中考英语题型专练 专题二 词汇拼写与运用 自由填词试题

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中考英语题型专练 专题二 词汇拼写与运用 自由填词试题_第1页
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中考英语题型专练 专题二 词汇拼写与运用 自由填词试题_第3页
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自由填词(2016吉林长春)I.在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。(5分)1. You must return the book in fifteen days. Its a _ of our library.1. rule 句意:你一定要在十五天内归还这本书。这是我们图书馆一个_。由语境推知,这里说的是图书馆规则。故填rule。2. Anna is independent and she can look after _ when shes alone at home.2. herself 句意:Anna很独立,当她独自在家时,她能照看_。由语境知,这里说的是“她能照看自己”。故填herself3. It is polite for students to put _ their hands in class if they have questions.3. up 句意:对于学生们来说,如果在课堂上有问题_手是礼貌的。由语境知,这里说的是“举手”,put up意为“举起”,故填up。4. Walk along the street, and you will see the computer museum _ your left.4. on 句意:沿着这条街道走,你将会在左边看见那个电脑博物馆。“在左边”为on ones left。故填on5.Our class always win prizes in the poem competition. We will _ pride in ourselves.5. take 句意:我们班总是在诗歌比赛中获奖。我们以我们自己为傲。“以为傲”是take pride in。故填take。(2016吉林).句意填词 根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。(5分)21. Children s Day is in June , the _ month of a year.22. He was very excited to buy a _ to that basketball game.23. I often _ to some smooth music to relax before going to bed.24. Passengers are waiting _ the bus at the station.25. My brother is a lazy boy, and he _ ever exercises every day.21. sixth 句意:儿童节在六月,一年中第六个月。考查序数词。22. ticket 句意:他买到一张那场篮球赛的门票很兴奋。23. listen / dance 句意:我经常在临睡前听一些舒缓的音乐放松。/我经常在临睡前伴着舒缓的音乐跳舞。24. for 句意:乘客们正在车站等公共汽车。25. hardly 句意:我的弟弟是个懒惰的男孩,他每天几乎从不锻炼。(2016湖北孝感) 根据句子意思, 在横线上填写适当的单词, 使句子完整、正确。(共8分,每小题1分)61. March is the _ month in a year. 62. My little baby sister is so lovely. We all like _.63. The sun rises in the _ and falls in the west.64. The age of my friends is _ 14 to 16 years old.65. Would you mind _ the window, please? It is too hot here.66. This kind of sweater is too _. I want to buy a cheap one.67. The 31st Olympic Games will _ place in Rio, Brazil. I cant wait to watch it. 68. To avoid mistakes in your writing, you should write more _ and slowly.61.third句意为:三月是一年中的_月。分析句子结构可知:修饰名词moth且放在定冠词the后面,缺少个形容词,由句意可判断:三月是一年中的第三个月,故用序数词third。62.her句意为:我的小妹妹那么可爱,我们都喜欢_。分析句子结构可知:放在动词like后面,缺少宾语,分析句意可知:我们都喜欢她,故用宾格her。63.east句意为:太阳从_升起,在西方落下。根据生活常识也很容易推知:太阳从东方升起在西方落下,故答案为east。64.from句意为:我朋友的年龄在14和16岁之间。分析句子结构可知:和介词to连用,构成短语from to,故答案为from.65.opening句意为:请_窗户你介意吗?这里太热了。分析句子结构可知:would you mind doing sth?做某事你介意吗?由后句文意“太热了“可知:打开窗户,故用opening。66.expensive句意为:这种毛衣太_。我想买件便宜的。由后句中的“便宜的”可知:这件毛衣太贵,故用形容词expensive。67.take句意为:第31届奥林匹克运动会将在巴西里约热内卢举行,迫不及待地想看了。和place连用,表示“举行;发生”之意,用take表示。68.carefully句意为:为了避免你写作中的错误,你应该慢慢地和_去写。由and可知:前面和后面的slowly成分相同,由句意可判断出:为了避免错误,你应该更仔细,故用副词形式carefully。通过上下文,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。(2015江苏苏州) 45. Do I look nice in this fur coat, Millie? Mom, please dont buy it , We should have on wild animals. (2015江苏苏州) 46. What did you do to celebrate Halloween last year? I up as Superman and played “trick or treat”.(2015江苏苏州) 47. How much did you spend on your trip to South Korea? The of it was 3,500 yuan in all. 44. twentieth 45. pity 46. dressed 47. cost


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