* 54 (避免) standing against walls and watch where you walk.* No food is allowed. Finish 55 (吃) all the food before entering the museum.Respect the art* No touching the art. Hands, 56 (手指) or any body part should never come into contact with the artwork. (Someone thinks as mall touch wont hurt the artwork, but imagine how those “touches” would add up with 57 (百) or thousands of visitors every day.)* No flash photos. Bright lights can be 58 (有害的) to the artRespect other visitors* Complete silence isnt necessary, but talk in a low 59 (说话声) .* Stand in lines while buying tickets or waiting.Follow the rules 60 (在上面). It can make everyones museum experience safe and enjoyable.【主旨大意】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了人们在参观博物馆时的注意事项:尊重博物馆,尊重艺术,尊重其他游客。51. public 句意为:这些博物馆给公众提供欣赏文物的机会。the public意为:公众,名词。52. hardly 句意为:过去人们参观博物馆时,几乎不能说话。hardly意为:几乎不,频度副词。53. basic 句意为:现在制度没那么严格了,但是下面一些基本的规定仍然是必需的。Basic基本的,基础的,形容词。54. Avoid 句意为:避免倚着墙站着。avoid doing意为:避免做某事。55. eating/having 句意为:进博物馆之前把东西吃完。eat或have意为:吃;根据finish doing,可得答案。 56. fingers 句意为:手,手指或身体的任何部位都不应该直接接触艺术品。finger意为:手指,应使用复数形式。57. hundreds 句意为:但是想象一下每天要有来自于好几百或好几千参观者这触碰。hundred意为:百;根据下文的thousands可知此处hundred应该加s,构成并列结构。58. harmful 句意为:明亮的光线会对艺术品是有害的。harmful意为:有害的,形容词。59. voice 句意为:完全不出声倒是没必要,但要小声谈话。in a low voice意为:用小的声音;voice指人的声音。60. above 句意为:遵守上面的规则。above意为:以上,上面,为副词。(2016浙江衢州)B)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。 Charles Darwin was a scientist. And he changed our understanding of the 56 (自然的) world. Darwin was born in 1809 in England. At school he didnt do well and got poor marks. He was a good athlete though and loved studying nature. He also kept doing chemistry 57 (实验). His father was a doctor and expected Charles to become one too. Charles started studying 58 (医药) at Edinburgh University, but soon gave up his studies there. He went on to study relion at Cambridge University 59 (代替). In1831, Darwin went on a five-year journey to South America, Australia and South Africa by ship. He was seasick, but the things he saw on this trip changed his life. He 60 (收集) many animal and plant specimens. He spent the 61 (剩余) of his life studying what he had seen and he wrote many books. In 1939, Darwin 62 (结婚) his cousin, Emma Wedgwood, with whom he had seen and ten children! He was a loving father and enjoyed family life, which was always more 63 (重要的) to him than his research. In spite of having many health 64 (问题) throughout his life, Darwin lived until he was 73.Darwins most famous book “On the Origin of Species” came out in 1859 and sold out in a day. It said that all living things were related. His ideas were not popular at first, but now most people 65 (同意) with them and admire Darwin as great scientist.56. natural句意:他改变了我们对自然世界的理解。nature的形容词形式为natural。57. experiments 句意:他也做了很多化学实验。因为是很多实验,所以要用复数形式experiments。 58. medicine句意:查理斯开始在爱丁堡大学学习医学。medicine为不可数名词。59. instead句意:反之,他在剑桥大学继续学习宗教。Instead 代替,反之。常放于句末。60. collected句意:他收集了许多动物与植物的种类。全文都在用过去式,所以要用collect的过去式collected。61. rest句意:他把他的余生把花在了他所看到的研究上,然后他写了很多书。the rest of固定词组,剩余的。62. married 句意:在1839年,达尔文与他的表妹艾玛结婚了。1839发生在过去,所以要用married. 63. important句意:他是一个好爸爸,他喜欢家庭生活,对他来说生活比研究更重要 。important重要的。64. problems 句意:一生中尽管有太多的身体问题,但是他还是活到73岁。 many后要跟名词的复数形式,故用problems。 65. agree 句意:他的想法起先不让人接受,但现在大多数人同意他的观点。由now现在这个单词可知,要用agree。(2016浙江舟山)B.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Alison Lapper, a very unusual painter, paints pictures for a living. She doesnt use her 51 (手)when she paints. She uses her mouth! Alison was born 52 (没有)any arms. Her physical problem caused her to spend the first 53 (十七)years of her life in a hospital. But this didnt stop her from making her dreams in life come true. She realized that even though she was disabled, she could 54 (表达)herself as freely as normal people.This was what got her to start drawing paintings. Although Alison lives 55 (十分)a different life from others, she never loses her heart. She 56 (相信)that she can succeed as others. With great efforts, her painting skills have reached a high 57 (水平)and her paintings do not look like they were drawn by 58 (某人)who used her mouth. Alison has become a symbol of 59 (勇气). Many disabled people have been cheered up by her 60 (积极的)way of living and become more confident. 【主旨大意】Alison Lapper 是一位先天残疾,没有胳膊,但是她用嘴画画,他付出了努力,当然画技水平很高。她周围的人都受到他的鼓舞,更自信的对待生活。51. hands 考查名词的单复数。句意:他画画不用手。每个健康的正常人都有两只手,故用复数形式,由此可填hands。52. without 考查介词的用法。句意:Alison出生时没有胳膊。此处的介词without表示状态,由此可填without。53. seventeen 考查数词的用法。句意:她的身体问题导致她的头17年生活在医院里。此处意思是17年空格后的years是复数形式,之前用表示数量的基数词,故填seventeen。54. express 考查动词的形式。句意:她意识到即使她残疾,她可以和正常人一样自由的表达她自己。前面有could这个情态动词,之后用动词原形,故填express55. quite 考查副词的用法。句意:尽管Alison和别人的生活十分不同。此处在修饰形容词different,要用副词,且之前又与冠词a,由此可知答案。56. believes 考查动词的时态。句意:她相信她可以和其他人一样成功。此处用一般现在时态,主语是第三人称单数,动词用单三式,由此可填believes。57. level 考查名词的形式。句意:她的绘画技巧达到了很高的水平。空格之前有冠词a和形容词high,所以此处用名词单数,由此可知答案。58. someone/somebody 考查不定代词。句意:她用嘴画的画与其他人的画看起来不一样。此处作介词by的宾语,由此可填someone/somebody。59. courage 考查名词的用法。句意:Alison成为了勇气的象征。此处在介词of之后用名词,构成名词所有格,由此可填名词courage。60. active 考查形容词的用法。句意:许多残疾人已经被她积极的生活方式所鼓舞,变得更加自信。此处在修饰名词way用形容词,作定语,故填active。(2016浙江宁波)A.根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。More and more teenagers are using the internet nowadays, but some of them arent using it in a proper way. If you follow these suggestions, itll be much 46 (安全的) than you might think.*Do not give your password to others and never give out your home 47 (地址), real name, age, school or phone number to those 48 (陌生人).*Do not share your 49 (私密的) information in Moments(朋友圈).*Never answer unwanted 50 (电子邮件)*Be 51 (小心的) when you, using public Wi-Fi or scanning QR code(扫二维码).* Never go and meet anyone you met online 52 (没有)your parents permission and never go 53 (单独地).* Keep a separate credit (信用) card just for 54 (购物) online. This will make it easier to 55 (取消) if something bad happens and your other credit cards can still be used uninfluenced.46. safer 解析:句意:如果你遵守这些建议,它会比你想的更安全。than提示要用比较级形式。 47. address 解析:句意:不要把你的家庭地址,真实姓名,学校,或者电话号码给陌生人。 48. strangers解析:句意:前面有those 故要用名词的复数形式。49. private/ personal解析:句意:不要在朋友圈中分享你的私密的信息,private私人的,personal个人的,两者都可以填。50. emails解析:句意:不要答复垃圾邮件。很多垃圾邮件,故用复数形式。51. careful 解析:句意:当你使用公用WIFI或者扫二维码时,要小心,be后跟形容词,故填careful。52. without 解析:句意:没有父母允许不要去见网友,考查介词without,没有。 53.alone 解析:句意:不要单独一个人,考察副词一个人alone。 54. shopping解析:句意:有一个为网上购物的独立的信用卡。for要小写介词后要跟动名词形式。 55. cancel解析:句意:如果不幸发生的话,这将更容易取消。(2016浙江丽水)B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Who Needs Money?The kids in my class are doing an experiment to show that we dont need to spend money to have 56 (娱乐), so we arent going to buy anything for a whole week! All the money we 57 (节省) will go to charity. Keep reading to see how it goes!Day 1:I went to a 58 (免费的) concert with Rachel this evening. We had a great time 59 (直到为止) it started raining! We had to walk home.Day 2:The weather was still bad this morning, and my 60 (电脑) didnt work. It needed to be fixed, but I knew it would 61 (花费) money, so I asked Jake for help. He 62 (设法) to fix it and I lent him some DVDs that he needed. We were both happy!Day 3:How can you get some new clothes without going 63 (购物)? The answer a Second-hand Clothes Party. Everyones got things they dont wear any more, but that someone else might like. My 64 (朋友) and I had a great time trying things on at our party. We 65 (避免) waiting in line at the stores. I went home with lots of new clothes! Day 4:【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者及其同学开展了一项不花钱娱乐的活动,并把节省下的钱捐给慈善机构的故事。56.fun考查固定搭配。句意:我们班的孩子正在做一个测试,说明我们不需要花前就可以玩得高兴。fun为名词,这里是固定搭配have fun,意为“玩得高兴”。57. save句意:节省下来的所有的钱捐给慈善机构。save动词,意为“节约;拯救”。58.free句意:我和雷切尔今晚去看免费的音乐会。free为形容词,意为“免费的”。59. until/till 句意:我们玩得很痛苦,直到开始下雨。表示“直到为止”用连词until或till。60.computer 句意:今天早晨天气仍然不好,我的电脑出了毛病。“电脑”用computer。61. cost/take 句意:我知道要花钱,所以我让Jake帮忙。主语为物时,表示“花费”用cost或take,would后用动词原形。62.managed/tried句意:他设法修理它。表示“设法”用manage或try,根据上下句用一般过去时。63. shopping句意:不去购物,你怎样能买到新衣服? go shopping为固定搭配,意为“去购物”。64.friend(s) 句意:我和我的朋友在晚会上高兴地尽力做事情。friend名词,意为“朋友”,根据句意可用单数,也可用复数。65. avoided句意:我们避免在商店里排队等候。avoid动词,意为“避免;逃避”,后跟动名词作宾语,根据前后句用过去式形式。(2016浙江金华)B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Deep under the seaImagine a trip to the deep ocean. What would you 51 (期待) to see? Would it be possible that you find 52 (奇怪的) new animals and plants?As we know, sunlight warms the surface 53 (部分) of the ocean. Plants and animals which need sunlight and warm water live there. But deep in the ocean, other animals live in water that is cold and 54 (黑暗的).The deep ocean is freezing cold. The water pressure of very deep water can 55 (伤害) you. So what animals live in the ocean? Where do they live? How many are there? Scientists have studied and counted animals for ten years to find out. The 56 (报告) is surprising.The first surprise is where things live: everywhere! They live in the hottest and coldest places. Some live in deep places 57 (没有) light or air.The second surprise is that there are over 230,000 58 (种类) of animals and plants under the sea. Over six 59 (千) have never been seen before!So what 60 (别的) is living in the deep ocean? Will there be more surprises to come?【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。你想过要去深海旅行吗?你期待去看一看海底世界吗?本文介绍了深海里的奇异之事。51. hope/ expect 表示“希望去做,期待去做”用hope/ expect to do sth.。此题would后接动词原形。52. strange 句意:你可能发现新奇的动植物吗?根据汉语意思提示可知填strange。53. part 表示“表面的部分”用the surface part of .,故填part。54. dark 句意:但是在海洋深处,其他的动物生活在寒冷阴暗的水里。根据汉语提示可知本空填dark。55. harm/ hurt 句意:(海洋)深处的水压可能会伤害你。根据汉语提示可知伤害某人用harm/ hurt sb.。56. report 句意:这份报告令人吃惊的。根据汉语提示可知本空填report。57. without 句意:一些居住在深的地方没有光和空气。表示“没有”用介词without。58. kinds 此处是23万种动植物,故用kind的复数,故填kinds。59. thousand 因为前面有数字six所以thousand不加s,故填thousand。60. else 常用表达what else意为“还有什么”,故填else。


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