七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school易错题(新版)牛津版

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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school易错题(新版)牛津版_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school易错题(新版)牛津版_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Welcome to our school易错题(新版)牛津版_第3页
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Unit 3 易错题1、 单选1. Look at those dogs. _ are not _ dogs. A. It;their B. They;my C. They; we D. Their; our2. Mary, please show _ your photos. _ on the wall.A. me;Its B. us;Theyre C.I; Theyre D. we; its3. _ is the girl under the tree? She is my sister Cindy. A.Which B. What C. Who D. How4. There is going to _ a sports meeting in our school next week.A.have B. has C.be D. is5.Mary needs _ help. Lets go and help _. A.our;she B. our;her C. us;her D.their; her6. _ her mother and Tim good _? Yes, they are. A.Is; friend B. Are; friend C. Is;friends D. Are;friends7. It takes the artist two days _ drawing the picture. A. finish B. finishes C.to finish D. finishing8. _child is that girl? A.Whose B. Who C. Which D. What9. Are there any eggs in the fridge? Yes, but only _.A.few B. a few C.little D. a little二、根据首字母、汉语提示或句义写出正确的单词。1. Tomorrow is Toms birthday. He really wants to have a f_ gifts.2. I like animals and plants, so my dream is to be a B_ teacher.3.There are not any _(图书馆) in Lilys school.4.The park opens for free(免费) o_ on the last Sunday every month.5. Do you know the h_ of the Party? Yes, a little. Our Party was founded in 1921.6. Most schools usually have class _(会议) on Monday.7. There is a map of China on the f_ wall of our classroom.8. Can I p _ you if I have problems? Of course.9. Nowadays, people seldom write _(信),but send emails.10. There are many cars and buses in the street, so it t_ my dad an hour to get to the office.11. We are s_there are all kinds of animals in the reserve.(保护区) 三、完成句子1. On school Open Day, many parents _(观摩我们的地理和生物课).2. Thanks for _(帮助我学数学).3. He _(住在离学校很远的地方).4. Its _(路途遥远) from Hong Kong to Beijing.5. _(花我10分钟) to wash my face every morning.6.Thanks for _(告诉我) some information about _(家长会).7. The new KFC isnt _(远离) my home.8. _(是几号) today?9. Im glad. Thanks very much for _(领我参观了学校大礼堂).10.Lets _(去那边的图书馆). I want to borrow a magazine.11.What is _(现代化建筑)? Oh,a new KFC.12. Lets meet _(明天早上在礼堂会合).四、选词填空 parent, front , he , diary, modern , 1.Tong Dawei is on the _ of the magazine.2. There are no places for _ cars in front of our school.3.Xu Xin often writes her secrets(秘密) in the _.4. Let _ tell you about the school.5. Our school hall is the best place. It is very _.五、语法:人称代词1.Tomand_willgotoseeourteacher,for_isill. A.I;she. B.me;she C.I;her D.me;her2.Is_ aboyora girl? A.she B.he C.one D.it3.Someoneissinging over there,butwho can_be? A.one B.he C.she D.it4.Whosknockingatthedoor?_isthepostman. A.She B.This C.It D.He5.All of_ love our great motherland. A. we B. us C. he D. She六、用合适的人称代词填空1.My twin sisters like reading. So I gave _ books for their birthdays.3.My mother says to me, “Did you finish your homework?”_ wants _to do well at school.4.Here is some news. _ is for you.5.-Where are my school books? -_are on the table.

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