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密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 班级: 姓名: 考号:遵义市第五十三中学2016秋七年级英语第一次月考试卷时间:120分钟, 满分150分第一部分,听力(满分30分)第一节 听力选择(15小题,每题1.5分)A、听句子,选出你所听到的单词。( )1AherBmyChis( )2ASmithBJonesCGreen( )3A4233688B4323688C4323866( )4AlastBfirstCfamily( )5AJennyBJamesCJimB.小对话理解,请听小对话及问题,从A. B.C中选出正确的答案。( )6. A. Its blue. B. Its red. C. Its green.( )7. A. Hes Jack. B. Hes Mike. C.Hes Bob.( )8. A. Its 234-6328 B.Its 235-6329 C. Its 235-6228( )9. A. In China B. In England C. In Canada( )10. A. Yes, she can. B. No,she cant. C. No ,she isnt. C.长对话理解,请听长对话,从A.B.C中选择正确的答案。( )11.Whats Marys last name? A. Green B. Hand C. Miller( )12. The boys name is_. A. Jack B. Bob C. Tom( )13. What color is the cup? A. Black B.Red C.Yellow( )14. Its a_in English. Its black. A. cup B. telephone C. pen( )15.Whats Marys telephone number? A. 808-4721. B. 698-9846 C. 809-9846第二节 短文理解(5小题,每题1.5分)D.听短文,完成表格。NameThing Color Favorite colorEric 16_orange18_Cup17_Helenruler black20_ 19_ green第二部分 语言知识运用。(满分40分)第一节 单项填空(15小题,每题1分)( )21.含有相同元音音素的是( )A, A;B B.A;H C.G;J( )22.-Whats this?-_a pen. A. This is B.Its C. Thiss( )23.This is_pen and_pen is new. A. a;a B.a;the C.the;the( )24._的意思是“中国中央电视台”。 A. BBC B. NBA C. CCTV( )25.-_you Jack ?-Yes I_. A. Are ; am B. Is ;am C. Are ;is( )26.Whos the boy? Do you know_name? A. he B. her C.his( )27._color is the book?A.Whats B.What C.How( )28.His name is Tom King , King is his_name. A. first name B. last name C. full(全)( )29.Her_jacket is purple. A. a B. C.the( )30.-Are you a middle school student now?-_.A.Yes, I m B.Yes, I am C.No, Im no( )31. My mother is Alice Johnson._phone number is2546558.A.She B.Her C.His( )32. Her name is Linda Brown. Her last name is_. A. Linda B. Brown C. Linda Brown( )33. This is_friend George._is in China now. A. I ; He B. my ; He C. my ; His( )34. - _book on the desk is Cindys(辛迪的). A. The B. A C. An( )35.- How is your friend?-_, thanks. A. She is 13 B. She is fine C.Im fine第二节 完型填空。(10小题,每题1.5分)请阅读短文,根据其内容,从A. B. C中选出最佳答案。 Good morning,everyone! Im Frank Smith._36_is my first name. Smith is my_37_name. I am_38_student. My favorite_39_is blue. My telephone number is 456-3967. There are(有)_40_numbers in it. This girl is my friend._41_name is Gina._42_is her favorite color. Look! Her schoolbag and jacket are red! Whats her telephone number?_43_990-4732. Miss gao is_44_English teacher. We like her very much. That is my classroom._45_the number, please. F-I-V-E. Yes, Im in Class(班级) Five. ( ) 36. A. Frank B. Smith C. Frank Smith ( ) 37. A. English B. first C. last ( ) 38. A. 不填 B. a C. an ( ) 39. A. map B. cup C. color ( ) 40. A. four B. five C. seven ( )41. A. My B. Her C. His ( )42. A. Blue B. White C. Red ( )43. A. It B. Its C. . They ( ) 44. A. her B. your C. our ( )45. A. Name B. Spell C.Meet第三节 口语交际。(10小题,每题1.5分)请阅读下面对话,从方框内七个选项 中选出能填入下面对话的五个选项.A. Whats your last lame?B. Its 236-5698.C. Whats your first name?D. Whats his name?E. Yes, she is.F. No, she isnt.G. Whats your name?A:Hello! Im Jenny._46_B: My name is Tina.A: _47_.B: Green.A: Whats your telephone number?B: _48_.A: Tina, is she Mary?B: _49_She is Cindy.A: _50_B: He is Mike, Mike Brone. 46._47._48._49._50._第三部分 词汇与阅读。(满分55分)第一节 阅读理解(20小题,每题2分) AThis is a picture. In the picture you can see a school. The school is No.53 Middle School. You can also see a boy and a girl. They are at school. The boy is John and the girl is Helen. They are good friends. John is thirteen. Helen is thirteen, too. They are in the same class. Miss Green is their teacher.( )51. _ is Helen and Johns teacher.A. Miss WangB. Mrs. Green C. Miss Green ( )52. The boy and the girl are_.A. at school B. at home C. behind the hill ( )53. John and Helen are_.A. good students B. good friends C. both eleven ( )54. They are in _. A. No.53 Middle School B. Yucai Middle School C. Huaying Middle School ( )55. You can see the school _.A. in a book B. on the blackboard C. in a picture B. Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. My name is Jenny. Im 12. Im in Class Three. Mr. Guo is my English teacher. Good morning. I am Jack. Im 13. My sister is Gina and we are in the same class. My phone number is 799-345. My QQ number is 682138566. Hi, nice to meet you. Im a student. My name is Linda. Jenny is my friend. We are the same(相同的) age(年龄). Im in Class Two. 395-690 is my telephone number. How do you do? Im Tony. Im 13. Im in Class Five. There are 19 students in my class. They are all nice. My phone number is 462-689. 954673310 is my QQ number.( )56. Jenny is in_. A. Class One B. Class Two C. Class Three( )57.799345 is_telephone number. A. Jennys B. Lindas C. Jacks( )58.Linda is_. A. 12 B. 13 C. 15( )59. There are_students in Tonys class. A. 13 B. 15 C.19( )60. 下面的陈述哪一项是正确的?A. Mr. Guo isnt an English teacher.B. Jack and Tony are the same age.C. 954673310 is Jacks QQ number.C. I am Lucy. I am 13. This is a cat. It is Miaomiao. Its black and white.I like it very much. The boy over there is Peter. He is wearing a blue jacket. That is Jane. And that is Janes yellow ruler. Is the green ruler Janes too? No, it is my ruler. I like green very much, but she likes yellow.There is a black pen on the map. It is not my pen. It is Erics.( )61. Is Peters jacket blue?A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, he is. C. No, it isnt. ( )62. Whose yellow ruler is that?A. Lucys B. Janes C. Erics ( )63. What color does Lucy like?A. Yellow B. Black and white C. Green ( )64. What color does Jane like? A. Yellow B. Black and white C. Green ( )65. What does Eric have? A. Jackte B. ruler C. penD Hi, Im Jack Brown. Brown isnt my first name, its my last name 1. My first name is Jack. I like red. My pen and ruler are red. Whats that? Its my jacket. 2. 它是什么颜色呢-?Its red ,too. My phone number is 336-8576. Frank is my good friend. His last name is Minner , and his phone number is 599-8623. We are both(都) students.66. What color is Jacks(杰克的) jacket?_.67. Whats Franks phone number?_.68. Is Jack a student?_.69. 将文中划线部分1 翻译成汉语。 _.70. 将文中划线部分2翻译成英语。 _.第二节 语篇填空(10小题,每题1分)请阅读下面短文,根据其内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每个词限用一次)friend name he number and school I good be boy(71) morning! My (72) is Winnie the Pooh. I (73) a bear(熊). I have eight (74) . They are Eeyolre, Kanga, Roo, Rabbit, Piglet, Owl, Tigger(75) Robin. The (76) in the picture is one of (77) friends. He is Robin. (78) last name is Green. He is a student in a middle (79) . He likes(喜欢) the (80) three. Oh, its time to go and get honey(蜂蜜) now. See you!第三节单词拼写(5小题,每题1分)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。81.Gina and Cindy_(be) my good friend.82.Whats_(she) name? 83.Is_(he) pen new?84.Its nice_(meet) you. 85.My_(one) names Bob.第四部分 共两小节,满分25分)第一节 句子改错(共5小题,每题1分)请从ABC中选出错误选项填在括号内,并将正确答案填写在横线上。86. This is a orange. _ _ A B C87.Whats he name? _ _ A B C88 .Whats color is your jacket? _ _ A B C89 .Is that you new schoolbag? _ _ A B C90. The cup are black and white. _ _ A B C第二节 书面表达(计20分)假如你是李亚华,请你介绍一下你自己和你的好朋友Jane Smith。50词左右。提示词:friend, first name, last name, student, telephone number. 2016年秋七年级英语第一次月考听力材料A. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词。听两遍。 1. This is Cindy,her last name is Black. 2. I have a good friend, she is Gina Smith. 3. My telephone number is 432-3688. 4. Her first name is Jenny. 5. Jim is his brother.B. 小对话理解,听小对话及问题,从A.B.C中选出正确的答案。听2遍 6. M: Is your ruler blue, Cindy?W: No, its red.Q: What color is Cindys ruler? 7. M: Is he Jack?W: No, he isnt. He is Mike.Q: Whos the boy? 8. M; Whats your phone number, Gina?W: Its 234-6328.Q: Whats Ginas phone number? 9. M: Is your father in China, Cindy? W; No, he isnt. He is in Canada now.Q: Where is Cindys father? 10. M: Gina, can you say“字典” in English? W: No, but I can say it in Chinese. Q: Can Gina say “字典” in English?C. 听长对话,从A.B.C中选出正确的答案。听3遍。 W: Hi! Im Mary Miller, whats your name? M: My name is Jack White. Nice to meet you. W: Nice to meet you, too. M: Look! There is a cup on the desk. Is it red? W: No, it isnt. Its yellow. M: Whats that in English? W: Sorry, I dont know, but I can say it in Chinese.“一部电话机”,its black. M: Whats your phone number, Mary? W: Its 698-9846. M: Goodbye! W: Bye.D. 听短文,完成表格。听3遍。 Hi! Im Eric. This is my jacket. Its orange. This is my cup, its blue。Look at my telephone. Its red. Its my favorite color. Hello! Im Helen! This is my ruler. Its black. And my pen is green. Look at my jacket. Its purple, its my favorite color.

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