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20152016学年度第二学期十里中学七年级英语第三次月测卷时间:120分钟 满分:150分 分数:.单词辨音。(每题1分,共5分)找出划线部分读音与其他三个读音不同的选项。( )1. A. pal B.bank C. bag D. make( )2. A.library B. like C.bridge D. right( )3. A.lunk B. brush C.bus D. usully( )4. A.weather B. this C. think D. other( )5. A.eat B. health C. sweater D. breakfast .词汇。(每题1分,共15分)A)用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空1. They like _ (take) a walk after supper. 2. Jim enjoys _ (swim).3. Bridge Street is a good place _(have) fun.4 .Let the girl _ (go) to school early.5. I want _ (play) basketball.B)根据汉语意思及首字母提示写出所缺单词。6. June is the s_ month of a year.7. Susan lives in China , and she can speak C_ and English.8. Everybody(每个人) has his likes and d_. 9.Our house is b_ a school and a vegetable market.10People Park is a good p_ to have fun.C)选出与句子划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。( ) 11The classroom is clean A.dirty B. not clean C.not dirty D.very clean( ) 12. The elephant is very interesting .A.cute B. smart C.clever D.kind of( ) 13. He isnt tall or short .A. is tall B. is short C. is of medium height D. long( ) 14. We have fun at school every day.A. has a good time B. happy C.have a good time D.very good ( ) 15. The dolphin is very smart.A. interesting B. clever C.friendly D.beautiful 语法与情景会话。(每题1分,共25分)( ) 1. Please write _ me in English.A. to B .at C.about D.in ( ) 2. I know English and _Japanese.A. little B .a little C. few D. a few( ) 3. I like dancing and _ sports.A.play B.plays C. to play D. playing( ) 4. Is there a bank in the street?A .Yes, it is B. No,there is C .Yes,there is D .No,it is( ) 5. - How is it _? - Its not bad. A. go B. going C. goes D. is ( ) 6. There _ a book and two pens on the desk.A. is B. are C. be D. have ( ) 7. Lisa and her friends _fun at the party right now.A. have B. are having C. has D. is having( ) 8. Its too _ outside, You must put on your coat. A. hot B. cool C. cold D. warm( ) 9. - What _ his parents doing ? - _ having lunch. A. is, Hes B. is, He C. are, Theyre D. are, They( ) 10. Is there a pay phone _ the neighborhood?Yes, its_ Center Street_ the right. A. in; down; onB. on; on; is C. in; on; is D. on; down; on( ) 11. She is an _ girl .A .eight years old B. eight year old C. eight-years-old D. eight-year-old ( ) 12. Where _ your pen pal _ from? A. is, come B. are, / C. is, / D. does, come ( ) 13. Where is _ pen pal from? A.John B.Johns C.Johns D.Johns( ) 14. - Where _ her pen friend _ ? - Shes from Tokyo.A. does, from B. is, from C. does, in D. is, in( ) 15. Where _ your brother live ? A. is B. are C. do D. does( ) 16. My mother wants me _ shopping with her. A. go B. to go C. go to D.goes( ) 17. Let him _ these things to his parents. A. take B. taking C. takes D.to take ( ) 18.- _ do you go ? - I go to the movies. A. When B. Where C. What D. How( ) 19. The boys enjoy _ soccer ball very much. A. to play B. plays C. playing D. play( ) 20. My uncle _ tall and he _ curly hair . A.has;is B.is;has C.is;have D.have;has( ) 21. -Whats your father doing ? -Hes talking _the phone with my uncle. A. in B. on C. to D. with ( ) 22. Liu Mei sits_ the class.A. in front of B. in the front of C. at the back of D. on( )23. Please look around.What can you see your right?A.inB.on C.at D. to ( )24. My sister _her homework right now. A. do B. does C. doing D. is doing( )25. A reporter likes _ to people and _ stories. A. to talk, writing B. talking, to write C. talking, writing D. talk, write.动词考查。(每题1分,共15分)A)选择动词的适当形式填空。( )1. My brother _ to be a teacher. A.need B. wants C. make D want( )2. He enjoys _ very much. A. reading B. to read C. read D.reads( )5.Can you tell me how to _to the bank? A. arrive B.get C.live D.go( )4. Let him _ these things to his parents. A. take B. taking C. takes D.to take ( )5. John, can you _ it in English? A. tell B. say C. speak D. talklive, little, place, what, language, where, favorite, dont, basketball, aboutB)从方框中选择适当的单词完成对话,每空一词:A: Excuse me! (1) are you from? B: Im from England. (2) (3) you? A: Im from Canada. I (4) in Ottawa. B: Ottawa is a good (5) . What (6) do you speak? A: I speak English and a (7) French. B: Whats your (8) sport? A: Look, (9) . B: Oh, yes, but I (10) like it.句型转换。(每题2分,共10分)1.Is Tom from Shanghai?(同义句) Tom from Shanghai?2. Hows the weather in Wuhan? (同义句) the weather Wuhan? 3. Tom is of medium height. (对划线部分提问)_ does Tom _ _?4. I like English because its interesting. (划线部分提问) you like English? 5. My grandfather lives in Wuhan.(划线提问)_ your grandfather live ? .完形填空(每空1分,共10分)Its a fine Sunday morning. There 1 many children in the park. They are 2 happily. Some are playing 3 under a big tree. Some girls are singing and 4 . Some boys are running 5 the hill. LiLeis 6 by the lake. Hes reading a story. 7 is Wang lin? Hes standing over there. 8 is he doing ? Hes looking 9 a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). He 10 to catch it.( )1. A. is B. are C. am ( )2. A. playing B. sing C. dance( )3. A.yo-yos B. the football C. games ( )4.A. dancing B. to dance C. dance( )5. A.on B. up C. about ( )6. A. sitting B. sit C. siting ( )7. A. What B. Who C. Where ( )8. A. Where B. What C. Who ( )9. A.at B. after C. for ( )10. A. want B. is wanting C. wantsVII. 阅读理解:(每小题2分,共40分) ( A ) Jack is having a great and relaxing summer. He is visiting his grandmother in Florida. The weather is hot and sunny. He is staying at his grandmothers home. It is very nice and near the beach. He goes to the beach with friends every day. They play volleyball there a lot. He watches TV or reads in the evening. He is reading an interesting book this week. Its really scary. His grandmother is making dinner now. She wants Jack to help her. ( ) 1. _ is in Florida. A. Mike B. Tina C. Jack D. allan( ) 2. The weather is _. A. hot and rainy B. hot and sunny C. cold and sunny D. windy and cold( ) 3. Jack is visiting his _. A. grandmother B. grandfather C. uncle D. friends( ) 4. He watches TV or reads _. A. in the evening B. in the morning C. at night D. in the afternoon( ) 5. He is reading a _ book. A. boring B. scary C. interesting D. awful(B)Mr. and Mrs. Smith come from London, England. They work in China now. They teach English in a middle school . They like their work very much. They have two children, Sam and Sue. They are both in Shanghai with their parents. Mr. Smith cant speak Chinese, but his wife can speak it very well.Mr. Smith likes swimming and reading, and Mrs. Smith likes swimming and reading, too. They often go swimming in the afternoon and read in the evening. Sam and Sue like playing games with Chinese boys and girls.Sams uncle works on a farm near London. He likes swimming, too. He wants to work in Shanghai, but he cant speak Chinese. So he is still(仍然) there and goes to Chinese classes every day.( )6. Where are Sam and Sue from ?A. Canada B. America C. England D. Australia( )7. What sport does Mrs. Smith like ? A. Swimming B. Running C. Playing basketball D. Walking( )8. What does Sams uncle do ? A. A teacher B. A worker C. A farmer D. An actor( )9. What does Sue like ? A. Swimming and reading B. Playing computer games C. Watching TV D. Playing games( )10. _ are in different countries now. A. Mr. and Mrs. Smith B. Mrs. Smith and her childrenC. Mr. Smith and his brother D. Mr. Smith and his children(C)Hello, everyone(每个人)! My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada. Its a very beautiful city. My parents are from France. They speak French. And I can speak English and French. I am 13 years old and my birthday is in November. Im a middle school student. There are thirteen girls and fifteen boys in my class. They are from five countries. They all come to learn English. There are eight Chinese students in my class and six of them are my good friends. I like China very much because it is a great country. I want to learn Chinese. And I want to go to China. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 ( ) 11. Where is Bob from? A. France. B. Canada. C. China. ( ) 12. How many students are there in Bobs class? A. Thirteen. B. Fifteen. C. Twenty-eight. ( ) 13. What does Bob want to do? A. He wants to go to China. B. He wants to learn English. C. He wants to go to France. ( ) 14. What languages can Bob speak? A. English and Chinese. B. English and French. C. Chinese and English. ( ) 15. How many Chinese friends does Bob have? A. Five. B. Six. C. Eight.(D)阅读短文,判断正误,对的打T,错的打F. This is a letter from my friend Betty. Shes an Australian girl. She lives in Sydney with her parents and a little brother. Her father works in a museum. Her mother teaches English in a school. Her little brother Jimmy is only four. He doesnt go to school. Betty is a very nice girl. She likes singing and playing balls. From Monday to Friday she is at school and her parents are at work. But Jimmy often plays with her dog Booby. After lunch her father watches football on TV. Her mother does some reading and Betty does her homework. Sometimes Jimmy goes to her and asks her to tell him a story. She likes him very much and often tells him funny stories.( ) 16. Betty is from Australia.( ) 17. There are three people in Bettys family.( ) 18. Bettys mother is a teacher. ( ) 19. Bettys father likes football very much and plays it on weekends.( ) 20. Betty tells Jim stories because she likes to write stories. .补全对话。(每空1分,共10分)()从下面的方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余)Kate: Hello. This is Kate._1_Jim: This is Jim speaking. How are you, Kate?Kate:_2_Jim: Im fine, too. Thanks. Hows the weather in Dalian?Kate: _3_.Im afraid I cant go out today. Hows the weather in Australia?Jim: _4_. Its a beautiful and warm day.A. Fine, thanks. And you? B. Its sunny. C. What do you do when it rains? D. Can I speak to Jim, please?E. Its raining. F. What are you doing now? G. Hows it going?Kate:_5_Jim: Im playing chess with my friends.Kate: That sounds great!1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (B)根据所给词连词成句或翻译句子。1.does , what , look , your , like , friend (?)_2.reading , and , he , playing , like , chess (.)_3.midium , man , height , is , this , of (.)_4.tall , straight , hair , and , he , has , is (.)_5. 你可以告诉他给我回电话吗?_.单句改错。(每题目1分,共5分)在下列划线部分A、B、C、D中有一处是错误的,找出并改正。( )1. Where does she lives?A B C D( )2. There are some milk in the cup.A B C D( )3. How do you arrive at beijing?A B C D( )4. I want be a teacher in the future.A B C D( )5. He can speaks English and a little French. A B C D.书面表达。(共15分)描述一下你最喜欢的老师的外貌和上课情况。要求:不少于80个单词。 _


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