七年级英语上学期周考试题(9_27) 人教新目标版

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咸阳百灵中学2015-2016学年七年级上学期周考英语试题(本试卷Unit 5 Family and Home共七道大题,满分100分,). 词汇。(10分)从方框中选出单词,并用其适当的形式填空。show, ride, help, can, follow1. Wow! My little sister _ write her name! 2. Excuse me. I dont know the way to Zhongshan Park. Would you _ me?3. Jenny likes _ a horse (马). 4. Lynns cat _ her into the bedroom.5. Bob is _ an old man across the street. What a good boy!. 单项选择。(20分)1. How does your sister go to school? _A. On the bus. B. By the bus. C. On foot. 2. Lets go to the market _buy some food.A. and B. or C. but 3. _. Where is the teachers office? Near the library. Thank you.A. Let me help you B. Please help me C. Excuse me4. Why is Li Ming crying?_ his mom doesnt buy bananas.A. But B. Because C. And 5. I want to go to the movie theatre to _.A. have some tea B. buy a chain C. watch a movie 6. Go down the street and _left. The library is over there. A. take B. turn C. get7. Where are you going? _the tea shop. Would you go with me?A. In B. To C. At 8. May I help you? _ A. Im lost. B. Yes, please. C. Excuse me. 9. Bob, where is your sister? I see her _. A. down to street B. on the stairs C. up stairs 10. Tom _ some strawberries and he _ them now. A. is buying; eats B. buys; is eating C. buys; eats11.How _ bananas do you want? I want a kilogram(公斤). How _ are they?A. much; many B. many; much C. many; many12. My father has many _ and _.A. sheeps; pigs B. sheep; pigs C. sheep; pig 13. _? Take the second turning on the right and youll see it.A. Where can I go B. Which bus can I takeC. Excuse me. Where is the shop 14. _? Yes, please. Id like some milk.A. Would you like some milk or coffee B. What about something to eatC. Can I help you15. What _ the chicken _? Its running after a dog.A. does; do B. is; do C. is; doing 16. Li Ping, where is the zoo?Go down this street and turn _ left.A. at B. to C. /17. Where does a bird _? _ the tree.A. go; On B. live; In C. come; For18. What can I do for you? _A. Yes, please. B. They are my favourite sweaters.C. Some water, please. 19. Tom, _ go with you. the library is far from our school. OK.A. let me B. lets C. let I 20. _is 35 plus 37? _ 72.A. How many; Theyre B. What; Equal C. What; Its III. 按要求完成下列句子。(20分)1. The office is far from my home. (写出意思相反的句子) The office _ _ my home.2. Kim walks to school every day. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Kim _ to school every day?3. They are going to the clothes shop. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they _?4. Danny lives in the apartment building. (改为否定句) Danny _ _ in the apartment building.5. My aunt and my uncle often go to the theater. (用Jenny作主语改写句子) _ often _ to the theater.6. Tom and Jenny live in Shijiazhuang. (对划线部分提问) Tom and Jenny _ ?7. Jennys father often has lunch in his office. (改为否定句) Jennys father _ _ _ lunch in his office. 8. The woman wants two oranges. (对划线部分提问)_ _ oranges _ the woman want?9. The fish is swimming in the river. (对划线部分提问)_ is the fish _?10. Two and three is five. (改为同义句)Two _ three _ five.IV. 完形填空。(10分)My parents and I are in Mr. Cools clothes shop now. The clothes in it 1_ very nice. I want a sweater. My mother 2 some shorts for my brother and a dress 3_ herself(她自己). And my father wants 4_ T-shirt. Look! The sweaters are very red, green, yellow This sweater is red and white. I like it 5_. It is 22 dollars. _6_ shorts are very cheap. Only 5 dollars for 7 pair. My mother finds a blue dress and she likes 8_ very much. 9 my father? Hes between the T-shirts. He wants two T-shirts! They are white. Well 10 them! Theyre 90 dollars together. 1. A. is B. are C. have2. A. looks B. sees C. wants3. A. to B. for C. with4. A. a B. / C. this5. A. a lot B. very C. some6. A. That B. The C. / 7. A. each B. one C. that 8. A. them B. dress C. it9. A. Which B. Wheres C. Whos 10. A. want B. take C. sell V. 情景对话。请从方框中选出适当的句子完成对话。(10分)Clerk: 1 Tom: Yes, please. I want a T-shirt.Clerk: 2 Tom: White.Clerk: How about this one? Tom: How much is it?Clerk: 30 dollars. Tom: Thats expensive. 3 Clerk: This one is 15 dollars. Tom: OK. 4 Clerk: Anything else (其他的)?Tom: I want a pair of socks and a pair of shoes. The same colour.Clerk: White? Tom: Yes. These are OK. 5 Clerk: The socks are 2 dollars and the shoes are 20 dollars.A. How much are they?B. Ill take it.C. What colour do you want?D. Can I help you?E. I want a cheaper (便宜点的) one. 读一读。(20分) AJack is six years old and he has a brother. His brothers name is Mike. Jack likes eating apples very much. Sometimes he eats some of his bothers apples. And Mike often beats(打)him for that. He doesnt like Mike. This September(九月)he is going to school. Now Jack and his classmates are having a new lesson. “Jack, what is twenty-one minus three, please?” asks the teacher. “Its.Its.” “Now, listen to me,” says the teacher, “if your brother has twenty-one apples, and you eat three, tell me now.” “Hell give me a good beating(狠揍我一顿),” Jack says.根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Jack is six this year. ( ) 2. Mike often beats Jack because Jack doesnt go to school.( ) 3. Jack and his classmates are having a Chinese lesson.( ) 4. Twenty-one minus three is a good beating.( ) 5. Mike loves his brother very much. BI like going to the market with my mother on Sundays. This morning we go there in a car. My father, mother and I like fruit very much. We buy some red apples for my father and oranges for me. Mother likes yellow bananas, but theyre green. So she buys some strawberries for herself (她自己). Now we have apples, oranges, strawberries, peaches and pears. They are enough. All the fruit, I dont like pears, but my parents like them. After shopping, Mom and I have some French fries, milk and ice cream. And then we go back home with the fruit.根据短文, 选择正确答案。( ) 6.Who likes apples very much? A. Mother. B. Father. C. I. ( ) 7.Mother doesnt buy any bananas because_.A. there are not any bananas B. the bananas are greenC. I dont like bananas( ) 8. My parents like _ , but I dont like it. A. milk B. strawberries C. pears( ) 9. We buy _ from the market.A. strawberries, peaches and pearsB. apples, peaches and melons C. oranges, bananas and pears( ) 10. After we buy fruit, _.A. we go homeB. we only have some ice cream C. we have some food VII. 下面的一段对话顺序全部被打乱了,请你重新排列成一段意思连贯的对话。(10分)A. Thank you very much.B. Please go this way, and then you can see it.C. Yes. Its there.D. Yes, its behind our school.E. You can take bus NO. 3. You can walk there, too.F. Is that over there?G. Im new here. Where can I find the right bus?H. Youre welcome.I. Excuse me, can you tell me where the Peoples Park is?J. How can I get there?正确的顺序是_答案:I.1. can 2. show 3. riding 4. follows 5. helpingII. 15 CAABC 610 BBBBB 1115 BBCCCC 1620 CBCAC III. 1. is near 2. How does; go 3. Where are; going 4.doesnt live 5. jenny; goes 6. Where do; live 7. doesnt often have 8. How many; does 9. What; doing 10. plus; equals/ isIV. 15 BCBAA 610 BACBBV. 15 DCEBA VI.1-5 TFFFF 6-10 BBCAC VII. IDEGBFCAH

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